
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Delivers Strong Speech To United Nations - In a wide ranging speech, President Obama said the recent death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was not just an attack on the U.S., but an attack on the ideals of the United Nations. 

He promised the U.S. will not shrink from it's responsibilities globally and will be relentless in hunting Steven's killers.

In addition, Obama said the U.S. will do what we must to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons, but said there was still time for diplomatic solutions.

You can read the full text of speech here.


Consumer Confidence Reaches Highest Level Since February - the Consumer Confidence index is now at 70.3, a rise from 61.3 in August and the highest point since February.  You can read more here.


Washington Post Poll Shows Obama Ahead in Florida, Ohio - two states, Mitt Romney can not lose and win the presidency.  In Ohio, it is Obama 52% and Romney 44%.  In Florida, it is Obama 51% and Romney 47%.  You can read more here.


Voters Prefer Obama Over Romney on Economy - the CNBC poll shows 43% of voters believe President is better for the economy.  Only 34% believed Mitt Romney would be better for the economy.  You can read more here.


Romney's Refusal To Provide Details of Tax Plan, a Red Flag Says Clinton - "His proposal for dealing with the debt is first to make it bigger by adopting another round of tax cuts that with the interest associated it would be about $5 trillion more over a decade, and we know how he says he wants to eliminate that, not by raising taxes, but by eliminating preferences in the tax code," Clinton said during an interview with CBS News. "But he says he can do that without raising taxes on the middle class. I'm not sure that's possible. But he wants to defer, until after the election, saying what the specifics are. I think that ought to be a little bit of a red flag." 

You can read more here.


Attack Ads Begin in Massachusetts Senate Race - with polls showing a dead heat between Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren and Republican Scott Brown, both campaigns have produced ads with a harsher tone.

Brown today launched an attack ad against Elizabeth Warren, his Democratic opponent, about her claims of Cherokee heritage.  

Warren released an ad today, also airing statewide, defending herself. “Let me be clear,” she says directly to the camera. “I never asked for, never got any benefit because of my heritage. The people who hired me have all said they didn’t even know about it. I’m Elizabeth Warren. I approve this message. Scott Brown can continue attacking my family, but I’m going to keep fighting for yours.”

You can read more and watch the ads here.


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