
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Visits FEMA Headquarters - prior to arriving in New Jersey to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.  The President has made it clear he wants government to cut through the red tape and get resources to the states that need them.  You can read more here.


Obama Surveys Damage in New Jersey with Christie - today, the President will tour the storm ravaged state with Republican Chris Christie. 

The Governor has praised the efforts from President Obama in response to the damage by Hurricane Sandy "The president has been great," Mr. Christie said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "The president has been all over this and he deserves great credit."  You can read more here.


Obama Leading Battleground States: Florida, Virginia and Ohio - in the new Quinnipiac/CBS News/NY Times Poll. Florida: Obama 48% Romney 47%, Viginia: Obama 49% Romney 47%, Ohio: Obama 50% Romney 45%.


Obama Edges Romney Nationwide 48% - 47% - in the latest poll of likely voters by The NY Times/CBS News poll.  You can read more here.


Kaine Maintains Lead Over Allen in Virginia Senate Race - the Qunnipiac poll released today shows Democrat Tim Kaine leading Republican George Allen 50% - 46% with five days to go to the General Election.  You can read more here.


Warren Up By 7 Over Brown in Massachusetts Senate Race - Elizabeth Warren is leading Republican Senator Scott Brown 53% - 45% in the Suffolk University poll.  You can read more here.


Democratic Incumbent Senators Brown (Ohio), Nelson (Fla.) Extend Lead Against Republican Challengers - two seats Republicans hoped to capture in the 2012 election.  Democratic Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown is leading Republican Josh Mandel 51%-42% and Democratic Senator Bill Nelson is ahead of Republican Connie Mack 52% - 39%.  You can read more here.


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

N.J. Governor Christie Praises Obama's Response to Hurricane Sandy as "Outstanding" - the devastating storm hitting one week prior to the General Election.

“The federal government’s response has been great. I was on the phone at midnight again last night with the president, personally, he has expedited the designation of New Jersey as a major disaster area,” said Christie, in an interview with NBC’s “Today.”

“Last night, I was on the phone with FEMA at 2 a.m. this morning to answer the questions they needed answered to get that designation and the president has been outstanding in this. The folks at FEMA, [Administrator] Craig Fugate and his folks have been excellent,” he continued.

In a separate interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Christie added to the praise, saying that “the president has been all over this and deserves great credit.”  You can read more here.


PEW Poll Shows Obama 47% - Romney 47% - with one week to go, Republican voters maintain a slight edge on Democratic voters on turnout.  You can read the entire poll results here.

Chris Cillizza adds his seven takeaways from the poll here.


Sandy Also Plays Havoc with Presidential Race - early voting in some states, such as Maryland, had days cancelled and with the possibility of extended power outages, voting on Election Day is also a question in some states.

The stakes are also high for President Obama, who as Commander-in-Chief, will be judged on the response to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.  You can read more here.


Biden and Clinton Blast Romney for Latest Campaign Ad -  Pushing back hard at a new ad by political opponents, Vice President Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton accused the Mitt Romney campaign Monday of saying "absolutely anything to win" and engaging in an attack on President Obama's auto industry record that is "the biggest load of bull in the world."

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


Donnelly Campaign Ad Hits Murdock on "Rape Comment" in Indiana Senate Race


Democrats Set To Maintain Majority in Senate, Make Gains in House - it is looking like a 53 Democratic, 47 Republican split in the Senate, with Democrats picking up to a dozen House seats, falling short of the 25 needed to gain a majority.  You can read more here.


Clinton Heads To Minnesota - former President Bill Clinton will make stops in Minneapolis and Duluth today as polls show a tigthening of the race in the state. 


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Speak to Nation on Hurricane Sandy at 12:45 AM ET - President Obama is holding an emergency meeting with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, FEMA administrator Craig Fugate, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, and National Hurricane Center Director Richard Knabb.  Afterward, he will address the nation on steps which are being taken to help states which are affected by the storm.


