
Monday, February 28, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Highlights -
in case you miss them, CNN and Candy Crowley brings you a quick review below.


Union Busting Continues in Wisconsin -
Governor Scott Walker appeared on NBC "Meet The Press" yesterday and defended his action against unions. Meanwhile, Democrats remained in hiding to avoid a vote they know they will lose. has more here.

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who is a possible Republican presidential candidate for 2012, took the same action against public service unions in his state five years ago.


Newt Gingrich to Announce in Two Weeks -
the formation of an exploratory committee which will allow him to judge his financial support in a run for the Republican presidential nomination. Republican candidates have been slow getting to the starting gate for the 2012 election. The Washington Post has more here.


Two Week Continuing Resolution Gaining Steam -
a Republican proposed bill to avoid a government shutdown and fund government agencies will most likely receive congressional approval prior to Friday, the end of the current funding measure. has more here.

The two week bill included 4 Billion in cuts; 2.7 Billion coming from defunding earmarks.


U.N. Considers No-Fly Zone for Libya -
now that most foreign visitors have left the country, stricter sanctions are now being considered by the United Nations. The question is rapidly becoming when will Gaddafi step down, not when or if. A no-fly zone would protect civilians as well as those who are rebelling against the tyrant Gaddafi. has more


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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Revolt Continues in Libya -
unlike the mostly peaceful demonstrations in Egypt which led to president Mubarak to step down and promised concessions by the military, Muammar Qaddafi refuses to step down in Libya and promises to quell the rebellion.

President Obama has ordered sanctions against Qaddafi and closed the U.S. Embassy as almost all Americans have now left the country.The United Nations has condemned the action by Qaddafi and pressure is mounting to issue a internationally enforced no-fly zone. The Washington post has more here.


Egyptian Military Cracks Down on Protesters -
showing a change in tactics, the military tore down tents and dispersed protesters who had returned to Tahrir Square to demand an end to emergency law. The NY Times has more here.


Senate Democrats Change Mind on Two Week Budget Extension Offered By Republicans -
in the latest twist on what appears to be an forever ongoing budget struggle. The latest two week extension of the present continuing resolution calls for 4 Billion in cuts as the two sides continue to negotiate an agreement to fund the government for the remainder of the current fiscal year. Republicans have also pledged to add 2 Billion in cuts for extending each additional week of funding. has more here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup -
Below, has a preview of the morning programs. Union busting in Wisconsin will be the theme on NBC "Meet The Press" as Wisconsin Governor Walker is among the guests. Fox News Sunday has two likely Republican presidential candidates in Mike Huckabee and Mitch Daniels. CNN "State of The Union" will be discussing the unrest in Libya with senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.).


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

The president talks about his recent visits to different parts of the country, highlighting innovation and technology as ways to win the future. He continues to press for investment in innovation, education and infrastructure which is included in his proposed budget.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) criticizes President Obama's proposed budget, claiming it locks in the excessive spending of the last two years. He says Republicans will advance a more fiscally responsible plan for Americans.


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Friday, February 25, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Wisconsin Democratic state Senators Continue to Block Union Busting Bill -
the lower House of the state legislature passed the bill yesterday, ending collective bargaining rights of government employees. However, state Democratic senators remain AWOL which is preventing the bill from becoming law. has more here.


Today, President Obama will host Democratic Governors -
the president will also be joined by Vice President Joe Biden. Sure to be discussed is ways to create jobs and the crippling loss of federal funds to states to aid in medicaid and other programs. has more here.

This is another opportunity for term limited Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley to gain more national attention as he presently chairs the Democratic Governors Association. In the short period O'Malley has been the chair he has delivered a speech to the state of Virginia Democrats Jefferson/Jackson Dinner and last night appeared on MSNBC "Hardball" with Chris Matthews.


Maryland State Senate Approves Same Sex Marriage -
as I reported earlier, the vote went as expected 25-21 in favor. The bill entitled the civil protection marriage act will now begin debate in the Maryland House of Delegates, where approval is expected to come by the end of next week. Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O'Malley has said he will sign the bill into law when it reaches his desk. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Moammar Gadaffi Hangs on to Power in Libya -
as the country remains in a state of rebellion. Gadaffi sounded like a madman yesterday when he gave another rambling and disjointed speech. President Obama has met with advisers discussing all options open to the United States and also yesterday called foreign leaders in regard to the unfolding crisis in Libya. The Washington Post has more here.


U.S. Effort in Afghanistan Remains a Question -
the U.S. military is withdrawing from it's battle in the Pech Valley, once considered critical to the outcome of the war. The reason being the U.S. does not have enough troops to effectively wage the battle in the region. The NY Times has a good read here.

This report comes immediately after a scathing article in The Rolling Stone reported the army used psychological operations on U.S. lawmakers to secure more funding and troops for the war. has more below.


