
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno -


Obama To Announce Student Loan Program -
the plan, which will be announced today at University of Colorado Denver campus, essentially moves up by two years a plan already approved. Designed to ease the burden of tuition repayments, it caps payments at 10% of discretionary spending. The Washington Post has more here.

Young voters are who helped energize the Obama campaign in 2008.


Obama West Coast Swing Mostly Political -
combining fund raising events with the announcement of executive orders over the three days highlights the campaign mode the Obama administration has entered. The announcements of mortgage aid, student loan aid and aid to veterans were all more symbolic than significant actions when it comes to impacting a sluggish economy. has more here.


European Summit Begins -
all eyes are on this summit as a potential Greek default looms. Keep an eye on Italy as the Berlesconi led government is teetering. has more here.


November 23 Deadline Nears For Deficit Super Committee -
little news has leaked of the talks taking place to reach an agreement in a national debt reduction. If an agreement is not reached by November 23, a 1.2 Trillion across the board spending cut with be enforced. is reporting congressional leaders are intervening and offering proposals to committee co-chairs Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Representative Jeb Hensarling (D-Tex.). has more here.


New Poll and CBO Report Highlights Economic Disparity in U.S. -
a NY Times CBS News poll shows seven of ten Americans believe republican Party policies favor the wealthy. The NY Times has more here.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office report showed the top 1% of earners doubled their share of the nations income over the last three decades. You can read more here.


Maryland Representative Donna Edwards to Face Challenge in Democratic Primary -
one of the more vocal opponents to the recently approve congressional redistricting, she will be facing a tough race from Democrat Glenn Ivey in her newly redrawn 4th district. has more here.


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