
Monday, June 13, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Romney Hammers Obama on Jobs -
in a facebook video entitled "Bump in the Road" - a jab at President Obama's definition of the state of the economy.


Obama Heads to Durham, N.C. To Tout Jobs Program - He will speak at 1:00 P.M. ET and unveil his plan to boost job growth. You can read more here.

The new proposals are nothing earth shattering - reduce red tape in permitting projects pertaining to infrastructure, workforce and private sector cooperation in job training and allowing easier tourist access to promote spending. Reuters .com has more here.

Makes one wonder why no immediate public service employment program is being promoted to put people to work now.

The president will then fly to Florida where he will attend two fundraisers. Seems the ratio of time spent in the two endeavors is a little upside down. Obama should be focused entirely on creating jobs.


The Republican Presidential Debates Begin Tonight -
too early? not for many strategists who feel the campaign is slow in getting started. has a good analysis here of what to expect to be said tonight.

I wonder if Newt be able to rebound after his entire staff resigned en masse. Look to see Michele Bachmann try to make points to her tea party supporters with Pawlenty and Santorum working one liners to receive attention. Romney is still the one to beat for GOP hopefuls so he could try to play the reasonable one in this debate. Cain, an African-American is a new face and Paul an old one. It's not too early to tune in to CNN tonight and check them out. I don't see a one in this group who can beat Obama.

In the latest Gallup poll, Romney leads the other GOP contenders in the debate tonight by a wide margin - most by a 3-1 margin. Overall, Romney receives 24% support and Sarah Palin comes in second with 16%. Herman Cain, the newcomer is third with 9%.


Deficit Talks Resume in Earnest -
the talks with Congressional leaders led by Vice President Joe Biden will meet three times this week as efforts intensify to reach an agreement to raise the national debt limit. has more here.

Everyone seems to want an agreement before Congress takes their July 4 vacation. The three meetings this week is also most likely directed at having something to present by this Saturday. Saturday, is when President Obama and Vice president Joe Biden will be joined on the golf course by House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Ohio Governor John Kasich (R).


Maryland's Bungled Slots Effort -
as much as I like Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley personally, his convoluted roll out of slots in the state has been a debacle. From, the choice by the governor in his first term to push for a referendum as opposed to a vote by the state General Assembly, to the effort to put slots in remote located state owned and money losing Rocky Gap Resort, the effort has failed miserably to raise needed revenues. The Washington Post adds more here as to why this is not working in Maryland.


The State Pension Debacle -
turns out all fifty states currently have unfunded pensions accounts. To the tune of more than one trillion in retirement accounts for health care and pensions. Federal Stimulus funds were used by many states last year to plug the gaps, but federal dollars are not expected this year. Revenues by the states are also down due to lower real estate values, compounding the problem. has more here.


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