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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Alderman Russell Believes in Communication and Transparency

George Wenschhof

The first fourteen months on the job has kept City of Frederick Democratic Alderwoman Kelly Russell busy as she deals with her committee assignments, constituent concerns and agenda items. She is enjoying her role as alderwoman for the City of Frederick and is looking forward to serving the remainder of her first term in office. At this point, the retired police officer is leaning toward running for another term.

In a sit down interview and follow up conversations, she said "the relationship between the aldermen and mayor has been cordial and professional. Sometimes, she said, it is the agenda items, or rather, a lack of items on the agenda, which has caused her the most frustration during her first fourteen months in office".

A woman who takes her elected position seriously, Kelly wants to see even more communication between the mayor and board of aldermen along with more transparency to the public.

She understands the difference of roles between the mayor, who is the elected administrator and the board of aldermen, who are the legislative body in the city's charter government.

Russell feels the city charter spells out clearly what she feels is an important balance of power relationship between the mayor and the board of aldermen when it often says, in regard to major issues, the mayor can act only with the advice and consent of the board.

When it comes to important issues such as the reviews underway of the city charter, the city employee pension plan, city employee policies and procedures, the Keys lease of the city owned stadium, and the upcoming budget, communication has not always been as forthcoming from first term Republican Mayor Randy McClement as Russell would prefer.

Adding to this conundrum, has been the inability of the mayor to fill the executive assistant position, left vacant when Rick Weldon resigned to take a similar position with the Town of Brunswick.

It was clearly evident, during my sit down conversation with Kelly, she is enthusiastic about her elected position and has enjoyed working with her fellow members of the board.

She spoke of the many projects and committee work underway by the City of Frederick, including the Bicycle and Recycling Ad Hoc Committees, on which she sits as city alderman liaison.

With an eye on the future, she believes increasing recycling in the city and developing a larger shared use path system are both beneficial for city residents.

The work also being done developing the Golden Mile and East Frederick area plans is also exciting to for her to see.

However, the lack of discussion to date on the upcoming budget, where a projected 9.9 million deficit exists is troublesome to alderwoman Russell.

In their first year in office, the mayor invited a couple of the aldermen at a time to meet with him and department heads to discuss budget requests. A process which was not repeated this year.

In regard to the charter review process, the committee was chaired by Randy McClement with the work completed during the former mayor Jeff Holtzinger administration. Yet, it was never presented to the public and voted on by the board of alderman.

The recommendations from that charter review committee remain to be presented to the current board of aldermen with the required public notice prior to their review and approval by the board.

Ms. Russell is looking forward to when the recommendations from the charter writing committee are presented to the public and the board of aldermen for review and comment.

One change she would like to see in the charter is the reinstatement of the residency requirement for senior level city positions.

The city employee policy and procedures and pension plan are other issues Russell is anxious to proceed so the board of aldermen and the public can provide input.

The aldermen and Mayor McClement could not agree on the cost of a proposal to review possible employee pension changes. So, the mayor proceeded with a reduced sized contract on which he had authority per the city charter without aldermen approval. The results of this study remain to be presented, creating additional angst among some board members. It is now scheduled to be presented to the board next week.

The possible loss of the Baltimore Oriole Farm Team; the Frederick Keys, is another example, according to Kelly, of where she would like to see more communication between the mayor and the board of aldermen.

When former Mayor executive assistant Rick Weldon was apparently unable to reach agreement on a lease renewal of the city owned stadium, Mayor McClement last week issued, on his own, a request for proposals (RFP) for the use of the stadium.

What is developing into a contentious issue, Kelly feels it would have been helpful had the board of aldermen been kept abreast of the negotiations with the Keys. Now the RFP has been issued, she is hopeful the board aldermen can be involved in determining the process for rating the RFPs received.

She also hopes Keys management have not been dissuaded and chose not to respond to the RFP.

The possible loss of the Frederick Keys to an Independent League team might bring additional dollars in a lease to the city. But, the loss of attendance and the loss of added value throughout the City of Frederick, could be substantial.

Another unsettling recent development was the city negotiation with a sole source on the lease of city owned space. No apparent policy exists for the lease of city owned property, something Alderwoman Russell would like to see in place.

Alderwoman Russell, is also hopeful Mayor McClement will soon find a replacement for his departed hand picked executive assistant Rick Weldon.

Former Republican Mayor Jeff Holtzinger and former Republican alderman Joe Baldi have been reported as being interested in the position.

While, the mayor is able to choose who he wants in the position, he needs board approval for a permanent hire. The replacement process of the position by the mayor, so far, has been done in executive session, out of the public spotlight, which is allowable under the state of Maryland open meetings act.

While Alderwoman Russell was unable to discuss what takes place in executive sessions, I do not believe either of the aforementioned names would receive board approval, if presented to them by the mayor.

