
Monday, April 30, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Video Released to Kick-off Obama Reelection Campaign - highlights challenges President Obama encountered when he took office and the accomplishments he has had over the last 31/2 years.


Clinton Helps Obama Raise $2 Million Sunday - former President Bill Clinton addressed over 500 Obama supporters at the Virginia home of Terry McAuliffe.  He addressed the economy and stressed Obama was leading the country in the right direction. has more here.


Walker Recall a Test for Democrats - Democrats were united in forcing a recall election against union busting Republican Governor Scott Walker, but are stumbling in uniting behind a candidate. The Washington Post has more here.


More Talk for Condoleeza Rice For Romney VP - the talk continues to increase surrounding the former Secretary of State. has more here.


Will New State Voter ID laws Impact Election? - many of the laws are facing legal challenges.  But, the Obama campaign is preparing voters for the worse.  The NY Times has more here.


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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Democrats Optimistic With Delaney

George Wenschhof

                                          Photo by Valerie Dale

On a cold, rainy Saturday, over 150 enthusiastic Democratic supporters attended the "Western Maryland Democratic Unity Rally" to show support for John Delaney.  Delaney won the Democratic primary and will now face twenty year incumbent sixth district Republican Representative Roscoe Bartlett.

Joining Delaney in speaking to the crowd, were Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler, Maryland U.S. Senator Ben Cardin and Maryland eight district Representative Chris Van Hollen (D).

Cardin, who is running for reelection had the crowd roaring in approval as he pointed out the importance of President Obama returning to office to serve another term.  Cardin added failing to reelect Obama would take us back to the failed policies of the George W. Bush administration.

Van Hollen, former two-term chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, spoke on the "Drive for 25" campaign to regain a Democratic majority in the House and also welcomed Frederick voters who are now part of the eight district he represents.

John Delaney was gracious in thanking his Democratic primary opponents; state senator Rob Garagiola, Rob Little, Charles Bailey and Dr. Milad Pooran for helping him become a stronger candidate. 

The event was held at the Weinberg Center in downtown Frederick and sponsored by the Maryland Democratic Party and the Frederick County Democratic state central committee.


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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

More discussion sure to take place on the expanding secret service prostitution scandal.  Now, an official memo has been released with new guidelines for agents, detailing when they travel abroad they will be accompanied by a chaperon - huh?

Also, the Republican led House passed a bill keeping student loan rates low, but paying for it with cuts to the preventative care budget in the Affordable Health Care Act.  President Obama has threatened a veto, but the bill is unlikely to pass the Senate.  Expect this to receive attention.

With the anniversary of the death of Osama Bin Laden, Republicans are accusing the president of innapropriately using it in his reelection campaign, while some Democrats are wondering if Mitt Romney would have ordered the military action.  White House counterterrorism senior adviser John Brennan will make the rounds Sunday morning.

Seniors advisers to the Mitt Romney and President Obama campaigns will appear on NBC "Meet The Press and ABC "This Week" will have a rondtable discussion on the economy.

Below is a list of the scheduled guests appearing Sunday morning.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Senior campaign advisers Robert Gibbs (Obama) and Ed Gilespie (Romney)

Rountable with Rachel Maddow, Hilary Rosen, Alex Castellano, Rep. Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers (R-Wa.)

ABC "This Week" - White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan

Roundtable with Carly Fiorina, Jennifer Granholm, Paul Krugman, Eric Schmidt, David Walker and George Will.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Haley Barbour (former Miss. Gov. and former chair of republican Party) and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (national co-chair of Obama campaign).  Gov. Jerry Brown (D-Calf.)

Roundtable with David Ignatius, Graham Allison, Peter Bergen and John Miller.

CNN "State of The Union" - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), John Brennan, Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-Mt.) and Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.).

Fox News Sunday - John Brennan, Joel and Victoria Osteen; pastor and co-pastor of Lakewood Church.

Roundtable with Brit Hume, Liz Marlantes, Kimberley Strassel and Charles Lane.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama discusses the importance of higher education and details the executive order he signed Friday to protect Veterans by informing them of financial aid available to them for education.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who is chair of the House Budget Committee, discusses the Republican proposed budget.  He continues the rant against reckless Democratic spending.


