
Friday, June 13, 2008

Maryland Democrats Unite

Ann-Marie Luciano

After many long (and sometimes bitter) months, Democrats nationally are finally coming together. In Maryland, the Maryland delegation (consisting of Obama, Clinton and "other" delegates - both "super" and elected) came together on Tuesday night at the Governor's House for the first meeting of the electoral season.

At the meeting, it was officially announced the the Maryland delegation will be Co-Chaired by Governor O'Malley (formerly a Clinton supporter) and Congressman Elijah Cummings (formerly Co-Chair of the Maryland Obama campaign with Attorney General Doug Gansler). Attending the meeting as an elected Obama delegate from the 6th congressional district, I was amazed at the level of enthusiasm for Obama at such an early stage of the game.

Elected officials from all over the state were present, showing their support and unity behind our presumptive Democratic nominee: Senator Cardin and Senator Mikulski, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Congressman John P. Sarbanes, Donna Edwards, Democratic nominee for Congress in District 4, along with many other local elected officials.

Senator Mikulski, who was Co-Chair of Clinton's national campaign, gave a spirited, rousing speech. She recounted stories about Americans facing tough times and reminded the group how imperative it is for Obama to be elected President in order to ensure that the same bad policies from George Bush don't continue. The Senator's speech, as well as the Governor's speech, Congressman Cummings' speech and every one's that night, maintained an uplifting, positive tone, rarely mentioning McCain. The focus of the night was on vision, unity, and Democratic energy for change.

Congressman Cummings gave a powerful, emotional speech (I find his speeches bring tears to my eyes every time I hear him) in which he talked about the sacrifice of our troops and the need to bring them home, as well as the sacrifices of other Americans who are trying to make ends meet during these tough economic times. He emphasized that Obama and Clinton both knew that the campaign for the Presidency is bigger than them, and he reminded us that it is also bigger than any of us. Congressman Cummings pointed out the historic nature of this race, both for Obama and for Clinton, and left many of us feeling inspired and eager to seize upon this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring about real change on a national level.

I left the meeting with no doubt in my mind that the Maryland delegation is united behind Obama. It seems that the press often tries to create controversy where there is none in order to increase viewership. I'm not saying there aren't Clinton supporters who are still trying to come to terms with the primary results, but it certainly seems to me that some of Clinton's staunchest supporters have turned the page, extended the olive branch, and are ready to move on to support the common Democratic cause.

Towards that end, the Maryland Democratic Party will be sponsoring "unity picnics" throughout the state this summer:


Saturday, June 21st, (1PM-4PM)

Seneca Creek State Park

11950 Clopper Road

Gaithersburg, MD 20878


Saturday, July 12th (3pm-6pm)

Banneker Park & Museum

300 Oella Ave - Catonsville, MD


Sunday, July 13th (3pm-6pm)

Gilbert Run Park in Charles County

13140 Charles St - Charlotte Hall


Saturday, July 19th (3pm-6pm)

Amvets Valley Memorial Post No.9

408 West Green Street - Middletown


Sunday, July 20th (3pm-6pm)

Sailwinds Park at Cambridge

200 Byrn Street - Cambridge

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