
Monday, October 31, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sexual Harassment Part of Cain's Past? -
as one would expect in politics today, reports of inappropriate behavior on the part of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain have surfaced. It came during the 1990's when Cain was head of the National Restaurant Association with at least two women accusing him of sexually suggestive behavior. This news comes as Cain has risen to the top of recent polls. has more here. has initial reactions from the Cain campaign here, which include, in part, he is being attacked by critics who have unsuccessfully tried to attack his positions on creating jobs and helping the economy.

Stay Tuned....


Cain Edges Perry in Texas Poll - Herman Cain had 27% and Texas Governor Rick Perry 26% in a poll conducted by The University of Texas/The Texas Tribune. The margin of error was 4.9%. The Texas Tribune has more here.


Obama To Address Prescription Drug Shortage -
today, the president will continue with his "We Can't Wait" theme and sign an executive order which will deal with shortages of prescription drugs to treat cancer and other diseases. It is aimed at preventing price gouging. The Washington Post has more here.


Beacon Power Corp. Joins Solyndra in Filing Bankruptcy -
Beacon Power had received a 43 million Energy Department loan. Solyndra had received a 535 million government loan. The White House announced last week they had ordered an independent 60-day evaluation of the Energy Department's loan programs. has more here.


Time To Re-Write Hatch Act? -
Carolyn Learner who is the head of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which is in charge of enforcing the law, says the "law is broken and needs to be fixed". Learner feels it is preventing qualified individuals from running for office. The NY Times has more here.


UNESCO Votes To Give Full UN Membership to Palestine -
in the first vote on the request by Palestine by a United Nations agency. The vote was 107 for and 14 against with 52 abstentions. has more here.


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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Cain and Romney Tied in Iowa -
the latest poll from The Des Moines Register released last night has Herman Cain with 23%, Mitt Romney at 22%, Ron Paul - 12%, Michele Bachmann - 8% and Perry - 7%. The margin of error was 4.9%. You can read more of the poll results here.

Several things to keep in mind while poll watching; the winner of the first four primary states (Iowa, New Hampshire, S. Carolina and Nevada) will receive a huge boost in voter ID and also campaign funds while it is likely the large Republican field will become smaller leading to a battle to where the supporters of candidates who have dropped out will now support.

Perry's 7% showing in Iowa after his much publicized speech on his support of the flat tax early last week shows his campaign is in real trouble.

Stay tuned....


Perry Campaign Signs on For Five More Debates -
after complaining the Republican Presidential Debates were not that useful and suggesting Texas Governor Rick Perry who had fared poorly in the debates to date would not participate in any more, the Perry campaign has signed on for four debates in November and one in December. You can read more on the debate schedule here.


Social Security To Add 46 Billion To Deficit This Year -
if a payroll tax proposed by President Obama is approved the deficit could grow to 267 Billion next year. Discussion on making revisions to social security have not received any traction on Capitol Hill as deficit reduction talks continue. The Washington Post has a good read here on this issue.


G-20 Summit This Week -
meeting in France, the focus will be on the European union financial crisis and how it will effect the rest of the world. has more here.


Maryland State Senator Currey Receives Democratic Leaders Support -
Prince Georges Democrat Ulysses Currie is charged with bribery, extortion and making false statements, yet is receiving support from top Maryland Democrats. The Baltimore Sun has a good read here.


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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup

George Wenschhof

Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry tries to get back the level of support he enjoyed when he first announced his candidacy with an appearance on Republican friendly Fox News Sunday. He is the latest to try to use a flat tax proposal as a means to garner support. Problem is, when middle class Americans and the working poor look at what it means to them, it shows they would be paying more. Don't look for Perry's economic speech last week to help him in the polls.

Other Republican candidates for president appearing on the morning shows tomorrow will be Rep. Michel Bachmann (Minn.) on ABC "This Week", Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) on CNN "State of the Union", and Herman Cain on CBS "Face The Nation".

Of these three Republican president wannabees, only Herman Cain appears to able to stay in for a while longer. Bachmann and Paul, who have their adoring fans, do not have national support and will be among the early casualties as the Republican primary plays out.

President Obama's closest advisers David Plouffe and David Axelrod also make their appearances tomorrow. Plouffe and Axelrod switched places recently with Axelrod becoming the chief campaign strategist and Plouffe, who ran the 2008 Obama campaign, becoming the senior White House adviser. The fact they are interchangeable highlights they are both on the same page and both close to the president. Plouffe will be on NBC "Meet The Press" and Axelrod will appear on CNN.

ABC "This Week" also will have Microsoft Bill Gates, former Republican House Speaker Dick Armey (Tex.), of "Tea Party" fame and Austan Goolsbee who was a former White House economic adviser. has a preview below.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama continues with his newly used theme of "We Can't Wait" for Congress to do it's job on helping Americans.

Referencing his initiatives unveiled last week to help homeowners facing foreclosure and veterans, Obama said he will continue to take action to help families in need.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) responded with President Obama is exceeding his constitutional authority and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) added the Senate is holding up job bills passed by the House.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Bobby Schilling (R-Ill.) calls on Senate Democrats to support and pass bills passed by the House aimed at cutting back regulations to boost job growth.

