
Thursday, September 30, 2010

White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Thursday, September 30

    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden receive the economic daily briefing
    • 11:00 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 11:30 am
    • President Obama meets with Secretary of the Treasury Geithner
    • 12:45 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs delivers briefing
    • 12:45 pm
    • President Obama meets with Democratic Congressional leadership
    • 2:00 pm
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 3:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Congressional candidate Tom White in Omaha
    • 7:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish in New Mexico
    • 7:35 pm
    • President Obama attends a DNC dinner
    • 9:15 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a DNC Gen44 event

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-29-2010

George Wenschhof

Obama - It's time to be fired-up! -
he spoke in front of 26,000 in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday as he will travel to four states this week to energize and help get out the vote for Democrats. Republicans out voted Democrats in the primaries across the country, a bad sign for Democrats. has more here.


Continuing Resolution vote expected today in Senate -
in what has become standard operating procedure, the approval is needed to avoid a shutdown in government services. Democrats had been trying to tack on legislation to fund other programs and Republicans have refused to approve with the add ons. You can read more here.


Whitman-Brown debate in California -
in the first of three debates between the candidates running for Governor. Democrat Jerry Brown and Republican Meg Whitman are essentially tied in the latest polls. California is experiencing a 12% unemployment rate and also has a 19 billion state deficit. The NY Times has more here.


Republicans prod House Democrats to hold Ethics Trials before mid term elections -
remember the trials of Representatives Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Maxine Waters (D-Calf.)? These ethics trials have been quietly set aside and Republicans are now pushing for them to be scheduled for before the elections for obvious political reasons. However, at this point, do not expect them to take place until after the November 2 elections. has more here.


O'Malley pulls ahead of Ehrlich 52-41% in latest Washington Post poll -
In the rematch of the 2006 election between the former governor and the incumbent governor. Democrat Martin O'Malley will also receive a boost from an upcoming visit to Prince Georges County from President Obama. You can read more here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Wednesday, September 29

    • 9:30 am
    • Vice President Biden meets with Senator Carl Levin
    • 11:05 am
    • President Obama meets with Des Moines family
    • 11:15 am
    • President Obama holds a discussion on the economy
    • 12:45 pm
    • Vice President Biden departs Des Moines, Iowa en route Richmond, Virginia
    • 2:45 pm
    • President Obama arrives Richmond, Virginia
    • 3:20 pm
    • President Obama meets with Richmond family
    • 3:35 pm
    • President Obama holds a discussion on the economy
    • 5:05 pm
    • President Obama departs Richmond, Virginia en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 5:40 pm
    • President Obama arrives at Andrews Air Force Base
    • 5:55 pm
    • President Obama arrives at the White House

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-28-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama interviewed by Rolling Stone -
it was the interview by Rolling Stone of General Stanley McChrystal that led to his forced retirement by the president. In a wide ranging interview, the president discusses his first almost two years in office. You can read it here.


Rahm announcement expected Friday -
White House chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel will most likely announce his departure date to run for Mayor of Chicago. President Obama is rumored to be leaning toward replacing him on an interim basis with Pete Rouse who served as his chief of staff when he was a U.S. Senator in Illinois. Rouse has little Capitol Hill experience so do no expect him to stay long. The Chicago Sun Times has more here.


Rick Lazio drops out of New York Governor race -
the unknown is whether this will boost the campaign of Republican Carl Paladino. Lazio did not endorse him in his effort to beat the favored Democratic candidate Andrew Cuomo. The Washington Post has more here.


Senate to vote on restricting job outsourcing today -
Democrats do not expect to receive the 60 votes needed to move the measure to a full vote on the Senate. The bill would restrict the ability of U.S. companies to move jobs overseas. has more here.


House Democrats continue to battle themselves on tax cut strategy -
first, it was 36 Democrats who signed a letter to house Speaker Nancy Pelosi requesting an extension of all the Bush tax cuts. Now, it is 46 Democrats signing a letter calling for a vote to allow the cuts for the wealthy expire. Meanwhile, the Senate Republicans have blocked the vote from coming to the floor. has more here.

This is an excellent example of the gridlock and foolishness that is taking place on Capitol Hill these days. Even, the casual observer sees the compromise solution being to extend all of the tax cuts with the cuts for those making over $250,000 extended for only two years. This would allow for continued growth in the economy to take place and limit the cost of the extension of the cuts for the wealthy.


Disturbing revelations of U.S. soldiers randomly killing Afghanistan civilians threaten progress -
a gruesome tale is being told in a military trial of soldiers accused of killing Afghanistan civilians. The NY Times has more here.


Maryland Governor race begins to get nasty -
counter charges are being thrown by the campaigns of Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley and his challenger; former Republican Governor Robert Ehrlich.