The mayor has decided not to advertise for the position, instead relaying on word-of-mouth as the recruitment process he is using to fill this position. A similar process as used by former mayors to fill appointed positions.

Russell feels it is important for the mayor to fill this critical position and if a suitable candidate is not presented to the board soon, feels perhaps the board should ask the mayor to advertise for the position.

Alderwoman Russell believes, while the city charter provides for the mayor to be the administrator, it also clearly states with the advice and consent of the board of aldermen.

She believes good government is best achieved through communication and with transparency - I agree.


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Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Gallup Poll finds 60% Want Budget Compromise -
as the March 4 deadline nears for the current continuing resolution to expire, 60% of the respondents said they would prefer compromise over a government shutdown. has more here.


House Republicans Propose Two Week Stopgap Funding Measure -
it will come forward next week and will include 4 Billion in cuts in the latest attempt to avoid a government shutdown on March 4. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has already responded by saying the senate will not agree to this proposal. The latest Republican proposal comes after their initial continuing resolution which included 61 Billion in cuts was rejected by Reid and a 30 day continuing resolution measure with no cuts presented by Reid was rejected by House Republican Leaders. has more here.

The likelihood of a government shutdown on March 4 is increasing as a bipartisan agreement on a continuing resolution bill to fund the government for the remainder of the current fiscal year remains elusive.

To me, Republicans have the upper hand in regard to public opinion at this point in negotiations. However, the situation remains fluid, so stay tuned......


Governor Scott Walker Tricked Into revealing Strategy to Break Union -
during a prank call to the governor, which was taped, he discussed his effort to cripple public employee unions. AP has more here.


Obama Administration Drops Support of DOMA -
the defense of marriage act which has been defended by the Obama administration will no longer receive defense by the Justice Department in court challenges.

This shift in policy by the Obama administration is welcomed by the gay community, who feel it is long overdo. The NY Times has more here.


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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Mayor in Chicago -
first time in over half a century an incumbent mayor was not on the ballot and first time in decades it was not a Daley. Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel won yesterday with 55% of the vote, eliminating the need for a runoff election.

He now faces what most big city mayors are experiencing, a 500 million to one Billion budget deficit. He will be sworn in on May 16. has more here.


Union Battle in Wisconsin Spreading to other States -
Ohio and Indiana, two more "on the fence" states, which are critical to the presidential election, are following Wisconsin's lead. Many Wisconsin Democratic lawmakers remain in hiding and others are filibustering the Republican lead attempt to end collective bargaining. Stay Tuned as this outcome will have a major impact on the 2012 president election. The Washington Post has more here.


Budget Stalemate Continues -
Republican House Speaker John Boehner is rejecting a thirty day continuing resolution extension proposal put forward by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Meanwhile, the March 4 date when the current continuing resolution ends is rapidly approaching and if an agreement is not reached, a government shutdown would take place. has more here.


U.S. Nears Debt Ceiling -
the current 14.29 Trillion debt ceiling could be reached as early as April 5 according to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. There is no sign from Congress as to when they will act to raise the limit, which allows the U.S. to legally borrow funds as they continue to battle with a continuing budget resolution for this year and the budget for next year. has more here.


Judge Upholds Health Care Mandate Provision -
the fifth ruling on challenges to the individual mandate provision. The rulings so far are 3-2 in support of the Obama administration health care law. Interestingly, the federal judges who have ruled in support were appointed by former President Clinton and the two who ruled against were appointed by Republican Presidents.

There is no question this issue is headed toward the Supreme Court, where conservatives currently hold an advantage. The NY Times has a good read here.


Democrats Start Up Super-Pac to Help 2012 Elections
- a third party operation, with the ability to raise unlimited funds, to counter the Republican Patriot Majority PAC, which was used successfully in the 2010 mid term elections. In addition to the president and House member elections, democrats have 23 U.S. Senators up for election to only 10 Republicans in 2012. has more here.

All of this begs the question, will we ever have meaningful campaign finance reform?


New Cabinet in Egypt Meets -
while protesters continue to call for more representative balance and the official end to "emergency law", which has prevented the formation of political parties. A new March on Tahrir Square on Friday is being called for by the Muslim Brotherhood, a much maligned and mostly misunderstood political party by western analysts. has more here.


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama is in Cleveland, Ohio -
where he will continue to promote innovation and technology across the country. You can read more here.


Chicago Mayor Election Today -
the only question that remains is whether former White house Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel will receive at least one vote over 50% to avoid a runoff election. has more here.

Emanuel will become the next mayor of Chicago as no other candidate is anywhere close. The attempt to question the residency of Emanuel failed and no other issue by another candidate has caught the attention of the voters.


Wisconsin Governor Walker Continues his Anti-Union Position -
even as thousands of public service workers continue to demonstrate and state Democratic lawmakers remain outside of the state to avoid a vote which would do away with worker collective bargaining rights.

