
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Weiner Takes Leave of Absence to Seek Treatment - the far left liberal Representative from New York is resisting calls for his resignation in the midst of revelations surrounding his sexual Tweets. Top Democrats; Nancy Pelosi, Debbier Wasserman Schultz and Steve Israel have all called for him to resign. has more here.


An Update On Gabrielle Giffords -
the Arizona Representative was shot in the head in early January of this year and is now expected to be released by early July from the rehabilitation hospital she was admitted to just weeks after being shot. her recovery has been amazing, but it is too early to determine if she will return to office and face reelection next year. The Washington Post has more here.


Mike Pence Makes Run for Governor of Indiana Official -
the six term Republican Representative will run to replace Mitch Daniels, who is term limited. Pence had considered a run for President, before deciding to set his sights on Governor. has more here.


C.I.A. Director Leon Panetta Warns Pakistan -
of collusion between intelligence officials and militants planning attacks within Afghanistan. Panetta traveled to Pakistan to provide proof of the collusion with government officials. The NY Times has more here.


The New Hampshire Republican Presidential Candidate Debate - Is Anyone Paying Attention? -
the first of what promises to be many debates during the Republican primary will take place tomorrow. CNN will hold the first debate at Saint Anselm College which will begin at 8:00 PM ET. To find out which seven candidates will appear, click here.


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