Obama Cancels Campaign Events, Returns to Washington to Monitor Hurricane Sandy - one week to Election Day and Hurrican Sandy will defintely have an impact. With 12 states declaring states of emergency, Mitt Romney's stance against FEMA and belief states should handle their own emergencies, may imapct the election.  You can read more here.


Obama - Romney Tied with 1 Week To Go - a Reuters/Ipsos poll has Obama up by 3 over Romney 49% - 46% among likely voters and the Politico/GWU Battleground poll has it Obama 49% - Romney 48%. You can read more here.


Electoral Vote Favors Obama - the all important race to win 270 electoral votes is under scrutiny once again as there is a possibility President Obama will win the electoral vote and with it the presidency, and Mitt Romney would winnthe popular vote.

There are many different scenarios possible and takes a look at some of them here.


New Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) Campaign Ad Includes Akin's "Legitimate Rape" Comment


Kaines Leads Allen By 7 in Virginia: 51% - 44% - good news for Democrats and the Obama campaign, who are hopeful Virginia will go to Obama and Tim Kaine will win the U.S. Senate race against Republican George Allen.  You can read more here.


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof
Consumer Confidence Hits 5 Year High - The consumer sentiment index from Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan rose to 82.6 for October. This was the highest reading since September 2007.  You can read more here.

Read more here:


Obama/Kaine Lead in Virginia - one of the remaining pivotal swing states which has 13 electoral votes.  President Obama leads Mitt Romney 51% - 47% in the latest Washington Post poll.  You can read more here.

Democratic candidate Tim Kaine leads George Allen 51% - 43% as hopes are dwindling for Republicans wanting to regain a majority in the U.S. Senate.  You can read more here.


Obama - Romney Tied in Ohio - the newest poll shows the candidates tied at 49% among likely voters.  You can read more here.

President Obama maintains a strong edge in the race to secure the 270 electoral votes to win the election.  Analysis of the remaining battleground states shows Obama can get to 270 even if he loses Florida, Ohio and Colorado.

On the other side, Romney can not win unless he wins Florida, Ohio and Colorado and also carries another couple of the swing states. 


Hurricane Sandy May Impact Election - possible electric outages may impact voter turnout in the battleground states of Virgina and New Hampshire.  The northern path has it missing North Carolina and Florida.

Both President Obama and Mitt Romney have already cancelled campaign events in Virginia and New Hampshire scheduled for early this week.  You can read more here.


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama touted Wall Street reforms and the passage of the Dodd-Frank legislation, which in part, created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Dodd-Frank, Obama said, is all about “looking out for working families and making sure that everyone is playing by the same rules.”

“Sadly, that hasn’t been enough to stop Republicans in Congress from fighting these reforms,” the president added. “Backed by an army of financial industry lobbyists, they’ve been waging an all-out battle to delay, defund and dismantle these new rules.”


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Ann Wagner, who is the Republican candidate for Missouri's 2nd district, the seat Todd Akin vacated to run for U.S. Senate, gave the Republican weekly address.

She criticized President Obama for raising taxes and passing a health care law which hampers job creation. 


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Friday, October 26, 2012

My Frederick County, MD Ballot

George Wenschhof

Upon review of my absentee ballot, I was immediately struck by the number of questions put forth to the voters.

Propositions before the voters in west coast states is a common occurrence, but three constitutional amendments, four referendums and a local question is rare in Maryland.

The election choices for U.S. President, U.S. Senator, Representative in Congress and Board of Education are standard and expected, along with casting one’s vote on a Judge for circuit court and court of appeals.

I highly recommend reading The Voter's Guide prepared by the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Frederick County.  It is a wonderful tool voters should use to help them sort out the ballot questions prior to heading to the polls.

At the top of the ballot, I will be adding my support to the reelection of President Obama and U.S. Senator Ben Cardin.  They both have earned the right to continue to serve and Maryland is a state where both Democrats are heavily favored to win.

In spite of four years of obstructionism by Republicans in Congress, President Obama has managed to lead the country out of the Great Recession he inherited - a result of Republican misguided policies of the previous administration. Over the four years Obama has been in office unemployment has dropped from 10% to under 8%.

