
Friday, July 23, 2010

Bartlett Holds Huge Financial Lead In MD 6th Congressional District

George Wenschhof

The required June 30 Finance Reports are out and Republican Roscoe Bartlett holds a very comfortable edge over his opponents. Bartlett was first elected in 1992 and has defeated a number of Democratic opponents ever since.

New Democratic candidate Casey Clark is reporting a total of $153, 353 in contributions, including a $50,000 loan. He also is reporting expenditures of $133, 917, including the repayment of the $50,000 loan.

So, Clark has raised $103, 353 and spent $83,917. Which leaves him with $19,446 cash on hand.

Democratic candidate Andrew Duck is finding out the third time as candidate for the sixth district is not the charm as his finance report showed he has raised a total of $20,668 with expenses at $17,677, including a $1,000 refund. That left him with a cash on hand balance of only $2,997.

Incumbent Republican Roscoe Bartlett reported total receipts of $190,119 and total expenditures of $76,962. His cash on hand balance which includes carry over funds is $416,464.

Republican candidate Joseph Kyrsztoforski reported a total of $8,397 in receipts and $7,598 in expenditures with cash on hand of only $1,153. He also showed a debt of $18,700.

No finance reports were filed by Republican candidates; Dennis Janda, Steve Taylor and Seth Wilson. Dan Massey; a Libertarian candidate, also did not file a report.

You can access the candidate finance reports filed with the Federal Elections Commission here


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