
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Unemployments Claims Rise, Economic Growth Down - not good signs as summer nears.  Unemployments claims were up 10,000 last week and economic growth for the first quarter was revised downward from 2.2% to 1.9%. has more here.


Obama, Romney Tied in 3 Swing States - Iowa, Colorado and Nevada are three of eleven critical swing states in the 2012 election.  A NBC News/Marist poll shows all three essentially tied. has more here.


The Quest For 270 Electoral Votes - for the presidential candidates is begining to look a lot like 2000 when the Supreme Court issued a decision regarding the recount in Florida, providing George W. Bush the win in Florida and the presidency with 271 electoral votes. has a good read here.


Will U.S. Intervene in Syria? - the pressure is mounting for international intervention as the Assad regime has ignored the U.N. brokered cease fire.  The NY Times has a good read here.


Obama Hosts George W. Bush Today - at the White House for the unveiling of the official portrait of the former president and First Lady.  You can read more here.


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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

DNC Hits Romney On Jobs Record as Massachusetts Governor

Romney Makes It Official - with his win in the Texas primary yesterday, Mitt Romney now has over the 1,144 delegates needed to secure the Republican Party nomination.  The Wall Street Journal has more here.


Portman Meeting with Netanyahu - the Ohio Senator, rumored to be on Romney's short list for vice president, is traveling to Israel tomorrow to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  ABC News has more here.


Texas Rep. Silvestre Reyes Defeated in Democratic Primary - the former chair of the House Intelligence Committee was defeated by 3,000 votes by Robert "Beto" O'Rourke.  The Fix has more here.


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

U.S. Special Forces in N. Korea and Yemen - according to recent statements made by the U.S. military.  The special forces have been used for reconnaissance missions.  An interesting disclosure and one sure to bring a response from North Korea. has more here.


Egyptian Election Sparks Protests - the results of the election resulted in a runoff between Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafig with protests errupting over the announcement Shafig would participate in the runoff.  Shafig served under the former Mubarak regime.  The BBC has more here.


Will Romney Pick Portman For VP? - Gerald Seib of the Wall Street Journal may the case for picking former Ohio Representative Rob Portman.  Ohio is one of eleven critical swing states.  You can read his piece here.


One Week Until Wisconsin Recall Election - Milwaukee Democratic mayor Tom Barrett continues to poll about 5 point behind Republican Governer Scott Walker, the same margin he lost by in the 2010 election.  Wisconsin is another swing state so much will be made out of the results for Governor.  The Fix has more here.


Win in Texas Today will Make Romney Official Republican Nominee - already, the presumptive Republican Party Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney should win the 70 delegates needed to reach the 1,144 needed to capture the nomination. has more here.


Jurors Enter 7th day of Deliberations in Edwards Trial - seems, it is not an easy decision on the prosecution case John Edwards illegally used campaign donations to hide his affair with Rielle Hunter. has more here.


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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Syria Blames Rebels for Latest Violence - over 100 were killed, including 30 children, in the shelling of the city of Houla.  This, a clear violation of the U.N. brokered cease fire.  Activists opposed to the assad regime said it was government shelling of Houla which caused the deaths. has more here.


Obama, with Russian Support, Pushes For Assad's Exit - the new plan would require Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down, but allow for much of the regime to remain intact. 

Reportedly, President Obama discussed details of the plan with Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev at the G-8 Summit held at Camp David.  Obama and Russian President Putin are expected to discuss further next month. has more here.


Euro Zone Run on Banks? - is becoming a major concern as uncertainty remains in the make up of the government in Greecea nd whether they will remain in the Euro Zone.  700 million euros were withdrawn from Banks in Greece on Monday and depositers are withdrawing money in Belgium, France and Italy.  In Spain, it was 1 billion euros withdrawan last week.  You can read more here.


Democrats Poised To Win State Senate in Wisconsin Recall Election - much of the news has focused on the recall election of Republican Scott Walker who is facing Democratic Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, which promises to be a close election.  But, Democrats only need to win one of 4 of the state senate recall elections to gain control. has more here.


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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

The 2012 election will receive plenty of discussion Sunday morning.  Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley appears with former Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on NBC "Meet the Press".

O'Malley who is term limited to the end of 2014, continues to receive national exposure as he chairs the Democratic Governors Association.  Speculation continues he has an eye on the White House for 2016.

Florida Democratic Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who also chairs the Democratic National Committee will appear with former Republican Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani on CNN "State of The Union". 

Look to see Debbie do well against Rudy and for her to highlight the Republican party attack on women's rights.

A spirited exchanged is also guaranteed between Obama campaign adviser Robert Gibbs and Ed Gillespie a senior adviser to the Romney campaign who will appear on CBS "Face The Nation".