The President also led efforts to decimate al-Qaeda, ordered the mission into Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden, ended the U.S. involvement in Iraq and will responsibly end the U.S. military role in Afghanistan by the end of 2014.  These two unfunded wars added to the nation’s deficit. 

President Obama deserves four more years and he has my vote.

Ben Cardin has been a steady voice in the U.S. Senate and the country would be better off if we had more like him.

My vote for Congressional Representative in district 6 will go to Democratic challenger John Delaney. My vote for Delaney is primarily a result of my dissatisfaction of twenty years of ineffective representation by Republican Roscoe Bartlett.

The Board of Education contest, where you pick three candidates, was a no-brainer for me as I marked in my vote for Zakir Bengali, Kathryn B. “Katie” Groth and Joy Schaefer.

Voters need to be aware they should not “throw away” their vote on candidate Tom Shade whose name appears on the ballot as his withdrawal from candidacy, due to health reasons, came too late for his name to be removed from the ballot.  Mr. Shade has declared his support for Bengali, Groth and Schaefer.

Newly appointed Circuit Court Judge William Nicklas, a long term respected local attorney, who is running unopposed, has my vote.  He would have received my support even if he had opposition.  

Moving into the ballot questions, the first two concern the archaic election of Orphans’ Court Judges.  I have argued for some time, these positions should be appointed and not elected, as most counties require no qualifications for the office.

Question 1 and 2 on the ballot require candidates for Orphans’ Court Judges in Prince George’s County and Baltimore County to be admitted to practice law in this state, and to be a member in good standing of the Maryland BAR.

The reason these questions are on the ballot is this change requires a constitutional amendment.  Which means voters from across the state must weigh in.  I am supporting this change.

But, I believe the change should apply to all Orphans’ Court Judges who are elected in the state.

The third question has to do with nuances surrounding when an elected official, found guilty of certain crimes, is suspended and removed from office.  The ballot question reads in part “Under the amended law, an elected official is suspended when found guilty and is removed when the conviction becomes final or when the elected official pleads guilty or no contest” and I support this.

Turning the ballot over, Question 4 appears on the top left hand corner.  Known as the “DREAM” Act, it establishes individuals, including undocumented workers, eligible to pay in-state tuition, provided among other conditions the individual files income taxes, applies for permanent residency and registers with the selective service system.

This makes sense and I am voting for it.  Republicans in Congress blocked this from becoming law when President Obama proposed it, leading him to take executive action to implement this program.

Statewide redistricting is the subject for Question 5 and one only has to look at the gerrymandered sixth congressional district which overwhelmingly favors Democrats, to see the map approved by the state was egregious.

As a Democrat, who has been frustrated with the ineffectiveness of Republican Roscoe Bartlett for twenty years, I will nonetheless vote against the redistricting.

I opined in a column published April 2, 2012 in The Baltimore Sun, "To ensure a more reasonable and balanced redistricting process across the country, it would be sensible for Maryland and the rest of the states to adopt the policy used by the handful of states that use an independent or bipartisan committee.
This process, if adopted by all states, would aid in reducing the acrimony and gridlock prevalent in Congress today. Perhaps, representatives would then be elected who would work together to move America forward."

It is way past time to support Same-Sex Marriage and I filled in “For the Referred Law” on Question 6 on my Ballot; Civil Marriage Protection Act.

Interestingly, when petitions were being gathered by those in opposition to this law, one woman asked if I would sign the petition.  When I said no, she asked me if I was gay. I was taken aback with the question and replied I did not understand why anyone would fear this law.  “How does it hurt you”, I asked her, “if two individuals of the same sex are able to be legally married and receive the same benefits as you and I?”

Governor O’Malley’s mistake in taking slots to referendum, instead of forcing state legislators to do their job, is continuing to haunt the man who has his eyes set on the White House.

The roll out of statewide slots had been a disaster and with the authorization coming as a result of a referendum and state constitution change, subsequent changes require statewide referendums.

