
Friday, December 31, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-31-2010

George Wenschhof

New York Times Readers Weigh In on Top Political Moments of 2010 -
from the passage of health care legislation, to the flurry of activity during the lame duck session. You can read more here.

--- Looks at the Top Ten Worst decisions for 2010 -
From Delaware Republicans nomination Christine "I am not a Witch' O'Donnell for Senate, to Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) firing his lawyer before his ethics hearing. You can read them here.


Chris Cillizza Takes a look at 2011 -
on his Washington Post "The Fix" Blog. He wonders how the incoming Republican "tea party" backed members of congress will get along with the other Republicans, whether immigration legislation will be passed and more. You can read it here.


CNN Poll Shows optimism Up For 2011 -
63% are optimistic what the new year will bring, which is up 12% from one year ago. has more here.


How will Unemployment Effect the 2012 Presidential Election?
- an interesting question with the answer being; significantly. No president since WWII has been elected with unemployment rates as high as they are today. When Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 with unemployment at 7.6%, it was the highest rate in over 50 years. has more here.


What is Obamanomics? -
Ezra Klein takes a stab at defining the major components of the Obama administration approach to the economy. In spite of being hammered by the GOP, Obama's purchase of GM has turned out to be a success, Stimulus I and the most recently passed Stimulus II (disguised as the tax compromise) has kept unemployment from skyrocketing, and low interest rates and the buying of mortgages have kept the Housing industry afloat. You can read more here.


Pathway to Citizenship Most Difficult part of Immigration Reform -
agreement between Democrats and Republicans on methods to strengthen U.S. borders, enforcing laws against business who hire illegal immigrants, and the creation of a universal ID, all seem to be reachable, among the politicians on the Hill.

However, once the discussion turns to how to create a pathway to citizenship, the divide remains huge. has more here.


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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-30-2010

George Wenschhof

Stocks gain, Unemployment Filings Drop -
good news to end the year. New unemployment filings dropped 34,000 to the lowest since July 2008. has more here.

The Dow Jones closed at 11,585, the highest level in two years. You can read more here.


Christine "I am Not a Witch" O'Donnell Under Investigation for misuse of campaign funds -
the former tea party Senate candidate in Delaware has long been accused of spending campaign funds for rent and other personal uses. has more here.

O'Donnell denies having done anything wrong. The NY Times has more here.

Obama makes Recess Appointments -
yesterday, the president announced ambassador appointments and a deputy attorney general. The appointments had been held up by various Republicans who objected to the nominees.James Cole was appointed as Deputy A.G. and Robert Ford as Ambassador of Syria. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Has 47% Approval Rating -
the latest Gallup poll shows the president did not receive an immediate bounce after the successful end of the lame duck session of congress. in fact, his approval rating dropped 2 points. has more here.


Do you have your thoughts of the top Political Gaffes of 2010? -
below, CNN highlights theirs:


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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-29-2010

George Wenschhof

Alaska Board of Elections Certifies Murkowski as Winner in Senate Race -
after Republican Joe Miller indicated he would not attempt to block the certification, a judge lifted his stay order. The Governor is expected to sign the certification tomorrow which will allow Independent Lisa Murkowski to be sworn in on January 5. The Washington Post has more here.

Miller reserves the right to continue his legal challenge, but his chances of success are minute. His main challenge of incorrectly spelled Murkowki votes are just over 8,000 and Murkowski won with over 10,000 votes.


More Trouble on the Horizon for the Economy -
recovering from the financial meltdown of 2008 continues to be elusive. Continuing Bank failures illustrate the problem as there were more bank failures in 2010 since 1992 - the last financial crisis fueled by the savings and loans debacle. 157 banks failed this year, on top of the 140 which failed last year. The F.D.I.C. has another 860 banks on their troubled list. You can read more here.


Steele, 4 Others Agree to RNC Chair Debate -
on January 3, embattled Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele will debate four challengers. The debate will be moderated by Ticker Carlson and Grover Norquist. You can read more here.


Chicago Mayor Candidate Warns Clinton and Obama to "Stay out of Race" -
Representative Danny Davis is upset over the planned visit by former President Bill Clinton to stump for Rahm Emanuel who is also running for Mayor of Chicago. The Chicago SunTimes has more here.


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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-28-2010

George Wenschhof

Obama and Clinton - Most Admired -
President Obama topped the Gallup poll for the third straight year with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the most admired woman for 2010. has more on the poll results here.


Obama to Unveil 2012 Budget in Mid February -
the deficit has been running over 1 trillion for the first two years of the Obama administration, as the emphasis has been on stimulating the anemic economy. Now, effort with be on a more lean budget. has more here.

The timing is a little strange or brilliant as the continuing resolution for fiscal year 2011 with come to an end on March 4. This means the budget for the remainder of 2011 and 2012 will be front and center on Capitol hill come Valentines Day.


How Will New Congress Operate? -
a good question which many are awaiting the answer. President Obama aided by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) showed in the lame duck congress that they were able to attract Republicans to vote with them and pass legislation. Thirteen Republican senators broke ranks with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to ratify the New START Treaty. Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post has his take here.


