
Friday, May 21, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-21-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Barack Obama is expected to sign a presidential memorandum on fuel efficiency and emissions standards -
this would direct government agencies to establish new standards for autos and small trucks beyond 2016. He is also expected to push for more development of electric powered cars. has more here.


Senate passes Wall Street Reform bill -
the vote was 59-39 and included Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe from Maine, Scott Brown (Mass.) and Chuck Grassley (Iowa). The NY Times has more here.

This vote came after House Majority leader got to his 60 votes to end the filibuster with his own vote, Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) showing up to vote, and Scott Brown (R-Mass.) changing his vote. The vote on Wednesday to end the filibuster failed by three votes. Democratic Senators Maria Cantwell (WA) and Russ Feingold (Wis.) did not vote for the bill as they felt it was not strong enough.

The House passed their version of finance reform over a year ago. The bill now goes to conference and expectations are it will be ready for the President's signature prior to July 4.

Pay attention during the reconciliation process as Wall Street lobbyists will do everything possible to weaken the bill.


Republicans could win Hawaii special election as Democrats battle -
we will know soon who will be replacing Neil Abercrombie (D), who resigned to run for Governor, as the all mail election requires votes to by tomorrow. AP has more here.

The Republican candidate Charles Djou is running against two Democrats, as is allowed in the special election. The two Democratic candidates are splitting the vote and support from Democratic Party Leaders. State senate president Colleen Hanabusa has the support of the two Hawaii U.S Senators and former Representative Ed Case had the support of the DCCC before chair Chris Van Hollen (DMd.) decided it was not productive.

If Republican Charles Djou wins, the Republican Party will highlight the victory and spin how voters wanted a change. This victory coming after a disappointing lose to Democrats in the Pennsylvania special election.

However, the Republican victory would be short lived and they know it. Democrats will win this seat in the fall election when there is only one Democratic candidate on the ballot.


Blair resignation puts spotlight on role of Director of National intelligence -
the position was created after 9/11 showed weakness in coordination of intelligence. However, the position has never been defined and as a result, reports show turf battles taking place with CIA Director Leon Panetta and National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair. In addition, the review of information gathering and sharing among intelligence agencies received poor reviews following the recent Christmas day airline bombing attempt. has more here.

It appears it would be wise for President Obama to review his organization chart and clearly define the duties and responsibilities of this position, prior to hiring a replacement.


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