
Monday, May 31, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-31-2010

George Wenschhof

Israel attacks Flotilla headed to Gaza with humanitarian supplies - once again a questionable action by Israel precedes a visit by Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with President Obama.

Israel has had a blockade in place around Gaza for three years. The flotilla allegedly was carrying tons of humanitarian relief supplies. At least ten were killed. The NY Times has more here.

The "proximity peace talks" between Palestine and Israel are underway brokered by U.S. Middle East Envoy George Mitchell. President Obama is scheduled to host both Netanyahu (tomorrow) and President Mahmood Abbas in a week at the White House. The last time Netanyahu met with President Obama was immediately after the announcement that Israel had approved building permits in the controversial West Bank and he received a not so warm reception from the President. Much of the initial international reaction has been to express outrage toward the action by Israel. Stay Tuned...

10:20 AM Update - Netanyahu cancels visit with President Obama to deal with Gaza crisis.


Hanabusa gets big boost in Hawaii House race as Case bows out - new Republican representative Charles Djou just won a specila election to replace Neil Abercrombie(D) who had stepped down to run for Governor. His victory in a Democratic controlled district the result of two Democrats; Hanabusa and Ed Case splitting the vote. has more here.


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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-30-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, President Obama issued a statement on the failure of BP's latest effort to halt the flow of oil into the ocean -
The President pointed out, that from the beginning of the accident, it was known the surest way to stop the flow was the drilling of a new well. Unfortunately, although already underway, that fix is still several months away.

The "top kill" effort was suspended yesterday by BP, who will now try with the use of underwater submarines and robots to cut off a section of the pipe and cap it. The latest approach could take several days and may also not work. has the President's statement here.

Meanwhile, the New York Times is reporting that internal BP scientists warned of problems with the well casing and blowout preventer that were used. The NY Times has more here.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.) says oil spill disaster is example of why energy/climate legislation is needed
- she was speaking at the convocation at Cornell University. has more here.


Another "Gotcha" moment for a Senate candidate - this time it is in Illinois and it is a Republican who is running for the Senate seat once held by President Obama. Representative Mark Kirk (R) said in his biography he had received the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of The Year award which the Washington post is reporting is not true. The Washington Post has more here.

Kirk is running against Democrat Alexi Giannoulias who is the state treasurer and recently had his own bad news when his family owned bank failed. Stay tuned....


On the foreign policy front. Israel does not agree to sign UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
- UN Secretary-General Bang Ki-moon said 189 had agreed to sign including the U.S. Pakistan and India; who are both nuclear armed nations were among non members who did not sign. The U.S. acknowledges it would be hard for Israel to sign with Iran still pursuing nuclear capability and lack of resolution in the Palestine-Israel conflict. has more here.

Back home, President Obama will be receiving visits over the next week from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmood Abbas. The proximity talks have been underway between the two with Middle East Envoy George Mitchell acting as the intermediary. It will be interesting to see the political posturing that takes place during and after these meetings.


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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-29-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama visited Louisiana yesterday and said the "buck stops with me" as he claimed responsibility-
for the clean up of what will be the largest U.S. oil spill. You can read his remarks on the oil spill here.

The President and his family then headed to Chicago, Illinois to spend the holiday weekend. has details of his plans for the weekend here.


The Sunday morning "Talking Heads" lineup is heavily concentrated on the Gulf coast oil disaster -
Managing Director of BP Robert Dudley is on three of the morning shows and White House Energy Adviser Carol Browner is on two.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Robert Dudley and Carol Browner. Also Representative Luis Guitierrez (D-Ill.) and former Representative J.D. Hayworth who is running against John McCain in the Arizona Republican Senate primary.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Carol Browner and Representative Ed Markey (D-Mass.). Markey has been critical of the efforts to date by BP.

ABC "This Week" - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.). Jindal has been critical of the efforts by president Obama to date in regard to the oil spill. Powell will surely be asked his reaction to the recent House vote repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy toward gay/lesbians in the military.

CNN "State of The Union" - Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Robert Dudley, and Senators Jim Webb (D-Va.) and David Vitter (R-La.).

Fox News Sunday - Robert Dudley, Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) and Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calf.). Issa has been questioning the alleged White House offer of a job to Representative Joe Sestak to induce him to drop out of the Democratic primary against Arlen Specter.


White House statement on Sestak job offer raises more questions - seems White House Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel enlisted the aid of former President Bill Clinton in attempting to ease Representative Joe Sestak out of the Pennsylvania primary against Senator Arlen Specter. The apparent subsequent conversation between Sestak and Clinton was short with Clinton speaking about a possible post on a presidential board and Sestak saying he had no interest. Sestak defeated Specter in the recent primary election. Republican leaders are crying foul and talking about back room deals, etc. Stay tuned... has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 5-29-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama speaks of the sacrifice American men and women in military service have made with their lives for our country. He asks Americans across the nation to join him in honoring them over this Memorial Day weekend.


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Friday, May 28, 2010

A Warning Shot Hits Home

George Wenschhof

At the age of 57 you slowly realize you are no longer able to do some of the things you did when you were in College. Shoveling my car out after the blizzards this past winter was one reminder of my age.