Maryland Barbara Mikulski to Become Longest Serving Woman Senator -
when she is sworn in to serve her fifth term, she will pass the record of 24 years held by the late Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine).
Below, CNN has a short interview with her.


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Monday, December 27, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-27-2010

George Wenschhof

Snow Storm Cuts into Travel and Spending -
thankfully after suffering back to back blizzards a year ago, my niche in the East Coast located 40 miles west of D.C., missed the storm which has hammered much of the upper east coast, closing airports and cutting into after Christmas spending by consumers. has more here.


President Obama attends Sunday Church Services -
at a chapel located on the marine base where he visited troops on Christmas Day. The president has been criticized by some for not regularly attending church services in Washington. The Caucus has more here.


Who will be the new Statesmen in Congress? -
the Lion in the Senate; Ted Kennedy passed away, Chris Dodd has retired, so who is left to bring sense and reason to a very convoluted and presently polarized partisan government process? The NY Times has more here.


Murkowski to finally be Declared Winner in Alaska Senate Race - Joe Miller announced today he will not contest the certification of Lisa Murkowski as the winner in the election held on November 2. However, he said he would continue his legal fight to throw out misspelled votes for Murkowski. The Judge who issued a stay on the certification of Murkowski must now decide whether to lift his stay and allow Murkowski to be sworn in. The Washington Post has more here.


What Programs will Incoming Speaker of the House John Boehner Propose Cutting? -
a question mostly left unanswered during the mid term election campaign. He wants to cut 100 Billion from the 1 Trillion budget, which is about 3 per cent. He'll have his first chance to do so when the continuing resolution expires March 4. has more here.


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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-26-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, President Obama and The First Lady visited Troops -
on Christmas Day, they spent an hour with U.S. troops at a marine base in Honolulu as they gathered for their Christmas dinner. The Huffington Post has more here.


White House Press secretary Robert Gibbs appeared on CNN "State of The Union" this morning and said he looked forward to Republicans being more accountable in the incoming Congress. They will no longer be able to just say "no".


Top Political Moments in 2010 -
below, takes their stab at the top political moments of the year. Tea Party backed candidate Christine O'Connell's "I am Not a Witch" campaign ad makes my top ten.


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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Obama Weekly Address 12-25-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, the President and First Lady wish everyone a Merry Christmas and remind Americans to support our troops and their families over the holiday season.


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Republican Weekly Address 12-25-2010

George Wenschhof

Representative Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) thanks all the U.S. military members serving around the world and the emergency responders who are always working over the holiday season.


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Friday, December 24, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-24-2010

George Wenschhof

Russia Holds First Vote to Ratify START -
their lower House voted 35-58 to ratify the treaty which just received U.S. Congressional approval. Two additional approvals are needed for full Russian approval and they are expected in the early new year. has more here.


Obama To Make Changes in White House Staff -
not an unusual move when looking at past presidential administrations. The proposed reorganization will be reviewed by President Obama over the Holidays and he is expected to make announcements in early January.

One known change is the arrival of David Plouffe as his senior White house adviser who will take the place of David Axelrod. The two architects of the successful 2008 Obama campaign are essentially trading places as Axelrod will take over the campaign effort to reelect Obama in 2012. The NY Times has a good read here.


Obama "State of the Union" Scheduled for late January -
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said it will take place after the visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao on January 19, 2011.

The focus will include the federal budget and reducing the national debt. has more here.

The president has also given hints he will propose an overhaul of the current tax system.

A major issue unaddressed so far during the Obama administration is immigration reform. The DREAM Act which provided a pathway to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants failed in the lame duck congress.

The Obama administration would be well served to make major immigration reform a major goal of the 112th congress, instead of it becoming a campaign debate in the 2012 presidential campaign.


Chicago Elections Commission Give Rahm OK to Run for Mayor -
several dozen lawsuits challenging Rahm Emanuel's residency resulted lead to the just recently concluded hearing on the matter. The vote was 3-0 and followed a 35 page recommendation by the hearing officer that residency had been proved. The Chicago tribune has move here.


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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-23-2010

George Wenschhof

What Will 112th Congress Bring? -
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is already spinning the successful lame duck session as harbinger of things to come. After two years of obstructionism and saying "No" by the Republicans, a slew of important bills were passed in a bipartisan manner during the lame duck session. Schumer believes it's a sign politicians from both side of the aisle understand the recent mid term election was a statement by voters they want to see more cooperation in Congress. You can read more here.


How Will 111th Congress Be Viewed over Time? -
a period that included a massive stimulus bill, approval of health care, and closed with another massive stimulus bill which was disguised as a tax bill extension, repeal of D.A.D.T., and the ratification of the New START treaty with Russia.

The accomplishments were many and some are already comparing it to the days of FDR's New Deal. The NY Times has a good read here.


Obama Arrives in Honolulu for Holidays -
he joins his wife and daughters who arrived last Saturday. The president stayed behind as the lame duck congress worked to conclude business. His hopes are for a quiet vacation with the family, returning to D.C. for the new year. It was a year ago on Christmas Day, the underwear bomber attempted to detonate a bomb aboard an airliner bound for Detroit. has more here.