Fox News Sunday has their standard bearer Senator John McCain (R-Az.), who is also chair of the Senate armed services committee.

I would also suggest tuning into Bloomberg TV "Political Capital" to listen to the exchange between Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).  The video may be watched by clicking on the link below.

On Memorial Day weekend, ABC "This Week" has Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who should be questioned on U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Secret Service prostitution scandal, Iran and Syria.

Below is a list of the scheduled Guests:

NBC "Meet The Press" - Gov. Martin O'Malley (D-Md.) and Newt Gingrich.

Roundtable with Carly Fiorina, Antonio Villaraigosa, EJ Dionne and David Brooks

CBS "Face The Nation" - Robert Gibbs and Ed Gillespie.  Senator Dick Lugar (R-Ind.)

ABC "This Week" - Leon Panetta

Roundtable with George Will, Liz Claman, Ron Brownstein, Nia-Malika Henderson, and Jennifer Granholm.

CNN "State of The Union" - Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.), Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.).

Fox News Sunday - Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Cardinal Donald Wuerl

Bloomberg TV "Political Capital" - Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

On Memorial Day weekend, President Obama called on Americans to honor those who fought and died in wars for the country.

The President plans to visit Arlington Cemetary and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to pay tribute to the American troops who died in battle.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof
Representative Lynn Jenkins (R-Kansas) continues with Republican refrain of less government and criticizes President Obama on the economy.


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Friday, May 25, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Run-Off Election Next For Egypt - it appears the first free election for president will result in a run-off election between Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi and a former prime minister under the Hosni Mubarak regime; Ahmed Shafik.

A plurality of the vote was won by Morsi, but a winner must win more than 50% of the vote.  A run-off election will be scheduled for June 16-17.  The NY Times has more here.


Hollande in Afghanistan, Says French Troops Out By End of Year - newly elected French President Francois Hollande visited French troops in Afghanistan and reiterated what he had said previously at the recent NATO conference.  The Washington Post has more here.


As Wisconsin ReCall Election Nears, Unions Want More Help From National Democrats - with the June 5 election rapidly approaching, unions are clamoring for more help from President Obama and the Democratic National Committee.  Polls show Republican Governor Scott Walker leading by 5 points against Democratic challenger; Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. has more here.


Obama Struggling Among White Voters - a new poll by Washington Post/ABC News shows Romney leading among white voters who describe themselves as struggling to stay afloat 55% - 32%.  You can read more here.


Tsipras Pushes Back Against Austerity Measures - Alexis Tsiparis will likely become the next prime minister of Greece and says it is impossible for Greece to comply with German forced austerity measures. has more here.


Iran, World Leaders Agree to Meet Again - the meeting in Baghdad was viewed as constructive, but no agreement was reached on Iran's nuclear development program. has more here.


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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Poll Shows Obama with Large Lead Among Latinos - NBC News/Wall Sreet Journal/Telemundo poll shows Obama with 61% and Romney with 27%. has more here.


Unemployment Claims Down 2,000 - the Labor Department report shows sluggish movement in job creation and jobless claims. has more here.


Obama Leads Romney in Florida, Ohio and Virginia - three swing states which are pivotal in the 2012 presidential election.  However, the NBC/Marist poll shows all three are basically tied. has more here.


Warren 47%, Brown 48% in Latest Massachusetts Poll - the Suffolk University/7News poll shows the closenest in the race between Republican Senator Scott Brown and Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren. has more here.


U.S. Protests Sentencing of Pakistani Doctor - Shakil Afridi, the doctor who helped the U.S. identify Osama Bin laden was sentenced to 33 years in prison for his acts.  In a joint statement, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the ranking Republican on the committee, called the sentence “shocking and outrageous” and urged Pakistan to pardon Afridi and release him immediately. The Washington Post has more here.


Second Day of Voting in Egypt - the second day of voting winds down today for president of Egypt. More than 50% of the vote is needed by a candidate to avoid a runoff election scheduled for June 16 and 17. has more here.


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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Egyptians Vote for President Begins - an historic moment and the vote today and tomorrow will mark a transition from the military rule in place since the Arab Spring revolution ousted President Hosni Mubarak.  The Washington Post has more here. 


NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll Shows Obama 47%, Romney 43% - only 33% believe the economy will improve over the next year and 43% approve of Obama's handling of the economy. has more here.


Romney Easily Wins Arkansas and Kentucky Primaries - interestingly, President Obama lost about 40% to "uncommitted" in Kentucky and to an unknown lawyer in Arkansas.  Republicans will jump on this, while Democrats will quickly point out neither state was expected to vote for Obama in the November elections.  The Fix has more here.