Lack of exercise, disregard for diet and the accumulation of excess weight seemed to follow the added years.

A recent early morning off balance spell led to a visit to the Emergency Room of Frederick Memorial Hospital and subsequent admission (the first in my life).

Many tests and blood samples were conducted over the next twenty four hours with high blood pressure and high cholesterol being diagnosed.

It appears I experienced what is known as a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), which is commonly called a mini-stroke.

The results from the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) conducted were fortunately negative. A change in diet is in order along with the realization that daily medication will now be part of the norm.

As a result of my experience, let me add one more voice to those reminding you to regularly have your blood pressure checked.

Many thanks go to the Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at Frederick Memorial Hospital.

Daily Political Wire 5-28-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama heads to Louisiana to address Oil Spill -
he will meet with Admiral Thad Allen to receive an update on the latest effort by BP to plug the leak. The President needs to look like he is in charge and that progress is being made. You can read more here.

The President and his family will then depart to Chicago, Illinois to spend the holiday weekend.


House Votes to repeal DADT -
the vote was 234-194 after an amendment said the repeal of the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the military would not go into effect until after the Pentagon concludes it's review December 1. has more here.


Obama administration to release statement on Sestak job offer -
Representative Joe Sestak who just won a bitterly contested Democratic primary with Senator Arlen Specter, previous had informed the press he had been offered a job by the White House if he would not run against Arlen Specter. The statement is coming from White House counsel. expect it to also be released over the holiday weekend with hopes it recieves little play. has more here.


Arkansas Halter-Lincoln runoff remains close -
a recent DailyKos/Research2000 poll shows Lt. Governor Bill Halter leading incumbent Senator Blanche Lincoln in the Democratic runoff primary scheduled for June 8. Former President Bill Clinton will be appearing at rallies for Blanche Lincoln as the liberal Netroots remain supportive of Halter.

Over in Republican friendly Kentucky, Democrat Jack Conway is within 3 points of Republican Rand Paul in the U.S. Senate race. This comes after the comments made by Paul in regard to civil rights and the role of government.

For more interesting tidbits of information, has more here.

...and in Nevada, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) is back from being written off as a casualty in the November mid term election. He is now statistically tied or ahead of his opponents in the latest poll released which you can read here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Friday, May 28

    • 9:10 am
    • President Obama departs Chicago, Illinois en route New Orleans, Louisiana
    • 10:00 am
    • Vice President Biden delivers the commencement address at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
    • 11:10 am
    • President Obama arrives New Orleans, Louisiana
    • 1:10 pm
    • President Obama attends a briefing by Admiral Thad Allen
    • 1:30 pm
    • President Obama delivers a statement to the press
    • 2:25 pm
    • President Obama departs New Orleans, Louisiana en route Chicago, Illinois
    • 4:35 pm
    • President Obama arrives in Chicago, Illinois

Thursday, May 27, 2010

White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Thursday, May 27

    • 9:00 am
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden receive the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:35 am
    • President Obama welcomes the NCAA Men's Basketball Champion Duke Blue Devils to the White House to honor their 2009-2010 season
    • 11:00 am
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden take a photo with President Clinton and the U.S. World Cup Soccer Team
    • 11:25 am
    • President Obama has lunch with President Clinton
    • 12:30 pm
    • Vice President Biden meets with President Clinton
    • 12:45 pm
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden delivers remarks and takes questions from the press
    • 2:05 pm
    • President Obama receives a briefing on the 2010 hurricane season forecast and an overview of the Federal government's national hurricane preparedness
    • 3:10 pm
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with President Sirleaf of Liberia
    • 3:15 pm
    • Vice President Biden meets with participants of the Annual Cyprus and Hellenic Leadership Conference in the Eisenhower Executive Office
    • 4:10 pm
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden, First Lady host a reception in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month
    • 6:15 pm
    • The First Family departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 7:00 pm
    • The First Family departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Chicago, Illinois
    • 8:15 pm
    • The First Family arrives in Chicago, Illinois

Monday, May 24, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-24-2010

George Wenschhof

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton heads large U.S. delegation in China -
many items will be on the table for discussion including sanctions against Iran and North Korea. Also, sure to receive attention is the Yuan; the Chinese currency.


More Questions than Answers as Gulf Coast Oil Spill tests Obama -
a month has gone by since the explosion on the offshore oil rig and oil continues to gush into the ocean. President Obama is dispatching a delegation to the Gulf Coast to monitor efforts taking place. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano are off today to check on the progress being made to stem the release of oil to protect endangered wetlands and wildlife.

The NY Times is reporting that since President Obama called for a moratorium on the granting of offshore drilling, seven new permits have been granted and five environmental waivers approved. stay tuned.... The NY Times has more here.


RNC Chair Michael Steele says Rand Paul "out of step with rest of country..." -
Steele was responding to comments made by Ran Paul in regard to government intervention in the area of civil rights. has more here.

Paul won the recent Kentucky Republican primary for U.S. Senate. After his statements became widely known, Paul canceled an appearance on NBC "Meet The Press" yesterday.

