
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Union Busting in Wisconsin -
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's proposal to cut benefits of public employees and to end their collective bargaining rights has state Democratic officials hiding outside of the state to avoid the vote passing.

The proposal is spreading to other states with Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee considering similar proposals. The NY Times has more here.


House Passes 61 Billion in Cuts -
the House, in a rare Saturday morning vote, passed 61 Billion in cuts for a continuing resolution to fund government for the remainder of this fiscal year. The vote was 235-189, largely along party lines.

This sets up a showdown in the Senate where senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has vowed to not passed the cuts proposed by the House. The current continuing resolution passed during last year's lame duck session funds government agencies through March 4. has more here.


Sunday Morning "Talking Heads" Lineup - has a preview of this week's "Talking Heads". This week the discussion will focus on the budget with a continuing resolution set to expire in less than two weeks, a debt ceiling that needs to be raised and the House voting to approve 61 Billion in cuts. In addition, expect analysis of the 3.7 Trillion FY 2012 budget released by President Obama this week.


Fourth Democratic Senator Announces Retirement -
New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman makes the sixth U.s. senator to announce they will not be running next year. Democrats currently hold a slim majority in the senate with 51 and 2 independents who caucus with them. has more here.


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