Schilling points out what he referred to the "forgotten 15" bills passed by the House which the Senate has failed to act on.

The Obama administration responded with there is no data to support government regulations are hampering job growth.


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Friday, October 28, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republican Counter Democratic Deficit Proposal -
again, no surprise as the November 23 deadline nears for the deficit super committee to reach agreement. Republicans countered the 3 Trillion proposal put forward by Democrats with a 2.2 Trillion deficit reduction which includes no tax increases. You can read more here.


Boehner and Pelosi moving closer together on deficit reduction? - seems House Majority Leader John Boehner is okay with closing tax loopholes to raise revenues in exchange for changes in medicaid, medicare and social security. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called for balance between taxes and spending cuts. You can read more here.


Boehner Concerned Obama is Exceeding Constitution -
the political games on Capitol Hill continue with President Obama beginning his "We Can't Wait" campaign against the "do-nothing" Republican Congress by using his executive authority to address issues.

Speaker of the House John Boehner counters with the president is exceeding his authority. And, so the games continue.... has more here.


Obama Campaign Bundlers tied to Lobbyists -
in spite of a pledge to not to take money from lobbyists, the Obama campaign is using supporters with ties to lobbyists to raise millions. The NY Times has more here.


Politico Top Ten Senate Races -
a year to go and it is not too early to begin looking at the House and Senate races. will be doing a monthly update on their top ten Senate contests. Here is their current list.


First Challenge To Maryland Redistricting Filed -
the first of what is expected to be several challenges to the congressional redistricting passed by the state, has been filed. The new map provides for the opportunity of a Democratic pick up in district 6 which has been represented by Republican Roscoe Bartlett for the last ten terms. The Baltimore Sun has more here.

Political analysts expect the redrawn districts to be upheld when reviewed by the courts.


NATO Ends Libya Operation -
in a vote taken yesterday, the intervention will officially end on Monday. Now, the reconstruction begins along with the difficult path toward a democratic society. has more here.


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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

European Union Reaches Agreement on Greece Rescue -
the leaders of 17 countries agreed on a 50% writedown on Greek debt along with increasing the rescue fund to 1.4 Trillion. has more here.


Romney Leads In Four Early Primary States -
among the republican contenders for president, Mitt Romney is leading in Iowa, New Hampshire, S. Carolina and Florida according to a new poll by CNN/Time/ORC. It is still early, but this is a good position for Romney to be in at this point in the campaign. has more on the results here.


Perry May End Participation in Debates -
according to the campaign communications director. Ray Sullivan said as much to CNN's John King yesterday. has more here.

Think, it may have anything to do with the lousy performance Texas Governor Rick Perry has had in every Republican presidential candidate debate to date?


Will Anti-Union Bill in Ohio Hurt Romney? -
put on the spot at a recent rally in the state, Mitt Romney deferred on answering as to his position on the anti-union bill facing a repeal referendum. A day later, his campaign issued a statement saying he supported SB 5 110%. has a good read here on what may be the implications of Romney's action.


Democrats Go For Tax Increase on Deficit Super Committee -
as leaked previously, Democratic members of the committee have proposed a 3 Trillion deficit reduction achieved, in part, by 1 Trillion in tax increases. Not surprisingly, the Republicans on the committee said no way. Stay tuned... has more here.


Battle for The House Heating Up -
between redistricting and retirements, the Democratic Party "Drive for 25" to regain the majority of the House may succeed. Public Policy Polling surveyed four states where redistricting has taken place and it shows 12 seats currently held by republicans are now in play in Arkansas, California, Illinois and Wisconsin. has more here. has a good read here on how tough the battle will be for Democrats to regain the House.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno -


Obama To Announce Student Loan Program -
the plan, which will be announced today at University of Colorado Denver campus, essentially moves up by two years a plan already approved. Designed to ease the burden of tuition repayments, it caps payments at 10% of discretionary spending. The Washington Post has more here.

Young voters are who helped energize the Obama campaign in 2008.


Obama West Coast Swing Mostly Political -
combining fund raising events with the announcement of executive orders over the three days highlights the campaign mode the Obama administration has entered. The announcements of mortgage aid, student loan aid and aid to veterans were all more symbolic than significant actions when it comes to impacting a sluggish economy. has more here.


European Summit Begins -
all eyes are on this summit as a potential Greek default looms. Keep an eye on Italy as the Berlesconi led government is teetering. has more here.


November 23 Deadline Nears For Deficit Super Committee -
little news has leaked of the talks taking place to reach an agreement in a national debt reduction. If an agreement is not reached by November 23, a 1.2 Trillion across the board spending cut with be enforced. is reporting congressional leaders are intervening and offering proposals to committee co-chairs Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Representative Jeb Hensarling (D-Tex.). has more here.


New Poll and CBO Report Highlights Economic Disparity in U.S. -
a NY Times CBS News poll shows seven of ten Americans believe republican Party policies favor the wealthy. The NY Times has more here.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office report showed the top 1% of earners doubled their share of the nations income over the last three decades. You can read more here.