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Friday, April 27, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Edward's Aide Used Money to Build House - the John Edwards trial took an interesting turn yesterday when ex-aide Andrew Young admitted he used much of the money intended to go to Edward's mistress, to build a home.  You can read more here.


Santorum Manager Joins Romney Campaign - Mike Biundo will be the deputy coalitions director, with the responsibility of recruiting conservative support for Mitt Romney. has more here.


Violence Against Women Act Passes Senate - the vote was 68-31, with all the no votes coming from Republican men.  Passage in the House is uncertain as republicans have put forth different legislation. has more here.


Obama Wins Youth Vote By Large Margin - a new Gallup poll shows president Obama with a 35% advantage over Mitt Romney among voters aged 18-29.  However, this age group has the lowest voter turnout (56%). has more here.


Spain Adds to Euro Zone Woes - with unemployment hitting 24%, spain has slipped into it's second recession in two years.  Standard and Poor's has lowered the credit rating for Spain to BBB+ and is calling on Europe to take action to encourage growth. has more here.


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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Fox News Poll Shows Obama-Romney Tied - at 46% each. The poll also shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama by 13 among Independents.  Fox News has more here.


Obama To Officially Launch Reelection Campaign May 5 - with campaign rallies at colleges in Virginia and Ohio, two battleground states.  The Washington Post has more here.


Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Widens - reports are surfacing members of the secret service cavorted with prostitues prior to President Obama's trip to San Salvador in March 2011. has more here. 


Edwards Trial Continues - the defense for John Edwards continues to question former aide Andrew Young as they try to discredit his testimony. has an update here.


Pakistan Prime Minister Guilty of Contempt - Yosaf Raza Gilani was found guilty, but given no jail time.  Speculation is he may still need to step down.  The NY Times has more here.


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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley Considers Two Special Sessions To Deal With Budget Impasse - after a meeting with House Speaker Michael Busch and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, it appears one session of the General Assembly will be called in mid May to address raising revenues and the second session would be held during the summer to consider adding casino gambling in the state.  The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Romney Romps in Tuesday Primaries - Mitt Romney easily won all five states who held primaries yesterday, receiving at least 56% in each state.  Newt Gingrich is expected to drop out by the weekend, leaving only Representative Ron Paul (R-Tex.) as opposition to Romney.  You can read more here.


Two Blue-Dog Democratic Representatives Lose in Pennslyvania - thanks, in part, to the redistricting by a Republican controlled state legislature.  Rep. Mark Critz defeated Rep. Jason Altmire and Rep. Tim Holden was defeated by Matt Cartwright. has more here.


Republicans Use Transportation Bill To Push Approval for Keystone XL Pipeline - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has included approval for the pipeline in the House bill funding transportation projects.  This sets up a battle with the Democratic controlled Senate, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has stated his opposition. has more here.


Britain Beset With Double Dip Recession - not good news on the international front as numbers released shows Britain has fallen into it's second recession since the financial crisis rocked the world markets. has more here.


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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Tuesday's Primaries Should End Newt's Campaign - with the campaign deeply in debt, the only state Newt Gingrich has a shot at winning today is Deleware, which has only 17 delegates.  Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York should all go to the Republican presumptive nominee; Mitt Romney. has more here.


Redistricting Forces Democrats to Run Against Each Other in Pennsylvania Today - Democratic incumbent Representatives Jason Altmire and Mark Kritz were forced into facing each other when the Republican controlled state legislature redrew congressional districts. has more here.


Boehner Says 1-3 Chance GOP Will Lose House - in an interview with Fox News which will run today, House Speaker John Boehner (R) said Republicans could lose control of the House.  The Fix has more here.


Report Shows Changes Needed in Social Security and Medicare - the report prepared by Trustees of the two programs affirmed what earlier reports indicated.  Medicare funds will not be able to keep up with demand by 2024 and social security will suffer the same fate by 2033. has more here.