The not-ready-for-prime-time "tea party activist" supported candidate is boosting the efforts of Democratic candidate for Senate; Attorney General Jack Conway.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Monday, May 24

    • 9:30 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:20 am
    • President Obama attends a reception for the Federal Judge Association
    • 11:05 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 12:00 pm
    • President Obama participates in the daily briefing call with Gulf Coast Governors on the BP oil spill
    • 12:30 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Congressional candidate John Carney in Wilmington, Delaware
    • 2:30 pm
    • President Obama welcomes PM Saad Hariri of Lebanon to the White House
    • 3:00 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs, USCG Adm. Allen deliver briefing
    • 4:00 pm
    • President Obama hosts a reception to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
    • 4:30 pm
    • President Obama meets with Secretary of Defense Gates
    • 7:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden attends event for Attorney General Beau Biden in Philadelphia

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-23-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama delivers Commencement Address to West Point graduates.


Is President Obama doing enough in regard to the Gulf Coast oil disaster? -
the question is getting louder as echos of the Katrina disaster still reverberate around the nation. So far, the President has mainly said to BP, it is their responsibility to handle.

The creation of a commission to study federal regulations is more of an attempt to try to get ahead of any negative fall out which may occur relating to action by federal departments which took place under the Obama administration. The NY Times has more on the commission here.

Meanwhile, oil continues to gush into the ocean and is now hitting the shores of Louisiana, threatening devastation to wetlands. Democratic political commentator Chris Matthews and political strategist James Carville are also asking what is Obama doing? has more here.


Republican Charles Djou wins Hawaii Special Election -
as expected, the two Democrats on the ballots split the vote, allowing Djou to win with on 39.4%. Two Democrats; state senate President Colleen Hanabusa (30.8%) and former Representative Ed Case (27.6%) were both allowed to run in this special election to fill Neil Abercrombie's seat. Abercrombie had resigned to concentrate on his run for governor of Hawaii. The Honolulu Advertiser has more here.

Sadly, for the Republicans, their first victory out of the last eight special elections will be short lived. In November, with only one Democrat on the ballot, Republicans will not be able to retain this seat.

Chris Van Hollen, chair of the DCCC, wisely withheld spending toward the end, realizing it was better to hold for the November election. Democratic leadership were divided with their support with the two Hawaii U.S. Senators supporting Hanabusa and the DCCC supporting Case.


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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-22-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will deliver the Commence Address at West Point -
the last time he was at West Point, the president discussed the increase of 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. Obama will surely discuss both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as the graduates are likely to be deployed there. You can read more here.


Sunday morning "Talking Heads" lineup -
the results from last Tuesday's primaries in four states will be a major topic as DNC chair Tim Kaine and RNC chair Michael Steele appear on two of the morning shows. Both chairs will spin the results for their benefit in the November mid term elections.

Rand Paul, the winner in the Republican Kentucky senate primary, canceled his scheduled appearance on NBC "Meet the Press". The not-so-ready for prime time tea party supported candidate stepped in deep doo-doo as he was quoted saying he did not support government intervention in the area of civil rights. In other words, it would be ok for a restaurant owner to refuse to serve Blacks. After this initial roll out by Paul, look to see Democratic senate candidate Jack Conway pick up ground in a state dominated by Republicans.

CBS "Face The Nation" -
Representative Joe Sestak who just won handily the Pennsylvania Democratic primary beating incumbent Arlen Specter. Also White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Interesting pairing as the Obama White House was supporting Specter and a big unanswered question to date is "did the White House offer Sestak a job in the administration to induce him to drop out of the primary"? Let's see if moderator Bob Schieffer asks this question. also appearing will be Senator Lamar Alexander (R).

Fox News Sunday - the network darling Sarah Palin. Michael Steele, Tim Kaine.

CNN "State of the Union" - Governors Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) and Tim Pawlenty (R-Minn.). Also BP Managing Director Bob Dudley. The conversation with Dudley could prove enlightening if Candy Crowley presses on the permitting and approval process on the offshore oil well and rig which continues to spew oil into the Gulf coast.

ABC "This Week" - Tim Kaine and Michael Steele

NBC "Meet the Press" -
will Rand Paul post? or will he be just the third guest to cancel an appearance in the 62 year history of this show. Paul would then be in the company of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan (1996) and Saudi Prince Bandar (2003).

Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate Joe Sestak and Senators John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and Bob Mendendez (D-NJ).


Andrew Cuomo announces bid for Govenor of New York -
hardly a secret, the question has been when would he announce.

The Plan from Andrew Cuomo on Vimeo.


Obama to meet with Republicans on Tuesday -
the President requested the meeting and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) set up the meeting with Senate Republicans during their regularly scheduled policy meeting on Tuesday. The meeting will not be televised. has more here.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to China next week -
to continue the strategic and economic dialogue which began when Chinese President Hu Jintao and a large Chinese delegation met with President Obama and U.S. representatives in D.C. in April. Over 200 U.S. representatives of government agencies will acompany Clinton on her trip. has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 5-22-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama discusses the creation of an Independent Commission to review the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling disaster. The co-chairs will be Florida Senator Bob Graham (D) and former EPA administrator Bill Reilly. The commission will determine accountability on both or either government and BP.