The governor will address the residents of Wisconsin in a televised address tonight. You can read more here.


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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Budget Battles Continue -
Republican House Speaker John Boehner wants 60 Billion in cuts for the remainder of this fiscal year and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says no way. This sets up the possibility of a government shut down if agreement can not be reached on a continuing resolution by March 4.

The annual budget deficit along with the national debt will be a major issue in the 2012 presidential election. The NY Times has a good read here.


Bartlett Claims Foul on F-35 Engine Denial -
the Maryland Republican Representative who also chairs the House Armed Services Tactical air and land forces subcommittee, says the pentagon lobbied to kill funding for the F-35 engine.

He has sent a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates with his allegations of improper action by the pentagon.

The House voted to kill funding for the program last week. has more here.


O'Malley Speaks to Virginia Democrats -
in his first address as chair of the Democratic Governors Association. He spoke at the annual Virginia Jefferson/Jackson Dinner. The Maryland Governor stuck to the themes being promoted by President Obama of education and infrastructure. The Baltimore Sun has more here.

Next week, Democratic Governors will be meeting with President Obama. One item to be discussed is money - states are broke and will plead for money from the federal government. Unfortunately, the federal government is facing the same situation.


U.S. Position on Israeli Settlements Unclear -
yesterday, opposite statements and actions were taken by the United States.

First, the U.S. vetoed a UN resolution declaring the Israeli settlements illegal and then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated the settlements were illegitimate and called for a two state solution with Palestine. ABC News has more here.


Hillary Clinton Large Campaign Donors Under Scrutiny -
several of the large "campaign finance bundlers" of the 2008 Clinton presidential campaign have been indicted under charges they violated campaign finance laws.

Neither the Clinton campaign or her advisers have been found to have been involved and any improperly received money has been returned. The Washington Post has more here.


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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Union Busting in Wisconsin -
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's proposal to cut benefits of public employees and to end their collective bargaining rights has state Democratic officials hiding outside of the state to avoid the vote passing.

The proposal is spreading to other states with Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee considering similar proposals. The NY Times has more here.


House Passes 61 Billion in Cuts -
the House, in a rare Saturday morning vote, passed 61 Billion in cuts for a continuing resolution to fund government for the remainder of this fiscal year. The vote was 235-189, largely along party lines.

This sets up a showdown in the Senate where senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has vowed to not passed the cuts proposed by the House. The current continuing resolution passed during last year's lame duck session funds government agencies through March 4. has more here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup - has a preview of this week's "Talking Heads". This week the discussion will focus on the budget with a continuing resolution set to expire in less than two weeks, a debt ceiling that needs to be raised and the House voting to approve 61 Billion in cuts. In addition, expect analysis of the 3.7 Trillion FY 2012 budget released by President Obama this week.


Fourth Democratic Senator Announces Retirement -
New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman makes the sixth U.s. senator to announce they will not be running next year. Democrats currently hold a slim majority in the senate with 51 and 2 independents who caucus with them. has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

This week, speaking from the Intel campus in Oregon, President Obama speaks about winning the future through innovation and education.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Representative Tom Price (Ga.) urges Democrats to accept the 61 Billion in cuts proposed for this fiscal year in the continuing resolution passed by the House.


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Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Continues West Coast Visit -
promoting innovation and technology. Last night, in San Francisco, he met with Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Eric Schmidt of Apple, Facebook, and Google fame to talk about job creation.

Today, Obama is in Oregon to meet with Intel Corp. CEO Paul Otellino. The president is expected to name Otellino to an advisory council on job creation.


Union Collective Bargaining Rights Under Fire in Wisconsin -
Democratic officials fled to Illinois to avoid a state vote on the budget that, would in part, take away union bargaining rights. Keep on eye on how this unfolds as it has nationwide implications. You can read more here.


Maryland Moves Closer to Becoming Sixth State to Approve Gay Marriage -
24 state senators have publicly announced their support of the bill, signaling the likelihood the bill will pass, possibly as early as next week. Governor Martin O'Malley (D) has said he would sign the bill. The Baltimore Sun has more here.


Budget Battles Continue -
a confusing time for many American voters as Congress is grappling with a current budget continuing resolution which expires on March 4 and the fiscal year 2012 budget (begins October 1, 2011) just presented by the president.

House Republicans are hoping for a vote today to cut 60 Billion from the current FY 2011 budget. has more here.


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Obama Heads to West Coast -
after meeting with House Democratic leaders for lunch at the White House, the president is off to California where he will meet with business leaders in innovation and technology.


Tim Kaine Seriously Considering Senate Bid -
the former Virginia governor and current chair of the Democratic National Committee, spoke with President Obama yesterday about the race. With Democratic senator Jim Webb already announcing he is not running for reelection and Republican George Allen already campaigning, Kaine needs to make a decision soon.

