
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Springsteen Endorses Obama - excerpt: "Right now, there is a choice going on in America, and I’m happy that we live in a country where we all participate in that process. For me, President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together. We’re still living through very hard times but justice, equality and real freedom are not always a tide rushing in. They are more often a slow march, inch by inch, day after long day. I believe President Obama feels these days in his bones and has the strength to live them with us and to lead us to a country “…where no one crowds you and no one goes it alone.”  You can read it here.

Bruce Sprinsteen will be in Ohio campaigning for the President. He will be joined by former President Bill Clinton. 


Obama in New Hampshire Today - one of the less than a dozen critical swing states where polls are showing it to be too close to call.  The President will visit Manchester before heading to New York City.


President Clinton to Campaign for Obama in Wisconsin - another swing state where the most recent poll shows Obama 49% Romney 48%.  Clinton will be in Green Bay on Friday.


Romney Winning White Vote By 20 Points - a glaring statistic in this presidential election.  President Obama is ahead by even larger margins among Hispanic/Lations and African Americans.  You can read more here.


Passage of Same-Sex Marriage in Maryland Favored 52%-43% in Latest Poll - Maryland would be the first state in the nation where voters made the decision.  Same sex marriage is legal in six states and the district of columbia through legislative action.

Maryland's general assembly passed the law, which is scheduled to take effect in January.  However, a petition by opponents to the law, forced a state wide referendum.  You can read more here.


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