More Mexicans Leaving U.S. Than Entering - a new Pew study shows a reversal of a four deade trend.  Many reasons are cited from a weak U.S. job market to stronger border enforcement and deportations. has more here.


More Testimony Today From Former Edward's Aide Andrew Young - John Edwards is accused of violations of campaign finance laws in regard to money spent on a former mistress during the 2008 campaign. has more here. 


N. Korea Prepares for Third Nuclear Test - following the failed launch of a long range rocket.  N. Korea conducted nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.  The country is already enduring sanctions from western countries. has more here.


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Monday, April 23, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Supreme Court To Hear Arguments on Immigration - specifically, they will be looking at state's rights to enforce tough anti-immigration laws.  Arizona law SB1070 expanded state police authority and was challenged by the Obama administration.  The court will hear arguments beginning Wednesday.  The NY Times has more here.


John Edwards Trial Begins Today - after delay, the trial involving charges of improper use of campaign funds finally gets underway.  The case involves the use of funds to aid his mistress Rielle Hunter.  The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Lieberman Fans Fire on Secret Service Scandal - although, he continues to caucus with Democrats the Independent Connecticut Senator, called for further investigation as a 12th agent has been put on administrative leave.  The Washington Post has more here.


Speculation Continues on Romney VP Pick - the ususal suspects are Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-Ind.).  Former Florida Jeb Bush would make for a powerful pick, but he could overshadow Romney.

Look to see serious consideration given to picking an hispanic woman, for the obvious reasons of wooing the votes of women and hispanics - Perhaps, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez. has more here.


Sarkozy Limps To Second Round of Presidential Election - the first time a sitting President of France has not won the first round of voting.  Socialist Francois Hollande won with 28.6% and Nicolas Sarkozy received 27.1%.  The second round of voting will be held May 6.  BBC News has more here.


Egyptian Companies Stop Gas Sales To Israel - in yet another sign of the deteriorating relations between the two countries. has more here. 


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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mayor Strives For Transparency in Budget

George Wenschhof

When I sat down with City of Frederick mayor Randy McClement (R), it marked the last in a series of interviews I had conducted with the mayor and aldermen on the 2013 fiscal year proposed budget.

He told me "transparency is the number one thing he is trying to do" and was pleased he was able to maintain current level of services without raising taxes.   

McClement added information received in a citizen survey along with priorities submitted by aldermen was taken into consideration when he prepared the budget.

Randy also pointed out zero based budgeting which he implemented when he became mayor along with increased projected revenues has helped the city be in a position to address the requests by aldermen while still maintaining a $10 million fund balance.

His number one priority in the budget is to finish the final phase of Carroll Creek and to move forward on the development of a downtown hotel/conference center.  The Mayor said "economic development for the city has always been his goal, and not just downtown". 

McClement added "Phase 1 of Carroll Creek had stimulated the downtown".  McClement felt moving ahead with the estimated $12-13 million final phase of Carroll Creek was also necessary to avoid the city losing a $3 million state grant for the project.  The city portion of the overall funding would most likely be financed through a municipal bond.

He mentioned many of the priorities requested by aldermen were addressed in the budget, including, but not limited to; five additional police officers, street repair, a part-time code enforcement officer and a city liquor inspector.

The mayor added this will be the first budget the city will use a tax differential system, resulting in a four cent reduction to city taxpayers.

With debt service being a significant portion of the overall city budget, we discussed some of the troublesome areas.

In regard to the underfunded Other Post Employees Benefit (OPEB) and Pension programs, the mayor said he had appointed committees to review.  While, he did not give them a timeline, he did stress due diligence to the members and noted they were meeting bi-monthly.  The committees will recommend changes in benefits as well as investment strategies.

As to Alderman Karen Young (D) not being happy with the slow pace the city had taken in addressing this problem, McClement said "they had different styles".

The receipt of $13.6 million federal grant to repay the city for airport expansion construction has proven elusive and will once again not be received in this budget year.  The city was unable to meet grant requirements calling for the city to be receiving market rates from all hangers at the airport; one of which was with the state police.

