
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wenschhof Interviews City of Frederick, MD Mayoral Candidate Chris Simpson

George Wenschhof

I am pleased to have Democrat Chris Simpson as my guest today. We will begin at 2:00 PM ET and the interview will last approximately two hours. This is a live online interview and we are communicating via computer from different locations within the City of Frederick.

I would suggest if you are reading live, you hit your computer refresh button every ten minutes or so to see the next question and answer.

My previous guests were Democratic candidates for mayor; Jennifer Dougherty and Jason Judd. The links to my conversations with them are located in the right hand margin of the Home Page. The link to this interview will be added to them to allow readers easy access to all the interviews.

GW - Welcome Chris, I am looking forward to discussing your entry into the race for Mayor of The City of Frederick, Maryland. You were the last Democrat to file for mayor, less than one week prior to the filing deadline of July 7.

I understand you were born and raised in Frederick and currently own and manage "Golden Mile Liquors" located off what is locally referred to as the "Golden Mile". Tell the voters a little more about yourself and how you feel your background prepares you to be mayor.

CS - Hey George thanks for the opportunity.

Well as you said born here live here. I am living in the same house since 1973. I have seen all the changes in 40 years. When my family bought the store in 1976 I can remember the Mall in its prime. Your parents would drop you off with $20. With that money you saw a movie got ice cream at Friendlies and spent the rest of your quarters at Timeout. I live on the north end of town near Staley park were they still have little league.

Over the years I have been involved with the store from stock boy to owner. In fact I am still the stock boy/owner. If I win this election and serve my city for a period of time I will return to being the stock boy/owner.

I have had the good fortune traveling with bands for a few years so Ive been to 46 of the lower 48 states and I was an avid tourist. Still play guitar when I get the chance. My neighbors can tell that. I feel I have a vested interest in the race because everything I do will affect my neighbors, friends, family, and me. I am going to live in Frederick for the rest of my life so why not try to make it as good as it can be.


GW - I spoke to you the night you filed for office and the first thing you mentioned as to why you were running for office was the decline of some of the neighborhoods on the west side. You indicated you were also concerned in regard to the safety of these neighborhoods. If elected mayor, what would you propose to help revitalize these areas?

CS - Yes George I am very concerned about the west side. Working out there every night for the past 5 years I have seen a rapid decline in the area. Crime is up in every way. I cannot tell you how many times my store has been broken into.As well as most stores have been. Kidnappings ,assaults, muggings, Cars stolen or broken into. I had a friend who's car got stolen 2 weeks ago and got it back.They found it 6 miles away.It doesn't have to be that way in such a great city.

I am looking into ways for a greater police presence.Talking with local police and former police officers for a better view.Trying to get a better understanding of what could be affordable and helpful to the area.


GW - as a follow up, when I sat down with you last Friday, you indicated City of Frederick Police Chief Kim Dine had already reached out to you. I found this to be a very proactive move on his part. Chris, you had indicated to me previously, you felt a police substation located within the Fredericktowne Mall would be helpful. What did you find out in your conversation with Chief Dine?

CS - Yes Chief Dine did give me some of his time. I mentioned the sub-station idea. He explained that a sub-station would in fact take officers off the road.The police cars are high tech these days. Gone are the days of sitting at a desk filing paper work. The computer in the car takes care of all that. So I asked what is a good solution.Would an office in the mall help.

I am currently looking into alternatives such as the bike patrols .I would like to see pairs of officers on both sides of route 40. I believe there is enough activity that it would keep them busy on a regular basis.Chief Dine also informed me of an improved hot line residents can use anonymously (301)-600-tips or email

So there are things out there, just need to get them known.


GW - You obviously feel you can offer as mayor something different and better for the voters than Democratic mayoral candidates Jason Judd and Jennifer Dougherty. What is it that you feel you offer the voters they do not? I also understand you have been contacted by both Jason and Jennifer and that you invited both of them to lunch. Did they say why they contacted you and why did you invite them to lunch?

CS - Jason and Jennifer are life long politicians. I am your neighbor and always will be. They both have expressed an interest in going to Washington. What happens to Frederick then. Everything I do in office will affect me. I offer the voters the guy that does understand because I am that guy. I have seen a lot of this country and I chose to always come home. Frederick really has everything going for it. I would like to keep it going in a positive direction -you know shine it up a little.Yes they did give the hi Chris call and had questions. I figured it would be easier over lunch. I am not even sure if the is a law or ethics code about opponents meeting. Hope not.


GW - You are quick to say you are not a politician type of guy and you are new to politics. In our conversation last Friday, you indicated you had a less than enjoyable experience when you and a friend visited the local Democratic Party headquarters to introduce yourself.

You informed me they asked you why you were running for mayor when they already had a candidate. After your response, they said if you wanted to run for mayor, why didn't you run as a Republican.

In all likelihood, these individuals at the Democratic Party headquarters were volunteers and not speaking on behalf of the local party. Did this experience sour you on politics or make you more determined to run for office?

CS - I am sure they were volunteers and meant no harm. George you called me within 2 hours of me filing at city hall. Impressive by the way. This event happened 2 days after I filed. I introduced myself foolishly thinking my name would spark interest. I thought they would have at least seen my name somewhere by that time, but maybe not.