The latest is from the Ehrlich campaign who accuses the O'Malley administration of interfering with reports published by the state Labor Department. The Governor contest continues to be a pick-em race based on recent polling. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Tuesday, September 28

    • 12:00 pm
    • President Obama meets with Albuquerque family
    • 12:15 pm
    • President Obama holds a discussion on the economy
    • 2:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden delivers remarks at a DNC rally at Pennsylvania State University
    • 2:20 pm
    • President Obama departs Albuquerque, New Mexico en route Madison, Wisconsin
    • 4:35 pm
    • President Obama arrives Madison, Wisconsin
    • 5:30 pm
    • President Obama attends a DNC finance reception
    • 5:30 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Senatorial candidate Alexi Giannoulias in New York
    • 7:00 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a DNC rally
    • 8:20 pm
    • President Obama departs Madison, Wisconsin en route Des Moines, Iowa
    • 9:15 pm
    • President Obama arrives Des Moines, Iowa

Monday, September 27, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-27-2010

George Wenschhof

71% of Republican voters consider themselves conservative -
not a huge surprise in the latest Gallup poll out today. 18% considered themselves very conservative. In 2000, the number who called themselves conservative was 62% and in 2006, it was 67%.


Democrats in close elections in bell weather states -
while gloom and doom abounds for the Democratic party as the mid term elections near, in Kentucky, Jack Conway is within 2 points of Republican Rand Paul (49-47%) for the Senate seat to be vacated by Republican Jim Bunning.

In Ohio, Democratic Governor Ted Strickland is within 4 points of Republican challenger John Kasich 49-45%. The Fix has more on these races here.


Democrats leading In key California races -
former Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is leading Republican Meg Whitman 49-45% in the race for Governor. This lead, in spite of Whitman spending 120 million of her own money to date.

Incumbent Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer is leading Republican Carly Fiorina 51-43%. has more on the poll conducted by the LA Times and the University of Southern California here.


Maryland candidates for governor receive dueling endorsements -
Incumbent Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley received the endorsement from AFCME, the 30,000 member American Federation of State, county and Municipal Employees and former republican governor Robert Ehrlich received the endorsement of the Maryland Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).

Both unions gave the same endorsements in the 2006 election when these two candidates faced each other. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Latest Polling shows Democrats hold on to control of Congress -
In the Senate, the split today would be 51 Democratic and 49 Republican. The Democrats have 2 "weak" and 2 "barely" rated races and the Republicans have 4 "weak" and 4 "barely" rated races.

In the 435 member House, where 218 are needed for the majority, Democrats have 222, Republicans 186 and there are 27 ties. has more here.

Every Monday until the election, we will publish an update. Stay Tuned...


Analysis of census data shows changes in House seats for 2012 election -
early examination shows Texas gaining as many as 4 House seats and Florida gaining 2 seats. New York is projected to lose 2 seats as is Ohio.

The announcement will come in December and will be in effect for the 2012 House elections. Redistricting will take plave after the December announcement. has more here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Monday, September 27

    • 8:00 am
    • President Obama is interviewed live on NBC Today Show
    • 10:15 am
    • President Obama receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
    • 10:45 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisors
    • 12:10 pm
    • President Obama hosts an on-the-record conference call with college and university student-journalists
    • 1:45 pm
    • President Obama signs the Small Business Jobs Act
    • 5:15 pm
    • President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Albuquerque, New Mexico

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Obama Weekly Address 9-25-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama spells out the differences between his plan to continue moving America forward and the Republican pledge which would move Americans backward with the same failed policies which led to the recession.


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Republican Weekly Response 9-25-2010

George Wenschhof

Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calf.), one of the authors of the recently released "Pledge to America" continues with the Republican call to stop government spending. He rails against the failed policies of the Obama administration and says it is time to end the ineffective 800 billion Stimulus bill.


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Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 9-26-2010

George Wenschhof

Only a little over five weeks remain until voters will decide the new make up of Congress. So, expect more discussion on Sunday on the fast approaching mid term elections.

Sure to receive attention is the release earlier in the week of the Republican "Pledge to America". Long in rhetoric, the twenty-one page document had few specifics which would rally voter support. Doubtful, this pledge will have a similar impact as did the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" during the 1994 mid term election. In that election, Republicans would gain 54 seats in the House and 8 in the Senate.

Republican and Democratic Leaders will again dominate the morning shows with Fox News Sunday having one of their favorite guests House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) facing off against House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Boehner was less than inspiring when he announced the new "pledge" and Hoyer will will point out it contains nothing new and if Republicans regained control in Congress, Americans would be led backwards to the policies that led the country into the recession.

White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod will appear with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on ABC "This Week". They will surely discuss the release of the Bob Woodward book "Obama's Wars" and whether the revelation of White House infighting on strategy will impact the mid term elections. Axelrod will also be asked if he will join some of the other White House advisers who have left the White House.

The influence of the tea party movement will be highlighted on CBS "Face The Nation" as senate candidates Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ken Buck (R-Col.) appear along with tea party leader Sal Russo.

NBC "Meet The Press" has Representatives Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Mike Pence (R-Ind.). Will Republicans be able to pick up the 39 seats to gain control of the House will be the main discussion as Van Hollen is the chair of the DCCC.

Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) are joined by Representatives Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Cathy McMorris (R-WA) on CNN "State of The Union".

