
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Appeals Court Strikes Down Health Insurance Mandate - setting up what everyone realizes will be a final ruling by the Supreme Court. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta, in a split 2-1 decision, ruled the requirement in the Health Care Law that Americans obtain health insurance was unconstitutional. The Washington Post has more here.


GOP Day in Iowa -
the Ames Straw Poll will take place today at 5:00 PM ET. However, two Republican candidates who are not on the ballot are making headlines. Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is in Iowa as part of her "one nation" bus tour and Texas Governor Rick Perry is in South Carolina where he is expected to announce his candidacy today. Palin continues to be noncommittal, saying she will wait until September or October before she makes her decision. has their take on Ames here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Representative Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn) goes all out and appears on all five of the major morning talk shows. Expect the GOP Debate and Ames Straw Poll in Iowa along with who was appointed to the debt reduction committee to be the main topics of discussion. has a complete rundown on who will be guests tomorrow morning below.


Tent City Brings Attention to Economic Disparity in Israel - as riots break out in cities in Britain, working men and women in Israel are camping out in the streets of Tel Aviv. Over 1,000 tents are pitched along the upscale Rothschild Boulevard as protesters complain about the high cost of housing. has more here.


Britain Set To Take Hard Line On Rioters -
Prime Minister David Cameron is set to propose evicting rioters from public housing as he ponders what to do in the wake of rioting in the streets in cities across his country.

Interestingly, one in six live in public housing in England. When asked where would the people live who were were kicked out of public housing as a result of participating in rioting, Cameron said "they should had thought about that before they did it."

The NY Times has a good read here.


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