
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Look to see most of the discussion focused on the Iowa caucuses which will take place on Tuesday. Texas Representative Ron Paul, who is leading in the Iowa polls will be on many of the morning talk shows as will Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Pa. Senator Rick Santorum.

What will be interesting, will be the talk of the best and worst of 2011 and a look ahead to 2012, which is sure to be brought up in the discussions.

NBC "Meet The Press" - Rick Santorum, Iowa preview with Chuck Todd and Matt Strawn, Roundtable discussion with David Brooks, Mike Murphy, Katie Obradovich, Mark Halperin and Andrea Mitchell.

ABC "This Week" - Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Iowa Governor Terry Branstad. Iowa caucuses breakdown with Jonathan Karl and Kay Henderson. Roundtable discussion with Matthew Dowd, Neera Tanden, Byron York, and Craig Robinson.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Sen. Rand Paul, former Sen. Jim Talent and former Rep. J.C. Watts. Roundtable discussion with John Dickerson, Norah O'Donnell, David Yepsen and Mike Allen.

CNN "State of The Union" - Ron Paul, Rep. Steve King R-Iowa) and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad. Political discussion with Dan Balz and Neil King.

Fox News Sunday - Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Gov. Rick Perry.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama thanked Congress for passing the two month payroll tax extension, saying "It was good to see Members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans".

Obama said he was hopeful on making progress on his agenda in the new year, but warned it would not be easy. The president emphasized by working together, we can grow the economy in the new year.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Johnny Isackson (R-Ga.) talks about the Republican "commitments" for 2012. Number one is making it easier for small businesses to create jobs. Fundamental tax reform, regulatory reform and energy security are the three main issues Republicans will focus on in 2012, according to Isackson.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Manager Outlines Campaign Strategy -
Jim Messina, in a year end fund raising pitch, gives details of the different routes to reaching the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.


Obama Approval Rating Drops -
it was a short bounce the president received as the Republican House opposed the tax cut extension. The latest Gallup poll has President Obama at 41% approval and 50% disapproval. You can read more here.


Bachmann Campaign Implodes -
less than a week before the Iowa caucuses, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann's campaign has loss it's top two key members. First, state chair Kent Sorenson bolted and came out in support of Texas Rep. Ron Paul. Now, it is political director Wes Enos who has quit the campaign. You can read more here.


Maryland Governor O'Malley Continues Push To End New Septic Systems -
as a part of his Plan Maryland push on smart growth policies in Maryland. Reducing the resulting pollution of the Chesapeake Bay is a major concern of the Democratic Governor, who is receiving resistance from rural counties in the state. You can read more here.


Possible Taliban Prisoner Transfer Raises Concern -
seems the Obama administration is considering transferring a senior Taliban prisoner incarcerated at Guantanamo Prison to Afghanistan. The pondered move part of a strategy to improve relations with the Taliban in Afghanistan. has more here.


Anti al-Assad Protests Spread in Syria -
as Arab observers fan out across the country. Protesters are calling on demonstrators to camp out in public squares to highlight opposition to the Assad regime. You can read more here.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Americans Hopeful For 2012 -
AP/GfK polling suggest Americans are optimistic about 2012 and would like to forget 2011. 62% are optimistic on what 2012 will bring for the nation and 78% are optimistic on what it will mean for their families. Almost 70% said 2011 was a bad year. You can read more here.


Unemployment Claims Up -
the Labor Department reported the weekly claims were up 15,000. However, the four week average is the lowest since June 2008. You can read more here.


Hydrofracking - Latest Battle of Environment Versus Money -
a good read here at on the battle ongoing in the state of New York. This is actually a federal issue and one federal regulators should weigh in on. A moratorium, while health and safety research is conducted only makes sense.


Kim Jong-un Declared North Korea Leader -
he was named supreme head of the country one day after the death of his father, in front of a crowd of tens of thousands in Pyongyang. The NY Times has more here.


Arab Observers in Syria -
they are investigating the violence inflicted by the government crack down on protesters. Initial reports from the city of Homs by one observer, indicating "he saw nothing frightening" has frustrated demonstrators. has more here.


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Topsy Curvy Polls Continue For GOP Candidates

George Wenschhof

Anything can still happen in the Iowa caucuses next Tuesday. One thing is for sure, Republican voters are still searching for an alternative to Mitt Romney. Romney is likely to finish among the top three in Iowa and win New Hampshire the following week. Romney's campaign organization and money continue to make him the favorite to win the Republican nomination.

However, he just does not have "it" with Republican voters, or for any voters for that matter, never pulling away from the herd, or registering poll numbers higher than the mid twenty per cent range. Rick Santorum is the latest to "surge" in the polls, registering third with Newt Gingrich falling to fourth place after a "pile on" by all the rest of the aspiring candidates. Gingrich's plummet in the polls followed the rise and fall of Herman Cain and the disappearance of the Rick Perry campaign.

Adding insult to the Michele Bachmann campaign, her Iowa chair jumped ship to join and support the Ron Paul campaign, less than a week before the Iowa caucuses. Ron Paul may win Iowa, but he has no chance to win the Republican Party nomination. Adding fuel to the rumor he will run ultimately as an Independent.

Former Utah Governor and Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman; the more reasonable voice of the group, is barely registering among Republican voters, overshadowed by the raucous din on who is more conservative than the other.