Maryland Representative Donna Edwards to Face Challenge in Democratic Primary -
one of the more vocal opponents to the recently approve congressional redistricting, she will be facing a tough race from Democrat Glenn Ivey in her newly redrawn 4th district. has more here.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Cain Still in First - in the latest CBS News/NY Times poll. Herman Cain received 25% of the vote, Mitt Romney 21%, Newt Gingrich 10% and Ron Paul 8%.

Rick Perry who hopes his speech today gives him a rise in the polls, finished fifth with only 6%. You can read the poll results here.


Perry Announces "Cut, Balance and Grow" Plan - Texas Governor Rick Perry trying to regain the spotlight he once held after announcing his candidacy for president, will unveil his plan today in a speech in South Carolina. The Wall Street Journal has more here.


Obama Campaign Blasts Perry Plan - in a email to supporters saying the Romney and Perry proposed tax plans hurt the middle class. has more here.


Gaddafi Burial Takes Place -
finally, after days of arguing over what to do, the burial will secretly take place somewhere in the vast Shara desert. has an update here.


Huntsman on Colbert -
Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman appeared on the Colbert Report last night. Sagging behind in the polls, barely receiving recognition, do not look for this appearance to help his campaign. has a clip from the show and more here.


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Monday, October 24, 2011

City of Frederick Liquor Board Needed?

George Wenschhof

Recent local media reports of upset business owners along Carroll Creek in historic downtown Frederick caught my attention. When I met with city administrator Josh Russin a week ago, I asked him what was going on.

Russin indicated one owner of a downtown restaurant had complained about rowdy behavior by some along the Carroll Creek linear park and the mayor had agreed to meet with her. When the meeting took place, additional business owners attended and a discussion on harassment by youth, homeless and overall disruptive behavior took place focused on solutions.

In addition, to the regularly assigned police officers to the area, the city agreed to install some video cameras with prominent signage displaying their presence. Other ideas floated during my discussion with Russin and city public information coordinator Susan Harding included additional lighting and completing the flower box construction to further dissuade vagrants.

I offered up a thought pertaining to what appears to be a routine increase in rowdy behavior which corresponds to closing time for the local restaurants and taverns. Believing these local establishments also share the responsibility in the behavior in the neighborhood, I suggested contacting both The City of Frederick Police Chief Dine and the Frederick County Liquor Board.

My thoughts were, in addition to their regular duties; a patrol officer could take note of the patrons exiting an establishment at closing time and if their behavior was rowdy and unacceptable, the establishment reported to the Liquor Board.

The Liquor Board could then in turn, chose to further investigate, send a warning letter, or in the worst case scenario, suspend an operator license. The downtown establishments would be informed prior to implementing the program so they would have ample time to instruct staff on the policy.

Later, in a conversation with Chief Dine on another matter, I brought up this issue. He enthusiastically shared with me the comprehensive approach they are taking which has resulted in 115 arrests this year in a one block area from Carroll Creek.

In addition to working with the city to provide additional lighting and video cameras, the police department has worked with business and property owners to also increase lighting in the area.

The Frederick Police Department also meets regularly with the Neighborhood Advisory Council as well as the Frederick Downtown Partnership.

As homelessness is often associated with mental illness, a Mental Health Task Force was created. Working with other local nonprofits in the field, they have recommended the establishment of a year round homeless shelter.

Dine also indicated efforts are underway to create a downtown skate park, at no cost to the city, to provide a place for youth to skateboard.

The chief indicated they were already doing what I suggested in regard to working with the Frederick County Liquor Board and added they have a great working relationship with them. He agreed downtown restaurants working with police are helpful in combating these types of issues.

Interestingly, the Frederick County Liquor Board has only one inspector. Perhaps, the time has come for a City of Frederick Liquor Board. This would require action by the state, but makes sense as The City of Frederick has grown to become the second largest city in Maryland.

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen would be wise to pursue this thought.

Stay Tuned....

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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Heads West To Push Jobs Act and Raise Campaign Funds -
first, the president will visit Las Vegas and then he is off to California before arriving in Denver. After, Senate Republicans joined by a handful of Democrats blocked the American jobs Act and and a subsequent attempt to pass aid to states and municipalities for teachers and first responders, Obama is still pushing for passage of components of his Jobs bill. You can read more here.

On Tuesday, Obama will tape a segment for "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno.


Obama Administration Falls Short on Helping Housing Market -
in spite of declared goals of assisting homeowners "upside down" with mortgages higher than the worth of their homes. Foreclosures continue and government funded mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae struggle to survive. The Washington Post has a good read here.


Obama To Use Executive Orders As Congress fails to Act -
The NY Times reports the Obama administration frustrated over the lack of action by Congress, will move forward with executive style action on the economy, housing and education. You can read more about the "We Can't Wait" campaign here.


Two-Thirds of Voters Feel United States Is In Decline -
in a poll conducted by, 69% felt the u.S. is in decline. 57% predict kids will not live better lives than their parents. has more here.


Americans Want Popular Vote To Determine President -
the latest Gallup poll reflecting what most already knew. 62% want the president determined by popular vote instead of the Electoral College. has more here.