Update on Rahm Emanuel Residency -
the former White House Chief of Staff won the support of the Chicago Hearing Board officer. His decision came after a week of hearings on the matter of did he meet the one year residency requirement to run for Mayor of Chicago. The Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners must now vote on the matter. The Washington Post has more here.


Murkowski Senate Win Could be Certified before New Year -
Joe Miller lost his suit in front of the Alaska state supreme court questioning the validity of votes awarded to Senator Lisa Murkowski in her write-in victory. Miller has until Monday to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and if he does not Murkowski will finally be certified as the winner in the November 2 election. has more here.


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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lame Duck Passes START and 9/11 Health Care

George Wenschhof

After plenty of obstruction in the Senate led by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Jon Kyl (R-Az.), the New Start treaty with Russia was ratified by a 71-26 vote. AP has more here.

Thirteen Republicans joined all Democrats, in ratifying the treaty today. Even Democrat Ron Wyden (Ore.), who had prostate surgery two days ago, was present to cast his vote in favor. A two-thirds vote was necessary to ratify a treaty.

Also approved today by Congress was 4.3 billion health care aid package to 9/11 Responders who suffer illnesses as a result of their heroic action. The NY Times has more here.

These approvals come after a compromise agreement on a 858 billion tax extension bill and the repeal of the D.A.D.T. policy in the military.

In a press conference taking place as I write this update, President Obama expressed his satisfaction of the bills which have passed during the lame duck congress, but expressed disappointment in the failure to pass the DREAM act.

Obama promised to return to immigration reform in the new congress. The other newsworthy comment by the president was his answer to a question pertaining to the closing of Gitmo prison in Guantanamo Bay. I reported earlier today, an executive order was being prepared to continue the holding of terrorist prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. The president said he would comment when an upcoming report is made available, but also expressed disappointment they have not yet closed the prison as he promised during the 2008 campaign.

The president will head to Hawaii tonight to join his family for the Holidays.


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Daily Political Wire 12-22-2010

George Wenschhof

START Ratification Expected Today -
after several days of intense lobbying by the Obama administration, the debate in the senate on the START treaty came to a close yesterday by a vote of 67-28. Eleven Republicans broke with their leadership and voted for the treaty to proceed to a final vote. Unless, those Republicans who voted to end discussion have second thoughts, the treaty will be ratified today. The Washington Post has more here.


House and Senate Pass Continuing Resolution -
to fund government until March 4. This sets up the incoming congress with having to deal with funding for the remainder of the fiscal year which ends on September 30. has more here.


Obama Signs Repeal of D.A.D.T. -
this morning, at a signing ceremony which included many who had fought hard for the repeal. A 60 day period must expire before the repeal goes into effect and then the military will have time to implement so changes will not necessarily be felt in the immediate future. has more here.


White House Prepares Executive Order for Guantanamo Bay Prisoners -
174 prisoners remain and 48 of these the administration has determined to continue holding indefinitely. The executive order would provide for a systematic review of the prisoners being held and determination as to whether they continue to pose a threat - a type of parole board. The NY Times has more here.


Halliburton Settles Charges Against Cheney for 35 Million -
charges had been filed by the Nigerian government against the former Vice President and others for bribery over a ten year period. The bribes were allegedly used to secure construction of a natural gas plant. has more


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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Apportionment Released By Census Bureau

George Wenschhof

The population in the U.S. grew 9.7% since 2000 and now stands just under 309 million. For those who want to know how this impacts the numbers of House seats per state, a total of 18 states will experience a change by the 2012 election. The Census Bureau has more here.

Most of these states either lost or gained one representative in Congress. At first blush, it appears Republicans will gain as Texas gained 4 seats and Florida gained 2. While New York and Ohio lost 2 seats.

The other states to gain one seat are Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Georgia, S. Carolina and Washington.

The states who lost one seat are Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Michigan, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Governors and state legislatures will now go about redistricting their states, a process that takes place every ten years. The Census Bureau also has a interactive map so you can see the change in your state. You can see it here.

Maryland did not have a change and will continue to have 8 Representatives, six of which are Democrats. In Maryland an effort is anticipated by Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley and a dominated Democratic General Assembly to provide additional Democratic voters to district 1. Democrats were able to win this seat in 2008 with Frank Kratovil, only to have it be taken back by Republican Andy Harris in the recent mid term elections.

Additional tweaking of state districts by Maryland is expected, but it remains doubtful heavily Republican oriented district 6 will be able to expect the benefit of additional Democratic voters. Look to see former Maryland Secretary of State John Willis to be involved in the process as he chaired the last effort in this regard and is extremely knowledgeable of the process.

Republicans, after the mid terms have 29 Governors and Democrats 20. There is also I Independent.

O'Malley was also recently appointed chair of the Democratic Governors Association and redistricting will be a major focus for him over the next two years.

For political wonks, the next two years of maneuvering by state governors and their legislatures, is a must follow, as it will directly impact the 2012 elections.


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Daily Political Wire 12-21-2010

George Wenschhof

F.C.C. To Rule on Internet Use -
a controversial issue, known to some as net neutrality, which has fostered for some time. Expectations are the federal Trade Commission will present a compromise of sorts which will prohibit providers like Comcast from blocking web access , but allow restrictions on web applications. The NY Times has more here.