All, of which clearly illustrates how silly and out of touch with voters the current battle among Republican candidates is on who is more "conservative". To continue to focus on ideology as opposed to ways to bring the country together on finding the solutions to the problems ahead is a major fallacy of the Republican Party.

The clear winner in the Republican Presidential Primary to date is President Obama.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Democratic Senator Ben Nelson Announces Retirement -
a move, that shakes up the already tight 2012 election battle for control of the Senate. The Nebraska race. already considered a toss up, now leans to the Republican side. Liberal Democrats are happy Nelson, a moderate, is retiring. However, a Republican winning the seat now becomes a possibility. has more here.


Paul and Romney At Top of Latest Iowa Poll -
the latest Public Policy Poll has Ron Paul on top with 24% and Mitt Romney a close second at 20%. has more here.

The Iowa caucuses are set for next Tuesday. Keep in mind, caucus voting is different than voting in a polling booth. The voting is public with potential of several rounds of voting at each caucus until a caucus chair determines the final vote. During the voting, individuals can change their votes. So, polls are not necessarily a true barometer of the outcome. Stay tuned...


Emily's List Releases Scorecard On Republican Presidential Candidates -
it scores the candidates on issues of importance to their organization. Former house speaker Newt Gingrich ranked the worst. has more here.


Obama To Ask For 1.2 Trillion Hike in Debt Ceiling -
this, a result of the last negotiated agreement in a raise of the national debt ceiling. The 1.2 trillion is expected to cover the expenses of the government through the 2012 election. As, part of the earlier negotiated agreement, if Congress votes disapproval on the request, President Obama can veto and a two-thirds vote in Congress would be needed to over-ride the veto, which won't happen. This sets up more political drama at the end of this year. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama To Nominate Two for Federal Reserve Board of Governors -
proposing the two empty seats be filled by a economist and a banker. One a Democrat and the other a Republican. The economy remains a work in progress, with unemployment at 8.6%. has more here.


Obama Administration Developing "Triggers" for Iran Strike -
Talks are underway between Israel and U.S. officials to determine "triggers" which would result in a strike against Iran. This comes as Iran continues to move forward in the nuclear arms program and refuses to allow international inspectors. You can read more here.


Religious Discrimination Toward Women on Display In Israel -
an interesting development to the casual observer. Strict social codes by ultra Orthodox zealots toward women has come to a raging boil in Israel. You can read more here.


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Receives Gain in Approval After Payroll Tax Extension Battle - has President Obama's approval rating at 47% and disapproval at 45%. The first time the president has been in the positive for some time. You can read more here.


Many Challenges Ahead For U.S. -
Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post has a good read today on the many challenges the U.S. faces in the years ahead and the need for our political leaders to bring people together to address them. You can read it here.


Campaign Finance Reform, Anyone?
after the narrow 5-4 "Citizens United" Supreme Court decision, the federal elections commission has done nothing to create any new regulations pertaining to campaign financing and it appears spending in the 2012 election will set new records. has more here.


Arab Advisers Arrive in Syria -
as a result, Syrian tanks have withdrawn from the town of Homs. This comes as demonstrators question the credentials of the observers. The NY Times has more here.


Zardari Clings to Power in Pakistan -
keep a close eye on what is going on it Pakistan as it is unlikely Asif ali-Zardari will survive as President. The husband of the late Benazir Bhutto had earned the nickname "Mr. Ten Percent" for his graft during Bhutto's time in power. Now, he is at odds with the powerful military establishment in Pakistan and his ouster from power is only a matter of time. has more here.


South Korean Delegation Meets With Kim Jong un -
the first meeting since Kim Jong Un assumed power after the death of his father. has more here.


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Vote By Mail Wrong For The City of Frederick

George Wenschhof

Scheduling, a city workshop on an issue as important as a city election a few days before Christmas should raise voter's eyebrows.

Spending money to implement an unproven ballot by mail election, fraught with fraud possibilities and vote manipulation would be folly for The City of Frederick. Particularly, when only a small per cent increase in voter turnout would result.

The city election issue is not a new one and discussion should focus on increasing the city's anemic voter turnout.

I have advocated for some time the need to move the city election to coincide with the presidential election cycle.

This move, by The City of Frederick would result in tripling the 24 per cent voter turnout in the 2009 General Election.

An added plus could be the cost savings to city taxpayers resulting from combining the Frederick voting with the presidential election. The ability to use the same polling locations would put an end to the city’s questionable and awkward move to use primarily churches; as polling locations in the 2009 election.

What further obfuscates the issue, is discussion by various interests suggesting nonpartisan elections and the blather; “voters would not be as informed if the city election was held at the same time as the presidential election”.

Unaffiliated voters are a significant and growing segment throughout the country and have valid concerns to ballot access. Unless, open primaries (all voters allowed to vote for any candidate in any party) are held, unaffiliated voters are unable to participate in primary elections.

The reasonable counter argument by political party operatives is; primaries are for political parties to determine their candidates in the general election and it makes no sense for non-party voters to determine who their candidate will be.

The suggestion to move to nonpartisan elections is another attempt to deal with the dissatisfaction of the Unaffiliated voter. However, numerous independent studies have shown the result is lower voter turnout, illustrating that this is not an answer to increasing the vote in The City of Frederick election.

A more reasonable approach would be to allow a much easier process for an unaffiliated voter to run for office, thus creating an opportunity for all unaffiliated voters to vote for their candidate.

The silliness surrounding the notion that moving The City of Frederick election to coincide with the presidential election would result in less informed voters is without merit.

