
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama Veepstakes Update

Strike two from Obama VP list - Ohio Governor Ted Strickland used the famous LBJ line to take himself out of the running, making it clear he would not accept the position. Virginia Senator Jim Webb had some unflattering information released as to how he viewed the Confederacy during the Civil War. This information along with his freshman status as a Senator will take him out of the running.

Senator Kent Conrad, maybe wanting to get a little attention himself, discloses Jim Johnson and Eric Holder (two members of the Obama VP search team) discussed over twenty names with him as possible picks. Included in the discussion were retired military, presumably Wesley Clark was one. I personally remember the disastrous move made by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend when she was running for Governor of Maryland.

She chose as her Lt. Governor running mate, former Republican and retired Admiral Charles R. Larson. This upset many African-American and Democratic voters in the state and was one more reason she lost a state dominated by democratic voters. I remember having to organize a Western Maryland rally to introduce Admiral Larson to the voters, knowing the voters were not all that happy with her choice.

Look for Senator Joe Biden (Del.) to receive some serious attention along with former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius will receive consideration as she has supported Obama from the beginning. However, if Obama chooses a woman running mate, he should chose Senator Clinton.

Also look for New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson to receive serious consideration. He would help Obama with the Latino/Hispanic vote and his international relations experience is impressive.

Meanwhile Obama responds to the Jim Johnson controversy by saying he is not vetting the vetters. He said the three members on the VP search committee are volunteers and are not being considered for future positions in the administration. Look to see the McCain campaign continue to stoke this fire by pointing out the appearance of favorable loans given to Johnson by the CEO of Countrywide Mortgage.

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