
Friday, December 30, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign Manager Outlines Campaign Strategy -
Jim Messina, in a year end fund raising pitch, gives details of the different routes to reaching the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.


Obama Approval Rating Drops -
it was a short bounce the president received as the Republican House opposed the tax cut extension. The latest Gallup poll has President Obama at 41% approval and 50% disapproval. You can read more here.


Bachmann Campaign Implodes -
less than a week before the Iowa caucuses, Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann's campaign has loss it's top two key members. First, state chair Kent Sorenson bolted and came out in support of Texas Rep. Ron Paul. Now, it is political director Wes Enos who has quit the campaign. You can read more here.


Maryland Governor O'Malley Continues Push To End New Septic Systems -
as a part of his Plan Maryland push on smart growth policies in Maryland. Reducing the resulting pollution of the Chesapeake Bay is a major concern of the Democratic Governor, who is receiving resistance from rural counties in the state. You can read more here.


Possible Taliban Prisoner Transfer Raises Concern -
seems the Obama administration is considering transferring a senior Taliban prisoner incarcerated at Guantanamo Prison to Afghanistan. The pondered move part of a strategy to improve relations with the Taliban in Afghanistan. has more here.


Anti al-Assad Protests Spread in Syria -
as Arab observers fan out across the country. Protesters are calling on demonstrators to camp out in public squares to highlight opposition to the Assad regime. You can read more here.


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