
Monday, December 13, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-13-2010

George Wenschhof

Senate to Vote on Tax Compromise bill today -
the second stimulus bill under the Obama administration is valued at 856 billion. It is expected to pass in the Senate today and then move to the House where Democrats are expected to attempt to amend the bill. Unhappy progressive Democrats will try to delete the estate tax portion of the bill. has more here.


Busy week ahead as Congress Prepares to Close for Holidays -
Congress hopes to close for the Holidays by the end of the day on Friday. The DREAM Act is not expected to pass the Senate, the START Treaty is expected to receive a vote, the repeal of D.A.D.T. will receive a stand alone vote, and a continuing resolution to fund government for the next year will need to be passed. has more here.


President Obama will sign Child Nutrition bill today -
lost in all the attention being given to the more contentious bills under consideration by congress, this bill was championed by the First Lady. Michelle Obama will join President Obama for the signing at a elementary school this morning. has more here.


"No-Labels" Non-Partisan Group Organizes -
NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg is joined by Democratic Senators Evan Bayh (Ind.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Independent Senator Joe Lieberman (Conn.), and Republican Senators Mike Castle (Del.) and Bob Inglis (SC). has more here.

Keep an eye on this group as the partisan bickering and gridlock in Congress has many voters looking for an alternative to the major political parties.


Will Michael Steele Run for Another Term? -
the Republican National Committee chair was constantly under the spotlight and today he is expected to announce if he will be running for reelection. has more here.

Already, five have announced their intentions to run for party chair. They are Saul Anuzis, Ann Wagner, Gentry Collins, Reince Priebus and Maria Cino. With so many running, Steele would be the favorite to win as they would split the vote. Steele also made many friends as he conducted his nationwide bus tour leading up to the mid term elections. Stay Tuned...


Richard Holbrooke Remains in Critical Condition -
the U.S. diplomat for Afghanistan and Pakistan underwent another procedure yesterday following the twelve hour surgery Friday to repair a torn aorta. has more here.

It is unclear if this will effect the release of the year end review of U.S. strategy for the region.


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