Finally, the appearance "in character" by comedian Stephen Colbert before the House and his testimony on immigration will be discussed along with the the inflammatory comment by Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accusing advanced knowledge of the U.S. of 9/11.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Mike Pence, Chris Van Hollen

ABC "This Week" - David Axelrod, Mitch McConnell, Queen Rania of Jordan

CBS "Face The Nation" - Marco Rubio, Ken Buck, Sal Russo

CNN "State of The Union" - Dick Durbin, Joe Lieberman, Cathy McMorris, Marsha Blackburn

Fox News Sunday - Steny Hoyer, John Boehner


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Friday, September 24, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-24-2010

George Wenschhof

Justice Department files suit to limit judge's ruling on D.A.D.T. -
at the same time Democratic leaders in congress were trying to repeal D.A.D.T. - U.S. District court judge Virginia Phillips ruled the current policy toward gays and lesbians serving in the military unconstitutional. The attempt in Congress to repeal the policy failed in the Senate. This action by the Obama administration to limit the ruling by the judge is sure to upset the gay and lesbian community. has more here.


Democratic Leaders Put Off vote on Tax Cut Extension - in a decision that is unlikely to help Democrats as they head to the mid term elections. The NY Times has more here. The popular Bush tax cuts are not set to expire until the end of this year. President Obama has drawn his line in the sand, saying he does not want to extend the cuts for those families earning more than $250,000, arguing this would provide 700-800 billion toward paying down the national debt. Of course, the counter argument is that during a recessionary time, an increase in taxes is not good for the country.

A reasonable compromise of extending the tax cuts for the wealthy for two years and everyone else for ten years would most likely pass, but Democratic leadership decided against pursuing this path.


Small Business Aid bill passes House - Obama to Sign - after obstructionist Republicans delayed passage in the Senate, the House passed it with with a 237-187 vote. Only one Republican voted for the bill. This vote took place on the same day Republican leadership was unveiling their 21 page pledge which included help to small business. has more here.


Campaign Finance Reform Fails again in Senate -
the DISCLOSE Act failed to break a Republican filibuster by a 59-39 vote with all Republicans in opposition. The bill would have provided corporations and unions disclose to members/shareholders of campaign contributions. This bill was introduced in reaction to the Supreme Court 5-4 "Citizens United" decision which opened the door to unlimited campaign contributions by corporations. has more


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Friday, September 24

    • Morning
    • Vice President Biden travels to Miami, Florida
    • 11:15 am
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan
    • 11:00 am
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao of China
    • 12:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Chris Coons
    • 12:15 pm
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with President Juan Manuel Santos Calderón of Colombia
    • 1:00 pm
    • President Obama attends working luncheon with ASEAN leaders
    • 3:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden delivers remarks at Florida Democratic Party event
    • 3:15 pm
    • President Obama attends Ministerial Meeting on Sudan
    • 5:00 pm
    • President Obama holds bilateral meeting with President Roza Otunbayeva of Krygyzstan
    • 6:55 pm
    • President Obama departs New York en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 7:45 pm
    • President Obama arrives at Andrews Air Force Base
    • 7:45 pm
    • President Obama arrives at the White House

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-23-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, President Obama put the spot light on Health Care Reform legislation -
he spoke on the six month anniversary of the passing of the landmark legislation. he pointed out that children with pre-existing conditions were now covered. Also, no longer were term limits on insurance allowed and parents can now cover children up to age 26 on their insurance. First Read has more here.


New Republican Pledge to be announced today -
you can read the 21 page manuscript here. Hardly worth the wait and less than awe inspiring, it mainly highlights basic Republican themes of less taxes and less government. has a good read here.

Former President Bill Clinton says Democrats should announce their own pledge prior to the mid term elections. You can read more here.

Obama to ask UN for support of Israel/Palestinian peace process -
the president will address the UN meeting today in New York. has more here.


Democrats push to pass renewable energy bill prior to mid terms -
renewable electricity standard would reqire utilities to obtain 15% of their energy from renewable sources by 2021. A reasonable and essential goal. has more here.


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Ultra Conservatives Emerge as Winners in Frederick County, MD Primaries

George Wenschhof

Is Frederick County experiencing their "tea party" fueled activists influencing local elections is a question some may now have. Yesterday, long term Maryland district 4-a state delegate Republican Paul Stull was defeated after provisional and absentee ballots were tallied.

While moderate Republican Kelly Schulz is who came in second, only seven votes ahead of Stull, it was far right conservative Kathy Afzali who led the Republican primary. Voters elect two state delegates in district 4-a.

These results come after another far right conservative Michael Hough beat incumbent Charles Jenkins in the Republican primary in district 3-b.

Both Afzali and Hough will be favored to win their elections in the general election held on November 2.

If Republican district 3 state senator Alex Mooney holds off a sure strong challenge by Democratic challenger Ron Young and Schulz and Afzali win, they would make 3 of the 8 state representatives from Frederick County.

A startling possibility is if the above Republican candidates win and current Republican candidates Patrick Hogan and Scott Rolle sweep in district 3-a, all 8 state positions from Frederick county would be represented by Republicans. The other Republicans favored to win reelection are district 4-b delegate Donald Elliot and district 4 state senator David Brinkley.

Maryland is a strong Blue state with Democrats holding an overwhelming majority in the General Assembly which makes this far right showing in Frederick county all the more interesting.

Stay Tuned...