The mayor expressed his disappointment in failing to meet the federal requirements, adding the disbursement of the grant has now also changed from one full payment to phased in payments to the city.

The city purchase of Hargett farm for use of a park by the former Holtzinger administration has also saddled the city with a sizable debt and the mayor indicated options were limited to the city in regard to this property. 

McClement indicated they had done some research on what could be done with the property and had found the previous administration bonding mechanism and a portion of the land being designated "project open space", restricted city options.

Another debt weighing down the city coffers is the $1.5 million annual fee to the county for the right to use water when the city is not using it.  This was also agreed to by the former Holtzinger administration.  The mayor indicated they were negotiating this fee with the county, but had not reached an agreement.

As time was running out, we did not discuss in depth the unfunded $54 million mandate by the state on improvements to the waste water treatment plant, which are to be done by 2025.

Again, McClement expressed frustration and hoped negotiations and state funding would reduce the city financial obligation.

The mayor and board plan to adopt the budget and set the tax rate on May 17.

Below are the remaining scheduled public meeting dates on the budget.  They will be televised on local channel 99 and can also be viewed online

April 25th – 7:00 p.m.
Economic Development
Weinberg Center
Community Action Agency

May 2nd – 7:00 p.m.
Parks & Recreation
Capital Improvements Program (CIP)

May 9th – 7:00 p.m.
Mayor’s Office
Human Resources


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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

The secret service scandal in Colombia will dominate the morning talk shows this Sunday.  Six members have resigned or been removed since news of the scandal involving prostitues hit the news.

Also, sure to be mentioned is the out of control spending by the Government Services Administration.  Republicans will surely point to President Obama and weak leadership as contributing factors to both.

With Mitt Romney now the presumptive Republican Party nominee, the discussion now is focused on who he will pick as his running mate.

Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, along with his counterparts in the House Peter King (R-NY) and Darrell Issa (R-Calf.) will add their thoughts on the current scandals swirling around Washington.

Rumored Republican vice presidential candidates; Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Governor Mitch Daniels (R-Ind.) and Governor Bob McDonnell (R-Va.) will all appear as guests.

Obama campaign senior adviser David Axelrod will also appear on two of the morning shows.

Note, recently fired commentator Keith Olbermann appears on the roundtable discussion on ABC "This Week".

Below is a list of the scheduled guests: 

NBC "Meet The Press" - Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Calf.) and Peter King (R-NY).  David Axelrod

Roundtable with Chuck Todd, David Brooks, EJ Dionne, and Helene Cooper.

ABC "This Week" - Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.) - more members of Homeland Security Committees.

Roundtable with Keith Olbermann, George Will, Donna Brazille, Peggy Noonan and Matthew Dodd.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), former Secret Service Director Ralph Basham, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tex.), and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.).

Roundtable with Norah O'Donnell, John Dickerson, Major Garrett and Melinda Hennenberger.

CNN "State of The Union" - David Axelrod, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.).

Fox News Sunday - Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Governor Mitch Daniels (R-Ind.).


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama urged Congress to extend low interest rates on College student loans.  Legislation passed in 2007 reduced interest rates on many college loans to 3.4%.  If, Congress does not act to extend by July 1, the interest rate would double to 6.8%.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) criticizes President Obama for delaying the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. He stated the project would create jobs and lower gas prices for Americans.

Blunt also said the passage by Senate Democrats of the "Buffet Rule" this week was nothing more than a gimmich which would do nothing to create jobs or lower fuel prices.


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Friday, April 20, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Leads Romney By 6 Points - in the latest national poll conducted by NBC News/Wall Street Journal.  President Obama received 49% and Mitt Romney had 43%. has more here.


Fox News Poll Shows Obama Leading Romney in the Key States of Florida and Ohio.  Florida: Obama 45%, Romney 43%.  Ohio: Obama 45%, Romney 39%.  The National Journal has more here.


West and Nugent Comments Highlight Problems with Far Right Rhetoric - Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) and his recent McCarthyism imitation and now rocker Ted Nugent with over-the-top comments directed toward President Obama illustrates an ideology run amuck.  Eugene Robinson has a good read in The Washington Post here.