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker battled hard to get Question 7 “Gaming Expansion” on the ballot.  A measure, if adopted, in part will allow a facility to operate in Prince George’s County.

I voted “No” on this question.  Not, because I oppose gambling, as I see the multitude of daily lotteries in the state to be more of the same. 

I oppose it because the manner gambling has been allowed in the state of Maryland is cumbersome and will always create problems in the future.

Instead, the General Assembly should take action on gambling, which would allow them to make adjustments in the future in a much more effective manner than a referendum.

The last question on the ballot “Adoption of County Charter” also received my “Nay” vote.

My October 25, 2012 column in The Frederick Gazette spells out why I do not support this proposed charter.

My opposition comes primarily due to the proposed charter providing for a strong elected executive and a hybrid part time council without the council having enough authority over the budget proposed by the executive.

The council should be elected either by district or at-large and they should hire the executive, who could be replaced if they turned out to be incompetent.

The proposed charter’s only requirement for the elected county executive is that they meet a residency threshold and in Maryland there is no recall provision for inept elected officials.

This concludes how I am voting.

Whether, you agree with me or not, make sure you cast your vote.

You can vote early at the Frederick County Department of Aging/Frederick Senior Center located at 1440 Taney Avenue in Frederick, Maryland.

On Saturday October 27 and Monday October 29 through Thursday November 1, the early voting center will be open from 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM.

On Sunday October 28 the hours are Noon – 6:00 PM.

On the day of the General Election November 6, polling centers will be open from 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM.
If, you do not know where your poll is located, the Maryland State Board of Elections has made it easy for you to locate online - Just click here.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee New Ad Slams Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Murdock on his controversial comments on rape and pregnancy.


Duckworth Up By 10 Points in Illinois - Democrat Tammy Duckworth has taken a double-digit lead over incumbent Republican Joe Walsh in the race for Illinois’s Eighth Congressional District, according to a new poll from the Chicago Tribune.  You can read more here. 


Obama Up In New Hampshire - one of the seven remaining swing states.  The two latest polls show President Obama leading Romney 48% - 45% and 49% - 46%.  The state's 4 electoral votes could loom large in such a close race.  You can read more here.


Obama Continues Media Interviews - following his appearance with NBC Brian Williams, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, the President will sit down Saturday in New Hampshire with "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough.  Obama also taped a radio interview with "The Michael Smerconish Show" and sits for a live interview with MTV.


GDP Up 2% in Third Quarter, Boosts Obama Campaign - the Commerce Department report released today was for the period from July through September.  You can read more here.


Will Hurricane Sandy Impact Election? - the storm is bearing down on the East Coast with forecasters labeling it "Frankenstorm".  Currently, it appears the battleground states of Florida and North Carolina will be spared with high winds and heavy rains hitting the northeast states.  The swing states of Virginia and New Hampshire could be affected in a big way by this storm.

Depending on the devastation the storm leaves behind, voter turnout could be impacted.  You can read the latest on the storm's path here.


In this new ad for President Barack Obama, Lena Dunham, creator and star of HBO's "Girls," says: "Your first time shouldn't be with just anybody. You want to do it with a great guy."

She's talking about voting, of course.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Colin Powell Endorses Obama - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Obama while appearing on "CBS This Morning" today.

"When he took over, the country was in very very difficult straits. We were in the one of the worst recessions we had seen in recent times, close to a depression. The fiscal system was collapsing. Wall Street was in chaos, we had 800,000 jobs lost in that first month of the Obama administration and unemployment peaked a few months later at 10 percent. So we were in real trouble. The auto industry was collapsing, the housing was start[ing] to collapse and we were in very difficult straits. And I saw over the next several years, stabilization come back in the financial community, housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it's starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising."


Obama on Indiana Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Murdock "Rape is Rape"


Newest Obama Campaign Ad on Romney and Abortion "What He'll Do"


Bill Clinton To Join President Obama on Swing State Campaign Stops - on Monday, the pair will team up at stops in Orlando, Fla.; Youngstown, Ohio; and Prince William County, Va.  You can read more here.