Obama Leading Romney In Nevada - one of about nine swing states which will determine the election in November.  Recent polls show Obama leading Romney by 52.4% - 44.8%.  This comes in spite of a large unemployment rate, the state voting Republican in 7 out the last 10 presidential elections and a state with a large morman polulation. has more here.


Romney Leading Obama in Florida - a key swing state.  A Quinnipiac poll shows romney with a 6 point lead 47% - 41%.  52% of the respondents said Obama did not deserve a second term. has more here.


Iran Nuclear Talks Begin Today - in Baghdad.  Representatives of six world powers will meet with representatives from Iran to discuss their nuclear program.  The meeting comes one day after the head of the IAEA indicated an agreement had been reached on allowing inspections by the UN of Iran's nuclear facilities. has more here.


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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof
Obama on Bain "This is what the campaign is going to be about"


Obama 49% Romney 46% - in the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll.  The margin of error is 3.5%.  On handling the economy, they both received 47%.  The Washington Post has more here.


I.A.E.A. Chief Optimistic on Deal with Iran - to allow UN nuclear inspectors back in Iran.  This comes prior to a meeting with six world powers and Iran in Baghdad to discuss Iran's nuclear program. has more here.

OECD Says Euro Zone Problems Threat To World Financial Markets - as the U.S. struggles to emerge from a deep recesssion, the Euro Zone crisis continues to be a major concern for the world economy according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. has more here.


Arkansas and Kentucky Primaries held Today - has a good read on the congressional races and what to look for here.


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Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

NATO Summit Focuses on Afghanistan - primarily on winding down the decade long war.  Absent from any serious discussion was the ongoing conflict in Syria.  Implementation of the European missile shield was agreed upon and NATO agreed to purchase 5 unarmed Drones.  The Washington Post has more here.


UN Nuclear Talks With Iran Begin - the director of the International Atomac Energy Agency is meeting with the head of Iran's nuclear program in Tehran today.  Western nations have imposed sanctions on Iran, calling for access to their nuclear program. has more here.  


Verdict on Edwards Trial Expected Soon - John Edward's fate is in the hands of jurors, who resume deliberations today after a weekend break.  They will be deciding on whether Edwards violated campaign finance laws when he accepted money used to hide his mistress from the media during his 2008 presidential campaign. has more here.


Walker Receives Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Endorsement - the paper backs Republican Scott Walker in the June 5 recall election, saying in part his action to strip public employees of their bargaining rights went too far, it was not enough to warrant a recall election.  You can read more here.


JP Morgan Chase Loss Grows - initially reported as $2 Billion from trading in risky derivatives, the loss is now estimated to be closer to the range of $6-7 Billion.  You can read more here.


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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

G-8 Summit Concludes - the attending world leaders agreed keeping Greece in the Euro Zone was a joint goal and there appeared to be a softening of the German led austerity measures. has more here.


Frederick County Maryland Law Enforcement Prepared For The Worst - in their preparation for the nearby G-8 Summit.  As it turned out, protesters were in short supply.  On Friday, a few dozen participated in a walk to Baker Park in downtown Frederick and on Saturday, approximately 100 people participated in a peaceful day at the park. 

In Thurmont, approximately 200 Ethiopians arrived by buses Saturday afternoon to peacefully demonstrate and the riot police on stand-by had their opportunity to briefly emerge.  The demonstration was over as quickly as they arrived.  Here is a link to some video provided by the Frederick News Post.


NATO Summit Begins in Chicago - one of the major issues which will be discussed is the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  The NY Times has more here.


NAACP Endorses same-Sex Marriage - "The mission of the NAACP has always been to ensure the political, social and economic equality of all people," Roslyn M. Brock, the chairman of the NAACP's Board of Directors, said in a statement. “We have and will oppose efforts to codify discrimination into law.” has more here.


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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Plenty to talk about and some interesting pairings of guests on the Sunday morning "Talking Heads"

The G-8 Summit at Camp David will have concluded with world leaders in Chicago for the start of the NATO conference.

The G-8 discussion will center on the rescue of the Euro Zone and how German Chancellor Merkel's austerity program has come under fire, especially with the election of President Hollande in France and the continued turmoil in Greece.  Also, deserving attention is the $6 Billion international public-private partnership to extend the Green revolution in Africa, where hunger and poverty remains a major issue.

NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh will appear on CNN "State of The Union".  Getting out of Afghanistan should be discussed.

In addition,Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng was on his way to the U.S. on Saturday, after a brief international incident where he escaped house arrest and sought protection at the U.S. Embassy in China. 