Redistricting Makes Democrats "Drive for 25" Difficult - the goal of gaining 25 seats to capture the majority in the House is becoming tougher as redistricting plays out across the country.  Adding to the Democratic woes has been the retirement of 15 House Representatives.  The NY Times has more here.


Emily's List Announces 5 More Endorsements - as part of the effort to regain a Democratic majority in the House, five Democratic women candidates were endorsed by Emily's List.  The women are running in ditricts which are toss-ups or slightly favor Republicans. has more here.


DSCC Outraises NRSC - the race for cash by the national Senate political commitees is intense with Democrats reporting raising $7.4 million in March with $24 million cash on hand.  Their Republican counterpart reported raising $5.8 million in March with $20 million cash on hand.  You can read more details here.


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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Condoleeza Rice For Vice President? - the former Secretary of State under the George W. Bush administration was the pick among Republican voters in a CNN poll.  She received 26% of the vote, followed by Rick Santorum with 25%. has more here.


Swift Disciplinary Action Begins on Secret Service Agents - already, three agaents have been disciplined.  One has resigned, one is in process of being fired and one has resigned over the prostitution scandal in Colombia.  ABC News has more here. 


More Bad Behavior in Afghanistan - the photos published recently depicting U.S. soldiers posing with remains of Afghan insurgents shines more light on an untenable situation for the United States.  You can read more here.


India Successfully Fires Intercontinental Missile - they now join a small number of nations able to launch nuclear warheads around the world.  The BBC News has more here.


Hamas Losing Grip on Gaza Strip - Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip are beginning to lose confidence in the group which grew to power as a result of struggles with Israel. Promises of a better life have never materialized.  The Washington Post has more here.


French President Sarkozy Facing Tough Reelection Bid - Nicolas Sarkozy is battling Francois Hollande for first place in a multiple candidate first round of voting set for Sunday.  The two are expected to face each other in a May 6 runoff. has more here.


New Route Proposed For Keystone XL Pipeline - the builders of the pipeline have proposed a new route east of the existing route which goes over an environmentally sensistive aquafer. has more here.


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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Russell Wants Higher Funding for City Police

George Wenschhof
When I sat down to discuss the proposed City of Frederick budget with Alderman Kelly Russell (D), she was quick to point out funding for police continues to fall below the level called for in a strategic plan.

The former police officer, said while the budget proposed by Mayor Randy McClement (R) provides for an additional five officers for a total of 138, the five year plan called for a total of 145.
She acknowledged no formal approval had been taken on the strategic plan by the mayor and board, but felt it was a relevant guide to follow in determining funding for city police.

Overall, Russell felt the process undertaken by the mayor in preparing his proposed budget was a good one which allowed for community and aldermen input.
She was pleased her request for $100,000 for capital improvements for sidewalk improvements along Stadium Drive had been included in the budget.  The funds will go toward building a handicapped access sidewalk from S. Market along Stadium Drive, which she felt had gone too long without it.

As to the underfunded Pension and Other Post Employee Benefits (OPEB), the alderman wanted to see a balanced approach taken.  She added she was looking forward to hearing suggestions from the committee recently appointed by the mayor.
Kelly also hoped $20,000 would be forthcoming for the city ad hoc bicycle committee, on which she serve as alderman liaison.  The mayor had offered to match up to $20,000 in funds the committee had raised and she would like to see the mayor accept over $20,000 of in-kind contributions for the match.

She was pleased a $60,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Transportation is forthcoming which will help complete the bicycle pathway along 7th Street from Fort Detrick to East Street, furthering her goal to make Frederick a bicycle friendly community.
The mayor and board are scheduled to set the tax rate and approve the budget on May 17.

Below are the remaining scheduled public meeting dates of the mayor and board on the budget.  Plan to watch live on local channel 99 or online at
April 25th – 7:00 p.m.

Economic Development
Weinberg Center


Community Action Agency

May 2nd – 7:00 p.m.