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Friday, May 21, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-21-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama is expected to sign a presidential memorandum on fuel efficiency and emissions standards -
this would direct government agencies to establish new standards for autos and small trucks beyond 2016. He is also expected to push for more development of electric powered cars. has more here.


Senate passes Wall Street Reform bill -
the vote was 59-39 and included Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe from Maine, Scott Brown (Mass.) and Chuck Grassley (Iowa). The NY Times has more here.

This vote came after House Majority leader got to his 60 votes to end the filibuster with his own vote, Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) showing up to vote, and Scott Brown (R-Mass.) changing his vote. The vote on Wednesday to end the filibuster failed by three votes. Democratic Senators Maria Cantwell (WA) and Russ Feingold (Wis.) did not vote for the bill as they felt it was not strong enough.

The House passed their version of finance reform over a year ago. The bill now goes to conference and expectations are it will be ready for the President's signature prior to July 4.

Pay attention during the reconciliation process as Wall Street lobbyists will do everything possible to weaken the bill.


Republicans could win Hawaii special election as Democrats battle -
we will know soon who will be replacing Neil Abercrombie (D), who resigned to run for Governor, as the all mail election requires votes to by tomorrow. AP has more here.

The Republican candidate Charles Djou is running against two Democrats, as is allowed in the special election. The two Democratic candidates are splitting the vote and support from Democratic Party Leaders. State senate president Colleen Hanabusa has the support of the two Hawaii U.S Senators and former Representative Ed Case had the support of the DCCC before chair Chris Van Hollen (DMd.) decided it was not productive.

If Republican Charles Djou wins, the Republican Party will highlight the victory and spin how voters wanted a change. This victory coming after a disappointing lose to Democrats in the Pennsylvania special election.

However, the Republican victory would be short lived and they know it. Democrats will win this seat in the fall election when there is only one Democratic candidate on the ballot.


Blair resignation puts spotlight on role of Director of National intelligence -
the position was created after 9/11 showed weakness in coordination of intelligence. However, the position has never been defined and as a result, reports show turf battles taking place with CIA Director Leon Panetta and National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair. In addition, the review of information gathering and sharing among intelligence agencies received poor reviews following the recent Christmas day airline bombing attempt. has more here.

It appears it would be wise for President Obama to review his organization chart and clearly define the duties and responsibilities of this position, prior to hiring a replacement.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Friday, May 21

    • 9:30 am
    • President Obama and Vice President Biden receive the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 10:45 am
    • President Obama delivers remarks and signs a presidential memorandum on green vehicles
    • 12:30 pm
    • President Obama and Vice President Biden have lunch
    • 3:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden meets with Djibouti President Ismail Omar Guelleh

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-20-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, the morning after a White House state dinner, President Felipe Calderon will address a joint session of Congress -
last night was a evening including great food, friendly toasts, and great music. Today, he will discuss immigration, drugs and the economy as he addresses members of Congress. You can read more here.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) fails in motion to move Finance Reform bill forward -
as I reported yesterday morning, several liberal Democratic Senators; Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) would not vote to move the bill to a vote. Their action due to their personal amendments to the bill had not been voted on. The final vote was 57-42 with Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) absent. Specter, on Tuesday lost the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania. Harry Reid also voted against his own motion which allows him to bring up the motion again. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), who was going to vote to move the bill to an up or down vote, changed his mind at the last moment and voted against. has more here.


Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) uses National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report to promote passage of Climate/Energy bill -
the NAS report shows climate change is occurring and human activities are the major reason. The bill introduced by Kerry and Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) calls for a 17% reduction of emissions by 2020 and 80% by 2050. has more here.


Senate Hearing dates set for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan -
Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) announced the hearings would begin on June 28. Meanwhile, a recent Newsweek article points out her writings for her college paper "The Daily Princetonian" show a liberal side to Kagan. You can read more here.


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Stay tuned....

Cleopatra Campbell Files to Run for Orphans Court Judge

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, long time Frederick County attorney Cleopatra Campbell filed the paperwork to become a Republican candidate for Orphans Court Judge.

In Frederick County, Maryland there are three Orphans Court Judges who are elected every four years. These Judges handle issues surrounding the disposition and administration of Wills.

Cleopatra Campbell and Mary Storm were the first two women lawyers to practice law in Frederick County, both in 1967. Ms. Campbell, who is the widow of G. Eugene Anderson, first worked as an associate at the firm; Mathias, Mathias, and Michel.

After five years, she became the first assistant State's Attorney working with State's Attorney Bob Rothenhoefer and Deputy State's Attorney Tommy Dorsey. Ms. Campbell informed me that in addition to being the first woman prosecutor, she practiced civil law. At the time the assistant State's Attorney was a part time 35 hour per week job which paid $8,500.00 with no benefits.

Several years later, she resigned and took up private practice, including partnering with local attorney Tom Slater for ten years. While, she held a retirement party five years ago, she is still practicing law.

When asked why she was running, Ms. Campbell "said she was knowledgeable in this area of law and should she be elected, it would allow her to be of benefit to the community".

