
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

More discussion sure to take place on the expanding secret service prostitution scandal.  Now, an official memo has been released with new guidelines for agents, detailing when they travel abroad they will be accompanied by a chaperon - huh?

Also, the Republican led House passed a bill keeping student loan rates low, but paying for it with cuts to the preventative care budget in the Affordable Health Care Act.  President Obama has threatened a veto, but the bill is unlikely to pass the Senate.  Expect this to receive attention.

With the anniversary of the death of Osama Bin Laden, Republicans are accusing the president of innapropriately using it in his reelection campaign, while some Democrats are wondering if Mitt Romney would have ordered the military action.  White House counterterrorism senior adviser John Brennan will make the rounds Sunday morning.

Seniors advisers to the Mitt Romney and President Obama campaigns will appear on NBC "Meet The Press and ABC "This Week" will have a rondtable discussion on the economy.

Below is a list of the scheduled guests appearing Sunday morning.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Senior campaign advisers Robert Gibbs (Obama) and Ed Gilespie (Romney)

Rountable with Rachel Maddow, Hilary Rosen, Alex Castellano, Rep. Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers (R-Wa.)

ABC "This Week" - White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan

Roundtable with Carly Fiorina, Jennifer Granholm, Paul Krugman, Eric Schmidt, David Walker and George Will.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Haley Barbour (former Miss. Gov. and former chair of republican Party) and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (national co-chair of Obama campaign).  Gov. Jerry Brown (D-Calf.)

Roundtable with David Ignatius, Graham Allison, Peter Bergen and John Miller.

CNN "State of The Union" - House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), John Brennan, Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-Mt.) and Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.).

Fox News Sunday - John Brennan, Joel and Victoria Osteen; pastor and co-pastor of Lakewood Church.

Roundtable with Brit Hume, Liz Marlantes, Kimberley Strassel and Charles Lane.


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