Debate on START Treaty to End Today -
the vote is expected to take place tomorrow, or possibly today, with two-thirds needed in the Senate for ratification. President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton have all been calling Republican Senators as they know they will need nine of the Republicans to obtain ratification. Yesterday, the Senators were given a secret intelligence briefing supporting the ratification of the treaty with Russia which further reduces nuclear arsenals and provides for on the ground verification. has more here.


Census Data Set for Release Today -
every ten years, per the constitution, population shifts dictate representation in Congress. Republican oriented states Texas, Utah and Arizona are expected to gain representatives, while Democratic leaning states Michigan and New York are expected to lose seats.

Governors and state legislatures across the country will be redrawing districts as a result of the census data. has more here.

For political junkies, this redistricting is a major happening which can and most likely will have a direct impact on the 2012 presidential election.


Pence For Governor? -
Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post reports Indiana Lt.Governor Becky Skillman will not run for Governor due to health issues. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is term limited and also rumored to be considering a run for president in 2012.

Representative (R-Ind.) also has been rumored to be in the race for the 2012 Republican nomination for president. However, a run for Governor is much more likely. The Washington Post Caucus Blog has more here.


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Monday, December 20, 2010

Frederick County Political Buzz

George Wenschhof

New Frederick County Maryland Board of County Commissioners take Office -
in a swearing in ceremony I attended at the Null Building located on the Frederick Fairgrounds. A nice crowd attended on a chilly and rainy day.

The first time I can recall an all Republican Board of Commissioners having won election in Frederick County. This punctuates the work cut out for the new chair of the Frederick Democratic Central Committee Myrna Whitworth.

The first comments and actions taken by the new Board pertained to benefits received by county commissioners - as all three of the new commissioners are employed and receiving benefits, they saw no need to receive county benefits and moved to remove them, joined by board president Blaine Young. While the savings are minor compared to the size of the overall county budget, the proposal is in line with campaign promises made by four of the commissioners.

A better final action would be to make the benefits an option to elected commissioners. Not all candidates in the future will have benefits from another job to rely on and the lack of these benefits could easily dissuade qualified candidates from running for office.

Making it an option, would allow them to meet their campaign promises by refusing to accept the benefits, while not jeopardizing county residents with the possibility of a lack of qualified candidates in future elections.


It did not take the new commissioners long to exhibit changes are afoot. They moved quickly to fill the vacant assistant county manager position with the hiring of David Dunn who was city manager of the Town of Brunswick. This is a big step up for Dunn, but he is due time to see how well he performs in his new position.

The other person to benefit is current county manager Barry Stanton who was promoted by the former board from the assistant county manager position, right before the election - after Ron Hart's second retirement. Stanton staying in this position after the new board was sworn in was a question mark to some who follow local politics. Stanton apparently is on board with the objectives outlined by the majority of the new board, expressed by them during the campaign.

Division Chiefs in the county all are appointed positions so stay tuned to see if any changes are to come. Also, watch to see if any department heads resign over the next several months.


The inclusion of requests to the Frederick county state delegation, of immigration related proposals, by Sheriff Chuck Jenkins and former Republican County Commissioners John Thompson and Charles Jenkins was hardly a surprise.

I opposed them four years ago and continue to do so. The counting of children of illegal immigrants in the public school system would be cumbersome and of no practical use. In addition, the Maryland General Assembly will never pass such a law. So, the local action is merely a political exercise to further promote a perceived popular local position on this volatile issue.

Instead, as immigration is a federal issue, pressure should be put on members of Congress to tackle, discuss and implement a comprehensive immigration reform law which would include the strengthening of U.S. borders, an update in current immigration procedures and a reasonable fair pathway to citizenship.


The new board also voted to appoint by March, 2011, a charter writing committee with the question being put to the voters in the 2012 presidential election. A good move and one which I have supported for quite some time. The vote, to coincide with the presidential election will also ensure the highest voter turnout, without the extra cost of a special election.

My first published column on the issue appeared in on February 2, 2007. A more recent column written by me entitled "Change Needed in Frederick County Government" was published on my website on October 6, 2010, prior to the election. One point, of many which appeared in the first piece which I felt strongly about then and still do today, is "The charge given to the charter-writing committee should require that it hold an on-going series of open and public meetings throughout Frederick County to solicit feedback and input from the residents".

The committee, once established, will have up to eighteen months to complete the charter so there is ample time to hold regional meetings throughout the county.

Some opine the creation of the charter writing committee is a continuation of the "growth" versus "no-growth" political battles over the last twenty years. It is no more that than it is a result of political affiliation. As, it was a Democratic majority board who appointed the charter writing committee back in 1991.

Rather, it is about more effective government.


New commissioner Paul Smith caused a stir on his reported request to repeal the ethics law. Not something the average voter would be in favor of taking place. I understood more specifically what he was proposing as I questioned the law originally put forward by former commissioner John Thompson. It was an amendment, as I recall, to the ethics ordinance, which required an onerous reporting of any contact by commissioners with people they spoke to, in regard to pending land-use applicants. Included, in the law, was a fine for failing to comply.