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will appear with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) on ABC "This Week".  Look to see Boehner continue to try to inject raising the debt ceiling into the discussion, even though it will not be needed this year.  He is also sure to bring up there is no approved budget.  Of course, Pelosi will surely point out Republican obstructionism.

More budget talk will follow with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who is chair of the House Budget Committee.  He will appear on Fox News Sunday and NBC "Meet The Press".
Ryan pushed forward several meaningless votes on budgets recently, just for the theactrics and not for substance.

Representative Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and co-sponsor of the Dodd-Frank bill will apear on C-SPAN "Newsmakers".  He will surely rail about how wall street, with Republican help, have blocked implementation of the called for wall street reform, citing the $2 Billion loss reported by JP Morgan Chase.

Campaign "talk" will also take place on CNN "State of The Union" as RNC chair reince Priebus squares off against Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod.

A list of the scheduled guests follow below.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright.

Roundtable discussion with Cory Booker (D)who is mayor of Newark NJ, Mike Murphy, Jim Cramer and Kim Strassel.

ABC "This Week" - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.).

Roundtable with George Will, Donna Brazile, Matthew Dowd, Laura Ingraham and calf. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.). Tom Friedman and Clarissa Ward.

CNN "State of The Union" - David Axelrod and Reince Priebus. Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calf.) and Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-Tex.).  NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Fox News Sunday - Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and former Obama White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee.

C-SPAN "Newsmakers" - Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.)


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Obama Weekly Address

President Obama urges Congress to move forward to implement Wall Street reform.  This appeal comes as JP Morgan Chase reports an initial $2 Billion loss from trading in risky derivatives.

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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof
Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) talks about the need for a budget and rails against the Obama administration for not having passed one in three years.


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Friday, May 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

G-8 Summit Begins at Camp David - one of the biggest issues which will be discussed is the future of the Euro Zone and the present austerity path being pushed by Germany.  Newly elected French President Hollande prefers more planned growth with stimulus as does the United States.

President Obama will announce a $6 Billion international public-private partnership to extend the Green revolution in Africa.  Intended to lift 50 million people out of hunger and poverty within a decade by investing in midern technolgy.  The U.S. share would be $850 million over three years.  You can read more here.

The Guardian has a very good read here on the goals of each country attending the summit.

While, local law enforcement has warned the public over the potential for an influx of protestors, don't look for huge demonstrations as the summit is being held in the remote and heavily secure presidential retreat.


Latest Third Party "Americans Elect" Admits Failure - in an statement yesterday saying their efforts to nominate a candidate had come to an end.  In spite of increased number of voters who registered as unaffiliated, a viable third party does not appear to be on the horizon in American politics anytime soon.  Ross Perot was the last serious third party candidate for president who ran in 1992 and 1996.  "The Fix" has more here.


Trayvon Martin Documents Released - prosecutors released many previously undisclsed information relating to the shooting death of unarmed Trayvon Martin, including a report from Sanford's police lead investigator Chris Serino who believed there was probable cause to charge George Zimmerman with manslaughter.  The Washington Post has more here.


DCCC Raises Record $6.5 Million in April - the Democratic Congressional campaign Committee announced the record haul, sayin g they now have $25 million cash on hand.  They hope to gain 25 seats in the House in the fall elections to regain a mjority in the House. has more here.


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Thursday, May 17, 2012

G-8 Summit Comes To Frederick County

George Wenschhof
Frederick, Maryland
President Obama will host members of the G-8, minus Russian President Vladimir Putin, at Camp David on Friday and Saturday.

Initially dubbed the Shangri-La presidential retreat by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it is nestled in the remote Catoctin mountains located in northwestern Frederick County, Maryland.  It was renamed Camp David by President Dwight Eisenhower.

At first, the local news media has focused on possible demonstrations by various "Occupy" groups which may take place in the nearby towns of Thurmont and The City of Frederick. However, Camp David, as a result of its location and purpose will be secure. Adjacent parks, Catoctin Mountain and Cunningham Falls will also be closed during the summit, according to the National Park Service.

President Obama will chair the conference and the theme is "Acting Together". 

From "About Camp David"; Participants will be: Canada: Prime Minister Stephen Harper; France: President François Hollande; Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel; Italy: Prime Minister Mario Monti; Japan: Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda; Russia: Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev; United Kingdom: Prime Minister David Cameron; European Union: President Herman Van Rompuy, and Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso."

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on May 9th that he will be unable to attend the G8 Summit and will send Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instead.
The European Union, a full member of the G-8 has issued a press release, which can be read in full here. 