Huntsman on Colbert Report -
probably the only place where Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman will get heard these days. With little in the campaign coffers and making no effort to appeal to the far right wing Republicans, his days of campaigning are limited. Huntsman will appear tonight and you can watch here.


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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Redistricting Battles Play Out in States Across U.S. -
once again, the redistricting maps generated have resulted in law suits in half of the states across the country. The NY Times has an update here.

My position on this issue is the state legislatures should appoint a bipartisan committee to oversee redistricting.


A New Future For Libya -
with the death of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, the hard work now begins on reconstructing a country wealthy with natural resources of oil and gas with a population most impoverished.

The emergence of democracy among a country split by tribal influences will be a challenge along with the basics of establishing the infrastructure of a civilized society. has a good read here.


Jindal Easily Wins Reelection -
Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal won with 68% of the vote. You can read more here.


Cain Scrutinized On Abortion Views -
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain worked to appease the conservative voters when he spoke at a conservative dinner in Iowa. Texas Governor Rick Perry was quick to jump on statements made by Cain. has more here.


Romney Gets Sununu Endorsement -
former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu had been lobbied hard by both the Perry and Romney campaigns for his endorsement. Sununu will be named chair of the national campaign steering committee. has more here.


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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will appear on all the major shows to discuss the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq and the death of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will be on CNN "State of the Union". Republican presidential candidates Bachmann and Santorum are on CBS "Face The Nation". has a quick rundown below.


Reid To Bring Up Senate Vote on Another Component of The American Jobs Act -
the Senate, by use of the filibuster, has already torpedoed the overall bill and a 35 billion component to aid to help states and municipalities keep teachers and first responders.

Next week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will introduce another component; a 50 billion investment in infrastructure and transportation projects. has more here.


Harkin Pushes For "No Child Left Behind" Reform -
Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) who chairs the Senate education committee, received a 15-7 vote on a bill which will rewrite the federal government role in overseeing public schools. The NY Times has more here.


GOP Presidential Candidate Hopefuls To Speak at Iowa Faith and Coalition Dinner -
Bachmann, Gingrich, Santorum, Paul and Perry will attend. You can watch on CSPAN here.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama highlights foreign policy achievements in his weekly address. He credits American military forces with preventing a civilian massacre in Libya and aiding Iraq independence.

The president points out U.S. troops in Iraq will be home for the holidays and that the NATO operation in Libya was coming to an end as well.

Obama also continued to press Congress for approval of his proposed American Jobs Act.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Richard Burr (R-N.C.) wants the Obama administration to drop their efforts in job creation and instead support the Republican plan.

He calls for increased oil and gas exploration to lead to energy independence as well as the repeal of Obamacare to be replaced with common sense reforms that actually lower the cost of health care.


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Friday, October 21, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland 6th Congressional District Race One to Watch in 2012 -
now, with Governor Martin O'Malley signing the new redistricting map into law, the battle is engaged to see who will represent the newly configured 6th district.

Democrat Duchy Trachtenberg, a former Montgomery County councilwoman has already announced she is running and has Joe Trippi as her campaign manager. State senator Robert Garagiola is likely to make it official next week. Other big Democratic names rumored to be considering a run is former Montgomery County executive Doug Duncan and former state senator Mark Shriver. has more here.

Democrat Andrew Duck, who ran and lost three times to incumbent Republican Roscoe Bartlett is also considering another run. However, he does not have the money or organization to compete with the other Democrats who are rumored to run.

Political strategist Charlie Cook has now labeled the 6th district race as a toss-up ensuring national money will be pouring into this contest. Democrats in their "Drive for 25" campaign to recapture control of the House will now target this race and Republicans will work hard to defend it.

Stay tuned....


35 Billion Aid to States for Teachers and First Responders Fails in Senate -
another blow to the effort by President Obama to pass components of his proposed American Jobs Act. The vote was 50-50 with two Democrats and Independent Joe Lieberman voting against. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Administration Struggles To implement New Health Care Law -
after ending implementation of the CLASS act portion of the Affordable Health Care Act, the implementation of Accountable Care Organizations is in trouble. You can read more here.

You can count on the Republican presidential candidate hammering President Obama on these failures as health care reform was the signature issue of Obama during his first term.


Obama Approval Rating at 41% for Third Quarter -
down 6 points from the previous quarter in the latest average of Gallup polls. The 41% at this point in his presidency ranks in the lowest fifth of presidential approval ratings since Gallup began them in 1945. has more here.


Nevada To Move Primary Caucus to February 4 -
to accommodate New Hampshire and Iowa in the Republican presidential primary calendar. You can read more here.


NATO To End Mission in Libya Soon -
less than a day following the bloody and ugly demise of Muammar Gaddafi the commander of NATO forces signaled an end to their military involvement would come soon. has more here.


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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Gaddafi Killed in Battle for Sirte -
Reuters is reporting the former long time leader of Libya died when a convoy he was in was attacked by NATO planes. The convoy was leaving Sirte, his home town under siege by the National Transitional Council. There has not been independent verification of Muammar Gaddafi's death. Previous assertions of the capture of Gaddafi's sons proved to be inaccurate. has more here.


