
Friday, May 28, 2010

A Warning Shot Hits Home

George Wenschhof

At the age of 57 you slowly realize you are no longer able to do some of the things you did when you were in College. Shoveling my car out after the blizzards this past winter was one reminder of my age.

Lack of exercise, disregard for diet and the accumulation of excess weight seemed to follow the added years.

A recent early morning off balance spell led to a visit to the Emergency Room of Frederick Memorial Hospital and subsequent admission (the first in my life).

Many tests and blood samples were conducted over the next twenty four hours with high blood pressure and high cholesterol being diagnosed.

It appears I experienced what is known as a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), which is commonly called a mini-stroke.

The results from the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) conducted were fortunately negative. A change in diet is in order along with the realization that daily medication will now be part of the norm.

As a result of my experience, let me add one more voice to those reminding you to regularly have your blood pressure checked.

Many thanks go to the Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at Frederick Memorial Hospital.

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