Parks & Recreation

Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
May 9th – 7:00 p.m.

Mayor’s Office

Human Resources



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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republicans Block "Buffet Rule" in Senate - as expected, Senate Republicans kept the bill from moving forward with a vote. Even though it passed 51-45, it fell short of the required 60 votes needed to break the filibuster.  The bill would have set a minimum tax rate for millionaires. The Washington Post has more here.


Gallup Poll Shows 6-10 Feel Taxes Are Fair - two groups emerged in the polling with 46% feeling they pay too much in federal taxes and 47% feeling it is about right. has more here.


Romney Gaining on Obama in National Polls - a Reuters/Ipsos poll shows President Obama holds a 4 point lead over Mitt Romney which is down 7 points from one month ago.  The daily Gallup poll shows Romney leading Obama 47% - 45% among registered voters. has more here.


IMF Forecasts 2.1% Increase in Growth For U.S. - the projection from the international Monetary Fund is an increase from the 1.8% predicted in January. has more here.


June 12 Special Election For Gabrielle Giffords Seat - is rapidly approaching with former Giffords sraffer Ron Barber (D) expected to face Jesse Kelly.  Politicos are watching the race closely as Arizona is a swing state and the results could be a harbinger to the 2012 General Election. has more here.


UN Observers in Syria on Shaky Ground - violence continues, even as U.N. observers hit the ground in Syria.  Questions abound if the 250 unarmed observers will have any effect. has more here.


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Monday, April 16, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Leading Romney in Electoral Votes - President Obama has a projected 242 electoral votes to 188 for Mitt Romney.  270 are needed to win.  There are a little over 100 electoral votes up for grabs among nine states.  The battleground states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia. has more here.


Obama campaign Raises $53 Million in March - a staggering amount and is eight million more than the $45 million raised in February.  The average contribution was $50 and the Obama campaign had an estimated $85 million cash on hand.  The Washington Post has more here.


Senate To Vote on "Buffet Rule" Today - the bill pushed by President Obama would impose a minimum 30% tax rate on those earning more than $2 million and also increase the tax rate for those earning more than one million.  Senate Republicans are expected to block the vote.

House Republicans will vote Thursday on a bill that would reduce business tax by 20% for those employing fewer than 500 employees.  The bill is expected to pass the House and fail in the Senate.  You can read more here.


U.S. - Colombia Free Trade Agreement to be Signed May 15 - the announcement was hailed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, while the AFL-CIO expressed disappointment due to Colombia not doing enough to protect worker's rights. has more here.


Taliban Still a Force in Afghanistan - targeted attacks inside Kabul, including NATO HG, parliament and foreign embassies were intended to show the world the Taliban remain a force.  The BBC has more here.


Candidates Barred From Egypt Election Causes More Turmoil - the move from a military to civilan run government has not been smooth for Egypt.  The latest obstacle in the move to democracy has been the disqualification of a former member of the Mubarak regieme, an ultra-conservative Islamic, and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.  The NY Times has more here.


First UN Cease-Fire Observers Arrive in Syria - a half dozen of what is planned to be a total of 250 unarmed soldiers have arrived in Syria, even as shells continued to be fired.  Optimism runs high, the cease fire can result in an end to the year long violence. has more here.


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Sunday, April 15, 2012

O'Connor Takes Reasonable Approach to Budget

George Wenschhof

When I sat down to talk with City of Frederick, Maryland alderman Michael O'Connor (D), he indicated he would review by using a "is it reasonable" test when looking at budget requests.

Michael went on to tell me he "...was not looking to see smaller or larger government, but rather his goal was to have effective government."

Overall, O'Connor has liked how the process has unfolded this year and appreciated the opportunity for input aldermen had been given as Mayor Randy McClement (R) prepared his budget.

He was especially pleased it appeared consensus had been reached among the aldermen and the mayor to increase and forward fund street improvements, an area in the budget which had been hit hard in recent years as state funding had decreased during the downturn in the economy.