The ridiculous argument that city issues would be lost in the clamor of a presidential election has no basis in fact.

First, how does one determine who an informed voter is? The voters who made up the twenty-four percent who participated in the 2009 city election were most likely informed by the candidates who won that election.

There was a time, mostly prevalent in southern states, when efforts were made to determine informed voters, resulting in restricted ballot access. Thankfully, due to legal rulings, these efforts were eventually discontinued.

Interestingly, there has never been a complaint of uninformed voters from the candidates for numerous county elected positions who appear on the ballot in the state of Maryland election.

Additionally, local media do not cover the Presidential election, relying on national news reports to keep their readers abreast. Local media reporters would be available to cover the city election at the same level they do at present in an off election year.

In reality, the excitement of the national election will result in more attention to the local city election.

Keeping voter turnout low is a control issue for those in power and it is way past time for this to come to an end in The City of Frederick.

If the goal of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen is to truly increase democracy, the answer is to move the election date to coincide with the Presidential election cycle – city voters deserve no less.

Stay tuned….


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

One Week To Go Before Iowa Caucuses -
hard to believe the first of the Republican caucuses and primaries will be be held in one week. has an update on what the Republican presidential candidates are up to during the upcoming week. You can read it here.


Republican Presidential Candidate Fund Raising Down From 2008 -
interestingly, the combined fund raising by the Republican presidential hopefuls is down 40% at the end of the third quarter from the combined totals in 2008. has more here.


Romney Leads in New Hampshire -
the latest Boston Globe Poll has Mitt Romney comfortably in first with 39%, followed by Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich at 17% and Jon Huntsman at 11%. No other candidate received more than 3%. The Boston Globe has more here.


Lugar Says Tea Party "Killed GOP Chance to Take Over Senate" -
yesterday, on CNN "State of The Union" Senator Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) slammed tea party activists for costing Republicans the opportunity the chance to regain the majority in the Senate. Lugar is facing primary opposition from a tea party backed candidate. has more here.


Will 2012 Election Be Monumental? -
E. J. Dionne has a good read today in the Washington Post on the role of government and the attempt by Republicans to dismantle government as we know it. You can read it here.


Keep An Eye on Oregon Special Election -
the election a result of the resignation of Democratic Representative David Wu. has a good read here.

Democratic candidate Suzanne Bonamici is favored to win with both Democrats and Republicans anxious to see the size of the spread to see if the special election is an harbinger for the 2012 battle for control of the House.

Egypt Military Considers Moving Up Elections -
in the wake of continuing violence, the military is considering speeding up the process to elect members of a lower and upper chamber of government. has more here.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Roundtable discussion on the the highs and lows of 2011 will dominate the talk shows Sunday morning. One would guess the polarizing actions of Congress will dominate the conversations, along with the status of the economy, the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, the 2012 elections, the killing of Osama bin Laden and the end of the nine year war in Iraq.

Who will they say were the winners and losers in 2011?

NBC "Meet The Press" - Tom Brokaw, Thomas Friedman, Kathleen Parker, and Marc Morial.

CBS "Face The Nation" - Norah O'Donnell, John Dickerson, Nancy Cordes, David Martin, Bob Orr, Anthony Mason and Elizabeth Palmer.

ABC "This Week" - George Will, Cokie Roberts, Jonathan Karl, and Ed Gillespie.

CNN "State of The Union" - Senator Dick Lugar (R-Ind.), A.B. Stoddard, Ron Brownstein.

Fox News Sunday - 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and Archbishop of Washington Donald Wuerl.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama is joined by First Lady Michelle Obama in thanking American troops for their service. The president pointed out many service men and women were being reunited with their families now the nine year war in Iraq was over. The First Lady encouraged people to find ways to help military members and their families; suggesting checking out online to see how they can get involved.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Mike Spence (R-Ind.) called on Americans to help those in need over the holiday season. Pence also thanked those serving in the U.S. military.


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Payroll Tax Extension Set For Voice Vote Approval -
this morning, assuming no Representative present objects, the two month extension will be passed by unanimous consent. President Obama clearly winning the latest skirmish with tea party extremists in the House. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) the obvious loser and his leadership post in peril. The Washington Post has more here.

9:40 AM ET - the senate has passed the two month extension contingent on House approval.


Biden Iowa Op-Ed Sets Record Straight With Romney -
an excerpt from his piece in the Des Moines Register today: "How can anyone forget the economic catastrophe brought about by the same policies Mr. Romney’s proposing? His are the same policies that deregulated Wall Street and turned it into a casino that gambled recklessly with hardworking Americans’ money. As a consequence, Americans saw the equity in their homes evaporate and their 401(k)s plummet in value. Millions of jobs were lost," Biden wrote. has more here.


George H.W. Bush "Endorses" Romney -
the former President's comments were reported in the Houston Chronicle. Bush was reported as saying Romney was the best choice for republicans in 2012. has more here.


Republican Presidential Candidates Struggle To Be On Virginia Ballot -
only four candidates met the requirements to be on the March 6, 2012 Virginia primary ballot. They are Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Ron Paul. has more here.


Pakistan Army Rejects U.S. Report on Air Strike -
the recent air strikes on two border outposts killed 24 Pakistan soldiers and has led Pakistan to close a critical Afghanistan supply route and disallow the U.S. to use an air base to fly Drones. The U.S. report acknowledged mistakes on both sides. You can read more here.