Unfortunately, for Commissioner Smith, he failed to fully explain his proposal and when he finally did so, to Frederick New Post Reporter Meg Tully, her article appeared after public reaction was already whipped up opposing his proposal.

Board President Blaine Young, showed his political wisdom, by not voting with Smith. Commissioner Smith would have been better served had he expressed his concerns of this section of the ethics law and requesting a review as opposed to voting to repeal before public discussion took place on the issue.


Next up for the commissioners is to reconcile a projected 11.8 million budget shortfall. Reporter Sherry Greenfield of The Gazette wrote in a recent article that County Budget Officer Michael Gastley was surprised that property tax revenues were down. You have to wonder what planet he has been living on as the entire country has experienced a major recession, with reduced property values a resulting cause and effect.

The General Fund Summary total for 2011 is 438,308,019 with the Board of Education receiving 52%. Fortunately, while 11.8 million is a substantial figure, it is less than 3% of the 2011 general fund total.

Hopefully, a concentrated effort is made to reduce the possibility of lost county jobs due to the anticipated loss in revenue. Another area that deserves attention is the debt service, which at 33 million, currently makes up 8% of the general fund - if renegotiation of terms or other changes are possible to reduce the debt load, it should be done.


Frederick County Democratic Central Committee chair Myrna Whitworth responded to the early actions by the Commissioners with an angry letter to the editor published on December 8 in the Frederick News Post. Unfortunately, the reaction from many who read the letter was it had the tone of sour grapes.

Perhaps, she would be better served by looking inward and devoting energy to rebuilding a dysfunctional and ineffective Democratic central committee. The committee currently lacks all three of the major components which foster success in politics; message, organization, and money.


All in all, no surprises so far by the new Board of Commissioners. Stay tuned...


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Daily Political Wire 12-20-2010

George Wenschhof

Ratification of START Treaty Shaky -
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said yesterday on CNN "State of The Union" he would vote against the treaty with Russia, joining Senator Jon Kyl (R-Az.) in opposition.

Republican Senators are angry about the passage of the repeal of D.A.D.T. and also upset over the bringing up the vote of the DREAM Act which failed.

A two-third vote is needed for ratification of the treaty. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will hold the vote for cloture (end discussion) on Tuesday, after several Republican amendments offered over the weekend failed.

Today, a closed door session will take place in the Senate with General James Clapper addressing the Senators on the importance of passing the treaty.

There appears to be a definite 62 votes, but the additional 5 votes needed remain allusive. The NY Times has more here.

Republicans should be mindful to public perception as their opposition is rightfully being viewed as merely an action to avoid success by the Democratic Obama administration.


Food Safety bill Passes for the Second Time in the Senate -
due to a procedural screw up, another vote was needed for the legislation that provides additional laws pertaining to food safety. the bill now has to go back to the House for another vote. The Washington Post has more here.


Continuing Resolution, 9/11 Health Care bill Expected to pass Tuesday -
an agreement to fund the government into March has apparently been reached - you can read more here. Also set to be approved is a Health care bill for 9/11 Responders who suffered medical problems as a result of the toxic exposure. has more here.


Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Highlights -
In case you missed them, CNN has a collection of statements made during the shows here.


Bill Richardson Helps Avert Korea Show Down -
tensions between North and South Korea have been dangerously high following shelling by the North on a disputed island of the South. Threats by North Korea to respond to military exercises by the South have not transpired and Richardson announced the North agreed to the return of nuclear inspectors. has more here.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

DREAM Fails, D.A.D.T. Passes, START Up Next

George Wenschhof

Although the immigration bill which provided a pathway to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants, received 55 votes, it was unable to break the Republican led filibuster. has more here.

However, the Gay and Lesbian community celebrated the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell". Eight Republicans voted with Democrats, as the vote was 65-31. The bill will be signed by President Obama and the military will then implement the change over the next several months.

Interestingly, new Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (W.Va.) did not make either vote - his excuse was he was attending holiday parties.

Another former Democratic Senator, Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), is the new hero of the hour as he led the successful effort to repeal D.A.D.T. after an earlier effort had failed in the Senate. He is up for reelection in 2012 and it will be interesting to see if he returns to the Democratic fold or remains an Independent.

Political observers remember Lieberman as the Vice President candidate in the 2000 election and endorsing Republican John McCain in the 2008 election. has more here.

Ratification of the START Treaty with Russia is the last remaining major legislation for the Senate to vote on prior to the Holidays. Yesterday, an attempt by Republicans to amend the treaty over concerns of a planned U.S. missile defense system in Europe, failed by a vote of 59-37, with President Obama assuring lawmakers the treaty would have no impact on the planned system. The NY Times has more here.

Either 66 or 67 votes will be needed to ratify the treaty depending on whether Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who has planned prostate surgery, is able to attend. Further discussion is planned for today. If an amendment is successful, the treaty would have to go back to Russia for further deliberation before passage could be obtained.

The treaty should not be receiving Republican obstruction as it provides needed on the ground verification of nuclear arsenals of both countries.

The final vote promises to be extremely close and may take place by Tuesday. If the START Treaty is ratified, it will put a punctuation mark on a strong finish and a long list of accomplishments over the first two years by the Obama administration.