The Colbert Report on Trump Announcement


Jon Stewart Adds His Take on Trump's October Surprise


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Vote "No" on Proposed Frederick County MD Charter

George Wenschhof

This is an important question facing Frederick County, Maryland voters on the November 6 ballot.  You can read my column today in The Frederick Gazette here.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Leads Romney 47% - 46% - in the daily Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll, a dead heat with less than two weeks to go.

However, Obama maintains a larger advantage in the state-by-state battle that will determine the outcome of the election.

Ipsos projects that Obama holds an edge in the most hotly contested states, including Florida, Virginia and Ohio, and is likely to win by a relatively comfortable margin of 332 electoral votes to 206 electoral votes.  You can read more here.


New Home Sales in September Jump To 21/2 Year High - the Commerce Department reported today new home sales had risen 5.7% in September, the highest level since April 2010. has more here.


Obama Begins 6 State 2 Day Campaign Blitz - The President trailed by NBC Brian Williams begins a six state swing beginning today in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada.  Tomorrow, Obama will visit Florida, Virgina and Ohio.  On Saturday, he will will New Hampshire.  These are the remaining seven battleground states in the race to win 270 electoral votes.


Obama Campaign Releases Off-Record Des Moines Register Interview - following a public rebuke by the editor. The paper will be publishing their endorsement for President within the next few days. You can read the full transcript of the 30 minute phone interview with President Obama here.


Murdock Mirrors Akin with Remarks on Rape - the tea party backed Senator, who beat moderate incumbent Republican Senator Richard Lugar in the Indiana primary said last night in a debate with Democrat Joe Donnelly “I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize life is that gift from God,” Mourdock said at a debate. “And I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”

Mitt Romney had endorsed Murdock the day before.

Similar to Missouri, where Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin made insensitive remarks about rape and is now losing by a significant margin to Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrats responded fiercely.
“The God I believe in and the God I know most Hoosiers believe in, does not intend for rape to happen — ever,” Mourdock’s opponent, Rep. Joe Donnelly (D), said in a statement. “What Mr. Mourdock said is shocking, and it is stunning that he would be so disrespectful to survivors of rape.”


Warren Up By 6 Points in Massachusetts Senate Race - the latest poll shows Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren leading Republican Senator Scott Brown 50% - 44%.  Driving the surge is Warren's lead among women 52% - 39%. You can read more here.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obama Displays Why He is The Commander-in-Chief

George Wenschhof

The third and final presidential debate held in Boca Raton, Florida is over and it was clear from the beginning President Obama had decisively won.

Immediately following the debate, the CBS instant poll of uncommitted voters showed Obama 53% and Romney 23% and the CNN poll of registered voters was Obama 48% - Romney 40%.

Reviews from the media:

Obama Reasserts Command in Boca - Alec MacGillis, The New Republic

3rd Debate: Obama Outpoints Romney - Eugene Robinson, Washington Post

New York Times: “Rivals Argue Global Policy and Tactics”

Washington Post: “Obama Keeps Romney on His Heels in Last Debate”

Wall Street Journal: “Candidates Wrangle Over Foreign Policy in Final Debate”

Associated Press: “Final Debate: Challenging Each Other Face-to-Face”

Los Angeles Times: “Obama, Romney Shift Focus to Domestic Economy in Final Debate”

Boston Globe: “Obama, Romney Clash in Final Debate”

USA Today: “Obama, Romney Go On Attack in Final Debate”

Politico: “Obama Tears Into Romney at Last Debate”

Some fact checking on what was said during the third presidential debate:



With two weeks remaining until the General Election, seven states are shaping up to be the deciders as to whether President Obama or Mitt Romney reaches the needed 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.  The seven states are Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin.  You can read more here.

The Obama campaign is beginning their closing argument with the release of their latest campaign ad you can watch below.


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Gorin: Focused on the Future

George Wenschhof

With an eye on families and sustainable communities, Susan Gorin, joined by state senator Noreen Evans, implored enthusiastic supporters at a fundraiser yesterday; “Don’t let them buy Sonoma County”.