I look to see him go for it, opening up the position of chair of the DNC. A position that is critical in the reelection effort for the president.


More to be Done on Budget - is the message in an article published today by the co-chairs of the bipartisan debt commission. Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson say the president's budget proposal is a first step, but now is the time for serious discussion on the major entitlement programs of social security, medicaid and medicare. has more here.


Paul Ryan to Propose Cuts in Medicaid/Medicare -
the Wisconsin Republican who is chair of the House Budget Committee says Obama does not address these programs in his budget proposal. has more below.


Immunity for U.S. Diplomat Remains a Question -
Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) who is chair of the Senate Foreign Relations committee is in Pakistan trying to defuse a potential serious rift between the U.S. and Pakistan. As I reported earlier, U.S. official Raymond Davis shot and killed two Pakistanis. The question is what was the former member of the Special Forces doing in Pakistan? A Pakistan court has given the government three weeks to determine if Davis falls under diplomatic immunity. The Washington Post has more here.


U.S. Knew Egypt was Ripe for Revolt -
before you bash the U.S. intelligence agencies for failing to see the uprising in Egypt, the NY Times has a good read here on a report ordered by President Obama last August which predicted the unrest. The secret report concluded the uprising in Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen and struggles with how the U.S. balances a desire for democratic reforms and stability in the region.


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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Today, President Obama will meet with -
senior advisers, Vice president Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senate Democratic leadership. Sure to be discussed is the situation in Egypt and the budget.


Democrats Criticize Obama Budget - Senators Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) and Chris coons (D-Del.) were among Democrats saying the president's budget did not cut enough spending. They pointed out his proposed 1.1 Trillion in reductions over the next ten years falls way short of the recommended 4 Trillion by the deficit reduction committee. has more here.


Is Obama Playing Chess on the Budget? -
some believe he is letting the Republicans make the first move against the major entitlement programs of social security, medicare and medicaid. has a good read here.


Eyes remain on Egypt -
the amazing non-violent demonstrations which led to the removal of President Hosni Mubarak have created the movement toward democracy. The military has created a commission to amend the constitution and establish a timetable for elections, hopefully in six months. The removal of emergency law which will allow the formation of political parties has yet to transpire. has an update here.


Anthrax Report Questions FBI Case Against Ivins -
the National Research Council report casts doubt on the evidence used by the FBI in their investigation of the 2001 Anthrax letters which sickened 17 people. Ft. Detrick scientist Bruce Ivins, now deceased, was determined by the FBI to be the individual behind the mailing of the letters. The Washington Post has more here.


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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Budget Spin Begins -
President Obama submitted his budget yesterday, highlighting the 1.1 Trillion in reduction to the deficit over the next ten years and his commitment to investing in education and innovation for the future of America. President Obama will take to the podium today at 11:00 AM ET to further discuss his proposed budget.

Republican leaders were quick to respond the cuts did not go far enough and more needed to be made.

The NY Times has a favorable editorial here.

The White House has an easy review of the budget here.

My first and quick take is the budget still has a 1.1 Trillion deficit for one year alone and this deficit, although 500 billion less than this year's 1.6 Trillion deficit, still represents thirty per cent of the proposed 3.7 Trillion budget.

The proposed 1.1 Trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years is only twenty-five per cent of the proposed 4.4 Trillion in deficit reduction recommended by the president's bipartisan deficit reduction committee.

In addition, no action was recommended on the three major entitlement programs; social security, medicaid, and medicare.

This is just the first step. There is lots of room for further discussion and further cuts. Let's see how it plays out and if reasonable efforts can be made on capitol hill in a bipartisan manner. has a preview on how the budget process will unfold here.


Meanwhile, Continuing Resolution Debate Begins -
as the budget was not approved for the current fiscal year and the current continuing resolution expires March 4.. Republicans had campaigned on cutting the FY'11 Budget by 100 Billion during the mid term elections. In the House, they will be presenting 61 Billion in cuts this week. The Washington Post has more here.

Will there be a government shutdown if Republicans and Democrats can not reach agreement by March 4? TheHill has more here.


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Monday, February 14, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Highlights


Pathway to Democracy in Egypt Underway -
the military continues to be in charge, but promises to begin the reform measures necessary to lead to open and free elections within six months. Meanwhile, the military has issued a ultimatum to the protesters to end their demonstrations or face arrest. has more here.


Obama Budget to be Released Today -
the president's proposed budget for 2012 will include 1.1 Trillion in cuts over the next decade. The overall cuts will be comprised of one-third of tax increases and two-thirds of spending cuts. However, the deficit just for fiscal year 2011 is now projected to be 1.6 Trillion. The Wall Street Journal has more here.

OMB Director Jack Lew Gives a preview of the Budget below.


