
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Daily Political Wire 5-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama visits Youngstown, Ohio -
this continues his effort to visit main street, America and discusses the success of the stimulus bill in creating jobs and putting the economy on better footing. has more here.


Stay tuned for Primary results today -
lots of races to keep an eye on. Arkansas U.S. senate seat has Democrats Blanche Lincoln (incumbent) and Lt. Governor Bill Halter in a close race. Over in Pennsylvania, Incumbent Democratic Senator Arlen Specter is neck and neck with Representative Joe Sestak.

Also in Pennsylvania, the special election to replace the late Representative Jack Murtha takes place with another close race between Republican Tim Burns and Democrat Mark Crist.

Over, in Kentucky, keep an eye on Rand Paul, the son of Ron he tries to unseat Republican party supported Trey Grayson.

Will incumbents hang on, will Republicans gain a House seat or will Democrats keep a seat are questions to be answered. has more here.


Republican Representative Mark Souder (R-Ind.) to resign today in wake of another sex scandal -
this time it is for an affair with a female aide. The married with three children Congressman informed House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Oh.) he would make his announcement this morning. has more here.


Meanwhile, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Connecticut; Richard Blumenthal is being questioned as to his statements made about his time served in the military during the Viet Nam war - the state Attorney General is the early favorite to replace the retiring Chris Dodd. Seems, he often would talk about his military involvement during the Viet Nam war, yet records show he filed for and received five deferments from 1965-1970. Stay tuned, for if true this could upset the race for the Connecticut Senate seat. has more here.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to move for final Senate vote on Finance Reform bill -
after Republicans stopped for three straight days, the bill from going forward for debate, over 300 amendments have been offered and the bill has grown to 1400 pages. Reid will move to end debate with a final vote as early as tomorrow. has more here.

There is much more legislation to be considered yet this year by the senate including the Energy/Climate bill and Immigration reform.


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