She was referring to supporters of her opponent; John Sawyer, who she is battling in a close race for the 1st district seat on the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.

A staunch neighborhood advocate, Susan said, if elected, she would initiate campaign finance laws to fully disclose lobbyists and special interests.

Gorin, a Santa Rosa City Council member who has been endorsed by elected officials from across the district, stressed the need to develop balanced communities.  Communities that promote local business, provide multi-modal means for transportation and make available comprehensive health care services.

Susan also believes in maintaining a balanced county budget without cutting essential services.

In addition to her support for water conservation and reuse efforts, Gorin said she will work to preserve open space, hillsides, parks and farmland.

Gorin’s strong conviction for planned sustainable growth and her promotion for green jobs and green construction standards have earned her support from the Sierra Club.

The fundraiser on Sunday afternoon was hosted at White Barn at Oak Hill Farm in Glen Ellen. A beautiful idyllic location for a candidate known for her support of environmental issues.

Over $15,000 was raised, which included the announcement of the endorsement of Gorin by Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 (OE3).  Their financial contribution and endorsement follows the early backing of Gorin by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Watch New Obama Campaign Ad - President Obama pledged to end the war in Iraq and and he did.  Obama also has a responsible plan to end the war in Afghanistan.


Obama Leads Romney By 5 in Ohio - the latest CBS News/Quinnipiac poll has it Obama 50% - Romney 45% in this pivotal swing state.  You can read more here.


Watch SNL Parody of Second Presidential Debate


What To look For in Final Presidential Debate - the third and final presidential debate will be held tonight in Boca Raton with th focus on foreign policy with a format similar to the first debate.  It will be moderated by CBS Bob Schieffer and run for ninety minutes, beginning at 9:00 PM ET.  Look to see Iran, Libya and China all receive attention.  You can read more here.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Not Ready For "Prime Time" on Foreign Policy - Watch new Obama campaign ad.


All Tied Up: Obama 47% - Romney 47% - the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of likely voters comes with 15 days to go until the General Election. 

Among registered voters, President Obama is ahead 49% - 44%. Obama also leads among women voters 51% - 43%. You can read more here.


Iran Agrees To One-on-One Nuclear Talks with U.S. - the announcement comes days before the last presidential debate on foreign policy.  It is indicative the diplomatic efforts by the Obama administration with Iran to avoid a military strike may be working.  You can read more here.


Cleveland Plain Dealer Endorses Obama - in the crucial battleground state of Ohio. "Today, we recommend President Obama's re-election. He has led the nation back from the brink of depression. Ohio in particular has benefited from his bold decision to revive the domestic auto industry. Because of his determination to fulfill a decades-old dream of Democrats, 30 million more Americans will soon have health insurance. His Race to the Top initiative seeded many of the education reforms embodied in Cleveland's Transformation Plan. He ended the war in Iraq and refocused the battle to disrupt al-Qaida and its terrorist allies. He ordered the risky attack inside Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden."  You can read in full here.


Obama To Tour Battleground States - on Wednesday, two days after the last presidential debate, President Obama will campaign in Iowa on Wednesday, then hit Colorado, Nevada, Florida and Virginia, cast his ballot early in his home town of Chicago, then stop in Ohio to end the tour.  NBC News Brian Williams will travel with the President and provide onsite reporting.  You can read more here.


A $2 Billion Presidential Campaign - an all time high for money spent.  Obama’s side has already pulled in $969 million, while Team Romney’s raised $919 million, according to a POLITICO analysis of Federal Election Commission data.  You can read more here.

Past time for campaign finance reform.


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama spoke on how the Housing narket has picked up with new construction at the highest level in four years and filing for foreclosures at the lowest level in five years.

However, the President said more needs to be done and urged Congress to pass a plan he released in February which would help millions of homeowners under water with their mortgages be able to refinance. 


