
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Perry Continues to Lead in Polls -
the latest, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. However, President Obama beats Texas Governor Rick Perry 47% - 42% and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney 46% - 45%.

Obama hits an new low for job approval at 44% and approval for his handling of the economy is at 37%. has more here.

Theses poll results come as the Republican Presidential debate will unfold tomorrow night and President Obama delivers his jobs speech on Thursday.


Romney Puts Forward Jobs Plan -
in a op-ed in USA Today. He speaks in generalities of less government regulations, harnessing nation's energy resources (oil, gas and coal), and job retraining for American workers. While, he has identified 59 specific proposals, he indicates he will begin with a 10 point plan. You can read his piece here.

Tomorrow night at the Republican presidential debate, look for more specifics from Romney as he tries to rise above the other candidates.


Ed Rollins Out As Bachmann Campaign Manager -
a big blow to the Minnesota Representative. Tea Party darling Michelle Bachmann has dropped like a stone in the polls ever since Texas Governor Rick Perry announced.

Rollins says, due to health reasons, he is assuming an adviser role and stepping down as campaign manager. has more here.


Clyburn Pens Goals For Deficit Reduction Committee -
the Democratic Assistant Leader of the House and Representative of South Carolina spells out three goals for the super committee; jobs, cuts and revenue. The Washington Post has the column here.


Richard Codray Begins Confirmation Hearings Today -
he was the one chosen by President Obama over Elizabeth Warren to head the new Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. The Senate Banking Committee will begin hearings prior to the Senate confirmation vote. has more here.


Tammy Baldwin Enters Race for Wisconsin Senate Seat -
the Democrat, if elected would become the first openly serving gay person in the U.S. Senate. The Representative is running to succeed retiring Senator Herb Kohl (D). has more here.


California Democratic Campaign Treasurer Arrested -
Kindee Durkee was arrested on suspicion of mail fraud. She served as campaign treasurer for Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.) and also Representative Loretta Sanchez (Calf.) along with countless other state candidate campaigns. has more here.


Rhode Island Facing Huge Deficit in Pension Funding -
6.8 billion short for pensions for retired teachers, police, and other public employees. Reducing benefits is now on the table for discussion as the state grapples with the problem. The Washington Post has more here.


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1 comment:

  1. I heard Tammy Baldwin speak at a Rainbow Families Conference in Minneapolis a few years back and was very inspired by her! She would be a great addition to the Senate!