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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-18-2010

George Wenschhof

House/Senate Pass 3 day extension for Government Spending -
after Republicans blocked the approval of the 1.1 Trillion Omnibus spending bill, government funding was set to expire. Now, the expiration will be Tuesday at midnight. Look to see a one or two month continuing resolution bill to be passed and the buck passed to the incoming congress to settle funding for the remainder of the fiscal year which ends September 30, 2011. has more here.


DREAM Act Likely to fail Today -
Republicans will block passage by use of the filibuster rule requiring 60 votes for discussion when it comes up for a vote this morning. Representative Luis Gutierriez (D-Ill.) points out the bill would pass by a simple majority. has more here.


START and D.A.D.T. Should Pass Senate -
but not without Republicans kicking and screaming. 67 votes are needed to ratify the START Treaty with Russia and Republican Senators lead by John McCain (AZ) are mad the repeal of D.A.D.T. will be put forward before the START Treaty. The NY Times has more here.


Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
plenty to talk about as the lame duck congress and the year comes to a close. Vice President Joe Biden is on NBC "Meet The Press", Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Richard Lugar (R-In.) are on "This Week", Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) appears on "State of The Union". Below, has a preview of the upcoming shows.


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Obama Weekly Address 12-18-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama Urges the Senate to ratify the START Treaty with Russia. He points to the support of every living Republican Secretary of State, former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, along with our NATO allies.

The Senate is expected to take up discussion today.


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Republican Weekly Address 12-18-2010

George Wenschhof

Senator Jon Cornyn (R-Tex.) talks about the passage of the compromise 858 billion tax extension bill and how Republicans recently blocked the approval of a 1.1 Trillion Omnibus Spending bill.


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Friday, December 17, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-17-2010

George Wenschhof

Weiner's Whiners Lose Tax Bill Fight -
after holding up passage of the 858 billion tax compromise bill in the house over procedural issues. The House passed the bill with a vote of 277-148. The bill now goes to the president, who is expected to sign it into law today.

Anthony Weiner (NY), who was among the loudest of the progressive Democrats, held up the vote over procedural issues on how to hold a vote to amend the bill, striking the estate tax provision, which failed. has more here.


Senate Republicans Block 1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill -
the House version of the spending bill to fund government through the rest of the fiscal year which ends September 30, passed earlier.

The Senate compromise broke down after Republicans complained of the earmarks included in the bill. This prompted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to call them hypocrites as they had earmarks in the bill themselves.

A stopgap continuing resolution is now needed as the current funding expires today. has more here.


D.A.D.T. and DREAM Act to get Senate Vote Tomorrow -
finally, after the House has passed both previously. They will both need to pass a cloture vote first. has more here.

My money is on the repeal of D.A.D.T. passing with exactly 60 votes and the DREAM act failing to get the necessary 60 votes to break the filibuster.

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden (Ore.), a "Yes" vote on both will miss the vote due to a previous scheduled surgery for prostate surgery.


Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings Appointed to House Oversight Committee -
He will be the Ranking Democrat on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He won a battle with Carolyn Maloney (NY) for the position. He will be going up against the Republican chair of the committee; Darrell Issa (Calf.), who has promised a slew of investigations. has more here.


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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-16-2010

George Wenschhof

Julian Assange Granted Bail -
after an appeal by Sweden, a British judge granted bail with conditions on charges of sexual misconduct pertaining to incidents last summer.


Afghanistan Review Mixed -
the long awaited year end review of u.S. policy in Afghanistan shows some headway being made, but critical obstacles remain. The report suggests U.S. withdrawal of troops beginning in July 2011 is on schedule. has more here.


President Obama Meets with Native American Leaders -
in a little publicized meeting yesterday at the White House. Today, Obama will address over 4,000 Native Americans attending a conference at the Interior Department. The NY Times Caucus Blog has more here.

The treatment of Native Americans by the U.S. government over the years has long been an embarrassment.


START Treaty to receive vote in Senate -
yesterday, it easily broke a filibuster with a vote of 66-32. However, 67 votes are needed for ratification of a U.S. treaty. Democrat Evan Bayh (Ind.) was one of the two senators who did not vote and his vote will be critical for passage. Senator Jon Kyl (R-Az.) has led the opposition in spite of appeals from former Republican and Democratic Secretaries of State who urge ratification. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


House to Vote on Tax Compromise Today -
the House rules committee will allow a separate vote first on amendments, prior to considering the bill already approved by the Senate. the amended expected to be offered by the progressive Democrats will be to limit changes in the estate tax. The amendment is expected to fail and the 858 billion compromise tax bill to then pass. has more here.


Repeal of D.A.D.T. Easily Passes House -
yesterday, by a vote of 250-175. Unfortunately, the senate may not fit in a crowed schedule, a stand alone bill offered by Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). So, passage remains uncertain. has more here.


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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

858 Billion Tax bill Passes Senate

George Wenschhof

The Senate voted 81-19 on what is rapidly becoming known as the Obama administration's second Stimulus bill.

The bill now moves to the House. Progressive Democrats are still upset over the compromise crafted by President Obama and Senate Leaders, especially in regard to the estate tax changes in the bill. However, despite their misgivings, the bill is expected to pass in the House.