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) criticized President Obama for the record deficit and for not doing more to reduce the unemployment rate.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Watch President Obama on The Daily Show


Obama Retakes Lead Nationwide - in the latest survey by Public Policy Polling, President Obama leads Mitt Romney 48% - 47%.  You can read more here.


Obama Extends Lead in Iowa and Wisconsin - two of abouy ten pivotal swing states.  Iowa: Obama 51% Romney 43%, Wisconsin: Obama 51% Romney 45%.  The NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll comes with less than three weeks to go until the General Election.  You can read more here.


Obama Has 8 Point Lead in Nevada, Within 3 in Virginia - in two more polls released today of these swing states.  The Mellman Group survey showed President Obama leading Mitt Romney in Nevada 51% - 43%.  In Virginia, a Rasmussen poll showed Romney leading Obama 50% - 47%.  You can read more here.


Latino Vote Could Determine Outcome in Florida, Colorado and Nevada - three of the remaining pivotal swing states.  The Obama campaign and supporters have outspent the Romney campaign and supporters 2-1 on ads on Spanish language television in these states.  You can read more here.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Springsteen Endorses Obama - excerpt: "Right now, there is a choice going on in America, and I’m happy that we live in a country where we all participate in that process. For me, President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together. We’re still living through very hard times but justice, equality and real freedom are not always a tide rushing in. They are more often a slow march, inch by inch, day after long day. I believe President Obama feels these days in his bones and has the strength to live them with us and to lead us to a country “…where no one crowds you and no one goes it alone.”  You can read it here.

Bruce Sprinsteen will be in Ohio campaigning for the President. He will be joined by former President Bill Clinton. 


Obama in New Hampshire Today - one of the less than a dozen critical swing states where polls are showing it to be too close to call.  The President will visit Manchester before heading to New York City.


President Clinton to Campaign for Obama in Wisconsin - another swing state where the most recent poll shows Obama 49% Romney 48%.  Clinton will be in Green Bay on Friday.


Romney Winning White Vote By 20 Points - a glaring statistic in this presidential election.  President Obama is ahead by even larger margins among Hispanic/Lations and African Americans.  You can read more here.


Passage of Same-Sex Marriage in Maryland Favored 52%-43% in Latest Poll - Maryland would be the first state in the nation where voters made the decision.  Same sex marriage is legal in six states and the district of columbia through legislative action.

Maryland's general assembly passed the law, which is scheduled to take effect in January.  However, a petition by opponents to the law, forced a state wide referendum.  You can read more here.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama Clearly Wins Second Debate

George Wenschhof

Watch Entire Debate as Obama Clearly Wins Second Debate - CBS News instant poll of undecided voters: Obama 37% Romney 30%

CNN Snap poll of registered voters: Obama 46% Romney 39%

Full Transcript may be read here.

President Obama was on top of his game as he corrected Mitt Romney on numerous occasions throughout the debate.  The validation of the phrase "work by terrorists" by Candy Crowley spoken by the President following the tragedy in Libya, to the reference made by Romney of having a "binder full of women", blind trusts and the strong close by Obama on the 47% reference, illustrated the upper hand by the President in this debate.

Watch highlights below.

Media Headlines:

NBC News: As Romney Stumbles, Obama Rumbles 

Reuters: With deft maneuvering, Obama regains his footing

New York Times: “Obama and Romney Turn Up the Temperature at Their Second Debate”

Washington Post: “Obama Goes on Offensive, Turns Debate Into Argument with Romney”

Wall Street Journal: “Candidates Tangle in Fractious Debate”

Associated Press: “Face to Face: Obama, Romney In Crackling Debate”

Los Angeles Times: “Obama Goes After Romney in Second Presidential Debate”

USA Today: “Obama, Romney Turn Up Heat in Second Debate”

Politico: “Fight Night on Long Island”

The Hill: “Obama, Romney Confrontational in Second Debate”

The last presidential debate will be held Monday October 22 at Lynn University in Florida from 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM ET.  The focus will be on foreign policy with a format similar to the first debate.  CBS News Bob Schieffer will be the moderator.


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