The deadline for candidates to file is July 6. The primary election will be held on September 14 and the General Election will follow on November 2.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Thursday, May 20

    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama receives the economic daily briefing
    • 11:00 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 11:00 am
    • Vice President Biden attends President Calderón's address to a Joint Session of Congress at the Capitol
    • 1:00 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs delivers briefing
    • 1:15 pm
    • Vice President Biden meets with Sen. Kerry
    • 3:30 pm
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden meet with Secretary Geithner

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-19-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama meets with the President of Mexico Felipe Calderon at the White House -
sure to be topics of discussion are immigration, drugs, and the economy. has more here. Tonight, a state dinner will be held at the White House.


Sestak beats Specter, Crist wins Pennsylvania special election, Paul wins in Kentucky and Halter/Lincoln to face each other in a runoff -
it was enjoyable watching the returns come in last night. had live updates on all the races.

In the Pennsylvania special election to fill the seat of deceased Representative John Murtha (D), Democrat Mark Crist won 53%-46% against Republican Tim Burns. Republican leadership wanted this win to point to changes they hope will happen nationwide in the fall elections. Fortunately, for the Democrats, that did not happen.

However, these two will not stop campaigning as they will face each other again in the November general election. You can read more here.

The win by Representative Joe Sestak over newly declared Democratic Senator Arlen Specter was one I was pulling for. Sestak won easier than expected with the final tally being 54%-46%. Sestak will be facing a tough Republican opponent in Pat Toomey in the November election.

Many of us did not like the changing of political parties by a 30 year Senator, for the sole purpose of being reelected and were also unhappy with the deal made by Democratic Party leadership to back Specter in the primary. However, Specter's vote during the remainder of this congress will be needed. Sestak will also need Specter's support in November. So let's hope an over amount of gloating does not transpire, while I must admit I am smiling as I type this paragraph.

In Arkansas, it was Democratic businessman D.C. Morrison who was the spoiler and perhaps the new kingmaker in the Democratic Senate primary. Morrison received a little over 14% of the vote forcing a runoff election between incumbent Blanche Lincoln (43%) and Lt. Governor Bill Halter (42%).

Lincoln came under fire by the far left netroots such as and Democracy for America for her conservative votes and they threw their support to Halter. Arkansas state law requires a majority vote and a runoff is necessary between the top two finishers. The runoff election will be June 8.

If Morrison throws his support to Halter, which is probable, the June 8 election will be tilted toward the Lt. Governor. However, Lincoln still receives the support of former President Bill Clinton, so expect the election to be close.

In Kentucky, it was the established Republican leadership that took the hit when Rand Paul won easily by 24 points over Trey Grayson who received the support of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Republican Senator Jim Bunning, who was ushered to the retirement door by McConnell, got even by endorsing and throwing support to Rand Paul.

The NY Times has a recap here.

Oregon, which has voting by mail, did not have any surprises in their primary. For sports fans, former NBA Portland Trailblazers player Chris Dudley won the Republican primary for Governor. He will face favored and former Democratic two term Governor John Kitzhaber in the general election. has more here.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to call for vote on Financial Reform today -
it does not appear it will be easy to get the 60 votes needed to end discussion and move to a final vote. Democratic Senators Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) are upset their amendments have been tabled by Republicans and consequently are threatening not to vote for cloture. Dorgan's amendment calls for an end to trading in credit default swaps and Cantwell's amendment segregates consumer and investment banks. Liberal Democrats are also upset with Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) who has an amendment that would soften Senator Blanche Lincoln's strict provision on regulating derivatives. has more here. Stay tuned...


On the foreign policy front, U.S. in security talks with Pakistan today -
CIA director Leon Panetta and National Security Advisor General James Jones met with Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari to discuss strategy. Zardari needs continued U.S. support for both military and economic development. The U.S. needs Pakistan to continue to crack down on Islamic militants within their borders, especially in the Warziristan region. has more here.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Wednesday, May 19

    • 9:30 am
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden, First Lady, Dr. Biden welcome President Calderón and Mrs. Zavala to the White House
    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama holds a bilateral meeting with President Calderón
    • 10:55 am
    • President Obama holds an expanded bilateral meeting with President Calderón and Official U.S. and Official Mexican Delegations
    • 11:50 am
    • President Obama and President Calderón hold a joint press conference
    • 1:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden, Dr. Biden, Secretary Clinton host lunch in honor of President Calderón and Mrs. Zavala at the State Department, Vice President Biden delivers toast remarks
    • 3:30 pm
    • President Obama meets with Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Lou Susman
    • 4:15 pm
    • President Obama, Vice President Biden meet with Secretary of State Clinton
    • 6:00 pm
    • President Obama, First Lady welcome President Calderón and Mrs. Zavala
    • 6:30 pm
    • President Obama, First Lady take official photo with President Calderón and Mrs. Zavala
    • 7:10 pm
    • President Obama, First Lady attend the State Dinner with President Calderón and Mrs. Zavala, President Obama, President Calderón deliver toasts
    • 8:30 pm
    • President Obama, First Lady attend the State Dinner Reception with President Calderón and Mrs. Zavala

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama visits Youngstown, Ohio -
this continues his effort to visit main street, America and discusses the success of the stimulus bill in creating jobs and putting the economy on better footing. has more here.