Protests Continue in Egypt -
violence continues as protesters demand the military give up control. A vicious beating of a woman caught on video has stoked demonstrations in Tahrir Square, where 17 demonstrators have been killed in recent clashes. has more here.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Calls on House Republicans To Pass Tax Cut Extension -
the President will be joined by people who will have their taxes go up as of January 1. He will address the nation at 12:15 PM ET Today. The Wall Street Journal has more here.

House Speaker John Boehner will hold a press conference at 10:00 AM ET.


Jobless Claims Hit 31/2 Year Low -
the Labor department said the 364,000 was the lowest level since April of 2008. You can read more here.


Justice Department To Rule On S. Carolina Voter ID Law -
a decision to watch as some states move toward more restrictive voter ID laws. S. Carolina is subject to review of their voter laws by the U.S. Justice Department under the Voting Rights Act due to a history of discrimination. has more here.


Ohio Redistricting Pits Kucinich Against Kaptur -
Democratic Representatives Dennis Kucnich and Amy Kaptur were put in the same district as a result of redistricting by a Republican controlled state legislature. The winner may face Sam Wurzelbacher "Joe The Plumber" in the General Election. has more here.


Zardari in Trouble in Pakistan -
keep an eye on Pakistan, as the Army has made it clear they are fed up with President Asif Ali Zardari. has an exclusive here.


Violence Erupts in Baghdad as Maliki Threatens to Abandon Power Sharing Agreement -
some violence was expected as U.S. Troops exited the country. But, political moves by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki have stoked the fire. The Ny Times has more here.


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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Will Boehner Survive as House Speaker? -
a good question considering the boneheaded move by House Republicans to block extension of the payroll tax cut. Showing, he has no control of the House, John Boehner (R-Ohio) has now earned the ire of The Wall Street Journal who in an op-ed today says, in part, "GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell famously said a year ago that his main task in the 112th Congress was to make sure that President Obama would not be re-elected. Given how he and House Speaker John Boehner have handled the payroll tax debate, we wonder if they might end up re-electing the President before the 2012 campaign even begins in earnest." You can read it here.


Newt's Attack on Judges Aimed at Evangelicals? -
everyone, from all political spectrums have been wondering what has former House Speaker Newt Gingrich been drinking? His attack on the judicial system and suggesting judges be subject to appearing before Congress to defend their decisions is flat out crazy. has a good read here as to why he may be expressing these idiotic thoughts.


Who is Behind Clinton For President Robo-Calls? -
a good question concerning the calls which began Monday in Bethesda, Maryland and have been employed in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida New York and Arizona to date. The Washington Post has a good read here.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made it clear she is not running for President, President Obama's popularity is increasing as the economy shows signs of improvement, the official end of the nine year War in Iraq, along with an unimpressive display of Republican presidential hopefuls. So, perhaps it is disgruntled Republican operatives at work.....


Can Santorum Surprise in Iowa? -
former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum is at the bottom of all Republican presidential candidate polls, but may fare better than expected in the January 3 Iowa caucuses. He has a good ground game in Iowa and has made a point to visit the state more often than any other candidate. The endorsement yesterday by Iowa conservative, Bob Vander Plaats is a big boost for his campaign. has more here.

Also, remember voters in Iowa caucuses can change their votes before they become official, so anything can happen.


Hints of New Leadership in North Korea - has a good read here on how it appears N. Korea will be governed by a group of people for the first time since 1948. The military has pledged support to Kim Jong-un, who's leadership will be shared with his uncle Jang Song-thaek and Ri Yong-ho who is head of the military.


Gary Johnson to Run As Libertarian -
The former New Mexico Governor will drop out of the republican presidential race and run as a Libertarian. he was not registering in any of the polls, so his absence will not have nay impact on the Republican presidential nomination. has more here.


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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama and Biden Mark End of War in Iraq -
in a ceremony today at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland. The President and Vice President will participate in a ceremony welcoming U.S. troops home. It also marks a major campaign promise met by President Obama. You can read more here.


Housing Starts Hit 11/2 Year high in November -
in good news for the economy, the Commerce Department released a report showing residential construction up 24% from November of last year. has more here.


Boehner and House Republicans Caught in a Difficult Position on Payroll Tax Extension -
last night, the GOP caucus decided to postpone the vote until today. They will not give an up or down vote, but rather call for a conference of the bill which would require the Senate to come back to work over the holidays. A position, Senate Majority Reid has already said "no" to. If a conference is not agreed to, the House could take another vote to approve the two month compromise. has more here.


U.S. Intelligence Questioned in North Korea -
with the death of Kim Jong-il, 48 hours would pass before the rest of the world knew of the event. The NY Times has a good read here on the secretive nation and how difficult it has been to "keep tabs" on the country.


National Republican Congressional Committee Debt Free -
in the end of November report, the NRCC will report 14.5 million cash on hand and all debt erased from the 2010 election year. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee will report 10.2 million cash on hand and a debt of 670,000. has more here.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

N. Korea Kim Jong-il Dead -
from what is being reported as a heart attack on Saturday. The news was announced last evening. His youngest son, Kim Jong-un is apparently in charge. Shortly after the announcement, short range missiles were test fired by North Korea.

The starving nation has been on a course to develop nuclear arms so all eyes are on North Korea to observe the transition of power. The NY Times has more here. Stay tuned..


