
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Daily Political Wire 12-23-2010

George Wenschhof

What Will 112th Congress Bring? -
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) is already spinning the successful lame duck session as harbinger of things to come. After two years of obstructionism and saying "No" by the Republicans, a slew of important bills were passed in a bipartisan manner during the lame duck session. Schumer believes it's a sign politicians from both side of the aisle understand the recent mid term election was a statement by voters they want to see more cooperation in Congress. You can read more here.


How Will 111th Congress Be Viewed over Time? -
a period that included a massive stimulus bill, approval of health care, and closed with another massive stimulus bill which was disguised as a tax bill extension, repeal of D.A.D.T., and the ratification of the New START treaty with Russia.

The accomplishments were many and some are already comparing it to the days of FDR's New Deal. The NY Times has a good read here.


Obama Arrives in Honolulu for Holidays -
he joins his wife and daughters who arrived last Saturday. The president stayed behind as the lame duck congress worked to conclude business. His hopes are for a quiet vacation with the family, returning to D.C. for the new year. It was a year ago on Christmas Day, the underwear bomber attempted to detonate a bomb aboard an airliner bound for Detroit. has more here.


Update on Rahm Emanuel Residency -
the former White House Chief of Staff won the support of the Chicago Hearing Board officer. His decision came after a week of hearings on the matter of did he meet the one year residency requirement to run for Mayor of Chicago. The Chicago Board of Elections Commissioners must now vote on the matter. The Washington Post has more here.


Murkowski Senate Win Could be Certified before New Year -
Joe Miller lost his suit in front of the Alaska state supreme court questioning the validity of votes awarded to Senator Lisa Murkowski in her write-in victory. Miller has until Monday to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and if he does not Murkowski will finally be certified as the winner in the November 2 election. has more here.


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