
Friday, May 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

G-8 Summit Begins at Camp David - one of the biggest issues which will be discussed is the future of the Euro Zone and the present austerity path being pushed by Germany.  Newly elected French President Hollande prefers more planned growth with stimulus as does the United States.

President Obama will announce a $6 Billion international public-private partnership to extend the Green revolution in Africa.  Intended to lift 50 million people out of hunger and poverty within a decade by investing in midern technolgy.  The U.S. share would be $850 million over three years.  You can read more here.

The Guardian has a very good read here on the goals of each country attending the summit.

While, local law enforcement has warned the public over the potential for an influx of protestors, don't look for huge demonstrations as the summit is being held in the remote and heavily secure presidential retreat.


Latest Third Party "Americans Elect" Admits Failure - in an statement yesterday saying their efforts to nominate a candidate had come to an end.  In spite of increased number of voters who registered as unaffiliated, a viable third party does not appear to be on the horizon in American politics anytime soon.  Ross Perot was the last serious third party candidate for president who ran in 1992 and 1996.  "The Fix" has more here.


Trayvon Martin Documents Released - prosecutors released many previously undisclsed information relating to the shooting death of unarmed Trayvon Martin, including a report from Sanford's police lead investigator Chris Serino who believed there was probable cause to charge George Zimmerman with manslaughter.  The Washington Post has more here.


DCCC Raises Record $6.5 Million in April - the Democratic Congressional campaign Committee announced the record haul, sayin g they now have $25 million cash on hand.  They hope to gain 25 seats in the House in the fall elections to regain a mjority in the House. has more here.


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