
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-10-2008 has a story today on Jim Johnson, who is the head of the vice-president search committee for Senator Obama entitled "Obama vetter draws unwanted scrutiny". This is not the type of attention you want the head of the committee receiving at this point when Johnson is talking with members of congress about potential candidates. Stay Tuned.


Obama calls for another round of rebate checks and a 50 Billion injection to the economy. Yesterday, he called on congress to act quickly on another economic stimulus plan, pointing out higher unemployment figures, rising cost of oil and gas, as well as food prices. He also called for an extension of unemployment benefits. This was the first day of a two week tour to several states to discuss his economic plans for the country. Read more here.

I don't believe the rebate checks sent recently by the Bush administration will have much effect so it is doubtful another round will do much good. This proposal also sounds very Bush-like, so expect McCain to point this out.

It's early, but so far, neither Obama or McCain have come across well when discussing the economy. Obama would be wise to appoint a knowledgeable person to be the main spokesperson to promote the Obama campaign position on the economy.


Obama could raise 100 million in June says an article in The today. They point out that Clinton supporters will begin to give as well as those who have stayed out of it so far. This is yet another huge argument for publicly funded political campaigns. So far the Obama and Clinton campaigns have combined to raise and spend close to 500 million in the primary alone. The big plus for Obama is much of his funding comes in smaller donations from a growing donor base and he does not take money from PACs and Lobbyists. Read more here.


Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign is millions in debt - The next campaign finance report will come out the end of June and it will be interesting to see how much debt is reported. Clinton has loaned the campaign over 9 million and may have additional debts that equal that figure. The New York Times has a good read today entitled "For Clinton, Millions in Debt and Few Options".


Will Newt Gingrich help the Republicans gain seats in congress? The has a story today about how Gingrich is providing advise to both chambers on the issues and how to campaign for the Fall elections. Remember, Gingrich's claim to fame was his "contract with America" platform which helped Republicans win seats and a majority in the 90's. Read more here.


McCain says Obama would be like a second term of Jimmy Carter - This in response to what to date has been effective phrase used by the Obama campaign saying that McCain would be four more years of Bush. This phrase by McCain could stick as many remember the hostage crisis situation in Iran, high oil prices, and a poor economy. has some reaction to this here.


In yet another sign of a stupid economy, the Commerce Department reports the gap between American exports and imports is now 60.9 billion. Read more here.

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