You can read more here.


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Daily Political Wire 12-15-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama Meets with Business Leaders Today -
in a meeting at the Blair House. Prior to the meeting, he addressed reporters stating he was pleased the senate was poised to pass the tax cut extension bill today and was hopeful the House would follow so he could then sign the bill into law.

Tomorrow, the president is expected to give an update on the conflict in Afghanistan. The NY Times is reporting recent intelligence reports show the U.S. has little chance of winning unless Pakistan cooperates in the war. Interestingly, it was widely reported, among the last words spoken by the late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to his family was "we have to end the war in Afghanistan".


Senate 1.1 Trillion Budget bill to be voted on -
the House has already passed their version of a omnibus spending bill to keep government running through the fiscal year which ends September 30, 2011. The National Journal has more here.


GOP Leaders Suddenly Sobbing -
the incoming "Weeper of the House" John Boehner,(R-Ohio) also known as the "Tan Man" now has company as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) breaks down on the floor saying good-bye to outgoing Senator Judd Gregg (R-N.H.). The Caucus Blog has more here.


Congress will stay in session next week - no early break for the Holidays as planned. much remains to be decided prior to when the lame duck congress come to a close. The ratification of the START Treaty, the DREAM Act, the Omnibus Spending bill, and the repeal of D.A.D.T. are among the major bills to be voted on in addition to the extension of the tax cuts. has more here.

President Obama has delayed his annual trip to Hawaii until after the tax cut extension bill has been signed into law.


Congressional Approval Hits All time Low at 13% -
per a new Gallup poll released today. Interestingly, Americans favor the compromise tax cut extension bill. Perhaps, an indication voters are tired of the partisan bickering. has more here.


Rahm Emanuel Faces Residency Hearing -
yesterday, Emanuel gave his response to his residency. He has announced his run for Mayor of Chicago which has a one year residency requirement.

The hearing may last for a few more days before a ruling is issued. You can read more here.


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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Julian Assange Granted Bail

George Wenschhof

After spending one week in jail on charges of sexual misconduct, founder Julian Assange has been granted bail by a British Judge.

The sexual misconduct charges stem from incidents that allegedly took place in Sweden months ago. Questions have swirled as to the authenticity of the charges as Assange's arrest took place shortly after the latest release of U.S. diplomatic cables which have proved to be embarrassing.

Assange is fighting extradition to Sweden. Among the sexual misconduct charges include the use of a broken condom, which lead many to believe the charges are a response to the massive diplomatic cables release by Wikileaks. You can read more here.

Update: Sweden appeals Bail decision - seems Assange will be in jail at least another 48 hours until the appeal is heard by the Judge. You can read more here.


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Daily Political Wire 12-14-2010

George Wenschhof

856 Billion Tax Extension Bill Overwhelmingly Passes Cloture in Senate -
the vote was 85-13. The Senate will now vote on it today and send it to the House, where the second Stimulus bill is expected to pass, despite many disgruntled progressive Democrats. has more here.


Virginia Judge Rules health care bill Unconstitutional -
this was the first ruling on the "individual mandate" requirement of the bill. This is the section of the bill which has been challenged by many Republican state attorney generals across the country. Expect the Supreme Court to have the final say in regard to the "commerce clause" in the constitution.

Judge Henry Hudson is also coming under fire for rendering a decision when he had invested in a firm which lobbied against health care reform. The Huffington Post has more here.

Social Security also received many legal challenges when instituted.

U.S. Attorney general Eric Holder and Health Secretary Katleen Sebelius have an op-ed in the Washington Post today with their response to the ruling. You can read it here.


Ambassador Richard Holbrooke Unable to Survive Emergency Aorta Surgery -
despite an incredible effort by doctors to repair a torn aorta. The career diplomat spent 50 of his 69 years working in the foreign service, most recently as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan. the Wall Street Journal has more on his life here.

President Obama, will hold a previously scheduled meeting today on the year end review of U.S. Afghanistan policy. The report is expected to be released today. has more here.


Steele to Seek Another Term -
as chair of the Republican National Committee. In a conference call to supporters last night, he announced he was indeed running for reelection after the huge success achieved by Republican candidates in the mid term elections. The NY Times has more here.


Miller Appeals Judge's Ruling
- the Alaska senate race drags on as Joe Miller challenges the authenticity of misspelled votes for the write-in winner Lisa Murkowski. The Miller campaign says the state law requires the name be spelled correctly to be counted. You can read more here.


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Monday, December 13, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-13-2010

George Wenschhof

Senate to Vote on Tax Compromise bill today -
the second stimulus bill under the Obama administration is valued at 856 billion. It is expected to pass in the Senate today and then move to the House where Democrats are expected to attempt to amend the bill. Unhappy progressive Democrats will try to delete the estate tax portion of the bill. has more here.


Busy week ahead as Congress Prepares to Close for Holidays -
Congress hopes to close for the Holidays by the end of the day on Friday. The DREAM Act is not expected to pass the Senate, the START Treaty is expected to receive a vote, the repeal of D.A.D.T. will receive a stand alone vote, and a continuing resolution to fund government for the next year will need to be passed. has more here.