House Votes on Payroll Tax Extension Today -
the year is ending as it began with partisan gridlock in Congress. House Republicans are saying they will not approve the two month compromise extension already approved by the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is saying he will not call the senate back into session. So, if the House rejects the two month extension approved by the Senate, payroll tax deductions, unemployment benefits and medicare payments to doctors will end as of December 31. has more here. Stay tuned..


Gingrich Drops in Latest Iowa Poll -
Texas Rep. Ron Paul is in first with 23%, Romney in second with 20% and Gingrich at third with 14%. The Public Policy Poll had Santorum, Perry, and Bachmann at 10%, and Huntsman at 4%. You can read more on the results here.

The Iowa caucuses are January 3 and remember voters have the opportunity to change their vote after the first round of votes are cast. The poll suggests a lot of fluidity remains among voters and the caucus manner of voting allows for many possibilities to transpire. Stay tuned...


Connecticut Democratic Senate Primary Heats Up -
in the race to replace retiring Independent Senator Joe Lieberman. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who chairs the DSCC, has endorsed Rep. Chris Murphy. Women groups, led by the National Organization of Women and Emily's List have endorsed Susan Bysiewicz. has more here.


Secret U.S./Taliban Talks Key To Ending Afghanistan War -
after ten months of secret talks, the U.S. is considering a transfer of Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Afghan government security. has more here.


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Frederick County Proposed State Redistricting Map Released

George Wenschhof

The proposed redistricting for the state of Maryland is now official and can be viewed online. The Governor's Redistricting Advisory Committee issued a press release Friday and scheduled a public meeting to be held December 22.

Sources have informed me the proposed redistricting map will be introduced by Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley on the first day the General Assembly meets next year. I was told legal review has been done and the proposed redistricting will withstand any legal challenge - Time will tell on this.

In Frederick County, significant changes have been proposed to the configuration of district 3 and 4. However, it appears unlikely any major changes in political party representation will result.

In a telephone interview with Democratic state senator Ron Young (district 3), he said "I am very satisfied with the two senatorial districts in Frederick county." Young went on to say District 3 is currently the largest of any state senate district in the state with approximately 149,000, with the proposed district containing 117,000 with a slight several thousand edge in Democratic voter registration.

Unaffiliated voter registration in the new district 3 will be a key in determining the victor in the 2014 state senate race.

Young said Republican State senator David Brinkley will continue to enjoy a Republican voter registration advantage in District 4.

As to delegates, In northern Frederick county, state senator Young informed me voters will lose state delegate Don Elliott from District 4-b to Carroll county as the newly configured pretzel like district 4 adds Urbana, Monrovia, Burkittsville, Rosemont and Brunswick, while by-passing the City of Frederick. All three delegates in district 4 would be elected at large. At first glance, this is a plus for Republicans.

Republican first term delegate Michael Hough (district 3-b) would benefit by being included in district 4; a district with a majority of Republican registered voters.

The two first term Republican delegates in district 4; Kathy Afzali and Kelly Schulz would stay in district 4, but gain voters from southern Frederick county.

It would appear all three would be favored to win reelection in 2014, based on the demographics of the newly configured district 4. So, no change in political party representation expected.

District 3 delegates would continue to be split with two elected from district 3-a and one from 3-b.

District 3-a will continue to be primarily The City of Frederick, which has a Democratic majority of registered voters. However, Republican Patrick Hogan won back a seat in this district he previously held for one term, after a one term absence, in 2010.

Democrat Galen Clagett is the other delegate in district 3-a, serving a third term. Clagett has said he will not seek another term. Instead, he is exploring a run for state comptroller, creating an open seat election.

As a result of the redistricting, District 3-b, currently served by delegate Michael Hough, would also become an open seat. Republicans will have a slight voter registration advantage here, but with this being an open seat; it should be an interesting race to watch. The existing tiny sliver of Washington County has been removed in the proposed map.

Overall, no huge favors were done for Democrats in Frederick County in the proposed redistricting.

Out of the current 8 member state delegation representing Frederick county, only two are Democrats; state senator Ron Young (district 3) and delegate Galen Clagett (district 3-a).

Had the committee proposed three at large delegates from district 3 as they did in district 4, Democrats would have had a chance to win all three. With the proposed split district 3, it promises to be close elections for every seat, with Democrats likely to hang on to the state senate seat and one delegate seat.

But, with two delegate open seats, anything can happen. Democrats already rumored to be running in 2014 for the two seats in district 3-a; are Ryan Trout, legislative aide to state senator Ron Young, Burke Miller, and City of Frederick alderman Carol Krimm.

Trout ran unsuccessfully for state delegate in district 4-a in 2010 before going to work for Young. Miller, who recently completed law school, was former president of the Frederick County Young Democrats. Krimm is also the legislative aide to Clagett; who has already endorsed her for the position. However, Krimm finished fourth out of five aldermen in the 2009 city election, so she is no shoo-in for the seat.

Add City of Frederick alderman Karen Young to this short list if she decides against running for mayor in 2013. Young was the top vote getter in the 2009 city election.

Republican delegate Patrick Hogan, if he runs for reelection and by-passes a challenge to state senator Ron Young, will not be easy to unseat in district 3-a. You can also be sure Republicans will seriously contest the open seat. Perhaps Republican city alderman Shelley Aloi will make a bid for the seat. Another Republican possibility is former Frederick County state's attorney Scott Rolle who came in a strong third in 2010 and did not even campaign as he co-starred in the show "Decoded" on The History Channel.

It is way too early to speculate who will run for delegate in the newly configured district 3-b.

Stay Tuned….


