
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Wins GOP Debate -
by looking and sounding more presidential than any of the other candidates. He held his own against Rick Perry, who hurt himself the most with his comments against Social Security. Perry tried to attack Romney on his jobs record as former governor of Massachusetts but Romney was ready with a series of one liners knocking Perry's jobs record as governor of Texas.

Interestingly, the 59 point jobs plan Romney published an op-ed on was never discussed.

Gingrich continued to attack the media; a tactic he used in the Ames, Iowa debate and tried to rise above the obvious attack mode of the top tier candidates by saying all of the Republicans were against Obamacare and would work to repeal it.

Huntsman had a few good moments when he was able to discuss his knowledge of China. While, Bachmann slid even further down among the group. Her attempt to focus on a pledge for two dollar per gallon gas fell flat.

Santorum, Cain and Paul might as well say good bye now.

All is all, a lackluster debate, short on any specifics and opening the door for additional Republican hopeful candidates to enter the race.

Making one wonder if Guiliani or Palin will enter the race?

Eyes will now focus on President Obama tonight when he presents his jobs plan to a joint session of Congress.


Obama's Jobs Speech Tonight -
after the silliness of the scheduling was resolved, President Obama will address a joint session of congress tonight to unveil his latest jobs plan.

Early leaks indicate it will be a 300 Billion stimulus program, paid in part, by taxes on the wealthy. It will contain extended aid for the unemployed, aid to state and local government, business tax cuts and infrastructure spending. None of which, if passed will have an immediate effect on the 9% unemployment rate, according to most economists.

On the reelection side for Obama, he will use this speech to blame a Republican controlled Congress for the economic woes of the country.

What is lacking is a major federally funded public service employment program which would do all of the above while putting the unemployed back to work now.

The televised speech begins at 7:00 PM ET.


Deficit Committee Faces Huge Challenge -
the Congressional Budget Office has estimated government will spend 4.69 trillion more than it takes in with taxes. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Approval Drops Among Blacks, Whites and Hispanics -
an overall slide that is not promising to the President as he heads into his reelection year. Gallup shows his overall approval rating at 41% the end of August. Among Blacks, his approval rating had fallen from 92% to 84%. The approval rating from among Whites had fallen to 33% and among Hispanics to 48%. has more here.


Gaddafi Remains Defiant -
speaking on the airwaves from a radio broadcast from Syria Muammar Gaddafi continued to call the rebels "rats and mercenaries" and promised to stay in Libya.

Meanwhile, reports indicate rebels are preparing to assault the town of Bani Walid, one of the last strongholds of the Gaddafi regime. Other reports indicate Gaddafi loyalists have been fleeing to neighboring Niger. has an update here.


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