
Friday, July 23, 2010

Daily Political Wire 7-23-2010

George Wenschhof

Small business aid bill moves closer to Senate vote -
another program pushed by the Obama administration and resisted by Republicans in Congress. yesterday, the senate voted 60-39 with Republicans George Lemieux (Fla.) and John Voinovich (Ohio) voting for the measure which has 30 billion in lending for small business. The Caucus has more here.

The overall bill includes over 12 billion in various tax breaks for small business and most Republicans remain opposed. It has long been recognized that job creation is spurred mostly by small business growth.


Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) to face House Ethics Charges -
while the charges come at a bad time for Democrats who are trying to hold their majorities in Congress, the actual House trial will not likely take place until after the elections. has more here.

The long expected charges will be revealed most likely next Thursday when a eight member adjudicatory subcommittee is announced. They will be responsible for handling the trial of Rangel. However, House rules prohibit a trial 30 days prior to a primary and 60 days prior to the election.

Rangel did not endear himself to many who watched the tape of him belittling NBC reporter Luke Russert (the late Tim Russert's son) when asked if he could lose his job.

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DCCC buys 28 million in TV ads in 40 districts across the country -
an early look at the seats they are targeting. The ad time was purchased for before the November 2 General Election. They are mostly first term incumbents. Interestingly, Maryland Representative Frank Kratovil (1st district) did not make the list. has more here.

He is facing a tough challenge from Republican state senator Andy Harris who has reported raising 1.35 million. Kratovil reported 1.7 million.


U.S. District Court Judge mulls Arizona Immigration Law -
Judge Susan Bolton could strike various provisions or the entire law known as SB 1070. Stay tuned... You can read more here.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says senate will not take up reduction of carbon emissions (Climate bill) this summer - he acknowledged there were not enough votes for the bill proposed by Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.). Instead, they will focus on passing a smaller energy bill focused on holding BP responsible for the cleanup of the Gulf area, promoting use of natural gas and more energy efficient homes. A move that is sure to anger the liberal Democratic base. The NY Times has more here.


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