
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Republican Debate Reactions

George Wenschhof

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The Republican Presidential candidate debate last night in Iowa was as expected, filled with plenty of attacks on the current front runner Newt Gingrich. My initial read was it looked like a pile on with Gingrich holding his own and perhaps even picking up some sympathy support from voters.

When they were not attacking Gingrich, it was humorous to watch the candidates compete among themselves for who was the most conservative.

The one-liners were flying as campaign advisers were hoping for phrases used by their candidates to catch on with the media. Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann used the combination of names Newt Romney to lump the two together and claim the conservative mantel for herself. I give an at-a-boy to the adviser, but Michelle Bachmann needs more than a cute phrase to seriously compete for the Republican nomination.

When describing his thoughts about infidelity, Texas Governor Rick Perry, after stumbling on pronouncing infidelity, said he "gave an oath to God and that was even stronger than a Texas handshake". He went on to say one who cheated on his wife would also cheat in business.

Newt Gingrich, who has admitted adultery, handled the question with he had asked for forgiveness from God.

Mitt Romney rebutting Rick Perry on what he had written in his book in regard to health care, bet Perry $10,000 he could prove Perry was wrong. Perry declined the bet, but the reaction from viewers was not over the health care issue, but the size of the bet. Hardly, a figure working men and women across America can relate to and an action not likely to win Romney any votes.

Texas Representative Ron Paul continued his independent streak railing about America trying to be the World's policeman to the inappropriateness of the Patriot Act.

Former Pennsylvania Rick Santorum continued to be an afterthought with the moderators and most likely with voters as well.

It was probably a good thing former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman missed the debate. Doubtful, he would have added to his campaign effort by being there.

I saw it as Gingrich winning, Romney being steady, Perry; well he was just there, Paul looks and sounds like a third party candidate, and Bachmann and Santorum are toast.

Below are links to media reactions:

Mark Halperin - click here.

Josh Marshall - click here.

Chris Cillizza - click here. 7 takeaways - click here.


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