
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

50% Americans Believe in Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage - in the latest Gallup poll.  This comes following recent statements by Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan supporting same sex sex marriage. has more here.


N. Carolina Votes Today on Definition of Marriage - Amendment One has drawn a lot of attention in the state, including from former President Bill Clinton who recorded a robo-call to voters encouraging them to vote against it.  The bill would define marriage between a man and woman. You can read more here.


Senate Vote Expected Today on Student Loan Interest Rate - a divided Congress is once again displaying it's dysfunctionalism as Republicans and Democrats agree on the extension of the 3.4% interest rate but disagree on how to pay for it.  The low rates are set to expire on July 1.  You can read more here.


Santorum Endorses Romney - Rick Santorum, in an email to spporters last night, finally endorsed bitter rival Mitt Romney. "Governor Romney will be that nominee and he has my endorsement and support to win this the most critical election of our lifetime," he said in the statement, which was emailed to supporters. has more here.


Will Dick Lugar Lose Today? - The 36 year Republican U.S. Senator from Indiana is expected to lose today to tea party backed candidate Richard Mourdock.  Speculation is a victory by Mourdock may well provide the opportunity for Democrats to pick up this Senate seat.  Representative Joe Donnelly is the presumptive Democratic nominee.  The Fix has more here.


Wisconsin Democrats Choose Candidate Today To Face Walker - in the recall Governor election.  Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett is expected to win against Kathleen Falk.  The winner will face Republican Governor Scott Walker. has more here.


Will Anti-Austerity European Votes Impact U.S. Election? - Republicans, who are calling for more austerity measures may well be on the losing end in November elections. has more here.


Netanyahu Solidifies Government, Cancels Election - in a surprise announcement, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of the opposition party Kadima agreed to form a unity government. Kadima Party leader Shaul Mofaz had disagreed with Netanyahu's hard line approach to Iran so it will be interested to watch how this unity government moves forward.  The Washington Post has more here.


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