President Obama will sign Child Nutrition bill today -
lost in all the attention being given to the more contentious bills under consideration by congress, this bill was championed by the First Lady. Michelle Obama will join President Obama for the signing at a elementary school this morning. has more here.


"No-Labels" Non-Partisan Group Organizes -
NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg is joined by Democratic Senators Evan Bayh (Ind.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Independent Senator Joe Lieberman (Conn.), and Republican Senators Mike Castle (Del.) and Bob Inglis (SC). has more here.

Keep an eye on this group as the partisan bickering and gridlock in Congress has many voters looking for an alternative to the major political parties.


Will Michael Steele Run for Another Term? -
the Republican National Committee chair was constantly under the spotlight and today he is expected to announce if he will be running for reelection. has more here.

Already, five have announced their intentions to run for party chair. They are Saul Anuzis, Ann Wagner, Gentry Collins, Reince Priebus and Maria Cino. With so many running, Steele would be the favorite to win as they would split the vote. Steele also made many friends as he conducted his nationwide bus tour leading up to the mid term elections. Stay Tuned...


Richard Holbrooke Remains in Critical Condition -
the U.S. diplomat for Afghanistan and Pakistan underwent another procedure yesterday following the twelve hour surgery Friday to repair a torn aorta. has more here.

It is unclear if this will effect the release of the year end review of U.S. strategy for the region.


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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-12-2010

George Wenschhof

President Obama to Host Business Leaders -
on Wednesday, at the Blair House in D.C., the president will meet with about twenty corporate heads to discuss the economy. One of the subjects which will be discussed is an overhaul of the current tax system. The NY Times has more here.


Axelrod says Tax Cut extension will Pass -
on CNN's "State of the Union", White House senior adviser David Axelrod was confident the bill will pass. The Senate will take up the 856 billion bill tomorrow, where it is expected to pass and then move to the House. House Democrats have threatened to not vote on the bill. Stay Tuned... has more here.


Cancun Climate Change Conference produces Agreement -
from the 193 UN member delegation who attended. Wealthier nations will contribute to a fund which will help developing countries deal with the effects of global warming and to protect rain forests from destruction.

However, no agreement was reached on the reduction of greenhouse emissions. has more here.


Palin Visits Haiti, hope to improve her Foreign Policy Image -
Tina Fey's impersonation and her words "I can see Russia from my house" is the image most voters have of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin when it comes to her knowledge of foreign policy.

In another sign she is seriously considering a presidential run in 2012, Palin traveled to Haiti, with Fox News in tow. The Huffington Post has more here.


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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mooney Elected Chair Maryland Republican Party

George Wenschhof

Today, in a contested battle, Republican Alex Mooney was elected chair of the Maryland Republican Party. He beat Mary Kane who ran for Lt. Governor with Republican candidate for Governor Robert Ehrlich. Ehrlich was beaten soundly by Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley in the recent election.

Alex Mooney lost a close race in the November elections by 1,000 votes to Democrat Ron Young for the state senate seat in district 3, after serving three terms.

There were five candidates vying for the dubious distinction of serving as party chair in a state heavily dominated by Democrats. The Montgomery County Daily has more here. The five candidates were:

Mooney's job will not be easy in a state where Democratic voter registration is 2-1 over Republicans.

In the recently held November elections, Republicans gained six seats in the House, but lost two seats in the Senate. In the state senate, only 12 Republicans make up the 47 member delegation. Over in the House, Democrats have 98 and Republicans 43 of the 141 delegates.

Mooney is known for his ultra conservative political philosophy, so it remains to be seen how effective his leadership will be in the state of Maryland.


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Daily Political Wire 12-11-2010

George Wenschhof

Yesterday, former President Bill Clinton weighed in on the Tax Cut Compromise -
in a big way as he took the stage in the White House press briefing room. After, meeting privately with President Obama, the two appeared before reporters. Obama left the room to meet the First Lady at a holiday event leaving Clinton alone, back in his element, facing the press.

Clinton did not disappoint, as he made a compelling argument to pass the tax cut compromise.


Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
as the lame duck congress rapidly comes to an end, the discussion will center on pending bills. The tax cut compromise will receive a majority of the attention with White House senior adviser David Axelrod appearing on several of the morning talk shows. Also, sure to be mentioned is the ratification of the START Treaty, repeal of D.A.D.T., and the DREAM Act.


President Obama Pivots to Tax Code Overhaul -
expect him to push for a major revision of the tax code in his state of the union address early next year. A needed change recommended by the bipartisan deficit reduction committee and federal reserve chair Ben Bernanke.

The last change was made in 1986, after an appeal from President Reagen in his 1984 state of the union address. The NY Times has more here.


Miller Loses legal appeal in Alaska Senate Race -
hopefully, the outcome will now be decided soon in his battle against incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski. A federal judge ruled against a challenge by Miller that 8,159 write-in ballots had not spelled her name correctly, therefore violating state law. Miller has until tuesday to appeal to the state supreme court.

The state official count had Murkowski with a 10,000 vote lead over Miller. has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address 12-11-2010

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama asks Republicans and Democrats to come together to pass the tax cut compromise bill. The bill would help middle class families, the unemployed, and stimulate the economy.


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