Clinton and Petraeus Visit Pakistan -
after a quick visit to Afghanistan, the U.S. Secretary of State and C.I.A. Director are in Pakistan for two days. Parts of the visit will center on discussions on how Pakistan needs to focus more on rooting out terrorist networks within their country. The Washington Post has more here.


Negotiations Continue on Republican Primary Calendar -
Reince Priebus, the RNC chair along with Republican Party leaders in Nevada, New Hampshire and Iowa are working to settle the dust up over who goes first in the 2012 Republican primary calendar. You can read more here.


Deficit Supercommittee Will Hold Public Meeting Next Week -
as skepticism increases on whether the secretive committee can meet the deadline of reaching an agreement prior to Thanksgiving. has more here.


State Budget Shortfalls Continue -
tax revenues continue to fall short of expectations as the effects of the nationwide recession lingers. The NY Times has a good read here.


Court Determines Districts in Nevada -
the inability of the Democratic controlled legislature and a Republican governor to agree on redistricting has led to a court appointed special masters to draw the map. Democrats are hoping to pick up two seats as a result. has more here.


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Republican Presidential Debate Reviews -
All is all, a lively debate among the Republican candidates who focused on attacking each other instead of President Obama as they battled for relevance as the primaries near. Don't look for any major changes in the polls. However, the consensus was Romney won the debate with Texas Governor Rick Perry having his best debate and landing some solid punches to Mitt Romney. Herman Cain held his own and Newt Gingrich was the best of the second tier candidates. has their thoughts here.

Mark Halperin of has his grades here. adds their take here. has more here. is here.

Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post adds his thoughts here.

The NY Times weighs in here.


Obama on ABC "Nightline" -
President Obama acknowledged that the economy is still struggling even though he believes they have made all the right choices. As a result, he realizes the election next year is likely to be close.

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Obama To Announce Private sector Partnership To Hire Vets -
on a stop in Hampton, Virginia as part of his three day bus tour of Virginia and North Carolina. the president is continuing to push for passage of components of his American Jobs Act which was blocked in the Senate. The Washington Post has more here.


Will Maryland Republican Representative Roscoe Bartlett Retire? -
after 20 years in office, he is facing the strong possibility of redistricting substantially altering the district he represents. In addition, finance reports indicate his campaign only reported $1,000 in contributions over the third quarter. has more here.


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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Senate to Vote On Redistricting Today -
it appears the plan which has stirred some controversy from both sides of the aisle will pass the state senate today. Questions remain on passage in the House, but it appears likely the plan submitted by Governor Martin O'Malley will pass during the special session of the General Assembly. A court challenge is expected. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Las Vegas Hosts Republican Presidential Debate Tonight -
all of the candidates except Jon Huntsman will be present for the debate moderated by Anderson Cooper which begins at 8:00 PM ET. has more here.

You can submit a question to be asked to CNN here.


Obama on ABC "Nightline" Tonight -
Jake Tapper is traveling with the president on the bus tour of North Carolina and Virginia. The interview will air tonight - interestingly, the same night as the GOP presidential debate. ABC News has more here.


GOP Primary Calendar Still a Question -
the silly battle for first in the nation status continues as the GOP Iowa caucuses are now set for January 3, 2012. Nevada is scheduled for January 14 and due to scheduling requirements, New Hampshire is now looking at moving their primary to December 6 or 13. has more here.


Cain Campaign Expenditures Examined -
seems up to $100,000 was spent with a company that promotes Herman Cain's books and political philosophy. has a piece here on the issue. TPM reports that while this type of expenditure is common among congressional candidates, it is rare to see in presidential campaigns. The FEC has ruled it is permissible for campaign committees to pay market value to a book publisher.


Hillary Clinton Visits Libya -
the Secretary of State is in Libya showing support by the U.S. of the new National Transitional Council. She is expected to be in Tripoli for several hours today. BBC News has more here.


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Monday, October 17, 2011

City To Approve Impact Fee Payment Plan

George Wenschhof

Prior to meeting with City of Frederick administrator Josh Russin and Public Information Coordinator Susan Harding last Friday, Stephanie and Jen of 7th Street Starbucks, where I often write, pointed to an article in the Frederick News Post and said "you need to write about this!"

The article was about how the owner of the downtown restaurant Volt wanted to open up a restaurant in the long vacant property which once housed the grocery store Carmack Jay's on North Market Street. The stumbling block being an estimated $200,000 water and sewer impact fee.

Interestingly, after my last meeting with Josh and Susan, I wrote about the city considering instituting a payment plan for impact fees to hopefully spur business expansion. I added "The devil will be in the details as the city looks at how they can secure a guarantee for payment".

During our meeting last Friday, Mr. Russin informed me the proposal is still being "flushed out" with consideration of a 25 per cent down payment with payment plans up to four years with a monthly or quarterly payment option. Payment would be secured by a certificate of insurance and/or a guarantee by the owner of the property.

A city mayor and workshop meeting held last week further discussed the issue and it appeared approval of the proposal would be forthcoming.

According to Russin, review by staff and aldermen is near completion and it is likely the proposal will be placed on the November 3 mayor and board agenda for a vote.

A payment plan makes sense, especially during a difficult economic climate, as a way to help encourage business growth in the city.

