
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
NBC "Meet The Press" will focus on the Republican candidates for President. Texas Governor Rick Perry will be paired with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Herman Cain will also appear along with surrogates of Romney and Perry; Tim Pawlenty and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal.

Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod is on ABC "This Week", Newt Gingrich is on CNN "State of the Union", and House Majority leader Eric Cantor is on Fox. Maryland Representative Elijah Cummings is on CBS "Face The Nation". has a preview below:


U.S. Troops Deployed To Central Africa -
President Obama informed members of Congress 100 troops had been deployed as advisers to help a resistance group fight the lord's Resistance Army LRA, known for committing atrocities. has more here.

Stay tuned as sending U.S. advisers to areas in conflict in the past has led to further escalation of U.S. involvement.


CLASS Act Dropped From Health Care Reform -
a component of the Health act which was in trouble from the start. The Obama administration announced yesterday, the program would not be instituted. The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program was designed to give elderly and disabled cash to receive care at home instead of more expensive institutional care. has more here.

Look to see Republicans jump on this failure as they continue to call for the repeal of the Health Care Reform Act.


Perry and Romney Lead Republican Fund Raising - The perry campaign reported raising 17 million in the third quarter which ended September 30 and the Romney campaign reported raising 14 million.

The Romney campaign reported 14.7 million cash on hand and the Perry campaign reported 15 million cash on hand. The NY Times has more here.

The combined fund raising totals of the Perry and Romney campaign still trailed what the Obama campaign raised in the third quarter.


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