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Rolle Wins After Dropping Out

George Wenschhof

In an interesting turn of events, former State's Attorney Scott Rolle emerged as one of the two winners in the Maryland district 3-a state delegate Republican primary.

Upon learning who had filed in the district 3-a delegate race, I had predicted a win for Patrick Hogan and Scott Rolle in the Republican primary. That was before Mr. Rolle announced he would be dropping out of the race to pursue an opportunity with the Discovery channel.

His decision to drop out came after the official state deadline to withdraw, so his name appeared on the ballot which I mused in a recent column, would be interesting to see how many votes he received.

Interestingly, Rolle's decision not to run came after two articles appeared in the Frederick Gazette Newspaper questioning his residency in the district and pointing out some business financial difficulties he had recently experienced.

Reporter Katherine Heerbrandt wrote about financial problems associated with a business start up here on July 15. This came after questions pertaining to his residency came to light.

One week after the Gazette article appeared, it was reported in the Frederick News Post, Rolle has dropped out of the race. You may read that article here.

Now, after absentee and provisional ballots have been counted, Rolle has finished second in the Republican primary, nine votes ahead of Chris Huckenpoehler.

Look to see a change of mind by Rolle as Maryland Republican leaders will see the opportunity to win both seats in district 3-a.

The other Republican to win in the district 3-a primary is former delegate Patrick Hogan. Hogan lost in a close contest to delegate Galen Clagett (D) by about 200 votes in the 2006 election after serving one term.

The 2006 election saw the return of Sue Hecht (D) as a delegate. This coming after waging an unsuccessful battle against Republican state senator Alex Mooney in district 3 four years previously. Hecht has announced her retirement, making her open seat an strong possibility for a Republican pick up. The other Democratic candidate in district 3-a is Candy Greenway.

Stay Tuned...


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Thursday, September 23

    • 8:30 am
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Sen. Mikulski in Chevy Case, Maryland
    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama addresses the United Nations General Assembly
    • 11:00 am
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao of China
    • 11:30 am
    • Vice President Biden, Secretary Sebelius host conference call with senior citizens on Affordable Care Act
    • 12:30 pm
    • Vice President Biden meets with British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg
    • 1:15 pm
    • President Obama attends a luncheon hosted by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
    • 2:15 pm
    • Vice President Biden meets with the recipients of the Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award
    • 3:50 pm
    • President Obama, First Lady join President Bill Clinton to address the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative
    • 5:10 pm
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan
    • 7:15 pm
    • President Obama, First Lady host a reception in honor of heads of delegation attending the United Nations General Assembly

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-22-2010

George Wenschhof

New Woodward Book reveals division in White House -
Washington Post Bob Woodward's new book, "Obama's Wars", highlights the division within the White House on the strategy toward Afghanistan. The New York Times has a good read with excerpts from the book here.


Republicans Block repeal of D.A.D.T. -
as expected the strictly political move by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to include D.A.D.T. and the DREAM Act as amendments to an appropriations bill failed by a vote of 56-43 with Democrat Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) voting against. First Read has more here.

A questionable move by the Senate Majority Leader. Look to see Democrats point to continued obstructionism by the Republicans and Republicans pointing at the games Democrats play.

The inclusion of amendments to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military prior to when an agreed upon survey of opinions from the enlisted service men and women was complete along with a measure which would allow a pathway to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants were put forward by the Obama administration in a move to appease supporters.

However, it had to be known by the folks who count votes, these amendments would fail.


Another Obama administration Economic Adviser Departs -
this time it is Lawrence Summers who has announced he will be leaving after the mid term elections. has more here. He joins Peter Orzag and Christine Romer as top economic advisers to leave the White House. look to see Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner be next to either resign or be canned after the mid term elections.

The Obama administration efforts in regard to the sluggish economy have not worked as well as intended with unemployment remaining near 10%.


House Ways and Means Committee to vote on Chinese Currency -
a long term problem for the U.S., the undervalued Chinese currency has been a drag on the U.S. economy. The undervalued currency gives Chinese companies an unfair trade advantage. has more here.

Unfortunately, China also holds between 10-20% of U.S. debt in treasury bills so Congressional action must be carefully considered.


Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. latest politician to have revelations of infidelity come forward -
a businessman has claimed he was asked to pay air fare between D.C. and Chicago for a woman acquaintance of Rep. Jackson.

The same businessman has also claimed he was asked to raise 6 million for then governor Rod Blagojevich in exchange for Jackson being appointed to the vacant Obama senate seat. has more here. Stay Tuned...


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Wednesday, September 22

    • Morning
    • Vice President Biden travels to Boston
    • 9:30 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 10:35 am
    • President Obama drops by a meeting with insurance commissioners
    • 11:45 am
    • President Obama holds a backyard discussion on health care reform and the Patient's Bill of Rights
    • 12:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Senator Blanche Lincoln
    • 2:45 pm
    • President Obama departs the White House
    • 3:00 pm
    • President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base en route New York
    • 3:55 pm
    • President Obama arrives New York City, New York
    • 4:30 pm
    • Vice President Biden hosts Medal of Valor ceremony with Attorney General Eric Holder
    • 4:45 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at the Millennium Development Goals Conference
    • 6:15 pm
    • Vice President Biden, Dr. Jill Biden hosts reception at the Naval Observatory in honor of the 16th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
    • 6:35 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a DSCC/DCCC event
    • 7:30 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a DSCC/DCCC dinner

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-21-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, the town hall discussion with President Obama hosted by CNBC showed the difficulties facing the president and Democrats as mid term elections near -
the president was at ease and did a fine job answering the many questions. However, it was evident by the pain many questioners are experiencing, confidence in the economy and the future is weak. FirstRead has more here.


