
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daily Political Wire 9-28-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama interviewed by Rolling Stone -
it was the interview by Rolling Stone of General Stanley McChrystal that led to his forced retirement by the president. In a wide ranging interview, the president discusses his first almost two years in office. You can read it here.


Rahm announcement expected Friday -
White House chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel will most likely announce his departure date to run for Mayor of Chicago. President Obama is rumored to be leaning toward replacing him on an interim basis with Pete Rouse who served as his chief of staff when he was a U.S. Senator in Illinois. Rouse has little Capitol Hill experience so do no expect him to stay long. The Chicago Sun Times has more here.


Rick Lazio drops out of New York Governor race -
the unknown is whether this will boost the campaign of Republican Carl Paladino. Lazio did not endorse him in his effort to beat the favored Democratic candidate Andrew Cuomo. The Washington Post has more here.


Senate to vote on restricting job outsourcing today -
Democrats do not expect to receive the 60 votes needed to move the measure to a full vote on the Senate. The bill would restrict the ability of U.S. companies to move jobs overseas. has more here.


House Democrats continue to battle themselves on tax cut strategy -
first, it was 36 Democrats who signed a letter to house Speaker Nancy Pelosi requesting an extension of all the Bush tax cuts. Now, it is 46 Democrats signing a letter calling for a vote to allow the cuts for the wealthy expire. Meanwhile, the Senate Republicans have blocked the vote from coming to the floor. has more here.

This is an excellent example of the gridlock and foolishness that is taking place on Capitol Hill these days. Even, the casual observer sees the compromise solution being to extend all of the tax cuts with the cuts for those making over $250,000 extended for only two years. This would allow for continued growth in the economy to take place and limit the cost of the extension of the cuts for the wealthy.


Disturbing revelations of U.S. soldiers randomly killing Afghanistan civilians threaten progress -
a gruesome tale is being told in a military trial of soldiers accused of killing Afghanistan civilians. The NY Times has more here.


Maryland Governor race begins to get nasty -
counter charges are being thrown by the campaigns of Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley and his challenger; former Republican Governor Robert Ehrlich.

The latest is from the Ehrlich campaign who accuses the O'Malley administration of interfering with reports published by the state Labor Department. The Governor contest continues to be a pick-em race based on recent polling. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


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