SNL Parodies O'Reilly's Super Bowl Interview with Obama


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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

First Steps Taken Toward Reform in Egypt -
military rulers, now in charge, announced they had dissolved the parliament and suspended the constitution. Over the next six months, a committee will amend the constitution and provide the steps leading to an election in six months. AP has more here.


U.S. Relations with Pakistan Strained -
Pakistan, already suffering from high unemployment and huge economic disparity, now have an American diplomat in jail facing charges of murder. Anti-American sentiment, already high due to high number of unmanned drone strikes within the country which have killed citizens as well as militants, is now even higher as the U.S. is saying the diplomat has immunity. Tri-level talks between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the U.S. scheduled for next month have been postponed. Stay Tuned... has more here.


Obama Budget Includes 1.1 Trillion in Cuts -
over the next decade. Early details are coming out on the budget to be released by the president this week. Cuts are proposed for many domestic programs including heating assistance for the poor and community development block grants. Also included are an increase in taxes, a proposal sure to catch Republican attention. The Washington Post has an early peek here.


Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll -
for the second year in a row, the Republican representative from Texas won the straw poll, this time, receiving 30% of the votes cast. Mitt Romney was second with 23% of the vote. has more here.


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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

New Beginning in Egypt -
yesterday, the announcement by newly appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman that President Mubarak had stepped down marked the beginning of a new Egypt. One, which hopefully will include a pathway to democracy.

The military, now in charge, will determine the next steps to reform. The NY Times has more here.

Interestingly, thousands of protesters, who recognize the important symbolism of Tahrir Square, are now cleaning up debris which accumulated over the past 17 days of demonstrations.

Reuters has an update below.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Preview -
the historical events in Egypt will be the main focus along with a preview of the Obama budget set to be released this week. Below, has a preview of the morning shows.


CPAC Straw Poll Today at 5:15 PM -
twelve Republican presidential wannabees have been spending the last three days trying to show how conservative they are, hoping to win the Conservative Political Action Committee straw poll. Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee did not attend. Only three times since 1976 have the winners of the CPAC starw poll gone on to become president. All three times, it was a sitting president. The Washington Post has more here.


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Obama Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

President Obama previews his budget he will be releasing next week. He talks about how the budget will provide for investment so America to win the future and still ensure government lives within its means.


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Republican Weekly Address

George Wenschhof

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) says President Obama must show his seriousness in reducing the federal deficit when he releases his budget next week.


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Friday, February 11, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Situation in Egypt remains Fluid -
the build up to the speech given by President Mubarak yesterday was filled with misinformation from the Anticipation was Mubarak was stepping down and would leave the country. Instead, the president of Egypt turned over his power to the vice-president appointed by him and promised free elections in September. Protesters were not satisfied with the latest news and demonstrations will continue. The military holds the true power in Egypt and will have the final say on how this plays out. The NY Times has more here.

The White House issued a statement last night following Mubarak's speech. You can read it here.

Reports this morning indicate Mubarak has left Cairo to stay at private presidential retreat in Egypt.

11:30 AM ET Update: Vice President Omar Suleiman announced President Mubarak has stepped down and ceded power to the military. President Mubarak is currently at his coastal resort home in Sharm el-Sheik. The NY Times has more here.

Reuters has an update below.


Obama Proposes Options to Phase out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -
their bail out has cost the government 150 billion. Three options have been presented to Congress. The Washington Post has more here.


C-SPAN Covers GOP 2012 Hopefuls at CPAC -
You can watch the speeches of the potential Republican candidates for the 2012 nomination for president, beginning with Mitt Romney at 10:30 AM ET here.


Last Day for White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs -
Jay Carney, the former communications director for Vice President Joe Biden will take his place. Gibbs will be starting his own consulting firm and then work for the Obama reelection campaign. has more here.


Unemployment Number One Concern -
not a surprise from the latest Gallup poll. When asked what was the most important problem, 35% of the respondents answered unemployment. The economy was second with 29%, followed by health care - 19%, dissatisfaction with government - 12%, federal budget deficit - 11%. You can read the full poll results here.


Jon Kyl (R-Az.) Makes it 5 -
U.S. Senators who have announced they will not be running in 2012. has more here.


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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Change Slow in Egypt -
In spite of demonstrations, worker strikes, and pressure from western nations, the Egyptian government moves slowly and President Mubarak remains in power. Meanwhile, Egyptian government warns of crackdown. The Washington Post has more here.

Reuters has an update below.


First Time Unemployment Filings fall 38,000 -
the 383,000 filings last week were the lowest since July 2008. has more here.


Obama to Promote Wireless Technology Today in Michigan -
he will travel to Marquette to promote the expansion of wireless communication to rural areas to eventually reach 98% of Americans. You can read more here.


