
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

U.S. Special Forces in N. Korea and Yemen - according to recent statements made by the U.S. military.  The special forces have been used for reconnaissance missions.  An interesting disclosure and one sure to bring a response from North Korea. has more here.


Egyptian Election Sparks Protests - the results of the election resulted in a runoff between Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi and former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafig with protests errupting over the announcement Shafig would participate in the runoff.  Shafig served under the former Mubarak regime.  The BBC has more here.


Will Romney Pick Portman For VP? - Gerald Seib of the Wall Street Journal may the case for picking former Ohio Representative Rob Portman.  Ohio is one of eleven critical swing states.  You can read his piece here.


One Week Until Wisconsin Recall Election - Milwaukee Democratic mayor Tom Barrett continues to poll about 5 point behind Republican Governer Scott Walker, the same margin he lost by in the 2010 election.  Wisconsin is another swing state so much will be made out of the results for Governor.  The Fix has more here.


Win in Texas Today will Make Romney Official Republican Nominee - already, the presumptive Republican Party Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney should win the 70 delegates needed to reach the 1,144 needed to capture the nomination. has more here.


Jurors Enter 7th day of Deliberations in Edwards Trial - seems, it is not an easy decision on the prosecution case John Edwards illegally used campaign donations to hide his affair with Rielle Hunter. has more here.


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