Republicans to announce new "Contract with America" Thursday -
what the platform will be should Republicans gain control of Congress will be spelled out. For the last 20 months the Republican Party of "No" has offered no alternatives to proposals offered by Democrats.

Now, with six weeks remaining to the mid term elections, Republicans are hoping this new "Contract with America" will have a similar impact as did Newt Gingrich's original back in 1994. has more here.


GOP Filibuster expected today in Senate on appropriations bill -
due to the inclusion of D.A.D.T. and the DREAM Act. Gay and Lesbian activists are calling for the vote even before the military survey of troops is complete. The pathway to U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants will also surely unite Republicans against the bill. The vote is expected at 2:00 PM and the moderate duo from Maine (Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe) will not be in support this time. has more here.


Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell faces questions on campaign spending -
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a nonpartisan group has filed a complaint she used $20,000 for non-campaign expenses. has more here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Tuesday, September 21

    • 10:15 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:45 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 12:30 pm
    • President Obama and Vice President Biden have lunch
    • 1:15 pm
    • President Obama awards Chief Master Sergeant Richard L. Etchberger, U.S. Air Force, the Medal of Honor
    • 2:00 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs delivers the daily press briefing
    • 4:30 pm
    • President Obama meets with DefSec Gates in the Oval Office

Monday, September 20, 2010

Battle for Control of Frederick County MD Commissioners Intense

George Wenschhof

Across the country, the battle is between Democrats and Republicans over who will control Congress. This outcome of this battle will be determined in six short weeks when the mid term elections are held on November 2. The role of government, the level of taxation, and the economy are the major issues the two major political parties must convince voters that their positions are best for them and the country.

However, In Frederick County, Maryland, a familiar battle is taking place in the race for county commissioner. Five commissioners will be elected by the voters and has been the case for the last two decades, the race is not highlighted by political party affiliation.

Rather, it is one again, rightly or wrongly, best categorized as a contest between candidates who are members of a "pro-growth" slate or "no-growth" slate. Candidates who fall within these two designated camps may argue the designation or use of the term, but it is the main way voters identify them.

However, there are additional important issues for voters to pay attention to the positions candidates have on them.

It is time Frederick County changes to a charter government and for voters to elect a county executive and a council elected by geographic regions across the county with one representing the City of Frederick. The new Board should immediately appoint a charter writing committee and charge them with having a referendum on the 2012 presidential election ballot for voters to decide.

Whether the county should move forward on building the agreed upon 300+million waste-to-energy incinerator is another issue voters should zero in on.

The 300+ million is a lot of money to commit to handle the county waste. However, the anti-incinerator candidates led by Commissioner Kai Hagen have yet to propose a reasonable alternative.

Zero to no effort has been made to date at identifying potential landfill sites downsized appropriately recognizing increased efforts toward zero-waste will be implemented. This would result in huge savings with a compost facility and resource recovery center located on the same site.

How future commissioners will handle the sure reduction in future budgets is also important for voters to ask candidates.

Also, what efforts will be made by future commissioners to improve the frayed relationship between the county commissioners with town and cities across the county.

The "pro-growth candidates are led by incumbent Commissioner Blaine Young who is joined by fellow Republicans Billy Shreeve and Kirby Delauter.

The "no-growth" candidates are led by Commissioner Kai Hagen who is joined by Republican Commissioner David Gray and Democratic candidates Linda Norris, Janet Wiles and Ellis Burrus.

Two candidates who do not fit entirely into either of these groups, but who are more aligned with the "pro-growth" slate are Paul Smith (R) and Michael Kurtianyk (D).

In addition to the voters determining which side will hold a majority on the board, they will also be deciding who will be the next President of the Board of Commissioners. It is safe to assume this contest will be waged between Kai Hagen (D) (8,110 votes) and Blaine Young (R) (13,393 votes), both of whom are ensured reelection and both led their tickets in primary voting.

Mr. Young appeared on my show "All Things Political with George Wenschhof" prior to the primary and I was impressed with how he handled the interview. You can watch that interview here.

More Republicans voted in the Frederick County, Maryland primary, a trend which followed voter turnout across the nation. Whether Democratic voters will become energized and turn out for the general election remains to be seen.

Interestingly, as a result of actions taken by the Board after the last election, the Board President will be who receives the highest vote total. Previously, the president had been the top vote getter among the majority political party elected to office.

So, besides determining who will lead the new Board, voters will decide whether "pro-growth" or "no-growth" candidates will form the majority.

Both of these battles promise to be intense over the next six weeks.