Russin indicated that although a recent new restaurant paid their water and sewer impact fee in excess of $200,000, the city realizes a payment plan option is a more business friendly approach.

However, a $200,000 water and sewer impact fee for a new business is steep even if a four year payment plan is implemented.

During our conversation, I discovered the impact fee originated as a way to pay for the estimated 120 million in required water and sewer system improvements over the next twenty years.

Improvements include a 53 million nutrient enrichment reduction upgrade along with costs associated with the water agreement the city negotiated following a building moratorium instituted due to inadequate water supply.

In addition to the newly created impact fees, existing property owners saw their water and sewer bills increase by 10 per cent.

A thought I threw out for further research and discussion was requesting from the state General Assembly a special taxing authority for The City of Frederick.

Creating an specific enterprise fund paid by an increase in the transfer tax on the sale of property within the city to raise funds to pay for the required infrastructure improvements may be another way to raise the needed funds.

The transfer tax fee is shared equally between a buyer and seller so for example; a 1/2% increase would result in a $500 increase on the sale of a $100,000 property with the buyer and seller paying $250 each.

As all residents in the city are benefiting from the necessary upgrades, a transfer tax may be another way in which to raise the needed capital.

The taxing authority would have a sunset provision and end when the funds needed to pay for the improvements had been obtained.

Stay Tuned...


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Begins Bus Tour -
of North Carolina and Virginia over the next several days to push for passage of components of The American Jobs Act. The president is now calling on Congress to pass a 35 million bill to put teachers and first responders back to work or to prevent lay-offs from local government. You can read more here.


Obama Campaign Spending Big -
the NY Times reported the combined expenditures of the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee for the year to date is 87 million. A figure which is just about equal to the amount raided by all of the Republican candidates to date. You can read the article here.

Time for true campaign finance reform?


Who Is the Lords Resistance Army (LRA)? -
a fair question considering 100 U.S. military advisers have been deployed to Uganda to combat them. The answer is not pretty; an organization that earned the label of a terrorist group back in 2001. has a good read here.


Washington Worse Than Wall Street -
according to a new The Hill poll. The poll found 56% of likely voters blame Washington for the economy and one in three blamed Wall Street. has more here.


PEW Study Finds Media Harsh on Obama -
in spite of what Republicans may say, the study shows mainstream media has given President Obama negative press by a 4-1 margin over the last five months. has more here.


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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Maryland Legislative Black Caucus Holds Closed Door Session On Redistricting -
a vote determined to be unofficial due to a lack of a quorum supported Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley's redistricting plan. The governor has called a special session of the general Assembly which will convene tomorrow to finalized congressional districts in Maryland.

This, in spite of objections from Representative Donna Edwards (D) who argued 120,000 minority voters from Montgomery county were being added to mostly white 6th district of western Maryland to defeat long term Republican incumbent Roscoe Bartlett. The Washington Post has more here.


Going, Going, Going, .... -
Republican presidential hopefuls with poor third quarter financial reports are not likely to survive much longer. Minnesota Representative Michelle Bachmann raised 4.1 million with 1.5 million cash on hand. Newt Gingrich, is upside down in his campaign, taking in less than one million with debts exceeding 1.2 million. the Santorum campaign raised only $700,000 and the Huntsman campaign reported $327,000 cash on hand and $890,000 in debts. has all the Republican candidate financial reports here.


DNC Chair Disses Republican Presidential Candidates -
Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz in an interview by Al Hunt on Bloomberg television, said all the Republican candidates were interchangeable on issues and referred to Mitt Romney as Jell-O for his failing to take firm positions on issues. has more here.


Labor Battle Continues in Ohio -
the state passed a law limiting collective bargaining and a petition drive has resulted in a referendum to overturn it to be decided on the November 8 ballot. This has become a national issue. The NY Times has a good read here.


Obama To Attend MLK Memorial Dedication -
as many as 50,000 are expected today as the memorial honoring Dr. Martin Luther King takes place. Hurricane Irene caused a postponement from the ceremony planned in August. You can read more here.


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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
NBC "Meet The Press" will focus on the Republican candidates for President. Texas Governor Rick Perry will be paired with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Herman Cain will also appear along with surrogates of Romney and Perry; Tim Pawlenty and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod is on ABC "This Week", Newt Gingrich is on CNN "State of the Union", and House Majority leader Eric Cantor is on Fox. Maryland Representative Elijah Cummings is on CBS "Face The Nation". has a preview below:


U.S. Troops Deployed To Central Africa -
President Obama informed members of Congress 100 troops had been deployed as advisers to help a resistance group fight the lord's Resistance Army LRA, known for committing atrocities. has more here.

Stay tuned as sending U.S. advisers to areas in conflict in the past has led to further escalation of U.S. involvement.


CLASS Act Dropped From Health Care Reform -
a component of the Health act which was in trouble from the start. The Obama administration announced yesterday, the program would not be instituted. The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program was designed to give elderly and disabled cash to receive care at home instead of more expensive institutional care. has more here.

Look to see Republicans jump on this failure as they continue to call for the repeal of the Health Care Reform Act.


