
Monday, September 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Obama Campaign Ad Highlights Romney's Tax Return, 47% Comments


Obama 50% - Romney 47% in Latest Poll - the George Washington University/ Politico poll of likely voters shows a continued tight race, but Obama with the lead. You can read more here.


Obama Extends Lead in Florida and Colorado - two pivotal swing states.  The pollings conducted by PPP shows Florida: Obama 50%, Romney 46% and Colorado: Obama 51%, Romney 45%.  You can read more here.


Voters Prefer Obama On Issues Related To Medicare - in a new Gallup/USA Today poll, 51% of voters nationwide prefer President Obama to handle issues related to Medicare.  Only 43% preferred Mitt Romney.  You can read more here. 


Romney's Support Among Seniors Crumbles - over the last few weeks since the announcement of Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.) as Mitt Romney's running mate and the Democratic Convention.  The support among seniors aged 60 or over has dropped 20 points to where Romney now has a slim 4 point lead over President Obama.  You can read more here.


Romney Unclear on Tax Plan - Mitt Romney received criticism from Obama campaign manager David Axelrod and adviser Robert Gibbs yesterday on the morning talk shows for his lack of clarity for his tax plan for Americans.

“The bigger issue isn’t that he isn’t being straight about his own taxes,” Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos.” “The bigger issue is that he isn’t being straight about what he’s going to do to everyone else’s taxes.”  You can read more here.


Obama-Romney Appear Separately on CBS "Sixty Minutes" - yesterday, President Obama said “I’m the first one to confess that the spirit that I brought to Washington, that I wanted to see instituted, where we weren’t constantly in a political slugfest but were focused more on problem-solving that, you know, I haven’t fully accomplished that. Haven’t even come close in some cases....”.  You can watch excerpts from both interviews here.


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