
Monday, December 20, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-20-2010

George Wenschhof

Ratification of START Treaty Shaky -
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said yesterday on CNN "State of The Union" he would vote against the treaty with Russia, joining Senator Jon Kyl (R-Az.) in opposition.

Republican Senators are angry about the passage of the repeal of D.A.D.T. and also upset over the bringing up the vote of the DREAM Act which failed.

A two-third vote is needed for ratification of the treaty. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will hold the vote for cloture (end discussion) on Tuesday, after several Republican amendments offered over the weekend failed.

Today, a closed door session will take place in the Senate with General James Clapper addressing the Senators on the importance of passing the treaty.

There appears to be a definite 62 votes, but the additional 5 votes needed remain allusive. The NY Times has more here.

Republicans should be mindful to public perception as their opposition is rightfully being viewed as merely an action to avoid success by the Democratic Obama administration.


Food Safety bill Passes for the Second Time in the Senate -
due to a procedural screw up, another vote was needed for the legislation that provides additional laws pertaining to food safety. the bill now has to go back to the House for another vote. The Washington Post has more here.


Continuing Resolution, 9/11 Health Care bill Expected to pass Tuesday -
an agreement to fund the government into March has apparently been reached - you can read more here. Also set to be approved is a Health care bill for 9/11 Responders who suffered medical problems as a result of the toxic exposure. has more here.


Sunday morning "Talking Heads" Highlights -
In case you missed them, CNN has a collection of statements made during the shows here.


Bill Richardson Helps Avert Korea Show Down -
tensions between North and South Korea have been dangerously high following shelling by the North on a disputed island of the South. Threats by North Korea to respond to military exercises by the South have not transpired and Richardson announced the North agreed to the return of nuclear inspectors. has more here.

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