President José Manuel Barroso said: "I look forward to this next G8 meeting in Camp David. The EU will come to the G8 with a clear message: Europe is determined to stay the course, as it pursues its comprehensive strategy to exit the crisis and return to growth. A twin-track approach of sound public finances and growth-boosting measures are the key ingredients of our response. This is the only way to restore confidence. We will also discuss climate and energy, food security and topical international issues, such as Afghanistan and the Arab Spring. The EU is taking decisive action to foster sustainable development, increase agricultural resilience and reduce poverty, promoting democratic values and the rule of law and enhancing international stability. The EU is ready to rise to global challenges with responsibility and solidarity, in the G8 and beyond."

Stay Tuned...


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

JP Morgan Chase Loss Climbs To $3 Billion - seems the risky trading in derivatives has resulted in an even larger loss than the initial $2 Billion reported - time to reinstate the Galss-Steagall Act.  The NY Times has more here.


FBI Opens JP Morgan Chase Investigation - to see if there were any criminal wrong doings which took place leading to the $2-3 Billion loss reported. has more here.


Romney Campaign raises $40.1 Million in April - this amount includes maoney raised by the RNC Victory Fund and is close to the $43.6 million reported by the Obama campaign.  The Romney campaign reported $61.4 million cash on hand. has more here.  Campaign Finance Reform, anyone?


The Fix Unveils Electoral College Map - the Washington Post Blog published their reading of the current electoral map.  The winner must receive 270 electoral votes to become President.  As of now, President Obama has a minor lead with 196 votes firmly secured and Mitt Romney has 170.  As the race progresses, the map will be updated.  You can read more here.


Maryland Legislature Approves Tax Hike - the three day special session convened by Governor Martin O'Malley (D) ended yesterday with approval to raise taxes on earners over $100,000.  They also voted to shift the finacial burden of teacher pensions to counties over a phased in period.  The special session was needed when lawmakers ran out of time reaching an agreement during the regular session.  You can read more here.


Arizona Special Election For Giffords Seat Nears - it will be held on June 12 and be watched by national political leaders to see what, if any implications, will apply to the November elections. has more details here.


Unemployment Claims Unchanged Last Week - figures released by the Labor Department showed jobless claims remain at 370,000 for the week ended May 12.  Hopes were the numbers would have declined. has more here.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Raises $43.6 Million in April - this is in combination with the Democratic National Committee.  These are staggering figures and follow the $53 million reported in March and $45 million in February. has more here.


Maryland Special Session To Conclude Today - Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley called the three day special session of the General Assembly to avoid $500 million in cuts after the regular session ended without agreement.

The House is expected to vote today to approve measures already approved in the state senate to raise taxes on high earners and to phase in county responsibility to share in teacher pensions. has more here.


Fischer to Face Kerrey In Nebraska Senate Race - Deb Fischer, supported by tea party activists won a hotly contested Republican primary and will face former U.S. Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey.  You can read more here.


Romney Does Better Than Expected in Oregon - not likely, however for him to win the state in November.  The down ballot races had lots of excitement, including the upset of Eileen Brundy for Portland mayor. has the results of all of the races, here.


McCain Renews Push For Campaign Finance Reform - the Arizona Republican Senator "predicts the avalanche of corporate and union money loosed by the Supreme Court’s landmark 2010 decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, will eventually lead to a major scandal” and is willing to work with Democrats to require disclosure. has more here. 


Syrian Rebels Receiving Arms - Persian Gulf nations are supplying weapons to the rebels as a cease fire agreement brokered by the U.N. struggles to be implemented.  The U.S. is said to be helping with the coordination of the delivery of weapons to rebels and providing intelligence information.  The Washington Post has more here.


New Election To Be Held in Greece - a senior Judge has been put in charge of the emergency government until the June 17 elections.  There is fear the uncertainty of the government in Greece will lead to a run on the banks. has more here.


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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Colorado Legislature Rejects Civil-Unions - a House committee, with a 5-4 vote, kept the bill from going in front of the full House for a vote.  The state senate had already passed the measure and passage was anticipated by the House, before Republicans on the committee blocked the bill from moving forward.  Colorado is one of a dozen critical swing states in the presidential election. has more here.


Ron Paul Suspends Campaign - finally acknowledging the inevitable.  Representative Ron Paul (R-Tex.) said he no longer had the money to campaign in the remaining primaries.  The Fix has more here.


Past Time To Reinstate Glass-Steagall Act - the lastest revelation of the $2 Billion loss by JP Morgan Chase resulting from risky investments in derivatives clearly shows why Glass-Steagall needs to be reinstated.  Wall Street lobbyists have worked hard at diluting the regulations from the Dodd-Frank bill, including those dealing with investments in derivatives. has more here.


