
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Budget in Limbo - the general assembly failed to reach agreement on revenue needed to balance the budget prior to midnight on the last day of session.  The result is Maryland is in uncharted territory.  It is likely Governor Martin O'Malley will call for a special session to allow time for the state senate and house of delegates to rework the budget.  The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Leads Romney in Key Areas - in a poll released by the Washington Post/ABC News, President Obama leads Mitt Romney in addressing women's issues, protecting the middle class, helth care and international relations.  Obama is also more likeable and inspiring.  You can read more here.


GOP VP Competition Intense - who will appear on the Republican ticket as vice president has become the big question in Washington.  Florida Senator Marco Rubio and House Budget chair Paul Ryan (Wis.) are the current leaders in this contest. has more here. 


New Consumer Bureau To Propose New Rules for Mortgage Industry - newly appointed Richard Cordray announced the plans yesterday they hope will help protect consumers. has more here.


Bernanke Wants Banks To Have Bigger Capital Buffer - the federal reserve chair was was warning the U.S. is not out of the financial crisis and banks will be required to keep a larger cash buffer, in a move that will be implemented over time. has more here.


Syria Peace Plan Collapses - the U.N. brokered peace plan seems to have little chance of being implemented as violence continues and has even spread across the borders of Lebanon and Turkey.  You can read more here.


North Korea Readies Satellite Launch - the U.S. and it's allies say the launch will violate the agreement banning intercontinental ballistic missile testing in return for food aid.  The NY Times has more here.


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