
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-29-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama visited Louisiana yesterday and said the "buck stops with me" as he claimed responsibility-
for the clean up of what will be the largest U.S. oil spill. You can read his remarks on the oil spill here.

The President and his family then headed to Chicago, Illinois to spend the holiday weekend. has details of his plans for the weekend here.


The Sunday morning "Talking Heads" lineup is heavily concentrated on the Gulf coast oil disaster -
Managing Director of BP Robert Dudley is on three of the morning shows and White House Energy Adviser Carol Browner is on two.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Robert Dudley and Carol Browner. Also Representative Luis Guitierrez (D-Ill.) and former Representative J.D. Hayworth who is running against John McCain in the Arizona Republican Senate primary.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Carol Browner and Representative Ed Markey (D-Mass.). Markey has been critical of the efforts to date by BP.

ABC "This Week" - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.). Jindal has been critical of the efforts by president Obama to date in regard to the oil spill. Powell will surely be asked his reaction to the recent House vote repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy toward gay/lesbians in the military.

CNN "State of The Union" - Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Robert Dudley, and Senators Jim Webb (D-Va.) and David Vitter (R-La.).

Fox News Sunday - Robert Dudley, Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) and Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calf.). Issa has been questioning the alleged White House offer of a job to Representative Joe Sestak to induce him to drop out of the Democratic primary against Arlen Specter.


White House statement on Sestak job offer raises more questions - seems White House Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel enlisted the aid of former President Bill Clinton in attempting to ease Representative Joe Sestak out of the Pennsylvania primary against Senator Arlen Specter. The apparent subsequent conversation between Sestak and Clinton was short with Clinton speaking about a possible post on a presidential board and Sestak saying he had no interest. Sestak defeated Specter in the recent primary election. Republican leaders are crying foul and talking about back room deals, etc. Stay tuned... has more here.


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