French President Hollande Calls for European Pact For Growth - to balance out the Germany led austerity measures.  The newly elected President, in his inaugural address, vowed to delay ratifying a Germany led austerity budget treaty until Germany accepts growth and job creating measures. has more here.


Still No Agreement on Government in Greece - repeated talks with the three different major political parties have failed to result in a coalition government, making a new election vey likely.  Thursday is the deadline to form a coalition government. has more here.


Maryland Special Session Convenes to Raise Taxes - Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley called the three day special session in order to avoid draconian cuts.  While, some disagreement still exists among Democratic lawmakers, look to see taxes raised on high earners.  The Baltimore Sun has more here.


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Young Wants Changes in City Budget

George Wenschhof
Frederick, Maryland
The mayor and board are scheduled to meet Thursday May 17 to vote on the tax rate and Mayor Randy McClement's (R) proposed 137 million City of Frederick budget.  This follows a series of public meetings on the budget.
When I spoke to Alderman Karen Young (D) on Monday, she said " my two greatest long-term concerns are road work and liability funding. I will not support a budget that does not make a significant contribution to both of these."

She wants to see the city make an additional one million contribution to the Other Post Employees Benefit (OPEB) Trust which is currently underfunded by $128 million.

In  addition, Young wants  $1.26 million to complete repair work on all Priority 1 road repair projects.

A majority of the funding for both she says would come from reducing the amount of the unallocated reserves from $4.6 million to $3 million.

In an email, Alderman Young indicated she would also like to see several additional positions. "There are a few more full and part-time positions that should be funded to: a) make our city safer, and b) make our service delivery smoother. Therefore I am supporting:
* at least two more police officers
* An additional part-time employee in the Code Department

* Two part-time parking attendants
* A part-time receptionist focused on expediting the permits process

The funding for the above positions would come, in part, from reducing the mayor's contingency fund from $250,000 to $100,000."
Young told me she was pleased "the budget process is becoming more transparent to our citizens" but expressed her continued frustration with the lack of dialogue that takes place between aldermen and the mayor.

She concluded her remarks by saying "If the Mayor incorporates the items that I deem important, I will vote to approve the budget. I will vote to approve the tax rate, even if we don't approve the budget, because we can work within the budget parameters dictated by the tax rate."

Stay Tuned...


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Monday, May 14, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

More Americans Favor Same-Sex Marriage - a poll by CBS News/New York Times shows 38% favor same-sex marriage, 24% favor civil unions and 33% favor traditional marriage.  You can read more here.


Warren Wants Dimon To Step Down - Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts; Elizabeth Warren believes JP Morgan Chase executive Jamie Dimon should step down as a director of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

This comes as JP Morgan Chase reveals it lost $2 Billion in risky derivatives investments in just six weeks. has more here.


Ally Financial Files For Bankruptcy - formally known as GMAC, the federal government injected $17 Billion into the lender and now owns 74% of the company. has more here.

Look to see Republicans exploit this news.


Edwards Begins Defense - the John Edwards trial moves to the defense of the accusation he violated campaign finance laws in attempts to cover up the pregnancy of his Mistress Rielle Hunter during the 2008 campaign. has more here.


New Election Coming For Greece? - the anti-austerity vote has resulted in a split government which has until Thursday to form a coalition or a new election will be held. has more here.


Anti-Austerity Vote Spreads To Germany - the election in North Rhine-Westphalia was won by center left Social Democrats and comes 18 months before Chachellor Angela Merkel will be running for a third term. You can read more here.


Rangel Facing Tough Primary - the 81 year old long term New York Congressman is facing a serious challenge as redistricting has created new challenges.  The primary is June 26 and Democratic Representative Charles Rangel, who survived a recent ethics scandal, is locked in a close struggle with several other Democrats. has more here.


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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

The conversation will be focused on the historic endorsement made by President Obama earlier this week of same sex marriage.

The other topic which should receive attention is the $2 Billion loss reported by JP Morgan Chase, resulting from risky investments in derivatives.  A practice, the Dodd-Frank bill sought to end.

The latest foiled attempt to use a new "underwear bomb" by terrorists will also be discussed.

The scheduled guests appear below.

NBC "Meet The Press" - JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, RNC chair Reince Priebus, Maryland Governor and DGA chair Martin O'Malley, Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Andre Ross Sorkin.

Roundtable with Chris Matthews, Kathleen Parker, Al Cardenas, California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom.

ABC "This Week" - Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.)

