
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup for 9-19-2010

George Wenschhof

Clintons will dominate the Sunday shows as more mid term election discussion takes place and foreign policy finally receives some much needed attention.

Former president Bill Clinton will appear on NBC "Meet The Press" and CBS "Face The Nation". He is much in demand by Democrats facing election on November 2, even agreeing to stump for California Governor candidate Jerry Brown in California after Brown had criticized him. Clinton was president when the Newt Gingrich led "Contract with America" led to Republicans winning control in Congress in the 1994 mid term elections. Look to see him offer advise to Democrats.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, back from attending round two of the Israel/Palestine peace talks in Egypt, will appear on ABC "This Week". Joining her on the program is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran just released one of three Americans held captive after illegally entering Iran while on a camping/hiking trip. Let's see if any disclosure will be made by Ahmadinejad on the fate of the other two Americans.

The Israel/Palestine peace talks remain fragile with all eyes on Israel regarding whether they will extend a moratorium on settlements. If not, the peace talks could quickly come to an end. The international sanctions on Iran have not resulted in any outward concessions from Iran in regard to full disclosure of their nuclear development program. Both issues will surely be discussed.

More foreign policy discussion will take place on NBC "Meet The Press" with former secretary of state Colin Powell.

As one would expect, Republican tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell will appear on two shows this Sunday morning. This comes after she was the surprise winner in the Republican Senate primary on Tuesday. Of course, she will be on Fox News Sunday and she will also be a guest on CBS "Face The Nation".

More mid term election discussion is ensured with DNC chair Tim Kaine appearing on CNN "State of The Union". Joining him in the discussion will be Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), former Representative Tom Davis (R-Va.) and former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn.

Look to see the spin on how the impact of tea party candidates will affect the outcome of the elections in November. Some are saying tea party candidates will help Democrats as they are too extreme, while others will say, the success of tea party candidates is an indication that voters are tired of the status quo.

Should be an informative Sunday morning. Plan to tune in.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Bill Clinton, Colin Powell

CBS "Face The Nation" - Bill Clinton, Christine O'Donnell

ABC "This Week" - Hillary Clinton, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

CNN "State of The Union" - Jim DeMint, Tim Kaine, Tom Davis, Anita Dunn

Fox New Sunday - Christine O'Donnell, Karl Rove


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