Paul Smith (R) is considered a moderate and placed a strong second (8,847 votes) in the Republican primary. The former one term City of Frederick alderman is also an attorney. Blaine Young is reaching out to Mr. Smith and including him in the Republican ticket. Although, Smith was voted out after serving only one term as alderman, look to see him win a seat on the Board of Commissioners.

Linda Norris, who has tried hard to run her own campaign and not be lumped in with the Kai Hagen "no-growth" slate finished a strong second in the Democratic primary with 7,884 votes. Another moderate, look to see her also win a seat on the Board.

Ms. Norris also appeared on "All Things Political with George Wenschhof" prior to the primary. You may watch her interview here.

The top two finishers from the Republican and Democratic primaries do not always win in the general election. But, this year, look to see them be the favorites.

Who will win the fifth seat promises to be interesting with the outcome likely very close between Republicans Kirby Delauter who finished third in the primary with 8,420 votes, Billy Shreve who finished fourth in the Republican primary with 7,352 votes and Democratic candidate Janice Wiles who finished third with 6,506 votes.

Michael Kurtianyk who finished last in the Democratic primary will pick up Republican support in the general election. However, he will not be a part of the Blaine Young led Republican slate. While he will pick up Republican support in the general, it is doubtful he will be able to attract enough votes to finish in the top five.

Democratic candidate Ellis Burrus finished fourth in the primary with 4,790 votes and it will also be tough for him to climb up to finish among the top five in the general election.

Don't look to see incumbent Republican Commissioner David Gray repeat his performance from four years ago when he also finished down on the ballot in the Republican primary. Gray benefited four years ago of having the support of fellow Republican commissioner John "Lenny" Thompson and Democrat Commissioner Jan Gardner, both of whom are not on the ticket this year.

After rallying to finish as the top vote getter among a majority Republican Board, Gray relinquished the gavel and with it the president of the Board, as he voted to change the procedures in electing the Board President to the candidate with the most votes. Thus, giving the power of the gavel to Democrat Jan Gardner.

Although both Paul Smith and Linda Norris are moderate, they would most likely, in crucial votes, align their vote with Blaine Young and Kai Hagen, respectively.

Which makes who wins the fifth seat in the general election all the more interesting.

Six weeks remain for the candidates to campaign and "it is never over until it's over"; which sounds like a famous Yogi Berra quote.

Stay Tuned...


Editor's Note:
Voting numbers used are from Election Summary Report of Unofficial Results dated 9-14-2010.


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Daily Political Wire 9-20-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, the president and vice president travel to stump for Democratic candidates -
President Obama will be in Pennsylvania headlining an event for Joe Sestak who is running against Republican Pat Toomey for the senate seat held currently by Arlen Specter.

Biden will travel to Ohio to help Governor Ted Strickland who is trailing Republican candidate John Kasich in the polls.

Also today, President Obama will appear at a televised town hall meeting. John Hardwood of CNBC will moderate. You can read more here.


DREAM ACT and D.A.D.T. up for discussion in Senate this week -
both controversial measures will surely receive strong rhetoric from both sides of the aisle. Ending a policy directed toward gays and lesbians who serve in the military and providing a pathway to citizenship for children of immigrants who serve in the military or have attended college will receive media attention this week. The NY Times has more here.


Bottom kill of Gulf oil well successful -
finally, after an estimated 172 million gallons of oil had gushed into the gulf. The sealing of the well from both the top and the bottom is considered a permanent fix.

Now, comes a continuing effort to restore the areas affected by the spill and the payment of funds from the BP escrow account to those who were hurt financially from the disaster. has more here.


Sunday "Talking Heads" wrap -
from what former Secretary of State Colin Powell to former President Bill Clinton, has a quick wrap up with short video clips here.


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White House Schedule

George Wenschhof

The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Monday, September 20

    • 9:30 am
    • Vice President Biden delivers remarks at the U.S.-Japan Council's Annual Conference
    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 12:00 pm
    • President Obama participates in CNBC town hall discussion on jobs
    • 12:30 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends an event for Governor Ted Strickland in Ohio
    • Afternoon
    • Vice President Biden delivers remarks at a rally for Governor Ted Strickland in Akron, Ohio
    • 3:05 pm
    • President Obama departs the White House
    • 3:20 pm
    • President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base
    • 4:05 pm
    • President Obama arrives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    • 5:10 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a finance reception for Congressman Sestak
    • 5:45 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Governor Ted Strickland in Canton, Ohio
    • 6:05 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a dinner reception for Congressman Sestak
    • 7:20 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a DNC dinner reception
    • 8:15 pm
    • President Obama departs Philadelphia, Pennsylvania en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 8:55 pm
    • President Obama arrives at Andrews Air Force Base
    • 9:05 pm
    • President Obama arrives at the White House

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-19-2010

George Wenschhof

Not Ready for Prime Time, Christine O'Donnell Cancels Appearances on Sunday Shows -
the latest tea party darling who won the Republican Senate nomination in Delaware last week will not be appearing on Fox New Sunday and CBS "Face The Nation". has more here.

One only has to look back to when Rand Paul, another tea party favorite, won the Kentucky Republican Senate primary or when Sharon Angle won the Nevada Republican primary. They appeared on the Sunday talk shows immediately afterward and it was readily apparent they were far right wing nuts who was not ready for prime time.