Roundtable with Mary Matalin, Eliot Spitzer, Ralph Reed, Hillary Rosen, and Maggie Habberman.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Gov. Deval Patrick (D-Mass.), Ted Olsen, Tony Perkins, Clay Aiken, Evan Wolfson, Mark McKinnon and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) 

Roundtable with Anita Dunn, Bay Buchanan, Melinda Henneberger, and Norah O'Donnell.

CNN "State of The Union" - Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-Col.), Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Rep. Peter King (D-N.Y.).

Fox News Sunday - Senators John Thune (R-S.D.) and Diane Feinstein (D-Calf.).


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama asks Congress to pass his 5-point plan he introduced earlier this week to help create jobs and build a stronger economy now.

-Ending tax breaks for "companies that ship jobs overseas".
-Helping home owners refinance mortgages at lower rates.
-Giving small businesses tax breaks for hiring new workers.
-Extending tax credits for energy companies.
-Creating a "Veterans Job Corps" for service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Kristie Noem (R-S.D.) focused on the economy, stating there are two dozen Republican led jobs bills passed by the House still awaiting action from the Democratic controlled Senate.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Closed  LGBT Anti-Bullying Organization - as news circulates pertaining to Mitt Romney's high school days and his own bullying, new reports are surfacing as to how he clashed with a commission tasked with helping LGBT youth at risk for bullying and suicide, eventually abolishing the group when he was Governor of Massachusetts. has more here.


Voters Split on Obama's Handling of Economy - a new poll by The Washington Post/ABC News shows 47% approve of the stimulus program and 49% oppose it.  The Washington Post has more here.


DCCC Chair Steve Israel Predicts Democratic Gains in House - the New York congressman stopped short of predicting the gain of 25 House seats needed for Democrats to regain the majority in the House. has more here.


JP Morgan Loses $2 Billion on Risky Derivatives - which clearly shows more needs to be done to regulate the financial industry. has more here.


Edwards Trial Awaits Decision - the prosecution has rested it's case against John Edwards using campaign funds illegally to hide the affair and pregnancy of a mistress during the 2008 presidential campaign. has more here.


New Election Possible in Greece - following the election, political parties have been unable to come together to form a coalition government, threatening the euro zone bailout and Greece being dropped from the euro zone. has more here.


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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Endorses Same-Sex Marriage - an announcement long awaited by the gay community and perhaps hastened by the recent comments from Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan supporting same-sex marriage.  The Washington Post has more here.

Whether this impacts the election in the pivotal swing states remains to be seen.  The economy remains the number one issue among voters, but nonetheless, the statement by President Obama yesterday will go down as a "profiles in courage" moment, where he spoke on what he believed to be right course of action in regard to same sex marriage.


Jobless Claims Fall - claims fell by 1,000 which will calm fears of a labor setback in the market. has more here.


AP-GfK Poll: Obama 50%, Romney 42% -  in a nationwide poll conducted May 3-7.  You can read more here.


Obama Up By 1 in Florida and Ohio - two pivotal swing states.  Suffolk University poll shows Obama 46%, Romney 45% in Florida - more here.

A Quinnipiac poll has Obama 45%, Romney 44% in Ohio - more here.


6 Months Out, Elections Remain Close - has a good read here on the battle to control the House and Senate.  They see Democrats remaining in control of the Senate, and although they predict a pick up of up to 17 seats in the House for Democrats, they would fall short of the 25 needed to regain control of the House.


Explosions Kill Dozens in Damascus - further complicating the U.N. brokered cease fire in Syria.  Car bombs were detonated outside an intelligence compound killing an estimated 55 and injuring another 372.  The NY Times has more here.


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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"At-Large" Council Best Option For Charter

George Wenschhof

The charter writing board, appointed by Frederick Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), has spent considerable time receiving input from experts and the public. They are now wrapping up their work composing the governing document which voters will weigh in on when they go to the polls on November 6.

The long awaited change to a charter form of government for the county is similar to what has been in use in The City of Frederick, where voters elect the Mayor as the administrator and the board of aldermen as the legislature. 

There are many important decisions on various components of the document for the charter writing board to consider, including the level of authority vested with the county executive and the appropriate balance of power specified for the county council.

Determining how the council is elected, is an area where differences of opinion are expected, as different options exist. In addition to the number of council members, options include a council made up of representatives elected by; districts, all at-large, or a hybrid of districts and at-large.  

The hybrid option of a combination of council members elected by districts and several elected at-large is often the path chosen as it is an intended compromise.

Electing a council member by district has appeal as it would seemingly guarantee geographical areas would be represented on the council.

However, a council elected by districts leads some to express concern the overall interests of the county would not be represented.

Hence, the formation of the hybrid council of members elected by districts and several elected at-large is often the result.