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

House Republicans Balk at Payroll Tax Extension -
a new wrinkle has surfaced after Congressional leaders reached agreement and the Senate passed a two month extension. Seems Republican House Representatives are unhappy with the extension and may not pass the bill when it comes before them. has more here.

Look to see the bill go to conference committee which will require another vote by the Senate.


Iowa Des Moines Register Endorses Romney -
a big boost for the Romney campaign, coming two weeks before the Iowa Caucuses. Excerpt:

"Sobriety, wisdom and judgment.

Those are qualities Mitt Romney said he looks for in a leader. Those are qualities Romney himself has demonstrated in his career in business, public service and government. Those qualities help the former Massachusetts governor stand out as the most qualified Republican candidate competing in the Iowa caucuses." You can read it here.


Will Obama Sign "Stop Online Piracy Act"? - the bill pits organized labor and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce against Facebook, Yahoo and Google. has more here.


Protests in Cairo Continue - at least ten have died and more than 400 have been wounded as violence has resulted from a government crackdown on protesters. two rounds of balloting have taken place for the new Parliament with the third and final round scheduled for next month. You can read more here.


Panetta in Libya - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visits Libya after officially ending the war in Iraq. Panetta said it will take some time to transition to a democracy after decades of rule from Gaddafi, but expressed confidence in the future of Libya. The Washington Post has more here.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

As the Republican primaries and caucuses near, many of the presidential candidates will be appearing on the Sunday morning shows.

Mitt Romney will be on "Republican friendly" Fox News, Newt Gingrich shows up on CBS "Face The Nation", Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann is on NBC "Meet The Press", and Jon Huntsman is on CNN "State of The Union".

Gingrich continues to lead in the polls, but anything can happen in the January 3 Iowa caucuses. Romney continues to be the favorite of insiders to receive the Republican nomination due to money, organization and steadiness of his campaign.

ABC "This Week" will have an interesting discussion between Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), columnist George Will, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. Frank, who recently announced he was not running for reelection, is always good for a good one-liner or two.

S. Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who endorsed Mitt Romney this week, will be on NBC "Meet The Press". Her endorsement was a big "get" for Romney, in a state where Gingrich was polling far ahead.

Also, on "Meet The Press", will be House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). He will surely give his side on the recent Defense appropriations bill, the 1 Trillion Omnibus bill, and a two month extension on the payroll tax, unemployment benefits, and medicare doctor reimbursements.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama discusses the end of the nine year Iraq War. All U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by December 31.

The President honors the troops who served and those who died, saying the country will always be grateful.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) criticizes President Obama for not approving the Keystone oil pipeline, which will create jobs, saying the president did not want to anger environmental groups during an election year.

This comes after senate leaders agreed last night on a two month extension of the payroll tax, which included language to expedite the approval of the oil pipeline. State Department officials have said they would not have enough time to approve the project if only given 60 days.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Performs Well In Iowa Debate -
in the last Republican presidential candidate debate prior to the Iowa caucuses. Gingrich held his own, but did not excel. The others are still hoping to receive the boost needed to perform well in the upcoming caucuses and primaries. has their 8 takeaways here.

Mark Halperin of has his grades here.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post is here. has their take here.


S. Carolina Governor Haley Endorses Romney -
Tea Party favorite Nikki Haley made it official on Fox News. A plus for Romney prior to the S. Carolina primary next month. has more here.


F.B.I. Considered Sting Against Gingrich -
the Washington Post is reporting the F.B.I. considered a sting operation against House Speaker Newt Gingrich in regard to influence peddling in regard to cash for arms. The operation was called off after the F.B.I. determined Gingrich had no knowledge of the issue. The Washington Post has more here.

This story appears as Gingrich leads in polls of Republican contenders for president.


Agreement Reached on Spending Bill - waiting until the last possible moment, Congressional leaders reached agreement on a one trillion omnibus spending bill. One sticking point to Democrats was a provision to restrict travel and money being sent to Cuba which Republicans dropped from the bill. The restrictions had been relaxed in the early days of the Obama administration. has more here.


Congressional Incumbents in Trouble? - a new PEW Poll shows two-thirds of voters believe incumbent members of Congress should not be reelected. In a positive sign for Democrats, Independents feel Republicans are more extreme in their positions and less honest and ethical than Democrats. has more here.


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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Iraq War Ends -
in a much quieter ceremony than the bluster associated with the start of the nine year war. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, in Baghdad yesterday, officially declared the end of the war. The Washington Post has more here.


Jobless Claims Drop To 31/2 Year Low -
the lowest level since May 2008. Economist had predicted 390,000 for the week ending December 10 and the figure was 366,000. has more here.


Payroll Tax Extension and Omnibus Spending Bills Still in Limbo -
the threat of a government shutdown has become common place with the current Congress. Democratic Leaders met with President Obama last night with early reports indicating they were will to drop their demand for a millionaire tax surcharge to pay for the payroll tax extension.

Meanwhile, Senate Democrats are blocking approval of a 1 Trillion Omnibus Spending bill until agreement is reached on the payroll tax extension. has more here.

Congressional Leaders met this morning, signaling a compromise is in the works. has more here.


Another GOP Debate Tonight -
beginning at 9:00 PM ET, it is sponsored by Fox News and the Iowa Republican Party. Newt Gingrich is the new national front runner in the polls. The Iowa caucuses will be held January 3, 2012. Fox News has more here.

