
Friday, September 17, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-17-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will announce Elizabeth Warren as special adviser to new Consumer Finance Protection Agency -
Warren was long rumored to head the new agency established under the recently passed financial reform bill. Far left leaning Democrats are expected to be happy with the announcement made today from the White House Rose Garden.

She was not expected to be confirmed in the Senate as Republicans were sure to block her appointment. The president will get around this by naming her as a special assistant to the Treasury Secretary today. has more here.

This move by the president will become red meat in the upcoming mid term elections.


New Quinnipiac poll has Kasich 17 points up on Strickland in Governor's race -
in a battleground state that has been a barometer in recent elections. Democratic Governor Ted Strickland has fallen 17 points behind Republican John Kasich 54-37%. You can read more details from the poll here.


Retiring Democratic Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd gives Republicans credit on their term limits system for committee chairmen -
Republicans limit chairmen or ranking positions to six years, providing for more diversity. Dodd had to wait 27 years before he was named chair of the Senate Banking Committee. Once appointed to chair of a committee, Democrats can and usually do serve indefinitely or until they lose election. has more here.


O'Donnell - Coons meet in first debate -
Just two days following her upset of Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary. She faced Democratic candidate Chris Coons. Early analysis was a break even debate with Coons showing more poise. has more here.

This race is now considered a toss up in a strong Democratic state long represented by Vice president Joe Biden. His son Beau, was his presumptive successor and a place keeper was appointed to serve the remainder of Joe Biden's term in the senate when he became Vice President. Beau's decision not to run may cost the Democrats a seat. Stay tuned..


House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) set to unveil new "Contract with America" -
in an attempt to capture the magic Newt Gingrich created back in the 1994 elections. However, unlike in 1994, when Republican candidates signed the pledge, this time they will not be asked to sign it. You can read more here.

The question Democrats and American voters should ask is why is this being announced less than seven weeks prior to the elections and why haven't Republicans been working to solve the problems facing the nation over the last two years.

Will the new "contract with America" have success and resonate with voters or will the "party of no" be what voters remember when they go to the polls on November 2. Republicans are assured, if past historical data is repeated, of picking up seats in the House and Senate. Whether the Republican wins result in control of the House and Senate remains to be seen.


House Ethics Committee may wait until after Election to Try Rangel and Waters -
the high profile ethics trials for Representatives Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Maxine Water (D-Calf.) are not close to beginning. The latest scuttlebutt is the trial will be pushed back to after the elections on November 2 and possible until after the new Congress is sworn in. has more here.

Republicans were hopeful the trials would take place prior to the elections.


Palin to headline Iowa Republican's Reagan Dinner -
tonight, she will speak to the estimated 1000 attendees of the annual Republican dinner. A move, by the former Governor of Alaska and tea party favorite, seen to be further evidence of her intention to run for president in 2012. has more here.


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