
Monday, June 9, 2008

Democratic Campaign Chatter 6-9-2008

Senator Kennedy expected to be released from hospital today. It was just last week that the Senator had surgery to remove as much as possible of his malignant brain tumor. Read more here.


Obama and McCain campaigns reject town hall meeting proposed by Michael Bloomberg and ABC. Both campaigns appear agreeable to a town hall style of debate but want it to be available and televised by all the TV networks. Read more here.


The New York times has a good read today entitled "States take New Tack on Illegal immigration". The failure of congress to address this issue is resulting in many states and local jurisdictions passing laws. The economy, war in Iraq, and health care have been the most discussed issues so far in this presidential election year. Look to see immigration be added to the platforms of the candidates. States and local jurisdictions addressing a national issue will not resolve the situation and may make it worse.


The Clinton campaign and sexism was discussed on the Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer yesterday. His guests were Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calf.). They both spoke of the various forms of sexism women candidates face. Read more here.

-------------------- has this read: Clinton's Loss Driven By Strategy, Not Sexism: Albert R. Hunt. Here, the author talks about how the Obama team developed a winning strategy.


Today, Obama begins Economic Tour - He will begin the tour in Raleigh, North Carolina with a speech scheduled for around 11:00 AM ET. A CNN poll released today shows over 75% of Americans rate economic conditions as poor. Obama will begin to spell out his economic plan for America. The two week tour is expected to include stops in Missouri, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and some other states as well. Read more here.


The Republican National Committee (RNC) points out relationship Jim Johnson had with CEO of countrywide, a company hit hard by the mortgage crisis. Jim Johnson is the chair of the vice-president search committee for Senator Obama. Read more here.

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