
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Democratc Campaign Chatter 6-12-2008

Gore as Vice President again? - Political strategist and Senator Clinton supporter James Carville suggested this to Wolf Blitzer of CNN. Carville points out Gore would make a great energy czar. He was trying to be provocative and admitted he really supported Hillary Clinton for the position. Read more here.


In a dueling set of press reports, some Republican members of congress have said they are not supporting McCain. Read more here. While some Democrats have said they are not supporting Obama. Read more here. This happens in every presidential election, as some members of congress represent districts with leanings opposed to their party's nominee.


Illegal immigration issues come to forefront - As I mentioned the other day, this issue could rise up to contend with an ailing economy as the most important issues to voters. has a article today entitled "Hispanic Dems warn Obama he risks losing Latinos". They want to see a pathway for illegal immigrants to be able to achieve citizenship.


"Union Critical of Obama's Top Economic Aide" is the headline of an article in the New York Times today. In a move that some may compare to the appointment of Jim Johnson as chair of the VP search committee, Obama hires a top Clinton campaign adviser. He hired Robert Rubin to be his economics policy director for the campaign much to the chagrin of Labor. ..." Labor union leaders criticized the move, and said that "Rubinomics" focused too much on corporate America and not enough on workers"....


Obama continues economic policy tour - Today, he is in Kaukauna, Wisconsin for day 4 of a two week tour to promote his economic policies. He will highlight his for middle class tax relief. Read more here.


Back to Obama's VP search - after the information that came out on Jim Johnson concerning loans, expect the Clinton Library and the funds received to receive plenty of scrutiny. Presidential Libraries are very common place these days and receive funds from many sources. If former President Bill Clinton is unwilling to disclose the list of donations, this could hurt Senator Clinton's chance of being picked as a running mate.


Meanwhile Kucinich tries to impeach Bush again - former democratic candidate for President and current Ohio congressman Denis Kucinich introduced a resolution in the House to impeach President George W. Bush. Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders opposed this and with a House vote it was moved to a committee which essentially will end the measure. Read more here.

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