Perry and Romney Lead Republican Fund Raising - The perry campaign reported raising 17 million in the third quarter which ended September 30 and the Romney campaign reported raising 14 million.

The Romney campaign reported 14.7 million cash on hand and the Perry campaign reported 15 million cash on hand. The NY Times has more here.

The combined fund raising totals of the Perry and Romney campaign still trailed what the Obama campaign raised in the third quarter.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama continued to press for action on pieces of his proposed American Jobs Act which was blocked last week in the Senate.

The president also criticized the House for taking on ideological issues, rather than focusing on creating jobs for Americans. He pointed out the votes in the House last week that would roll back protections on clean water and air as well as a woman's right to make her own health care decisions.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-Calf.) urged "common ground" measures to spur the economy and create jobs. He pointed out the approval by Republicans and Democrats of the three trade agreements presented by President Obama last week.

In addition, he called for less regulation on small businesses and for a fix to the IRS three percent withholding tax.


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Friday, October 14, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

NBC "Meet The Press" Dick Gregory on Facebook at 2:30 PM ET -
he will be talking with Jim Lehrer about the importance of presidential debates. You can watch live below.

Watch live streaming video from facebookdclive at


Perry Tries to Regroup With Policy Speech - after falling like a stone in the polls, today in Pittsburgh, Texas Governor Rick Perry will deliver a speech on energy and jobs. USA Today has more on the details of his speech here.

In addition, Perry will appear on several of the morning talk shows to push his ideas.


Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood To Step Down -
he will step down at the end of this term even if President Obama is reelected. He joins Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in saying he will only serve one term. has more here.


House Passes Protect Life Act -
in a heavy partisan vote of 251-172, the House yesterday passed a bill which would prohibit federal monies from paying for health insurance that offers abortion coverage. The bill is unlikely to receive a vote in the Senate. The NY Times has more here.


Is Government Regulation Hurting Job Creation? -
a claim made repeatedly by Republicans these days is not supported by government data and surveys. has more here.


Kaine Edges Allen in Third Quarter Fund Raising -
former Virginia Governor and DNC chair Tim Kaine reported raising 1.3 million and former Republican Senator George Allen $900,000. has more here.


Hillary Clinton as Obama VP in 2012? -
speculation continues as to the role Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will play in the 2012 Obama reelection campaign. Jonathan Alter of Bloomberg adds his thoughts here.

Don't look to see a change made by President Obama.


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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Maryland Redistricting Under Scrutiny

George Wenschhof

Thomas Schaller, in a column published recently in the Baltimore Sun, hit the nail on the head when he summed up the current redistricting process with the following:

"In a democracy, voters are supposed to pick the politicians who represent them. But gerrymandering too often inverts this relationship: Politicians pick their voters, typically with incumbent-protection and party-expansion objectives in mind. Is it any wonder that a Congress full of mostly safe incumbents representing contorted districts suffers from record-low approval ratings?".

In Maryland, the Democratic controlled General Assembly will meet next week in a special session called by Governor Martin O'Malley to decide on the redistricting of the congressional districts required by the U.S. constitution.

Democrats hold 35 of the 47 senate seats and 98 of the 141 delegate seats in the state of Maryland, giving them a marked edge when it comes to redistricting.

As a result, 6 of the 8 congressional districts are currently held by Democrats. Prior to the last election, Democrats for one congressional term, represented 7 of the 8 districts.

The lone exception for the Democrats is district 6 where Republican Roscoe Bartlett has served since first being elected in 1992. It is this district that is receiving the most drastic change in the proposed redistricting.

Democratic state senate Majority Leader Robert J. Garagiola (District 15) is the rumored beneficiary of the offered change which adds parts of heavily Democratic voter registered Montgomery County to the 6th district.

While, voters in the sixth district deserve more effective representation than they have received over the past 19 years, the proposed gerrymandered district will almost certainly be challenged in the courts.

Sympathy also goes to those Democratic candidates who courageously battled against odds over the past nine elections, only to be pushed aside by a rumored favorite of state senate president Thomas V. Mike Miller.

In an expected move, Republicans will propose their own redistricting map when the special session convenes on Monday.

Update 10:30 AM - In addition, Democratic Representative Donna Edwards (4th district) and Montgomery Council Democratic President Valerie Ervin are challenging the proposed redistricting on behalf of minorities with concern it may violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Interestingly, a former member of the Montgomery County Council may have impact on this upcoming redistricting proposal. Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez oversees the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division. published a piece recently on his role in the redistricting taking place across the county.

What would make more sense and help avoid politicians picking their voters, would be for state legislatures to appoint a bipartisan committee to oversee redistricting.

Stay Tuned....


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Campaign and DNC Raise 70 Million in Third Quarter -
continuing the staggering numbers being reported. The Obama campaign raised 42.8 million and the DNC 27.3 million. has more here.


Herman Cain Rises to Top in Recent Poll -
the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has Cain on top with 27%, Mitt Romney second with 23% and Texas Governor Rick Perry third with 16%. has more here.


Trade Bills Approved by Congress -
the long stalled trade deals with Colombia, South Korea and Panama were approved yesterday in votes in the Senate and House. The Washington Post has more here.