Stay tuned for Primary results today -
lots of races to keep an eye on. Arkansas U.S. senate seat has Democrats Blanche Lincoln (incumbent) and Lt. Governor Bill Halter in a close race. Over in Pennsylvania, Incumbent Democratic Senator Arlen Specter is neck and neck with Representative Joe Sestak.

Also in Pennsylvania, the special election to replace the late Representative Jack Murtha takes place with another close race between Republican Tim Burns and Democrat Mark Crist.

Over, in Kentucky, keep an eye on Rand Paul, the son of Ron he tries to unseat Republican party supported Trey Grayson.

Will incumbents hang on, will Republicans gain a House seat or will Democrats keep a seat are questions to be answered. has more here.


Republican Representative Mark Souder (R-Ind.) to resign today in wake of another sex scandal -
this time it is for an affair with a female aide. The married with three children Congressman informed House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.) he would make his announcement this morning. has more here.


Meanwhile, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Connecticut; Richard Blumenthal is being questioned as to his statements made about his time served in the military during the Viet Nam war - the state Attorney General is the early favorite to replace the retiring Chris Dodd. Seems, he often would talk about his military involvement during the Viet Nam war, yet records show he filed for and received five deferments from 1965-1970. Stay tuned, for if true this could upset the race for the Connecticut Senate seat. has more here.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to move for final Senate vote on Finance Reform bill -
after Republicans stopped for three straight days, the bill from going forward for debate, over 300 amendments have been offered and the bill has grown to 1400 pages. Reid will move to end debate with a final vote as early as tomorrow. has more here.

There is much more legislation to be considered yet this year by the senate including the Energy/Climate bill and Immigration reform.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Tuesday, May 18

    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama receives the economic daily briefing
    • 11:20 am
    • President Obama departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 11:50 am
    • President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Youngstown, Ohio
    • 12:50 pm
    • President Obama arrives in Youngstown, Ohio
    • 1:00 pm
    • Vice President Biden delivers remarks at a rally for Governor Chet Culver
    • 1:20 pm
    • President Obama tours the facilities of V&M Star
    • 1:45 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks on jobs and the economy to workers
    • 3:20 pm
    • President Obama departs Youngstown, Ohio en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 4:25 pm
    • President Obama arrives at Andrews Air Force Base
    • 4:55 pm
    • President Obama arrives at the White House
    • 5:15 pm
    • President Obama meets with Jewish Members of the Democratic Caucuses

Monday, May 17, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-17-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will sign into law the Daniel Pearl Freedom of The Press Act -
as a result of the tragic death of Wall Street Journalism Daniel Pearl in Pakistan as he was pursuing a story on terrorism.

The law reemphasizes to foreign nations the importance the United States feels toward the freedom of the press everywhere in the world and it's intent to prosecute those who violate the provisions. You can read more here.


GM posts profit for the first time in three years - the first quarter profit was 865 million. So much for the naysayers of the Obama administration. GM is on track to make a full repayment of the 50 billion loaned to them by the U.S. government by the end of this year. A public offering would be made of the 61% ownership by the U.S. government. has more here.


Pennsylvania Senate race too close to call -
Democratic Representative Joe Sestak has closed hard in the weeks leading up to the primary tomorrow and leads incumbent Arlen Specter 42% - 41%. Specter, a lifelong Republican changed political parties when conservative Republicans expressed anger at his support of the Stimulus bill. Even with the support of President Obama and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, Specter has steadily lost support of voters. Quinnipiac has more here.

The margin could increase by either candidate as the poll conducted May 12-16 showed 16% of the voters were still undecided and even more important 25% who committed to a candidate said they may still change their mind.

While a Specter victory will likely spread anti-incumbent fever thoughts by main street pundits, his loss is more likely a result of voters being unhappy with the deal making in Congress today. Specter's change of political parties was strictly due to his wish to keep his job and the voters see this.


Runoff may result from vote in Arkansas tomorrow -
Incumbent Democratic U.S. senator is facing tough competition from Lt. Governor Bill Halter in tomorrow's primary election. Halter is the netroots darling; winning the support of, while Halter has the support of former president Bill Clinton. A third Democratic candidate in the race; D.C. Morrison may win enough votes to deny either of the other two a majority of the vote. This would result in a state constitution mandated runoff election on June 8. The Washington Post has more here.


For those of you who may have missed the Sunday morning "Talking Heads", has some highlights below.


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White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Monday, May 17

    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:30 am
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers
    • 11:35 am
    • President Obama signs the Freedom of Press Act in the Oval Office
    • 1:05 pm
    • President Obaman hosts NCAA champs UConn women's basketball team at the White House
    • 1:30 pm
    • Press Secretary Gibbs delivers the daily press briefing

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-15-2010

George Wenschhof

Small businesses win one against Banks in Finance reform bill amendment - an amendment offered by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to limit fees charged to businesses by banks when customers use credit cards passed with 64 Senators, including 17 Republicans voting in favor. The NY Times has more here.