For political geeks, keep in mind the voting in caucus states is totally different than traditional secret balloting. Voting takes place in the open in some one's home, a school, or community building. Voters actually go to separate areas in the room to signal which candidate they support. They are able to change their vote afterward and prior to the vote being recorded. Makes for interesting maneuvering by candidate campaigns - with second or third place finishers possible having their supporters vote for another candidate after the initial look see. Interesting votes can result which do not mirror polling. Stay tuned....


Putin Rules Out Another Election -
in spite of widespread demonstrations and allegations of vote fraud, Vladimir Putin says the election will stand. The recently held parliamentary elections resulted in a bare majority of Putin's "United Russia" Party. has more here.


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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Gingrich Leads Romney By 17 Points -
in latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll of Republican presidential contenders. Newt Gingrich received 40%, Mitt Romney 23%, Ron Paul 9% and Bachmann at 8%. has more here.


Reuters/Ipsos Poll Has Gingrich By 1o Points -
over Mitt Romney. But, President Obama beats both Newt Gingrich 51-38% and Mitt Romney 48-40%. has more here.


Romney Says Gingrich "Unreliable" Conservative Leader -
in an interview with the Washington Post, Mitt Romney criticizes Newt Gingrich and President Obama. You can read it here.


O'Donnell Endorses Romney -
not sure I would publicize the endorsement from Christine O'Donnell, the former U.S. Senate candidate from Delaware. The tea party darling received the most attention from her "I am not a Witch" campaign ad. The NY Times has more here.


Payroll Tax Extension, Omnibus Spending Bill Stuck in Partisan Fighting -
no reason to believe 2011 would end in a conciliatory manner. House Republicans, passed a payroll tax extension by a vote of 234-193. has more here.

The extension included provisions unacceptable to Democrats, who responded by not voting in the Senate on a previous House vote on a 1 Trillion Omnibus Spending bill. Does this mean government will shut down. Unlikely, such a draconian action will take place during the Holidays, but it clearly shows how dysfunctional Congress has become.


Planned Meeting With Democratic Progressive Caucus and Occupy Activists Canceled -
Democrats are not in agreement with embracing Occupy Wall Street. A planned meeting with 10 New York Occupy activists and the Congressional Progressive caucus was canceled yesterday. Stay tuned... has more here.


Stephanopoulos Returns To "This Week" - Christiane Amanpour will host a weekly CNN International show and also continue as Global affairs Anchor for ABC News. has more here. Amanpour is a favorite of mine, excelling in International political news.


Technology Impacting Presidential Campaigns -
now, more than ever, computer software engineers are employed by presidential campaigns looking to gain an edge in what has become razor thin elections. has a good read here.


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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Twelve States To Watch in 2012 Presidential Election -
USA Today has a new poll out which shows how close the race for president will be in 2012. 270 electoral votes are needed for victory and most political analysts agree the vote outcome in a majority of the states is already known with President Obama receiving 196 electoral votes and the Republican candidate receiving 191.

12 swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin will determine the winner.

The USA Today poll shows Obama trailing Romney 48%-43% and Newt Gingrich 48%-45% in these swing states. USA Today has more here.


Obama Reelection Looking Up -
the reelection of President Obama is buoyed by the ever changing Republican front runner along with promising economic news and the ending of the war in Iraq. The Washington Post has more here.


Romney and Gingrich Exchange Blows in New Hampshire -
publicly attacking each other on how they became rich. Romney said Gingrich made his wealth from being a political insider and Gingrich returned fore by saying Romney was a ruthless corporate titan. has more here.


Supreme Court Decisions To Impact 2012 Election -
Immigration, which was seemingly taken off the table as an issue in the 2008 election, will receive attention as the Supreme Court rules on the Arizona Immigration Law. This is in addition to a decision on the health care reform law and the redistricting of House seats in Texas. The NY Times has more here.


Battle For Control of Senate Promises To Be Brutal -
Democrats enjoy a slight majority of 53-47 with Independents Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and Joe Lieberman (Conn.) included.

There will be 33 Senate contests in 2012 with Democrats defending 23 seats and Republicans defending 10. has a good read on what to look for in 2012 here.


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Monday, December 12, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama To Meet with al-Maliki Today -
the Iraq Prime Minister will meet with President Obama at the White House today. The withdrawal of all U.S. troops is December 31. Presumably, discussions will include future U.S./Iraq relations, including security, trade and education. has more here.


1 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill To Be Introduced Today -
to provide funding for most government agencies through September 2012. Details are to be released tonight and agreement in the House and Senate is expected. Existing funding ends Friday. The Washington Post has more here.


Payroll Tax Extension Remains Elusive -
no agreement has been reached on extending the payroll tax cut which ends as of December 31. The NY Times has more here.


Physician Medicare Cut looms -
another bill for Congress to agree on this week is action to prevent a scheduled 27.4% cut in medicare payments to doctors. has more here.


Gingrich and Huntsman Debate Tonight -
the so-called Lincoln-Douglas style debate will be held at St. Anselm College. C-SPAN will televise tonight at 8:00 PM ET. You can read more here.

Huntsman could gain recognition as a result if he performs well. The former Utah Governor is hoping for a good showing in the New Hampshire primary to catapult his campaign.


Euro Zone Problems Persist -
in spite of a new treaty agreement reached last week, the European Central Bank is being pressured to ease rates. has more here.