Some Democrats Favor Balanced Budget Agreement -
going into next year's elections, some Democratic members of Congress, especially those facing tough reelection battles are speaking out in support of a BBA. You can read more here.


Republican Senators to Propose "Real American Jobs Act" -
perhaps. as early as today. Senators John McCain (Az.), Rob Portman (Ohio), and Rand Paul (Ky.) will introduce their plan for creating jobs. has more here.


Gaddafi's Son Captured in Battle for Sirte -
The National Transitional Council announced Mo'Tassim, who had been the national security adviser, had been captured. has more here.


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Performs Well at GOP Debate

The front runners; Mitt Romney and Herman Cain performed well enough in the round table discussion format last night to ensure their current poll standings. While, Texas Governor Rick Perry continued his free fall from his early surge in the polls after he made his announcement he was running for president.

My thoughts were Romney was very much as ease with the round table discussion format and easily won the debate last evening. Cain performed well although Michele Bachmann did get in a good one liner in regard to his 9-9-9 plan - she said "if you turned it upside down, you could see the devil was in the details". Otherwise, Bachmann continued to exhibit a lack of substance. Huntsman continued to be unable to stand out among the crowded field, Santorum was trying to fire any shot he could to be noticed, as was Gingrich.

Overall, one can see why Republican Party operatives continue to look for other candidates. With the economy continuing to haunt Obama, one would think the 2012 presidential campaign would be a slam dunk for Republicans. The reason it is not, is the overall weak field of announced Republican candidates.

Mark Halperin of has his take here. has their thoughts here, here and Chris Cillizza of The Washington Post has his thoughts here.

Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post adds her thoughts here and Jeanne Cummings of has her take here. has their "Truth Squad" takes on the debate here.


Jobs Bill Blocked in Senate -
as expected the move to end discussion on the American Jobs Act failed by a vote of 50-49. The White House has indicated they will now proceed with advancing pieces of the bill. has more here and here.


Senate Passes Chinese Currency Bill -
the vote was 63-35 and now moves to the House where it has little chance of passage. The bill is aimed at the alleged currency manipulation by China who has responded if the the bill passed it would likely spur trade wars. The Obama administration has not expressed support of the bill. has more here.


Saudi Arabia says Iran Will Pay for Threat -
adding problems to an already unstable region in the world. The statement was in response to the alleged plot by Iran to kill their U.S. Ambassador. has more here. has more here on the U.S. considering appropriate responses.


Daley to Leave White House after Election -
Chief of Staff William Daley will be stepping down after the 2012 election. He replaced Rahm Emanuel who left to run a successful campaign for Mayor of Chicago. has more here.


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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness to Release Report Today -
chief executives of major companies support President Obama's proposal to fix U.S. infrastructure. They also support increasing foreign capital and being more aggressive in energy. has more here.


Romney Leads In Two Recent Polls - GOP Presidential Candidate Debate Tonight -
NBC News-Marist polls in Iowa and New Hampshire show Mitt Romney in the lead. These two states will lead off the Republican presidential primary calendar. has more here.

The latest Gallup poll has Romney in front at 20%, Cain in second with 18% and Perry in third at 15%. has more here.

The debate will take place tonight at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire beginning at 8:00 PM ET. has more here.

Expect front runner Romney to be a target tonight, with Perry needing a good showing to stop the free fall he has been in and Cain needing to show he is a serious contender.


Jobs Act in It's Entirety Likely To Fail -
a vote this evening in the Senate to end discussion and move forward to a vote is expected to fail. It is unlikely 60 votes are there to end discussion. The more likely scenario is for pieces of the proposed legislation to be ultimately passed. You can read more here.


Recall Drive Against Walker Begins -
not a surprise as Democrats have been unhappy with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with his anti Union stance.

It will take a huge effort to meet the requirements of 540,208 (25% of votes cast in general election) within a 60 day period. The NY Times has more here.


Reid explains Senate Rule Change -
amidst Republican outrage, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) explains the rule change as being a move to restore senate comity. The Washington Post has more here.


Warren Raises 3.15 Million -
showing she is a candidate to be reckoned with, Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren raised over three million in just six weeks since announcing her campaign. has more here.


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Monday, October 10, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

GOP Presidential Candidates Debate in N.H. -
tomorrow, the debate will be held at Dartmouth College. It will be moderated by Charlie Rose. DNC Chair Debbie Waserman Schultz (D-Fla.) will also be attending and offering her take afterward. You can read more here.


Jon Huntsman to Deliver Foreign Policy Speech Today -
the Republican presidential candidate who is lagging far behind in the polls will give a speech this morning he hopes will give him a boost with the voters. You can read more here.

It will begin at 11:00 AM ET and may be watched live here.


D.C. Polarization at New Low? -
at a time when a bleak economy demands cooperation, the dysfunction on Capitol Hill may be at an all time high. has a good read here.


More On Occupy Wall Street -
what started out as a small gathering in a park in New York City, is now faced with becoming a national movement. The Washington Post has a good read here.


Trade Agreements Up For Votes This Week -
the long awaited trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama are expected to pass the House and the Senate in votes this week. has more on the week ahead here.


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