
Friday, September 24, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-24-2010

George Wenschhof

Justice Department files suit to limit judge's ruling on D.A.D.T. -
at the same time Democratic leaders in congress were trying to repeal D.A.D.T. - U.S. District court judge Virginia Phillips ruled the current policy toward gays and lesbians serving in the military unconstitutional. The attempt in Congress to repeal the policy failed in the Senate. This action by the Obama administration to limit the ruling by the judge is sure to upset the gay and lesbian community. has more here.


Democratic Leaders Put Off vote on Tax Cut Extension - in a decision that is unlikely to help Democrats as they head to the mid term elections. The NY Times has more here. The popular Bush tax cuts are not set to expire until the end of this year. President Obama has drawn his line in the sand, saying he does not want to extend the cuts for those families earning more than $250,000, arguing this would provide 700-800 billion toward paying down the national debt. Of course, the counter argument is that during a recessionary time, an increase in taxes is not good for the country.

A reasonable compromise of extending the tax cuts for the wealthy for two years and everyone else for ten years would most likely pass, but Democratic leadership decided against pursuing this path.


Small Business Aid bill passes House - Obama to Sign - after obstructionist Republicans delayed passage in the Senate, the House passed it with with a 237-187 vote. Only one Republican voted for the bill. This vote took place on the same day Republican leadership was unveiling their 21 page pledge which included help to small business. has more here.


Campaign Finance Reform Fails again in Senate -
the DISCLOSE Act failed to break a Republican filibuster by a 59-39 vote with all Republicans in opposition. The bill would have provided corporations and unions disclose to members/shareholders of campaign contributions. This bill was introduced in reaction to the Supreme Court 5-4 "Citizens United" decision which opened the door to unlimited campaign contributions by corporations. has more


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