The move to a tax differential system from the tax equity program, was another change O'Connor was happy to see.  The change will result in city residents receiving a lower county tax bill and a slightly higher city tax bill.  However, overall city residents will receive a reduction of 4 cents from their current city tax rate.

Previously, city residents paid a full county rate for taxes and the county would reimburse the city for duplication of services. The alderman felt tax differential was a more fair system, but felt the formula used for determining duplication of services with the county still needed to be tweaked.

As to the underfunded pension and other post employment benefit programs, O'Connor wanted to see the committees appointed by the mayor provide suggestions after taking a systematic review and evaluation.  Although, some aldermen have criticized the mayor for not acting sooner on this problem, Michael said "slow is better than not moving at all."

In regard to the change from a part-time code enforcement position requested by the mayor to a full time position advocated by some of the aldermen, O'Connor wants to look at the overall cost, which would likely include benefits for a full time position.

The city plans to adopt the budget and set the tax rate during the May 17 mayor and board meeting.

A schedule for the public meetings scheduled on the budget follows below.  The meetings can also be viewed on local public TV channel 99 or watched online at

April 4th - 7:00 p.m.
• Department of Public Works

April 11th – 7:00 p.m.
• Police Department

April 18th – 7:00 p.m.
• Airport
• Economic Development,
• Weinberg Center,
• Parking,
• Facilities
• Community Action Agency

April 25th – 7:00 p.m.
• Engineering
• Planning
• Parks & Recreation

May 2nd – 7:00 p.m.
• Finance/Budget & Purchasing/Human Resources
• Legal
• Mayor’s Office

May 9th – 7:00 p.m.
• Open agenda


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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

The Sunday morning political discussion looks like it should be interesting to watch.  With the deadline to file tax returns rapidly approaching, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will appear on three of the morning shows. 

Also, Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod and White House adviser David Plouffe will add their thoughts.  Look to see a mention that President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have released their income tax returns, while Mitt Romney has filed for an extension.

Sure, to be discussed is the alleged indiscretion by secret service agents in Cartengena, Colombia, which resulted in them being sent home prior to the president's arrival in the country for a summit.

Ed Gilespie, the new adviser to the Romney campaign will face off with David Axelrod on "Fox News Sunday".

A fun exchange to watch should be between Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).  Think, they will talk about the role of women? 

Senator John McCain (R-Az.) will appear on CBS "Face The Nation" and he will be talking about his recent trip to Turkey and the Syrian crisis.

Below, is a list of the scheduled guests:

NBC "Meet The Press" - Timothy Geithner, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.)

Roundtable with Harold Ford, Mike Murphy, Chuck Todd and Savannah Guthrie.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Tim Geithner and Sen. John McCain (R-Az.)

ABC "This Week" - Timothy Geithner

Roundtable with Cokie Roberts, Melody Barnes, Paul Gigot, Kevin Madden and Katrina vanden Heuval.

CNN "State Of The Union" - Bill Cosby, RNC chair Reince Preibus, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-Wa.)

 Fox News Sunday - Ed Gilespie and David Axelrod.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama continues to push Congress to pass the "Buffet Rule" and criticized Republicans for opposing the bill.

Obama points out that it is not just about fairness in our tax system, but is is also about growing our economy.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Fred Upton (R-Mich.) continues the Republican Party criticism of President Obama's energy policies.

Upton pushed for relaxed government regulations on oil refineries and an increase of domestic drilling, including on federal land.


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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Weak on Women's Issues - in an attempt to portray President Obama record on women's issues as failing, Mitt Romney displayed his disconnect with this powerful voting block. has more here.


National Republican Senate Committee Reserves $25 Million Air Time - in six states targeting Senate races as Republicans battle to gain a majority in the U.S. Senate. has more here.


John Edwards Trial Set To Begin - jury selection is beginning in the long delayed trial.  Edwards is accused of illegal campaign spending, related to his former mistress Rielle Hunter, during his unsuccessful bid for the presidency in the 2008 campaign. has more here.


Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) Exhibits a Return To McCarthyism - yesterday, when he claimed 81 Democratic members of Congress are Communists.  The Washington Post "The Fix" has more here. 


