
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republican Presidential Candidate Debate Tonight -
the debate sponsored by NBC News and will begin at 8:00 PM ET. It will be held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California.

Eight candidates, including Texas Governor Rick Perry will participate in the debate. You can read more here. This is the first of three Republican debates to take place over the next three weeks.

Look to see Bachmann try to recapture the attention she received after the Ames, Iowa debate and pay attention to how Perry performs in his first debate. Perry has jumped out in front of the GOP contender polls, but has yet to participate in a debate on the issues.

Romney has to hope his 59 point jobs plan gets him some traction and Huntsman has to put forth more enthusiasm in his responses or in spite of his vast financial resources, he will soon be history.

Out of the remaining four candidates, only Newt Gingrich may survive to campaign for a while longer. Caine, Paul and Santorum are already toast.


McConnell Says Obama Jobs Plan "More of the Same" -
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says what President Obama will present in his televised jobs speech on Thursday will just be more of the same failed policies. has more here.


Will Obama's Jobs Plan be Enough? -
many liberal Democrats fear the upcoming plan to create jobs proposed by the President will not go far enough. has more here.


Treasury Considers Buying More Long Term Bonds -
with the goal of lowering interest rates further to stimulate business expansion. The Washington Post has more here.


Emily's List Backs Baldwin -
one day after Democratic Representative Tammy Baldwin announced she was running for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin. has more here.


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