Seems O'Donnell's handlers got the message. The latest revelation on Christine O'Donnell is she dabbled in "witchcraft". Apparently comedian Bill Maher has clips from a show from 1999 with O'Donnell talking about one of her first dates being with a witch at a satanic alter. has more here. Stay tuned...


Abercrombie wins Democratic Governor primary in Hawaii -
he easily beat former Honolulu mayor Mufi Hanneman 60-38% with more than half of the precincts reporting. Former Representative Neil Abercrombie will face Republican James "Duke" Aiona. has more here.


Why "Citizens United" was a bad decision -
newly established 501(c)(4) committees have no requirement to list donors and have no limits on expenditures on political campaigns. This applies equally to unions and businesses, with businesses having the advantage.

President Obama, in his weekly address yesterday pointed out republicans were blocking legislation which would require the donors be identified and the share holders of corporation be informed of political spending of corporations.

The NY Times has a good editorial you can read here.


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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Murkowski to run as Write-In Candidate -
Incumbent U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski will now run as a write-in candidate after losing the Republican primary to Joe Miller. The Democratic candidate; Scott McAdams will likely benefit from this decision. You can read more here.


Obama losing Democratic support on ending Bush tax cuts to those earning over $250,000 -
Seven Democratic Senators and a large number (31) of Democratic Representatives have split with the president's position. They support the extension of all the Bush tax cuts set to expire the end of this year. has more here.


Hawaii Primary Today -
Democratic candidates for Governor; former Representative Neil Abercrombie is facing former Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hanneman is what promises to be a close election. Republican Candidate for Governor Duke Aiona is the underdog against whoever wins the democratic primary. has more here.


Afghanistan Parliamentary Elections Today -
Taliban threats to create havoc have become reality as hundreds of polls have closed as many came under attack. At least ten civilians have been killed. As a result of the turmoil, turnout has been light in the election which has approximately 2500 candidates vying for 249 seats. The NY Times has more here.


Six more Bank failures this year keeps focus on economy -
the total number of bank failures in the U.S. has not hit 125 for the year. This rate is on pace to equal or surpass the 140 bank failures from last year.

The F.D.I.C. list of problem banks is now 829 with assets of 403 billion. has more here.

In addition, 115 banks and thrifts (5 in Maryland) which received "bail-out" federal funds missed dividend payments to the government in August. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 9-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama discusses the Supreme Court "Citizens United" narrow 5-4 ruling on campaign finance. The decision allows for unlimited corporate spending on political campaigns with little to no public disclosure.

The president rails against Republicans who have blocked passage of legislation by Congress which would provide for full disclosure to stock holders of ads run and money spent by corporation on political campaigns.


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Republican Weekly Response 9-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Representative Greg Walden (R-Ore.) says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) is keeping Republican proposals on taxes and spending from coming to a vote. He wants spending on non-security programs cut to former George W. Bush administration levels. He also calls for the extension of the Bush tax cuts which are set to expire at the end of the year.


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Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 9-19-2010

George Wenschhof

Clintons will dominate the Sunday shows as more mid term election discussion takes place and foreign policy finally receives some much needed attention.

Former president Bill Clinton will appear on NBC "Meet The Press" and CBS "Face The Nation". He is much in demand by Democrats facing election on November 2, even agreeing to stump for California Governor candidate Jerry Brown in California after Brown had criticized him. Clinton was president when the Newt Gingrich led "Contract with America" led to Republicans winning control in Congress in the 1994 mid term elections. Look to see him offer advise to Democrats.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, back from attending round two of the Israel/Palestine peace talks in Egypt, will appear on ABC "This Week". Joining her on the program is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran just released one of three Americans held captive after illegally entering Iran while on a camping/hiking trip. Let's see if any disclosure will be made by Ahmadinejad on the fate of the other two Americans.

The Israel/Palestine peace talks remain fragile with all eyes on Israel regarding whether they will extend a moratorium on settlements. If not, the peace talks could quickly come to an end. The international sanctions on Iran have not resulted in any outward concessions from Iran in regard to full disclosure of their nuclear development program. Both issues will surely be discussed.

More foreign policy discussion will take place on NBC "Meet The Press" with former secretary of state Colin Powell.

As one would expect, Republican tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell will appear on two shows this Sunday morning. This comes after she was the surprise winner in the Republican Senate primary on Tuesday. Of course, she will be on Fox News Sunday and she will also be a guest on CBS "Face The Nation".

More mid term election discussion is ensured with DNC chair Tim Kaine appearing on CNN "State of The Union". Joining him in the discussion will be Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), former Representative Tom Davis (R-Va.) and former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn.

Look to see the spin on how the impact of tea party candidates will affect the outcome of the elections in November. Some are saying tea party candidates will help Democrats as they are too extreme, while others will say, the success of tea party candidates is an indication that voters are tired of the status quo.