I am still learning everyday how politics work. As far as souring me on politics no way. I am not running to argue red and blue. I am running because for me the time could not be better. I am running because I believe I have all my neighbors backs and they have mine.


GW - I noticed you not only already have a campaign website, you have two of them! One of them is and the other is

You mention on one of the websites, you want to cut wasteful city spending. With the national, state and local economy ailing, what would you do to reduce the city budget and in what areas do you feel there has been wasteful spending?

CS - Where is the wasteful spending is the question. I have a copy of the 25 page budget on my desk now. I've been reading it. We have all heard the stories of old fleet vehicles that have too much money put into them to keep them running and than sold at auction for pennies on the dollar. This is where the business man comes in. How much does it cost can we get it cheaper. How can we get it cheaper. There has to be way to slim the budget. With the help of the aldermen it is possible.


GW - on the same campaign website, you also mention the need for "Better communication between residents and local businesses with city hall". Share with the voters where this has not worked as well as you would like and what you would propose to help in this area.

CS - Does it say city hall. Supposed to say city agencies. That's what happens when your working full time running for an office and have 2 web sites.That "better communications" come from my experience with building a garage. I was warned by friends that building the garage was easy getting the permit was impossible. It took 7 months to get the go ahead. I meet everybody in the permit office and was on a first name basis with them. It shouldn't be that hard.

My biggest problem was lack of information and a way to get it so I could better understand what was required and expected of the project. This is where I think the Internet could help. If I could have had more access to the information I could have been better prepared.


GW - Let's take some time to talk about the proposed annexation of three farms located north of the city. The current administration is presently in the process of approving these annexations and the mayor and board meetings are scheduled to be held prior to the election.

It is likely; these annexations will become an election issue. Some feel it is necessary to add to the city boundaries at this time to plan for the future, while others feel it is premature and the infrastructure is not there to handle the additional growth. What is you position on these annexations?

CS - Curbs and gutters infrastructure. I live very near to the proposed site. Yes my 3 mile commute will be affected. But maybe my taxes will go down a little with the new taxes collected. I don't want Frederick to ever lose it's charm, but growth is coming. I have talked to a lot of people and this is a hot issue.

I have learned the we have a water capacity of 15 million gallons of water a day and we are currently using 6 million gallons. Can we sustain another development? yes. Will the traffic increase? yes. How much can only be estimated. I understand it will probably be voted on before the next Mayor is in anyways. So whoever is next will have to make the best of it.


GW - One of the questions I asked the other two Democratic candidates for mayor pertains to the upper level administrative positions in city hall. These positions are often referred to as "at will" positions. They may be replaced by the mayor with the consent of the aldermen.

Have you given any thought to these positions and if elected, would you be making any changes such as hiring a city manager?

CS - City Manager? I thought that was the Mayors job. If I could hire someone who had the experience with Frederick and the knowledge of what has been happening here yes. Information like that would be priceless. Offering someone a job who has the ins and outs of Frederick and could make the transition and continued progress of Frederick easier for all Yes.


GW - Voter turnout in city elections has been a concern for me for well over a decade as I have watched the city grow in size while only 30% of the voters participate in the general election.

I have proposed the city election date be changed to coincide with the presidential election year which would result in more than doubling the voter turnout and most likely save taxpayers money. What is your position on changing the city election date to coincide with the presidential election cycle?

CS - I hope to change that 30% this election. I am out there with voter registration cards in my hand. I go to Winchester Hall every other day for more cards. I want the people to actually vote for me not against somebody else. Some of the districts have 15% turn out because they think their vote will not make a difference. I am trying to convince them it will. Changing the cycle could just get a guy with a funny or cartoon like name voted in by accident. I think the timing is fine we just need to get the people to understand how important it is to them, how it directly affects them.VOTE.

We have 32,000 registered voters in a population of almost 60,000.Of those 6,000 are unaffiliated and have no voice in the primaries. I have already registered 30 or more people (all democrat) and will continue to do so. I have always voted since I turned 18. I believe if the people see someone they like they will come out.


GW - I want to thank you for being my guest on Air-it-Out with George Wenschhof today. I will be inviting you and the other Democratic candidates to be my guests again prior to the primary election on September 15 and hope you will participate.

At this time, I would like to give you an opportunity for some closing remarks.

CS - I will not be just a west end Mayor. I will not be just a Democratic mayor. I want to be the Frederick Mayor. Win lose or draw I will always be a Fredericktonian. From what I have learned in the less than 2 weeks in politics 1 guy can make a difference. I will be around in politics for a long time. I am proud to be a part of the system and stirring it up. I want people who care about their neighbors and will do anything they can to help. If it is helping you push your car up a hill or lowering your taxes if I can help I will. I am hoping for 5 Aldermen who will work with me. I am trying to meet with all 20 candidates. Together there can be a difference.

Thanks George for the time I gotta go to work. Stop by sometime. Any Frederick residents that want to meet me please check out the web pages for info. Town hall meetings coming soon to the Cellar door downtown and Doc Geisers on the Golden Mile.


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  1. Well, ya get the ole regular guy vote, the bubba vote, and the illiterate vote - My God! He might just be the next Mayor!

  2. Some of us won't even be surprised.