Sunday morning "Talking Heads" lineup - expect a lot of discussion on the nomination by President Obama of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee will be appearing on many of the morning shows. in addition, there will be talk on the status of the Finance Reform bill.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Senators Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Chuch Schumer (D-NY)

ABC "This Week" - Senators Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) and Jeff sessions (R-Ala.).

CBS "Face The Nation" - Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) - look to see the recently passed Immigration bill in Arizona to be discussed.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) who just lost the Republican state convention vote after three terms in his bid to be the Republican nominee. Democratic opponents for the U.S. Senate in next week's Pennsylvania primary will also appear. Representative Joe Sestak has taken a narrow lead in recent polls over newly turned Democratic incumbent senator Arlen Specter.

Fox News Sunday - Former First Lady Laura Bush and former House Speaker Newt


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Obama Weekly Address 5-15-2010

George Wenschhof

As Senate Republicans continue to work to water down the Finance Reform bill, President Obama speaks about the importance of the many benefits in the bill for consumers.


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Friday, May 14, 2010

White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

Friday, May 14

    • 10:10 am
    • President Obama honors the TOP COPS award recipients in a ceremony
    • 11:15 am
    • President Obama meets with cabinet members, other administration officials to discuss ongoing efforts to stop the BP oil spill, help affected communities
    • 11:50 am
    • President Obama makes a statement to the press about the oil spill meeting

Thursday, May 13, 2010

White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Thursday, May 13

    • 10:00 am
    • President Obama receives the economic daily briefing
    • 10:50 am
    • President Obama departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base
    • 11:20 am
    • President Obama departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Buffalo, New York
    • 12:25 pm
    • President Obama arrives in Buffalo, New York
    • 1:35 pm
    • President Obama tours the facilities of Industrial Support Inc.
    • 1:50 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks on the economy and take questions from workers and small businesses in the audience
    • 3:20 pm
    • President Obama departs Buffalo, New York
    • 4:25 pm
    • President Obama arrives in New York, New York
    • 7:05 pm
    • President Obama delivers remarks at a DCCC fundraising dinner
    • 8:35 pm
    • President Obama departs New York, New York
    • 9:30 pm
    • President Obama arrives Andrews Air Force Base
    • 9:55 pm
    • President Obama arrives at the White House

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Campaign Funds and Control Crucial for Democrats in Maryland District 3 State Senate Race

George Wenschhof

Last week, Democrat Don DeArmon finally made official his race for the Maryland district 3 state senate seat. I was the first to
report on March 22 he had filed a campaign committee with the state which allowed him to raise funds and judge support for his campaign. I used the same approach when I explored running for this seat back in 2006.

Mr. DeArmon will now face former four term City of Frederick mayor Ron Young in the Democratic primary on September 14. Additional candidates may file up through July 6.

The amount of campaign funds raised by candidates is important as incumbent three term Republican Alex Mooney is a heavyweight when it comes to raising funds for his campaigns. His far right ideology which includes opposing the rights of women and gays, brings him donations from across the country.

While I raised $16,000 with my candidate committee, I made the judgement it was insufficient for me to unseat Alex Mooney back in 2006. After I informed the local Democratic leadership I would not be running, they asked that I file as they had no candidate. After filing, it was discovered that Democrat Candy Greenway had filed and I withdrew, offering my support.

Ms. Greenway was able to raise about the same level of funds as I had from her date of filing and prior to the general election. She supplemented her campaign funds with a $30,000 loan. While a newcomer to politics, she did manage to narrow the margin of loss.

My decision to withdraw was based on Mr. Mooney having raised and spent nearly one million against his Democratic opponent Sue Hecht in the 2002 election. Sue Hecht also raised an incredible amount close to $750,000 which was supplemented by Maryland Senate President Mike Miller's senate campaign committee by at least $100,000, only to lose to Alex Mooney by ten percentage points.

I realized that while my campaign had raised $16,000, it would be like using spitballs against an opponent with a Tank.

The discussion of campaign funds is important as is the use of door-to-door campaign tactics. In spite of admirable intentions by candidates, this approach has limited success when trying to reach what will be about 80,000 registered voters in district 3.

The mind boggling funds spent by Mooney and Hecht in 2002 will hopefully never be repeated. However, it is important to note the average funds spent in a Maryland state senate race is around $150,000.

While candidate campaign reports are not due until a few weeks prior to the primary election, both Don DeArmon and Ron Young volunteered where they currently stood in fund raising.

Don DeArmon is a previous candidate for Congress in the Maryland sixth district who has raised hundreds of thousands in a campaign. Also a veteran staffer on the Hill, he informed me he had $50,000 cash on hand.

Ron Young, who was the first to publicly announce in January and the first Democrat to file, informed me he had raised about $18,000. Young raised in excess of $100,000 in the 2005 City of Frederick election. After being out of office for sixteen years, he beat incumbent Democratic mayor Jennifer Dougherty in the primary. Only, to lose to political neophyte Republican Jeff Holtzinger in the general election.

Mr. Young also pointed out to me that his funds were received from about 200 people with an average of about $90.00. I did not ask Mr. DeArmon for any detail on his contributions.

