
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Not Ready For "Prime Time" on Foreign Policy - Watch new Obama campaign ad.


All Tied Up: Obama 47% - Romney 47% - the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of likely voters comes with 15 days to go until the General Election. 

Among registered voters, President Obama is ahead 49% - 44%. Obama also leads among women voters 51% - 43%. You can read more here.


Iran Agrees To One-on-One Nuclear Talks with U.S. - the announcement comes days before the last presidential debate on foreign policy.  It is indicative the diplomatic efforts by the Obama administration with Iran to avoid a military strike may be working.  You can read more here.


Cleveland Plain Dealer Endorses Obama - in the crucial battleground state of Ohio. "Today, we recommend President Obama's re-election. He has led the nation back from the brink of depression. Ohio in particular has benefited from his bold decision to revive the domestic auto industry. Because of his determination to fulfill a decades-old dream of Democrats, 30 million more Americans will soon have health insurance. His Race to the Top initiative seeded many of the education reforms embodied in Cleveland's Transformation Plan. He ended the war in Iraq and refocused the battle to disrupt al-Qaida and its terrorist allies. He ordered the risky attack inside Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden."  You can read in full here.


Obama To Tour Battleground States - on Wednesday, two days after the last presidential debate, President Obama will campaign in Iowa on Wednesday, then hit Colorado, Nevada, Florida and Virginia, cast his ballot early in his home town of Chicago, then stop in Ohio to end the tour.  NBC News Brian Williams will travel with the President and provide onsite reporting.  You can read more here.


A $2 Billion Presidential Campaign - an all time high for money spent.  Obama’s side has already pulled in $969 million, while Team Romney’s raised $919 million, according to a POLITICO analysis of Federal Election Commission data.  You can read more here.

Past time for campaign finance reform.


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