Representative Chris Lee (R-NY) Resigns -
the latest casualty from personal indiscretion. A married man with a child, he was outed for posting a shirtless picture of himself on Craigslist during correspondence with a woman. The Fix has more here.


Senator Webb (D-Va.) Will Not Run in 2012 - Senate Democratic Majority at Risk -
after only one term in office, Jim Webb announced yesterday he will not run for reelection opening up this seat as a lean Republican rating in 2012. Republican George Allen, former senator and governor, has already announced he is running for the seat. has more here.

Look to see pressure put on DNC chair and former Virginia Governor Tim Kaine to run, which then opens up the question who would be the next DNC chair?


House Republicans Stumble in Early Votes -
it has only been a few weeks since they captured an overwhelming majority of the House, but counting votes have not been their strong point. After failing to pass an extension of the Patriot Act, they followed up by failing to pass a bill targeting over payments to the United Nations. Both votes were introduced in a manner which required a two-thirds majority, leading many Republican to also question why this strategy was used. has more here.

Looks like House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has his work cut out for him.


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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Demonstrations Continue in Cairo -
Tahrir Square remained full with protesters demanding the ouster of President Mubarak. The NY Times has an editorial today on how the proposed government reforms have not gone far enough. You can read it here.

Reuters has an update below.


Mixed Results for Obama in Latest Gallup Poll -
the president does well on his handling of the situation in Egypt 47%-32%. But, when it comes to taxes and the deficit, the president fares poorly. Only 27% approve of the way he is handling the deficit with 68% disapproving. has more of the poll results here.


Senate Democrats Meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia -
the two day retreat will focus on strategy on creating jobs. They will return to Washington Thursday. The Caucus Blog has more here.


Obama to Lunch with House Republican Leaders -
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calf.) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are all on the president's invite card.

Sure to be discussed is the upcoming budget to be proposed by the President and how to cut spending while creating jobs.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting President Obama will announce as early as Friday, a plan to phase out the government mortgage giants; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You can be sure this will also be discussed -You can read more here.


House Vote to Extend Patriot Act Fails -
Republicans failed by seven votes, 277-148. a two-thirds vote was needed due to the manner in which the vote was brought up. Intelligence gathering methods were controversial when the bill was first enacted following 9/11. has more here.


CPAC Conference Set To Begin -
the conservative conference will last for three days, ending Saturday with a straw poll for Republican presidential wannabees. has more here.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has a good read here.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and former Arkansas Governor Michael Huckabee, both considered serious contenders for the Republican 2012 presidential nomination, will not attend.


Emanuel Leading as Chicago Mayor Election Nears -
the latest poll shows him with 54%, leading his nearest competitor Gery Chico, who received only 14%. former Senator Carol Mosley Braun (D-Ill.) received only 6%. has more here.

The 54% received by Rahm Emanuel is important as 50% is needed on election day (February 22) to avoid a run-off election.


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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Transition Plan Announced in Egypt -
Vice President Omar Suleiman announced new plans for transition while demonstrators continue to call for the removal of President Mubarak. The NY Times has more here and Reuters has an update below.


Keep an Eye on Pakistan -
another country where a fragile regime is receiving massive U.S. funds. A key to battling the Taliban in Afghanistan, relations with the U.S. have been strained due to numerous U.S. unmanned drone attacks directed at the Taliban.

Now, the Obama administration has suspended all high level dialogue with Pakistan due to an American diplomat who has been accused of murder. Raymond Davis has admitted to shooting two Pakistanis who had threatened him. The Washington Post has more here.


Obama Urges Businesses to Spend More -
yesterday, in a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, President Obama encourage businesses to spend the 2 trillion they are holding in reserve and hire workers and invest in innovation to help the economy. The Boston Globe has more here.


Vice President Joe Biden Promotes Infrastructure Development in Philadelphia -
today, he will speak of plans by the Obama administration at the 30th Street Station. Republicans have initially opposed any new spending plans. You can read more here.


Democratic Leadership Council Comes To an End -
it grew during the Clinton administration, promoting a centrist approach to politics. Al From, who founded the organization in the mid eighties, announced they were suspending operations. The Caucus Blog has more here.


Moderate Senate Democrats Question Health Care Individual Mandate -
at least four Democratic Senators are considering legislation to eliminate the individual mandate portion of the health care bill which was passed last year. They all also represent states which President Obama lost in the 2008 election. has more here.

One reason behind the individual mandate is to ensure a person has insurance when they get sick, rather than getting seriously ill and not having insurance. Jamie Court, president of Consumer Watchdog, believes the biggest problem with health insurance is that it costs too much and proposes alternatives to keep the price down. has more here.


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Limiting Democracy

Roy Meachum

Since coming to Frederick, the highest turnout I recall approached 80 percent for a national-state election. City races frequently attract less than 30 percent of registered voters. New Delegate Kathy Afzali's proposal last week would further depress the numbers.