Should be an informative Sunday morning. Plan to tune in.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Bill Clinton, Colin Powell

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bill Clinton, Christine O'Donnell

ABC "This Week" - Hillary Clinton, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

CNN "State of The Union" - Jim DeMint, Tim Kaine, Tom Davis, Anita Dunn

Fox New Sunday - Christine O'Donnell, Karl Rove


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Friday, September 17, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-17-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will announce Elizabeth Warren as special adviser to new Consumer Finance Protection Agency -
Warren was long rumored to head the new agency established under the recently passed financial reform bill. Far left leaning Democrats are expected to be happy with the announcement made today from the White House Rose Garden.

She was not expected to be confirmed in the Senate as Republicans were sure to block her appointment. The president will get around this by naming her as a special assistant to the Treasury Secretary today. has more here.

This move by the president will become red meat in the upcoming mid term elections.


New Quinnipiac poll has Kasich 17 points up on Strickland in Governor's race -
in a battleground state that has been a barometer in recent elections. Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has fallen 17 points behind Republican John Kasich 54-37%. You can read more details from the poll here.


Retiring Democratic Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd gives Republicans credit on their term limits system for committee chairmen -
Republicans limit chairmen or ranking positions to six years, providing for more diversity. Dodd had to wait 27 years before he was named chair of the Senate Banking Committee. Once appointed to chair of a committee, Democrats can and usually do serve indefinitely or until they lose election. has more here.


O'Donnell - Coons meet in first debate -
Just two days following her upset of Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary. She faced Democratic candidate Chris Coons. Early analysis was a break even debate with Coons showing more poise. has more here.

This race is now considered a toss up in a strong Democratic state long represented by Vice president Joe Biden. His son Beau, was his presumptive successor and a place keeper was appointed to serve the remainder of Joe Biden's term in the senate when he became Vice President. Beau's decision not to run may cost the Democrats a seat. Stay tuned..


House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) set to unveil new "Contract with America" -
in an attempt to capture the magic Newt Gingrich created back in the 1994 elections. However, unlike in 1994, when Republican candidates signed the pledge, this time they will not be asked to sign it. You can read more here.

The question Democrats and American voters should ask is why is this being announced less than seven weeks prior to the elections and why haven't Republicans been working to solve the problems facing the nation over the last two years.

Will the new "contract with America" have success and resonate with voters or will the "party of no" be what voters remember when they go to the polls on November 2. Republicans are assured, if past historical data is repeated, of picking up seats in the House and Senate. Whether the Republican wins result in control of the House and Senate remains to be seen.


House Ethics Committee may wait until after Election to Try Rangel and Waters -
the high profile ethics trials for Representatives Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Maxine Water (D-Calf.) are not close to beginning. The latest scuttlebutt is the trial will be pushed back to after the elections on November 2 and possible until after the new Congress is sworn in. has more here.

Republicans were hopeful the trials would take place prior to the elections.


Palin to headline Iowa Republican's Reagan Dinner -
tonight, she will speak to the estimated 1000 attendees of the annual Republican dinner. A move, by the former Governor of Alaska and tea party favorite, seen to be further evidence of her intention to run for president in 2012. has more here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Friday, September 17

    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden receive the presidential daily briefing
    • 11:45 am
    • Vice President Biden holds a Recovery Act Implementation Cabinet meeting
    • 1:30 pm
    • President Obama makes an announcement to the press
    • 2:15 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs delivers briefing
    • Later
    • Vice President Biden attends an event with Senatorial candidate Chris Coons

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Absentee Ballots Do Not Alter Frederick County MD Races

George Wenschhof

Absentee ballots were counted this morning with several candidates and their supporters anxious for the results.

In district 4-a Republican race where voters determine two state delegate candidates to move on to the general election, Kathy Afzali maintained her number one finish and Kelly Shultz her number two placement from primary election day totals.

My unofficial count has Afzali with 3411 votes, Shultz with 3365, and incumbent Paul Stull with 3347. Stull did pick up some ground on Shultz as he received 31 absentee votes. Afzali received 16 and Schultz received 20.

In the Republican district 3-a race where voters determine two state delegate candidates to move on to the general election, there were also no changes in the order of finish.

Patrick Hogan received 50 absentee votes, Scott Rolle - 32 votes and Huckenpoehler received 24 votes.

My unofficial count has Hogan with 2981, Rolle with 2233, and Huckenpoehler - 2214. Rolle added 7 votes to his 12 vote lead.

In the local Republican Central Committee contest, Joe Cohen stayed ahead of George Bauer for the last position on the committee. Cohen received 49 absentee ballots for my unofficial total of 4724. Bauer received 39 absentee for my unofficial total of 4686.

I believe the final count will be certified next week by the elections board adding any overseas military and absentee ballots received and postmarked on or before primary day.

It is very doubtful for any changes to transpire, but it could happen as about 300 provisional ballots also remain to be counted. How many of them are from district 3-a or 4-a is unknown. Schultz leads Stull by 18 votes in the 4-a race and Rolle leads Huckenpoehler by 19 votes in the 3-a race. The big surprises would be the loss by long term incumbent Republican Paul Stull and the win by Scott Rolle who did not campaign and had previously indicated he was gong to withdraw from the race. One would think Mr. Rolle will seriously reconsider his earlier statement he was not running as he and Patric Hogan would make two very competitive candidates in the state delegate district 3 general election.

Frederick County Board of Elections website will have the official count here.

Stay Tuned...


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