
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Daily Political Wire

George Wenschhof

Demonstrations Continue in Cairo -
Tahrir Square remained full with protesters demanding the ouster of President Mubarak. The NY Times has an editorial today on how the proposed government reforms have not gone far enough. You can read it here.

Reuters has an update below.


Mixed Results for Obama in Latest Gallup Poll -
the president does well on his handling of the situation in Egypt 47%-32%. But, when it comes to taxes and the deficit, the president fares poorly. Only 27% approve of the way he is handling the deficit with 68% disapproving. has more of the poll results here.


Senate Democrats Meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia -
the two day retreat will focus on strategy on creating jobs. They will return to Washington Thursday. The Caucus Blog has more here.


Obama to Lunch with House Republican Leaders -
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-Calf.) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) are all on the president's invite card.

Sure to be discussed is the upcoming budget to be proposed by the President and how to cut spending while creating jobs.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting President Obama will announce as early as Friday, a plan to phase out the government mortgage giants; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You can be sure this will also be discussed -You can read more here.


House Vote to Extend Patriot Act Fails -
Republicans failed by seven votes, 277-148. a two-thirds vote was needed due to the manner in which the vote was brought up. Intelligence gathering methods were controversial when the bill was first enacted following 9/11. has more here.


CPAC Conference Set To Begin -
the conservative conference will last for three days, ending Saturday with a straw poll for Republican presidential wannabees. has more here.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has a good read here.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and former Arkansas Governor Michael Huckabee, both considered serious contenders for the Republican 2012 presidential nomination, will not attend.


Emanuel Leading as Chicago Mayor Election Nears -
the latest poll shows him with 54%, leading his nearest competitor Gery Chico, who received only 14%. former Senator Carol Mosley Braun (D-Ill.) received only 6%. has more here.

The 54% received by Rahm Emanuel is important as 50% is needed on election day (February 22) to avoid a run-off election.


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