Both Democratic candidates realize they will need to raise additional funds to be competitive. However, both intend to make use of the old shoe leather door-to-door approach to meeting voters. Mr. DeArmon has even arranged to take a leave of absence from his job as the campaign heats up.

Mr. DeArmon informed me Stephen Slater will be his campaign manager and that he intends to also make good use of his campaign website which can be read at In his announcement, he highlighted the need to "fix I-270" and he intends to add his positions on a variety of issues on his campaign website for voters to easily read.

Ron Young said he was still about ten days away from his campaign website going live. His wife Karen Young, who ran her own successful campaign for alderperson in last year's City of Frederick election will be his campaign manager.

While raising funds will be important for the Democratic nominee, controlling their own campaign after the primary will be even more important. Miller, in his desire to defeat Republican ultra conservative nemesis Alex Mooney, has been heavy handed in direct mail composition and target mailing areas for the Democratic nominee in the last two elections.

Unfortunately, this over reaching on the part of the senate campaign committee has backfired with losing results in the 2002 and 2006 elections.

The direct mail pieces used by the Maryland senate committee were over the top in their negativity, to the point close Hecht supporters complained to me after receiving them in the 2002 election.

Besides negative attacks being counter productive in district 3, the practice of using the same mail house to mail for all Democratic state senate candidates resulted in multiple mailings hitting a voters mail box the same day at the end of the Sue Hecht campaign.

Precincts which were heavily Democratic, were also inundated with negative direct mail and they were already voting for Ms. Hecht which was a waste of funds. In addition, Miller's then chief of staff Tim Perry was calling almost daily to the campaign manager of Sue Hecht, offering advise.

Unfortunately, the practice continued in the 2006 general election with outrageous negative direct mail by the state senate committee.

The reason for the use of negative attacks on political opponents is political operatives of major political parties have found it generally effective in narrowing margins between candidates.

Back in 2006, I met with the young man Mike Miller had put in charge of his committee and informed him that if I became the nominee, I would welcome their support, but I would have final approval on the what, when and where of how direct mail was used.

Fortunately, in talking with both declared Democratic candidates Ron Young and Don DeArmon, they have assured me they have already had similar talks with Mike Miller's office and were in agreement they should control their campaign message.

The time is right for a Democrat to win the Maryland third district state senate seat. Both Mr. DeArmon and Mr. Young are well qualified for the position. Either will be more effective in serving the voters and their interests in Annapolis than incumbent Alex Mooney.

I hope Maryland Senate President Mike Miller is listening.


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Air-it-Out with George Wenschhof, click on "Subscribe to this feed" below or use the sign up box located in the upper right hand margin.

White House Schedule


The Political Schedule

*all times Eastern

Wednesday, May 12

    • 9:30 am
    • President Obama receives the presidential daily briefing
    • 10:15 am
    • President Obama holds bilateral meeting with President Karzai
    • 11:15 am
    • President Obama holds a joint press conference with President Karzai
    • 12:25 pm
    • President Obama has lunch with President Karzai
    • 2:00 pm
    • President Obama meets with senior advisers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-11-2010

George Wenschhof

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to propose splitting Mineral Management Services (MMS) into two departments -
The Washington Post has more here.

Salazar and the Obama administration are trying to get ahead of the story surrounding the BP oil rig disaster in the Gulf coast. Salazar has been known to have close connections to oil executives while urging the President to allow off-shore oil drilling. It was also MMS which waived the requirement for BP to submit an Environmental Impact Statement.

MMS has been the subject of reports detailing sex parties and gifts between MMS employees and representatives of oil companies.

The proposal by Salazar would have one department responsible for overseeing the leases and collection of the estimated 10 billion in annual royalties and the other department would be charged with inspecting oil rig, oil companies and enforcing safety regulations.

There is more to this story. Stay tuned...


West Virginia primary today has another incumbent worried -
this time it is Democratic Representative Alan Mollahan who is facing a stiff challenge from Democratic state senator Mike Oliverio. Mollahan has served for decades and this is the first time he has faced a primary since 1998. Stay Tuned... AP has more here.


Democratic Leaders plan to move forward with over 200 billion in additional spending -
the budget supplements are for ongoing programs, such as extension of unemployment benefits, 180 billion for medicare doctor payments and 33 billion for the Afghanistan war. Expect Republicans to throw the pay-go legislation promoted by President Obama and passed to be thrown at the Democrats. Republicans will also point to the current Greece debt crisis. has more here.


DCCC pulls funds from Hawaii special election -
DCCC chair Representative Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) announced the suspension of funding after spending nearing $250,000 in the special election to replace Neil Abercrombie (D), who is running for Governor. has more here.

Republican candidate Charles Djou is winning in the polls due to two Democrats; Collen Hanabusa and Ed Case splitting the vote. A classic case of Democrats beating themselves in a district won by Obama with 70%. Hanabusa has the support of both U.S. Senators and Case was the hopeful by the DCCC.

The emphasis by the DCCC will now be on the general election and supporting the Democratic nominee. In the meantime, a Republican victory in the May 22 special election will be used by them in the spin room.


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Air-it-Out with George Wenschhof, click on "Subscribe to this feed" below or use the sign up box located in the upper right hand margin.