Unfortunately, a hybrid council can create more problems than it solves.

Council members required to run different "type" of races at substantially different levels of  expense, along with a council member being able to say he/she represents the whole county versus a council member who represents one district could divide council members and not provide the balance one would expect to result.

Election by district also opens up the messy discussion on how they would be drawn (equity in party registration), by whom and how often they will be updated.

In regard to the election of the council and to help ensure a smooth transition from the current BOCC, the charter writing board should keep it simple, smart; with all council members elected at large.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Barrett To Face Walker in Wisconsin Recall Election - Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett won the Democratic primary yesterday and will face Republican Governor Scott Walker in the June 5 recall election.  Barrett defeated Kathleen Falk, who had backing from major unions. has more here.


Lugar Thumped By Mourdock - the Indiana U.S. Senator lost by nearly 20 points and had nothing kind to say about Richard Mourdock last night.  Democrat Rep. Joe Donnelly, who will face Mourdock in November, is set up to benefit from the fall out among Republicans. has more here.


N. Carolina Bans Gay Marriage - they become the latest state to pass a constitutional amendement banning same sex marriage.  The California ban is already headed to the Supreme Court, so look to see this issue ultimately decided by them.  The Washington Post has more here.


Republicans Vote to Block Student Loan Extension - the 52-45 partisan vote in the Senate yesterday blocked the bill from proceeding forward to discussion and a full up or down vote.  The Huffington Post has more here.


Greece Struggles To Form Coalition Government - following the parliamentary election which defeated many members of the mainstream political parties.  World financial markets reacted in a downward trend to the results of the elections in France and Greece. has more here.


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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

50% Americans Believe in Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage - in the latest Gallup poll.  This comes following recent statements by Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan supporting same sex sex marriage. has more here.


N. Carolina Votes Today on Definition of Marriage - Amendment One has drawn a lot of attention in the state, including from former President Bill Clinton who recorded a robo-call to voters encouraging them to vote against it.  The bill would define marriage between a man and woman. You can read more here.


Senate Vote Expected Today on Student Loan Interest Rate - a divided Congress is once again displaying it's dysfunctionalism as Republicans and Democrats agree on the extension of the 3.4% interest rate but disagree on how to pay for it.  The low rates are set to expire on July 1.  You can read more here.


Santorum Endorses Romney - Rick Santorum, in an email to spporters last night, finally endorsed bitter rival Mitt Romney. "Governor Romney will be that nominee and he has my endorsement and support to win this the most critical election of our lifetime," he said in the statement, which was emailed to supporters. has more here.


Will Dick Lugar Lose Today? - The 36 year Republican U.S. Senator from Indiana is expected to lose today to tea party backed candidate Richard Mourdock.  Speculation is a victory by Mourdock may well provide the opportunity for Democrats to pick up this Senate seat.  Representative Joe Donnelly is the presumptive Democratic nominee.  The Fix has more here.


Wisconsin Democrats Choose Candidate Today To Face Walker - in the recall Governor election.  Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett is expected to win against Kathleen Falk.  The winner will face Republican Governor Scott Walker. has more here.


Will Anti-Austerity European Votes Impact U.S. Election? - Republicans, who are calling for more austerity measures may well be on the losing end in November elections. has more here.


Netanyahu Solidifies Government, Cancels Election - in a surprise announcement, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of the opposition party Kadima agreed to form a unity government. Kadima Party leader Shaul Mofaz had disagreed with Netanyahu's hard line approach to Iran so it will be interested to watch how this unity government moves forward.  The Washington Post has more here.


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Monday, May 7, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Austerity Backlash Impacts France and Greece Elections - watch how world markets react to the results of these elections.

In France, it was Francois Hollande who defeated incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy and in Greece, angry voters threw out incumbents as their future remains in turmoil as a coalition government has yet to be determined.

You can read more on the France election here.  The Wall Street Journal has their report of the election in Greece, here.

Economist Paul Krugman adds his thoughts here.


Syria Holds Parliamentary Elections - amid a fragile cease fire between rebels and the Assad led government.  Rebels dismiss the election, calling it a farce and calling the parliament a rubber stamp for Assad.  The NY Times has more here.


Obama Leads Romney in Swing States - the latest Gallup/USA Today poll has President Obama leading Mitt Romney 47%-45% in the 12 battleground states, likely to dterminer the winner in November. has more here.


Keep an Eye on Ally Financial - formally GMAC, which received $17 Billion from the government is set to declare bankruptcy.  The government is still owed $12 billion.  If, Ally Financial fails, llok to see Republicans, and in particular, the Romney campaign attempt to capitalize on the failure. has more here.


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