Zimmerman Charged with Second Degree Murder - the highest charge possible, with George Zimmerman expected to plea not guilty.  You can read more here.


Syrian Guns Silent - as hopes grow the U.N. brokered cease fire will take hold.  Syrian rebels claim government troops have not withdrawn from cities, as was called for in the cease fire agreement. has more here.


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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Battle Lines Drawn in Obama-Romney Showdown - with Rick Santorum bowing out, Romney can now focus on Obama.  It is likely Romney will attack Obama on the economy and obama will counter with the disconnect Romney has with women, middle class Americans and Hispanics.  The Washington Post has more here.
Obama To Highlight "Buffet Rule" Today - at an event at the White House, the president is expected to host millionaires who support higher taxes for those earning over a million per year. has more here.


Annan Hopeful For Syrian Cease Fire - U.N. envoy Kofi Annan remains optimistic the Syrian government will begin implementing the peace plan he brokered.  The BBC has more here.


N. Korea Readies Rocket Launch - in spite of protestations from western nations, the fueling of the rocket has begun with liftout as early as tomorrow. The chicago tribune has more here.


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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Budget in Limbo - the general assembly failed to reach agreement on revenue needed to balance the budget prior to midnight on the last day of session.  The result is Maryland is in uncharted territory.  It is likely Governor Martin O'Malley will call for a special session to allow time for the state senate and house of delegates to rework the budget.  The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Leads Romney in Key Areas - in a poll released by the Washington Post/ABC News, President Obama leads Mitt Romney in addressing women's issues, protecting the middle class, helth care and international relations.  Obama is also more likeable and inspiring.  You can read more here.


GOP VP Competition Intense - who will appear on the Republican ticket as vice president has become the big question in Washington.  Florida Senator Marco Rubio and House Budget chair Paul Ryan (Wis.) are the current leaders in this contest. has more here. 


New Consumer Bureau To Propose New Rules for Mortgage Industry - newly appointed Richard Cordray announced the plans yesterday they hope will help protect consumers. has more here.


Bernanke Wants Banks To Have Bigger Capital Buffer - the federal reserve chair was was warning the U.S. is not out of the financial crisis and banks will be required to keep a larger cash buffer, in a move that will be implemented over time. has more here.


Syria Peace Plan Collapses - the U.N. brokered peace plan seems to have little chance of being implemented as violence continues and has even spread across the borders of Lebanon and Turkey.  You can read more here.


North Korea Readies Satellite Launch - the U.S. and it's allies say the launch will violate the agreement banning intercontinental ballistic missile testing in return for food aid.  The NY Times has more here.


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Monday, April 9, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Approval Rating Up - the Gallup poll released today shows President Obama with a 46% approval rating for the month of March.  The most recent polling data shows 50% in April, a level the president has not been at since May of last year when Osama Bin Laden was killed. has more here.


Obama-Romney Battle for Independents - a new poll released by Global Strategy Group reflects independents like President Obama better but, feel closer ideologically to Mitt Romney. has more here.


What Role Will Bill Clinton Play in 2012 Election? - former President Bill Clinton could be a big help for President Obama in appealing to the blue-collar workers across the country, but it remains to be seen what role Clinton will play. has more here.


Super-Pacs Impact on Presidential Race - the Boston Globe has a good read on the impact super-pacs with their unlimited corporate contributions (thanks to the Supreme Court 5-4 "Citizens United deceision) will have on the upcoming election.  You can read it here.


Budget Unsettled On Last Day of Maryland General Assembly - Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley will be holding a conference call today ( in which I will participate) at 3:30 PM ET to discuss the status of the session. 

Last minute budget talks between the House and Senate have resulted in a flurry of suggestions to bridge the deficit, ranging from an increase in income tax for those earning more than $100,000 to an increase in the state's sales tax to pay for raods and infrasrtucture.  The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Keep An Eye On Egypt Election - last minute filings by respresentatives of the Muslim Brotherhood; Egypt's largest Islamic group and the Military has added drama in the country's move to democracy and civilian rule.  The Washington Post has more here.


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