The statistics were already in dangerous figures for hopes of retaining vital democracy in this republic. When asked the reason for their failure to appear at the polls, men and women cite distractions, other activities or apathy towards politics. Ignorance of issues and people leads the list. One friend waves aside the question, "I have no time for all of that."

In a column on Egypt Friday, I grasped for straws that Washington might curtail--hopefully even stop--its puppet role in the Middle East. I love our country more than Israel. I am not anti- Semitic, but very pro-America. But I blamed my countrymen's nearly total lack of interest in the oil-rich region, not domestic Jewish lobbies.

Last year's state and county elections--by no means a record turnout--rejected veteran politicians in favor of younger or different politicians, including former News-Post columnist Afzali.

To recap:

Seemingly reacting to the national hyped-up disappointment, Frederick chose an all-Republican slate Board of County Commissioners; but not every GOP incumbent.

J. Leonard Thompson. Jr. was packed off home, but only after egregiously dictatorial moves that caused me, in an early News-Post column, to compare his methods with the route Adolph Hitler followed into Germany's control and launching World War II.

Did I employ hyperbole? Youbetcha! All lesser forms of disapproval failed. Utterly.

Fortunately, at the state senate level, the District Three constituency narrowly chose Frederick's veteran mayor Ron Young over free-spending incumbent Alex Mooney. The much younger man held onto the seat for years because of out-of-county, out-of-state funding.

Instead of retiring gracefully—a word apparently out of place in his vocabulary—my erstwhile "littlest fascist" bamboozled Maryland Republican central committee. He promised his personal legerdemain with money would shower over other GOP contests. (Mooney protégé Michael Hough paraded into Annapolis' General Assembly, principally on his mentor's cash.)

The ex-senator's very first move of note was to blackmail his former colleagues, by suggesting he would withhold support if they elected District Four's David Brinkley for returning to his well-earned minority leader's post. The county's respected senator easily won another four years.

Fortunately in the Republican flood, city voters retained the experience and wisdom of Delegate Galen Clagett, a survivor of Frederick's vicious machine politics. The flood brought a bonus in the form of the election of Patrick Hogan to the House of Delegates; Sue Hecht retired.

The move to youth hurt the county's best interests when delegation chairman Paul Stull was defeated, in the GOP primary, by wannabe Afzali. On the basis of returned votes, Kelly Schulz beat out her competitor in the November finals.

As a columnist, Delegate Afzali always struck me as elitist, which I attributed to her feeling of inferiority. I did not support her editorially. Living in the city, my residence does not come into her purview. On the other hand, I happily endorsed and supported Delegate Schulz's race.

By forwarding for enactment a bill demanding voters appearing at polls must produce government-issued photo identification to verify their registration, the former columnist proved my apprehension of elitism. Obviously, she trusts politically no one different than she wants to be. While rendering lip-service to the Constitution, she denies the principles that wrote it. "We the People" are very much limited to the people she chooses.

Believers in this great country and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers can only hope cooler and more equitable heads—both female and male—prevail. In Annapolis.

Democracy is much too precious to be squandered for a demagogue's fancy.


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Monday, February 7, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Egypt Unrest Reaches 14th Day -
President Mubarak met with his new Cabinet as protesters continue to demand his immediate resignation. Reuters has an update below.


President Obama to Speak to Chamber of Commerce Today -
this continues the Obama administration effort to reach out to the business community. has more here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Hightlights -
below, Candy Crowley of CNN provides a review of what was said.


The Huffington Post Sold to AOL -
Arianna Huffington will make 315 million for the online news and commentary website she created in 2005. She will also continue on as Editor-in-Chief. has more here.


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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Talks with Opposition Leaders Underway in Egypt -
newly appointed Vice President Omar Suleiman met with Mohamed ElBaradei to discuss transition efforts. Members of the ruling party stepped down yesterday, but President Hosni Mubarak remained.

Reuters has an update below:


Palin Criticizes Obama on Egypt -
in an interviewed to be aired tomorrow on CBN, she referred to the crisis in Egypt being Obama's "3:00 AM moment" - a play of the phrase used during the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primary campaign. has some excerpts of the interview here.


U.S. Foreign Policy Under Spotlight once Again -
the turmoil in Egypt underlines what has been decades of a U.S. foreign policy guided by a "balance of power" strategy istead of a "human rights" strategy.

As a result, the transition in Egypt underway is muddled. The NY Times has an analysis of the crisis in Egypt here.


Crisis In Egypt Highlights Al Jazeera Reporting -
interestingly, few states in U.S. air the English Al Jazeera. A shame, as their balanced news has been a plus during the unrest in Egypt. Wadah Khanfar, who is the director general of Al Jazeera Network has a good read here.

Columnist Roy Meachum of also points out the accurate reporting on the news from Egypt by Al-Jazeera here.


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