
Friday, June 13, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-13-2008

The issue of public financing is receiving attention again. It seems Obama pledged to Republicans to participate in the public-finance system back in March of 2007 and the McCain campaign will be sure to hammer away on this statement. The Obama campaign has built an incredible grass roots donor base and it is doubtful McCain can come close in fundraising. has a article entitled "Obama Risks 'Pristine' Image in Question of Public Financing".

The move to mandatory publicly funded campaigns should be encouraged. But until such time, a candidate and a party that does not accept funds from Lobbyists or PACs while expanding their small donor base is a good alternative.


U.S. Foreign Policy "will change for the better" under Obama according to a international poll conducted by Pew Research. In all 24 countries surveyed Obama fared better than McCain and in the U.S. it was a toss up. Read more here.


The New York Times has a good read entitled "Will the Real Tax-and-Spender Please 'Fess Up? ......In a study of the candidates' plans made public Wednesday, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center concluded that in contrast to Mr. McCain, "Senator Obama offers much larger tax breaks to low- and middle-income taxpayers and would increase taxes on high-income taxpayers"......


Many voter's eyes become glassed over as details of economic policy are discussed so it is important a candidate is able to project a policy that is easily understood and makes sense. Today, people are concerned with rising costs and loss of jobs. Obama's two week economic tour aims to begin the process of explaining his economic policies.

Today, Obama is in Columbus, Ohio, joined by Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. He will talk about Social Security and how he opposes efforts by McCain to privatize it. Read more here.


Town hall meetings proposed by Johnson and Reagan Libraries - Obama and McCain were invited with full access to the media to occur on a future agreed upon date. These Presidential Libraries, located in Texas and California would make for a good setting. Read more here.


"Obama Campaign Dispatching Thousands" is an article in The Washington Post today. This continues the incredible grass roots efforts of the Obama campaign. It is estimated that 3600 volunteers will work in 17 states for six consecutive weeks organizing neighborhoods.


Obama Veepstakes Update - Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill gets some print - she supported Obama early. However, don't look for her to be picked. Meanwhile Senator Chris Dodd (Conn.) is added to list of people receiving favorable mortgages given by Countrywide CEO. Read more here. Looks like you can strike him off the short list. Senator Joe Biden is quietly receiving support and former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn is being heavily promoted by moderates in the Democratic Party.

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