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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Republican Debate Reactions

George Wenschhof

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The Republican Presidential candidate debate last night in Iowa was as expected, filled with plenty of attacks on the current front runner Newt Gingrich. My initial read was it looked like a pile on with Gingrich holding his own and perhaps even picking up some sympathy support from voters.

When they were not attacking Gingrich, it was humorous to watch the candidates compete among themselves for who was the most conservative.

The one-liners were flying as campaign advisers were hoping for phrases used by their candidates to catch on with the media. Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann used the combination of names Newt Romney to lump the two together and claim the conservative mantel for herself. I give an at-a-boy to the adviser, but Michelle Bachmann needs more than a cute phrase to seriously compete for the Republican nomination.

When describing his thoughts about infidelity, Texas Governor Rick Perry, after stumbling on pronouncing infidelity, said he "gave an oath to God and that was even stronger than a Texas handshake". He went on to say one who cheated on his wife would also cheat in business.

Newt Gingrich, who has admitted adultery, handled the question with he had asked for forgiveness from God.

Mitt Romney rebutting Rick Perry on what he had written in his book in regard to health care, bet Perry $10,000 he could prove Perry was wrong. Perry declined the bet, but the reaction from viewers was not over the health care issue, but the size of the bet. Hardly, a figure working men and women across America can relate to and an action not likely to win Romney any votes.

Texas Representative Ron Paul continued his independent streak railing about America trying to be the World's policeman to the inappropriateness of the Patriot Act.

Former Pennsylvania Rick Santorum continued to be an afterthought with the moderators and most likely with voters as well.

It was probably a good thing former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman missed the debate. Doubtful, he would have added to his campaign effort by being there.

I saw it as Gingrich winning, Romney being steady, Perry; well he was just there, Paul looks and sounds like a third party candidate, and Bachmann and Santorum are toast.

Below are links to media reactions:

Mark Halperin - click here.

Josh Marshall - click here.

Chris Cillizza - click here. 7 takeaways - click here.


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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Republican Debate Tonight

George Wenschhof

This one will be held at Drake University in Iowa and is sponsored by ABC News and the Iowa Republican Party.

The debate will be minus Herman Cain who suspended his campaign and Jon Huntsman, who was unable to attend. Watch to see which candidate(s) attack new front runner Newt Gingrich and his response.

George Stephanopoulos and Diane Sawyer will moderate the debate held between 9-11 PM ET.

You can watch the debate here.


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Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

With only three weeks left before the Iowa caucuses, the five lower tier Republican presidential hopefuls will be appearing on the Sunday morning shows.

NBC "Meet The Press" has Texas Rep. Ron Paul. Also appearing will be Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Iowa Republican Governor Terry Branstad.

Fox News Sunday has Texas Governor Rick Perry and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

CBS "Face The Nation" has Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).

CNN "State of The Union" has former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum , former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn and Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe.

ABC "This Week" has former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman.

President Obama, in a pre-taped interview with Steve Kroft will be on CBS "Sixty Minutes".


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama criticized Republican Senators for recently voting to block confirmation of Richard Cordray to direct the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The Cordray nomination came after Republicans opposed Elizabeth Warren to head the department. Warren is now running for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. Cordray's nomination failed in a 53-45 vote with the only Republican supporting the nomination being Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) says House will pass a Republican proposal to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits and it will include a provision to speed up approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project.

This, in spite of a suggested White House veto. Boehner is seizing on the controversial oil pipeline project, saying it will create jobs and is what is needed at this time. President Obama, under pressure by environmentalists, had announced recently, further study would take place and a decision would not be made until after 2012.


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Friday, December 9, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

EuroZone Countries Agree to New Treaty -
the seventeen European countries that use the euro currency, have agreed to a new treaty. Britain, which does not use the euro, did not agree with the new treaty, citing a threat to their national sovereignty. You can read more here.


Gingrich Leads National Poll -
the latest national poll, released by Fox News last night, shows Newt Gingrich at 36%, Mitt Romney 23%, Ron Paul 12%, Governor Rick Perry 8%. Fox News has more here.


Romney Super PAC Ad Attacks Gingrich -
to air in Iowa, the ad will depict Newt Gingrich as a candidate with a lot of "baggage". You can read more here. The ad that is reported to begin airing today in Iowa is below.


Republicans Struggling To Find Candidate They Can Support -
the NY Times has a good read on how the Republican rank and file and party establishment have been unable to agree on a presidential candidate. Adds fuel to speculation of a brokered convention and a new candidate being introduced late in the game. You can read more here.


Perry Joins Candidates Not Attending Trump GOP Presidential Debate -
what if you hosted a debate and no one showed up? A question Donald Trump is facing after Texas Governor Rick Perry joined Mitt Romney, Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman as saying they will not attend the December 27 debate. has more here.


Economics and Politics Do Not Mix Well - has a good read today on what some economic experts are saying about the global economic situation. The economic experts argue for more not less government spending, saying this is unlikely in the current political climate. As a result, they predict a hobbling of the economy for years to come and the possibility of another recession. You can read more here.


Sanders Proposes Constitutional Amendment To Strip Corporations of First Amendment Rights -
the proposal by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is in response to the 5-4"Citizens United" decision by the Supreme Court which allows for unlimited corporate spending in elections. has more here.


Will Republican Inclusion of Keystone XL Pipeline Scuttle Latest Payroll Tax Extension Proposal? -
Republicans have added amendments, to their liking, including the restarting of the Keystone XL Pipeline President Obama had agreed to take off the table until after the 2012 election. has more here.


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